Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 100


... He is actually a sign of going to be enchanted.

"Dudu..." Ji Ting struggled to get up, and Shang Lu hurriedly helped her up. After she stood up unsteadily, she broke free from Shang Lu's hand and walked towards him anxiously alone, "Du Duu, you are in danger now..."

After only taking two steps, she fell to the ground, and more blood flowed from the wound in an instant.

"Master!" Shang Lu was eager to help her, but she stopped her with a wave of her hand.

"Dudu, stop, if you go on like this, the previous thousands of years of cultivation will be destroyed today, stop!" Ji Ting gasped and looked at him.

However, Duan did not respond to her words at all, only a black vortex formed around his body, and objects with a little spirituality in the temple were shaking uncomfortably because of his presence.

Ji Ting's wound still has half of the Xuting sword inserted. The Xuting sword is made of the tendons and bones of the dragon, which is the most incompatible with her spiritual power, so the wound has not been able to heal. With the bright red liquid flowing out, there is also her Constant spiritual power. Shanglu is still a mortal after all, even though she has treated her injuries before, but because her spiritual power is not as pure as hers, the effect is very weak.

If she wanted to get better soon, she should meditate immediately and force the continuation, but the current appearance of the continuation made her feel uneasy. With the passage of time, her spiritual power was constantly being wasted, and she was about to be exhausted, but she couldn't care about herself, and looked at the discontinuation pleadingly: "Calm down first, calm down..."

"I'm too calm, so I can't continue to lie to myself," I continued to look at her calmly, as if I was telling the truth, "Your eyes, your heart, are never aimed at me, I shouldn't... Trying to heat you up."

As soon as the words fell, the pupils that had just turned black immediately turned red, and the whole person seemed to have reshaped their muscles and bones. The fair complexion became as flawless as porcelain. There is a dark aura that makes people dare not look directly at it easily.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the dormitory, and the screen and vase exploded suddenly. As the rootless wind whizzed by, the fragments passed by the corner of Ji Ting's eyes, and a bloodstain appeared, and the oozing blood was blown away by the wind.

... He was, completely obsessed.

"Du Duan..." The sword body still at the wound sensed the breath of Duan Duan, and suddenly rushed towards him from Ji Ting's shoulder, Ji Ting was brought down a bit, and spit out blood with a huh sound.

Duduan looked at her indifferently on the ground, his eyes moved from her face to her wound, and there was a little blood in his eyes.

After a while, he pulled the jade pendant off his waist expressionlessly and held it in his hand in front of Ji Ting. A moment later, the jade pendant turned into flying sand and fell, the spiritual power originally stored in it was released, rushing towards Ji Ting's wound, and the bleeding stopped instantly.

Ji Ting's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. She struggled to get up and walked towards him, but when she was about to approach him, there was another mouthful of blood, and then fell powerlessly at his feet. She gritted her teeth and grabbed his ankle, and said with a choked breath, "I can help you, I will help you, don't be afraid..."

"From today onwards, you are no longer my master, and I am no longer your apprentice. We will cut each other with a knife. If we meet again, it will be like this sword." The two pieces of the continued listening sword gathered in his hand, and the next second the sword was turned into ashes in his hand.

Ashes fell into Ji Ting's eyes unintentionally, and her eyes were instantly dry and painful, but she seemed to be ignorant, and she didn't recover until the interruption disappeared.

The fact that the demonic energy in Ji Hearing God's bedroom was soaring into the sky could not be hidden from anyone's eyes, and in a blink of an eye, people in the entire heaven knew about it. Later, no one knew who spread the news, and they all knew that the demonic energy that day came from Ji Hearing God The big apprentice came from Xuduan, so there were rumors that Xuduan hated Ji Ting because of his love, and then news came from the devil world that the demon king was killed and replaced by a new master, but Ji Ting completely missed these rumors.

After Xu Duan left, Ji Ting sat alone in the mess for three days, until he fainted from exhaustion and was moved to the side hall.

After being in a coma for more than two months, when I opened my eyes again, I felt like I didn't know what Jinxi was, until the next second I saw a fallen fairy with a face full of eyes.

"Yo, you've woken up, it's really shameful to be beaten like this by your own apprentice." The Fallen Immortal taunted.

Ji Ting looked indifferent and didn't refute, but Shang Lu gave him a dissatisfied look: "Master has never recovered, and his spiritual power increased greatly when he was continuously infatuated. It's normal that Master can't win."

"Just protect her. The last one who protected her like this will see what happens. Be careful not to follow in his footsteps." The Fallen Immortal snorted. He went out to drink a lot of wine, and when he woke up, he found that the closed-door disciple had become enchanted. Although there is no clear opposition between immortals and demons, they still tacitly have no contact with each other. .

The apprentice who has been teaching him for thousands of years said that if there is nothing, it will be gone. The reason for not having it is because of love and hatred with another master. It is strange that he can see Ji Ting pleasing to the eye.

"I have decided to promote Shang Lu as a closed disciple. I didn't discuss this matter with you, but I just told you, did you hear me?" Fallen Immortal looked at Ji Ting with a sneer.

Before Ji Ting could speak, Shang Lu refused first: "I don't want it, the closed disciple of Master Fallen Immortal is only a continuum, and it can only be a continuation, don't even think about not wanting him."

