Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 98: Health Assault Guide


The moment Tang Xinjue saw the wounds on No. 5 and No. 6, he thought of everyone who was also cut by the red thread.

Both intuition and experience told her that the exams have always been very "discriminatory" in terms of cheating candidates.

When almost all the experiences and behaviors are the same, why are the wounds of the three people in dormitory 5 only mutated? Tang Xinjue didn't believe it was just a coincidence.

There must be a certain variable that was triggered on the three of them just now, while the rest of them just passed by—

Attack of the black liquid!

After smashing the wall and wiping the black liquid on his hands, Tang Xinjue saw what he expected.

Horrible wounds have been eroded on her wrists at some point, but they are still relatively shallow compared with No. 5 and others, but they are also extraordinarily weird: the part belonging to the blood vessels seems to be missing a piece out of thin air. Blood spurted out, and he could even move normally.

Only the pain sense recovered after the sensory barrier was broken, and bursts of pain were sent to the brain along the nerves, making people subconsciously tighten their brows, reminding her of the existence of the wound.

Seeing that Tang Xinjue's forehead was sweating in an instant, Guo Guo and Zhang You hurried over, fearing that she would vomit blood like No. 5. Fortunately, Tang Xinjue was fine, and even refused the help of her roommate to bandage her idea.

She gritted her teeth and squeezed hard along the wound!

Blood gushed out from the wrist immediately, dripping onto the ground, contrasting sharply with the black liquid that was originally splashed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xinjue breathed a sigh of relief: "The situation hasn't deteriorated yet."

She can still feel her body and flesh, although instead of mutating into surging red threads.

Everyone saw that Tang Xinjue took a few pills again, and the wound immediately grew new granulation at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to heal gradually under the strong effect of the medicine, but at the moment when the new blood vessels condensed, some invisible force Torn apart, the blood gurgled out for a few seconds, then dried up again...

Repeat the process of healing the tear until the effect of the medicine completely disappears.

This creepy and goosebump scene fell in their eyes, and everyone seemed to feel that their own flesh was being torn apart. They felt the same pain again and again, and the back of their heads felt cold.

Tang Xinjue covered the arm that had just finished the experiment with a gauze, nodded to Guo Guo who was holding back tears, and said softly, "It's okay, I just blocked my pain."

Fortunately, with the blessing of mental skills, although it only blocked one tenth of this intense pain, it was better than nothing.

Jiang Lan looked away from the wound, recovered her voice, and said firmly: "The medicine you took just now... works."

Even though the process was extremely painful, the tear on Tang Xinjue's wrist was obviously much shallower in the end. Even if it will gradually deepen in the future, at least the safe time has been extended.

Tang Xinjue affirmed this guess: "That's right. But only for now, when the wound becomes so deep that the bone can be seen, these ordinary recovery medicines will be useless."

But the reverse can also be launched, as long as they can release the shield in time before the deterioration, find the wound and take medicine, they can stop the mutation from continuing!

No. 7, who had been silent for a long time, picked up a piece of black ice and knocked it on his arm without saying a word. Although the ice slag splashed on his body, he saw the real wound a few seconds later.

Others followed suit, and after a while hissing echoed in the corridor. Everyone looked at the wounds on their bodies, both shocked and grateful.

"Zhang You, um, do we have enough medicine?"

Guo Guo spoke in a sour voice.

"Don't worry, it's enough for the four of us to eat for several rounds."

The hoarder Zhang You patted his pocket, and comforted Guo Guo with the pill: "Eat it."

Guo Guo really cried this time: "I'm asking about painkillers!"

After starting the "treatment", they realized that the wound itself was not scary anymore. What was really scary was the prolonged and repeated process of enduring severe pain. This pain seemed to be directly pierced into the nerves of the brain, and even painkillers could not completely block it .

What's even more desperate is that when Guo Guo sadly wanted to find companions who were also timid and afraid of pain to comfort each other, he found that he was surrounded by ruthless people.

Needless to say, Tang Xinjue, who directly used herself as a test subject, and Zheng Wanqing, who absolutely trusted Tang Xinjue, took the knife on her arm almost immediately, and her teeth chattered in pain without making a sound.

Guo Guo: "Miss, you are not Guan Gong who scrapes bones to heal wounds! You can shout out the pain!"

