Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 95: Health Assault Guide


The time goes back to two minutes ago.

After confirming the old man's identity, Tang Xinjue took out the toilet immediately, and spoke without hesitation under the surprised eyes of the group, saying that he wanted to repair the weapon.

Repairman, a special NPC in charge of the repair shop. It is also the only channel that the instructor gives to repair props and weapons. She did everything possible to ask for the contact information of the NPC. She had already prepared for a long-term search, but she never thought that the opportunity would come so soon.

As for why the "repairman" appeared in this dungeon by such a coincidence, and whether it was dangerous, she didn't have time to get to the bottom of it in the urgent dungeon.

How low is the probability of catching a special NPC in the boundless dungeon? Tang Xinjue immediately judged the answer: the opportunity is too late to come again.

As long as the toilet bowl does not return to normal for a day, it will not be able to devour and upgrade normally for a day.

So even if it was a trap, she had to try it.

The repairman didn't seem to expect that there was a real request from a student. He looked up carefully, and then he was furious: "I don't clean the toilet! I don't fix the toilet seat!"

Tang Xinjue: "..."

She put it succinctly: "The price is easy to negotiate."

The old man snorted coldly: "How much money do poor students have, but each bragging is better than the other."

As he spoke, his gaze was fixed on the toilet seat, and he spoke again after a few seconds, but his tone changed: "So it's like this... an object talent? There's even one more..."

He glanced at Tang Xinjue: "10 points once, pay first and then repair, the quality and quantity are not guaranteed, and the money will not be refunded if the repair is not good."


And this overlord clause

Tang Xinjue answered neatly: "The counselor introduced me, and an acquaintance recommended me for a discount?"

Everyone:? ?

Can this also be bargained

In the end, Tang Xinjue went into the house alone to bargain among the bewildered faces. When it comes out again, it will be now.

After learning about the situation, Tang Xinjue smiled: "Do you think I will abandon the dungeon mission and run to wait for the NPC to fix things?"

"Sorry, I misunderstood." Jiang Lan smiled embarrassedly. Whether it was the NPC's unfriendly attitude or Tang Xinjue's decisive appearance, they subconsciously thought that this would be a very difficult deal, but they didn't expect it to be completed so quickly.

In fact, if the conditions are sufficient, she also wants to learn more about the concept of "prop repair" which she has heard for the first time.

Intuition told Jiang Lan that behind this may be a very important piece of information in the game... But after weighing it, she had to admit that her dormitory could not bear the corresponding risk, so she had to give up.

The old man still muttered in the room: "This is a repair shop, not a hotel! Everyone is not good enough to take the exam, and they have a lot of dreams."

An awkward atmosphere spread silently. Guo Guo pouted, and whispered cheekily: "We are customers, you charge so much, customers can't supervise the repair process? Besides, who knows if you will sneak away..."

Supernatural weapons are the biggest reliance and trump card for many candidates. Without a weapon, it is like cutting off an arm, and the danger immediately increases linearly. No matter how strong Tang Xinjue was, it was hard for them not to worry.

At first, everyone was a little worried that the repairman would be angry, but Tang Xinjue nodded and followed Guo Guo's words: "It makes sense, and this is something I need to consider. I want to repair the weapon, but I don't want to stop because I don't have a weapon in the middle." Died in the dungeon. So for the sake of safety, I want something here to temporarily replace the toilet as a weapon, and I will exchange it after repairing and picking up the goods, master, what do you think?"

The toilet draws an arc in the air. As soon as the repairman caught it, he subconsciously studied it. He also forgot the anger he was about to make just now. He waved his hand impatiently and said, "Take whatever you want."

Tang Xinjue swept around the room calmly, and said in a steady voice:

"I want the hammer in your hand."

The dilapidated wooden door closed again, the lights inside went out in an instant, and the wall that had just been lifted returned to its original state in the blink of an eye. It was as if everything just now was just an illusion.

The eyes of the group fell on the heavy hammer in Tang Xinjue's hand.

Well, not hallucinations.

Guo Guo carefully touched the handle of the hammer with his hand, and withdrew his hand with a hiss: "Is that why he gave us the thing?"

This is an NPC prop!

Zhang You was thoughtful: "This NPC should have much more experience than us. He doesn't worry about us hiding the hammer at all. Or maybe he has a higher evaluation of the toilet."

This can only hope that the NPC will be honest and not force them to complain again.

Tang Xinjue weighed the hammer, and even with her strength, she couldn't lift it up. She casually hit the hammer on the ground, and the sound of heavy metal and stone clashing trembled and spread in the space.

What a heavy hammer!

Zheng Wanqing didn't think about anything else, her eyes sparkled from the first second she saw the hammer. If it weren't for the time limit of the [Fist with the Big Iron Hammer] skill that cannot be used indiscriminately, she would have wanted to summon it immediately for comparison, and wished that her right hand was also as "iron and strong".

Guo Guo shook her awake: "Miss, wake up! You're about to fall behind!"

The distance between the two ends of the corridor was only tens of meters, and they rushed to the direction of the women's dormitory at the other end in a blink of an eye, and everyone's hearts sank.

Just less than ten minutes ago, before they hid in the dilapidated room, they went back here to look for it once, leaving a lot of traces of trying to break the wall.

