Girls’ Dormitory Escape

Chapter 99: Sanitation surprise inspection


Because of Tang Xinjue's words, the girl's face was blank.

She stared blankly at the red thread, as if recalling something, her facial features wrinkled in discomfort, the hand stretched out to the red thread began to tremble, and her breathing was as thick as a bellows.

"Is it... my... flesh and blood?"

Tang Xinjue stared at her: "You were murdered by the school before you were alive, so do you remember where your body is?"

Classmate Jiang raised his eyes in a daze, his expression even more confused.

"Corpse? I... don't know."

When she wakes up from the utter darkness and accepts the reality that she is a ghost who has been dead for an unknown amount of time, she just wanders aimlessly in a limited space, thinking about nothing but hatred for the school, and never Did not think about this problem.

Tang Xinjue nodded softly: "I see."

"I've always been curious about why you were suppressed by the school. The game gave you stronger strength. You should be the real NPC here, but you became the sealed party... Now I know."

She chiseled every word: "They stole your power."

After being eroded by the red thread, the candidates' flesh and blood will also be assimilated into the red thread, their internal organs will be shredded, and then they will be vomited out from the mouth. This process will be accompanied by the rapid draining of vitality until only an empty shell remains.

When the assimilation is carried out to the end, they will probably end up exploding like the body attached by the ghost in the male bedroom, creating more red lines and becoming new nourishment for the school.

— Then before that, how did the dense red lines under the floor of the men's dormitory come from

The answer is obvious.

"The reason why the Academic Affairs Office can control this dungeon to a certain extent does not come from their own power in the game at all, but from a group of bodies they have long ago, that is, you who were once buried here."

Jiang’s pupils contracted, and she hadn’t been able to digest this information yet. Jiang Lan who was on the side took the lead and asked, “In that case, can we find the Academic Affairs Office through the red line? Maybe people will have a sense of their flesh and blood experience. "

But Ke Ke frowned: "Even if the red thread is made of blood, it has been separated from the body since the moment of death, can there still be a connection?"

"The red line does not only affect the physical body." Tang Xinjue said firmly, "If that's the only way, then the previous male sleeping ghost could have escaped completely when he blew himself up—he didn't."

"Yes!" Guo Guo suddenly realized, and nodded sharply: "And if the ghosts have no connection with the red thread, why do they want to eat it so much, and can escape the environmental seal after eating it?"

This shows that what is bound to the red thread is not only the body, but also their souls!

Tang Xinjue brought back the topic with a sigh, and said to classmate Jiang: "Everything leads to the red thread, so we bring it back. Living people are swallowed by the red thread, but ghosts can eat the red thread instead. It can temporarily let you You can move freely in the dormitory building, but if you can't control your instinctive desires and swallow too much, you will explode yourself instead."

After all, a person's body can only bear the "flesh and blood" of one person.

After some words, Jiang finally regained his reason from the shock and runaway state, his eyes fell on the red line complicatedly, and he said softly: "I want revenge."

This is their first and last wish, it is their first thought when they wake up from the darkness, and it is also the weakness that can make them crazy and sober at the same time.

Classmate Jiang raised her head slightly and opened her mouth. An extremely ear-piercing scream came out of her mouth. The whirlwind that swept through the dormitory room finally stabilized and gathered around her.

"I'll just eat one first, and try to see if I can go out." Jiang student swallowed hard, and said sadly: "Well, let's have one first."

"No." Tang Xinjue shook his head again: "You are occupying the body of No. 13 now. She has never been corroded by the red thread and is not lacking in flesh and blood. If you eat it, it will directly explode with No. 13."

"so… "

Comprehending Tang Xinjue's meaning, the others all cast their eyes on the unconscious No. 5, No. 6 and No. 10 who were being supported.

Student ghosts need a body to resume their actions, and they also need a suitable body to eat the red thread. Now, they have three dying bodies that also urgently need to maintain their lives!

Classmate Jiang followed their eyes and was startled: "Ah, they are not dead yet?"