A drop of sweat dripped from Zheng Wanqing's delicate forehead, and she said stubbornly, "I have already lost a hand, and I can't even get used to the pain, how can I continue the exam in the future?"

Like Zheng Wanqing, Jiang Lanke and Keke started talking nonsense, and handed them a knife on the 7th: "The pain is too much to bear, so use the knife to cut other parts. I personally tested it to have some effect."

Guo Guo: "..."

She looked around in despair, and found a reality: the most timid people stayed in 919 at the beginning, and the three slightly normal people among the remaining people also fell into a coma early due to injuries, and now standing here, except for her Other than myself, they are all fierce people who fight monsters like chopping melons and vegetables.

Guo Guo: Weak, pitiful, and helpless.

She finally accomplished this feat. Although she couldn't bear the pain at the end and asked Tang Xinjue for help, Zheng Wanqing still said to her seriously after the end: "You just cried and said that you also To act like Guan Gong is really heroic, I admire you."

Guo Guo's breath was erratic: "... Thank you, but I still hope that I won't have such a chance to be admired again in the future."

After everyone bandaged their wounds, their eyes fell on the wall again.

This time, their eyes were more determined and cold than before.

Zheng Wanqing rubbed her iron fist and twisted her neck: "Next we will smash all the walls."

Jiang Lan: "Get through all the floors in the shortest possible time."

No. 7: "Find 919, or find the Academic Affairs Office."

Guo Guo spit out a mouthful of blood foam: "Otherwise we will all die!"

Dust rose and filled the air amidst the loud noise, and dense high-speed attacks rained down. This time, no one spared any energy, and the attitude towards the wall was extremely cruel. In the end, the black liquid didn't even have time to emerge, and it was taken away with the entire floor—

The hammer fell for the last time, accompanied by Tang Xinjue's calm voice: "The ninth time."

This is the last change.

If their previous guess is correct, then what they will see next is...

A howling and crying hum sounded from the skeleton in the corridor.

In front of them, the cement and paint blocks began to twist and melt, and the black liquid that had been dispersed tried to crawl back up, screaming piercingly.

It seemed that the entire corridor was desperately trying to prevent the next thing from happening, but it was powerless to resist.

At the moment when the floor is changed, all dislocations and distortions of the material space are replaced with one click. In the field of vision, the corridor changes from clean and cold to dilapidated and gloomy, and the wall changes from violently demolished ruins to a complete piece of concrete. It's just that there is a half-person-high gap in the middle of the wall that can only be passed sideways. Through the gap, you can see a vague bedroom and the lights spilling from it.

Ninth floor!

They didn't even have time to cheer, they instinctively attacked again, directly expanding the gap on the wall several times, and soon saw the astonished expressions of the girls inside.

Jiang, who was discussing gossip with No. 11 and No. 12: "..."

"You're back so soon?"

With a guilty conscience, Jiang stood up and stood at attention, explaining to himself: "We didn't catch fish just now, and we are protecting your roommates! Hey, what are you carrying in your pockets?"

Classmate Jiang saw the red thread carried by the group of people sharply, and his expression froze suddenly.

"This, this is..."

Her breathing became thicker and thicker, with an uncontrollable longing in her eyes, she swallowed up and down her throat, her eyes were fixed on the red thread, and she said softly, "What is this?"

Tang Xinjue got into the house, and instead of giving the red line immediately, he asked, "What did you think of when you saw it?"

Classmate Jiang murmured: "I want, I want...I want to eat it."

As if grasping her own desire in the unconscious babbling, her tone became more and more tough and her voice became clearer and clearer: "Yes, eat it... I want to eat it, give it to me, give it to me!"

Being in the body of No. 13, she still had a sliver of sanity and didn't rush directly, but the ghosts of other girls without bodies were not so stable. In an instant, a whirlwind of extreme cold blew up in the room, roaring and shrinking around everyone. , seems to want to snatch the red thread from their hands.

In the center of the vortex, Tang Xinjue picked up a red thread and held it in front of Student Jiang. Before the other party excitedly snatched it away, he tore off the gauze on his hand. A hideous wound and a strong smell of blood popped out, which made Student Jiang startled slightly. The rushing action also stopped for a moment.

Tang Xinjue said warmly: "You have a strong desire to devour these red lines, because they belong to you in the first place."

"These red threads are the flesh and blood in your body before you were alive, aren't they?"