But now, all these traces have disappeared without a trace, like a beach flooded by water.

"Exactly the same as last time."

Zhang You bit his lip and sighed, even as patient as she was, she felt a burst of irritability, anxious about this tricky situation.

The last time they came back, it was here that they found that the entire corridor had changed, and it was exactly the same as when it was not damaged. And the crack in the wall connecting the women's dormitory also disappeared.

Could this corridor also repair itself

Zheng Wanqing gritted her teeth and wanted to shake her fist again, but was stopped by Tang Xinjue.

"It's more appropriate to use mine now."

Tang Xinjue tilted her head as a signal, then raised the hammer with both hands, and smashed it hard against the wall!

The wall skin fell like leaves blown by a strong wind, and each hammer deposited a layer of gray-white paint powder on the ground. The others couldn't help but cover their ears, watching helplessly as the wall that had been untouched no matter how much it was destroyed before was actually hammered open two cracks amidst the sound of the loud hammering!

After smashing it ten times, Tang Xinjue finally put down his arm, which had started to swell and burst blood vessels, and swept his mental power along the crack, "It should be almost ready to be set on fire."

"..." No. 5 murmured, "In terms of smashing walls, you really need to use professional tools."

Not to mention smashing the wall, with the terrifying momentum of the hammer just now, she has no doubts that the entire corridor will be demolished on the spot.

The flamethrower was still warm, and the two sisters walked up with concentration. After confirming the target, they raised their guns and started working.

With the lessons learned from being besieged by will-o'-the-wisps in the men's dormitory before, this time No. 5 and No. 6 used their abilities very carefully, and they were as cautious about the heat as a back chef cooking. However, after a while, the two looked at each other in bewilderment: "Why can't it burn?"

As far as the line of sight could see, the red flames licked the cracks in the wall, which were scorched black last time, but this time only a light black mark was left, and the crack did not even expand.

Could it be that the firepower is too small this time

The two approached in amazement, and saw that a few drops of liquid seemed to be slowly oozing out of the burnt black marks.

This is…

The black liquid spewed out suddenly, but instead of pouring it on their heads as they thought, it condensed into a hideous face in the air, and opened its mouth to bite the two of them!


No. 5 reacted a little faster by half a minute, jumped forward to push No. 6 away, and used a flamethrower to inject the black liquid into the mouth, slowing down its speed.

bang bang! The sound of the two protective shields shattering sounded one after another. No. 5's face turned pale, and he took out a pile of fragments from his pocket. This was their last defense tool. Only when they received a fatal and dangerous attack could the extension of life be triggered. Broken means it took effect.

There is a blocked black grimace in front, and candidates are behind him. Where did the attack come from

The black grimace didn't seem to dare to swallow the flamethrower directly. In this buffering time, Tang Xinjue and the others seized the opportunity to quickly push No. 5 away, and the liquid-tainted flamethrower fell to the ground with hissing and corrosion.

"Golden brilliance." Jiang Lan quickly threw a new golden ball, calling out the full name of the ability for the first time.

"Trap: Purification!"

The little ball spread its wings above the black ghost face, and dropped a thin light golden net.

The black grimace let out a scream, turned its head and rushed towards Jiang Lan ferociously, half of it was stopped by the gold net, and the extremely sharp and fine mesh penetrated through the huge grimace, the black liquid lost its cohesive ability, and scattered all over the place with a splash. land.

After confirming that the black liquid on the ground was no longer offensive, and cleaning it up manually, everyone was relieved.

Looking at the wall again, the original crack has expanded a bit, and there is no remaining black liquid on the surface, but it is still not confirmed whether there is still danger hidden in the deeper depths.

"Thanks to the fact that we didn't believe the nonsense of the sleeping ghost, there is indeed something wrong with this black liquid!"

Guo Guo clenched the pendant tightly, his eyes seemed to stare at the wall, guarding against the next wave of monsters that might appear at any time.

Zhang You frowned: "The liquid comes out of the wall, but isn't the other side of the wall the women's dormitory?"

As for the women's dormitory, there is obviously no black liquid - does this mean that the women's dormitory is also in danger

Tang Xinjue put on his gloves and groped around the wall, finally stopping at the crack.

Corridors that are automatically repaired again and again, attacks that appear in various forms, red lines, black liquid, walls... Countless scenes flashed back in my mind and gradually overlapped.

"Enough information."

As long as enough information is obtained, even if it is deliberately designed to be confusing, the hidden answers can still be arranged.

She closed her eyes and picked out the surging thoughts one by one: "The Academic Affairs Office is afraid. They are afraid that we will find clues, so they leave ambushes everywhere. The closer we are to the truth, the more attacks will come and the faster. "

"Three attacks, the first is to find the red line, the second is to go back to the corridor, and the third is to smash the wall."

"But compared to the previous two times, this time it's not so much an ambush, it's more like a threat—a threat to keep us from hitting the wall."

"What the Academic Affairs Office wants to hide is not just the door to go back to the women's dormitory 919, but also a truth that we will discover when we try to go back."

Tang Xinjue opened his eyes and said with certainty: "There is no 919 behind this wall!"

The author has something to say: —Small Theater—

Tang Xin Jue (lifting the hammer: eighty for the big hammer, forty for the small hammer...