Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 96: Sanitation surprise inspection


Not 919? !

One word awakened the person in the dream, and the others soon realized that something was wrong.

"Is this a hallucination? Or has 919 been transferred? Are students Jiang and the others in danger?"

Guo Guo immediately searched out a series of possibilities from his mind, and asked them like a cannonball.

Tang Xinjue shook his head: "It's not an illusion, everything we see now is real. Whether it's the walls, the ground or the black liquid in the entire corridor, it's all real and correct—every time. Just being real doesn't mean being correct sometimes .”

It's like this every time... Jiang Lan repeated it silently in her heart, and suddenly realized something: "We don't go through the same corridor every time?"

"No, it should be more than just the corridor," she immediately denied herself, her eyes flickered slightly, and she finally came to a conclusion:

"It's the floor!"

When their eyes met, Tang Xinjue nodded and said, "That's right, it's the floor."

They are indeed in this dormitory building, in the corridor specially designed by the Academic Affairs Office.

The front of this corridor connects the women's dormitory, and the rear connects to the men's dormitory. The layout is no different from what they saw when they broke out from 919.

But this is not the 9th floor.

Hearing this news suddenly, after two seconds of unacceptable disbelief, all the previous violations came to mind:

The traces of the corridor that are refreshed every time you come out of the door, the walls that suddenly become solid and hard to break through, the black liquid gushing out from the walls of the women's dormitory, and unexplainable problems pile up like mountains... But what if it is not the ninth floor at all?

All the questions suddenly had answers.

"It's not the ninth floor, so which floor are we on now? When was it changed?"

Guo Guo frantically used his brain to try to keep up with his train of thought: "Could it be when we just came out and entered the men's dormitory? No, the men's dormitory ghost was still showing the way at that time. If there is a problem with the floor, it will definitely be found."

"When you came out of the men's bedroom?"

Zhang You made a guess.

It was also at this time that they first noticed the strangeness in the corridor.

Jiang Lan answered: "But when we hid in the repairman's room and came out again, the traces we left disappeared for the second time. Does this prove that the floor has been switched twice?"

If this is the case, then the traces they left on the wall do not have the so-called automatic recovery at all, but every time they come here, what they see is not the same wall!

No. 7 interrupted their speculation and questioned: "Wait a minute. All the premises you are talking about now are based on one foundation, and that is Tang Xinjue's conclusion just now."

She turned to look at Tang Xinjue: "Once we believe your conclusion, it will affect our very important choices and actions. So, how can you be sure that your speculation must be correct?"

"It's easy to verify."

Tang Xinjue smiled and stood still in front of the cracked wall.

"The Academic Affairs Office killed the male sleeping ghosts who can move freely, because they are familiar with the dormitory building and will immediately discover the truth. But we are not familiar with this building, so even if we find the problem, we cannot confirm which floor it is , let alone find a way to leave."

If the Academic Affairs Office could really manipulate the floor changes at will, they only need to move them to any floor directly, and the candidates can be sealed and imprisoned forever.

"Obviously, this is not in line with the balance and logic of the exam. It is impossible for the Academic Affairs Office to be so strong, or the more powerful the ability, the use of it must be subject to corresponding restrictions."

Tang Xinjue said: "So there is another premise in my speculation, that is, there is only a fixed critical point for floor switching. As long as it is triggered, no matter whether the school wants to change, the floor must be switched."

"If you want to verify whether my guess is correct, just break this critical point and see if everything will change."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Xinjue swung the hammer again and hit the crack hard!

Boom, boom, boom. Holding the hammer handle thicker than her two arms tied together, the girl stared blankly at the biggest crack on the wall, hitting it with precision every time.

Without the black liquid in the wall, the wall seems to be much weaker. The crack was getting bigger and bigger, and soon there was a gap that penetrated up and down, and the uneven cement structure inside, as well as the black liquid that had dried up in spots, could be seen.

Just when the crack exceeded the depth left by everyone last time, the dark and silent hole proved that there was no living person on the other side of the wall, not to mention the 919 dormitory they were familiar with.

At this moment, the wall suddenly changed.

The white paint on the ceiling fell layer by layer as if shaken, and the pungent dust rose up. They subconsciously retreated to avoid it, but within two moments, there was already a vast expanse of whiteness in front of them.

On the 10th, when the dust was dispersed with water-based abilities, a completely smooth wall with no traces appeared in front of everyone.

Another refresh!

"Ahem, cough, it is known that this dormitory building has only 9 floors at its highest."

Jiang Lan vigorously waved away the remaining dust, her hoarse voice was choked intermittently, but she was still holding her nose and analyzing persistently: "According to the past few times, there is a high probability that the floor cannot be repeated every time. So, we can only It will go through eight refreshes."

When it was the ninth time, even if the Academic Affairs Office didn't want to, they had to let them go back to the ninth floor.