Just now, when she stared wide-eyed through the hole in the wall, she was still wondering why Tang Xinjue and his party brought three dead people back.

Needless to say, Jiang waved his hand, and two strong winds blew up in the void, falling on No. 5 and No. 6 and disappearing in a blink of an eye. The two who had already closed their eyes suddenly took a breath and opened their eyes.

The next second, Classmate Jiang also leaned back, and the body of No. 13 was limp on the ground, and she herself entered the body of No. 10, thinking about the wound on her arm.

"Very weak, she is very weak now, her strength is getting weaker and weaker, and she will die completely in a short time."

She closed her eyes: "This feeling is a bit familiar to me, as if I had this experience before when I was not fully awake."

She now basically believed Tang Xinjue's conjecture.

It is not surprising that the school dared to kill countless students here, and then use their corpses to do unconscionable things.

Since the three of No. 10 were possessed, the "red threading" of their bodies seemed to have stopped. Jiang even pulled out a thin red thread from No. 10's wrist, swallowed it whole, and smashed it twice : "I don't feel anything."

Tang Xinjue: "The newly formed red line has not been processed by the Academic Affairs Office. It should be only a semi-finished product, and you eat your own. The total amount has not increased."

She already had more guesses in her mind, but she didn't need to say much at the moment, she handed over the red thread she brought out, "Try this."

Classmate Jiang stretched his neck to suck the thread in, and the moment he was about to speak, his face changed suddenly, and he raised his hands in a daze, as if he saw something unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, she turned around and rushed to the hole in the wall, tentatively stretching out a hand.

The arms stretched out unimpeded, then the shoulders, the head, the whole body... When Jiang was standing in the corridor, he was so excited that he couldn't even speak.

Tang Xinjue reminded in time: "A red thread has limited effect, don't stay outside for too long."

Classmate Jiang was pulled back from a dizziness, the whole ghost was still in a state of disbelief, and it took a moment to organize his words: "Do you know that I was finally able to eat after being hungry for five hundred years, this is the first time I know what is I'm full, no, it should be the first sip of water..." She gestured incoherently, trying to express her feelings.

The other two girls possessed by No. 5 and No. 6 ate the red thread, and they also showed indescribably strange expressions.

This was the first time they left the dormitory where they had been imprisoned for such a long time, and walked into the secret passage corridor that they didn't know before, and they felt as if they were in a trance.

"I just said why they always know what we are doing and what we are discussing, and they appear anytime and anywhere like ghosts." A girl's eyes were red: "So they are hidden here!"

Speaking of the excitement, the girl's whole body exploded with a dark air, and she couldn't wait to dig three feet to find the Academic Affairs Office.

Classmate Jiang went over with a bunch of red threads: "Don't worry, eat enough before doing anything."

Girl: "... ok."

Zhang You took care of the remaining girls, and was still a little worried when he saw Jiang and other ghosts eating and drinking: "Xinjue, the male sleeping ghosts have also eaten the red thread before, but they failed to find the Academic Affairs Office. Can I do it this time?"

"We are different." Tang Xinjue leaned against the wall with a clear voice.

The ghost in the male dorm killed each other with the examinees in the last exam, and there were not many left. But the girls' dormitory has not been damaged here, and there are a huge number of freshmen and fierce ghosts watching, otherwise the Academic Affairs Office will not be able to hide until now and dare not show their faces.

"There is one more thing I don't understand." Zhang You walked up to her. She had just captured some information in Tang Xinjue's words with great care, and asked a question after integrating it in her mind: "If the red line is the copy after the dungeon is formed, It was created, but the corpses of these students were actually kept by the school a long time ago, so they have the opportunity to use them, right?"

—Then how perverted is this school that after torturing students to death, they still store their bodies, alienate their flesh and blood, and squeeze their strength

Moreover, if the school can really independently create such a sinister thing as the "red line", it is not an exaggeration to say that it is favored by the game, how can it correspond to the weaker side in the dungeon

Tang Xinjue was not surprised that Zhang You would think of this, and replied with a smile: "Who said that these red lines must have been created in the game?"