"I understand, so it doesn't really matter which floor we are on now!" Guo Guo's eyes lit up, and he counted with his fingers: "The most important thing is whether we can survive the remaining 12345... 6 refreshes!"

The requirement for the floor change is to smash the wall, and if the wall is smashed to a certain extent, everyone will be attacked. Only by going through these waves in a row can they return to 919 and hand over the red line that allows ghosts to move freely.

"Six more times?" Zhang You had a headache.

The accumulation of six consecutive dangers is not an algorithm where one plus one equals two. This is just to go back to the 9th floor, and now they haven't even found the shadow of the Academic Affairs Office.

No matter how firm the determination to clear the level is, it can't help but make people doubt themselves: Can they really complete the final task of the dungeon amidst such obstacles and dangers that are almost invisible

Tang Xinjue rubbed his blood-congested arm due to excessive force, but his eyes were bright and surprisingly sharp on his calm expression:

"There is no level that must die, and there is no dungeon that cannot be passed."

From the first exam to the present, her understanding of the game has grown from scratch, and she has always insisted on this point even in difficult situations that seem to have no solution.

Just like in the dark nightmare where there is no hope for countless times in the past three years, as long as you try your best to persist until the end, there will always be a moment when the monster's head is cut off, and it is also a moment to return to reality.

"Although the exam is not friendly to candidates, it is normally impossible to set such a huge disparity in strength. A dungeon boss who can control the structure of the dungeon at will, set up countless traps to ambush, and even easily trap the other party's ghost camp, cannot be just a C-level The strength level of the team battle dungeon."

After Tang Xinjue finished speaking, Keke rarely opened her mouth after using her words. She hung up the nth call to Anian but couldn't get through: "I agree with that too. Those idiots in the women's dormitory, I won’t say anything about IQ, and I don’t see how strong it is outrageous in terms of strength. Even if they have a restraining effect on the Academic Affairs Office, from what I have seen in this dungeon now, I really don’t think there is anything worthy of the Academic Affairs Office’s hiding of."

She shrugged: "I don't need to say more about what this means. The Office of Academic Affairs is really as powerful as it appears. It has already gone to heaven. There is no need to play tricks with the students here."

Following Keke's words, Tang Xinjue raised the corners of his mouth:

"So, when we found their bodies, what we saw was probably an extremely weak Academic Affairs Office.

— This is also one of the secrets they want to hide. "

Just as her voice fell, the wall, which had been calm and unmarked just now, suddenly cracked from the place where it was connected to the ceiling.

Everyone: "..."

Broken defense

After a brief analysis and exchange, everyone reached a consensus under the wall that was so angry that it cracked.

No matter what wishful thinking the Academic Affairs Office is planning, it cannot affect their unwavering goals and determined course of action.

The goal exists and the action begins.

Zheng Wanqing took the initiative to take over the task of smashing the wall, letting Tang Xinjue, who had smashed two rounds in a row, rest for a while, and then went into battle with her right hand that was gradually solidifying, and began to wreak havoc without mercy.

The dust that had just dissipated filled the entire space again, and everyone had to cover their noses to resist coughing. Guo Guo wanted to find No. 10 to relieve it with the ability of precipitation, but he couldn't find No. 10 in the dust for a while.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that I still don't know the names of the three people in their bedroom."

Guo Guo covered his nose and searched left and right, and at the same time said belatedly in the chat group in his mind.

It has been so long since entering the exam, but she only knows that the other party's bed numbers are No. 5, No. 6 and No. 10 respectively.

Everyone seems to have roughly introduced themselves during the meal, but now they only have a rough impression, and I can't match the specific names and information.

Zhang You found a stack of masks from the storage bag, and while distributing them calmly said, "It's okay, after we finish solving the dungeon boss, we will have time to get to know new friends."

Guo Guo: "Then I want to eat an extra bowl of rice at the celebration banquet, no, three bowls!"

She can't be the MVP in the exam, but she is still very confident in cooking.

During the casual conversation, the masks had basically been distributed. Zhang You held the last few masks that had not been distributed, and began to look for other people in the dust like Guo Guo: "Student No. 5? Classmate No. 10? Where are you?"

"Cough cough cough... cough cough..."

There was no answer in the air, only the faint cough.

Zhang You frowned slightly: "Student No. 5?"

"Cough cough... cough cough cough!"

The cough became louder and louder, attracting the attention of several people. Tang Xinjue's expression changed slightly: "The one who is coughing is No. 5."

She stepped towards the direction of the coughing sound, followed by the others, and soon saw two bent and trembling figures. No. 10 was helping them frantically rummaging for props, and then looked at the two people who were bending over and coughing violently. It was No. 5 and No. 6!

"What’s wrong with you?"

Several people immediately stepped forward to help them up, but No. 5 shrank back very violently. She coughed until she couldn't speak, and could only shake her head vigorously to refuse everyone to approach.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, black and red blood gushed out from between the fingers of No. 5 covering his mouth.