"I don't even discuss with her, do you think you have the right to refuse?" The fallen fairy blew his beard and stared at him, "If you don't agree, don't ask me to save her with the elixir!"

"You!" Shang Lu frowned unhappily, but hurriedly brought tea and water after hearing Ji Ting's cough.

The Fallen Immortal is most jealous of these apprentices' attentiveness to Ji Ting, obviously he didn't take much care, but why do these two little white-eyed wolves like her so much

Ji Ting took a sip of water from Shang Lu's hand, then lifted the quilt to get out of bed, Shang Lu hurriedly stopped her: "What do you want, I will get it for you."

"I'm going to look for continuity." Ji Ting hadn't spoken for several months, and his foundation was still weak, so his voice sounded weak and hoarse.

Shang Lu was silent when he heard the words, but the Fallen Immortal laughed ironically: "He is now the new master of the Demon Realm, and it is the time when the scenery is boundless, you who caused him to fall into the Devil, did you want to die in his hands? "

"The new master of the demon world?" Ji Ting raised his head in a daze, looking at the Fallen Immortal for the first time after waking up.

The fallen fairy glanced at her: "After he fell into the devil, no one knew where he went. It didn't take long for the news that the devil world had changed hands. I heard from a friend over there that he and the devil met by chance in the East China Sea. The old hatred Together, they fought for three days and three nights and killed the Demon King, absorbing all his magic power, and officially became the new king of the Demon Realm."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and snorted softly with unknown meaning: "It is said that the demons of the heart eat the heart and spleen, but I have never seen someone who eats the demons as a tonic to transform the demons. No wonder he has been practicing hard, but he has never been diligent. It seems that the talent is all on the wrong path."

Being able to transform with the power of the inner demon, he is indeed born to be a demon.

Ji Ting's eyes dimmed. Although the fallen fairy's few words simplified the process of fighting the demon king in a few words, his degree of cleanliness must only swallow the power of the person he hates when he is dying, otherwise the demon king will be allowed to die again. Great, he can't even touch it.

"So he's in the Devil Realm now?" Ji Ting asked weakly.

Fallen Immortal paused for a moment, and his expression became strange: "Are you really going to find him?"

Ji listened silently, but her eyes had already expressed her thoughts.

"No!" The fallen fairy who had been mocking her from just now suddenly became serious, "You are weak now, and you have no spiritual power but can't use it. If you go to the demon world like this, in the eyes of those demons, you will be superior Tonic, I am afraid that before you enter the door of the demon world, you will be torn and eaten by those low-level demons outside the door."

"Shall I go with Master?" Shang Lu immediately asked, he was actually very worried about the break, but Master was still in a coma, so he didn't dare to leave, and now seeing that Master was going, he was moved again.

Fallen Immortal glared at him: "You were able to break in at the beginning with the help of my artifacts. Otherwise, with your cultivation base, would you be able to break into the devil world just by saying it?"

"My cultivation has become more refined." Shang Lu refused to accept it. In the past few hundred years when the master was not around, he got a few chances, and now he is no longer the weak chicken who fought against the devil back then.

The Fallen Immortal sneered: "The demons are full of tricks, even if you have the ability to break in, but if you take Ji Ting with you, if they try to trick you like last time, are you sure you won't be fooled?"

"Master is not a fool!" Shang Lu became anxious when he heard that he slandered Master again, and realized that it was not when he was contradicting him, "Since the demons are so difficult to deal with, why don't Master Fallen Immortals come with us?" Go ahead, just escort us to the Chassis."

Fallen Immortal reprimanded sharply: "Nonsense! Do you think I'm just kidding when I stop you?! Look at your master, if she is seriously injured again, she will die immediately. Are you sure that I will be safe if I am with you?" ?!"

Shang Lu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had taken it for granted. He hurriedly looked at Ji Ting, and just about to persuade him, he saw Ji Ting lying back on the bed weakly: "My lord, how long will it take me to recover?"

"You can meditate at ease, with my elixir, half of your skills can be recovered in just a hundred years." Seeing that she was obedient, the Fallen Immortal finally looked better, "For people like us, time is worthless. Now that you have become a demon, and you are immortal like us, you can rest assured that you will have a long life in the future."

Ji Ting closed his eyes tiredly: "Understood, thank you, Venerable."

Seeing that she was going to sleep, the Fallen Immortal glared at Shang Lu. Shang Lu carefully covered Ji Ting with the quilt, and followed the Fallen Immortal out. Not long after the two went out, Ji Ting suddenly opened his eyes.

The wind in the demon world is different from the mortal world in the heaven. The wind in the celestial world has a coolness, but it is filled with aura. When it blows on the body, the skin stretches. Every day is filled with fireworks. And the wind in the devil world is like a knife, when it blows on your body like a dagger, it seems to want you to drip blood at any time.

Ji Ting was wearing a black cloak, which covered her tightly from head to toe, only revealing a bloodless lip. In order not to become the prey of the lower demons as the fallen fairy said, she blocked all her spiritual power when she came. Although she became unable to protect herself, it was better than becoming fat in the eyes of others.

After passing through the gate of the Demon Realm, she staggered and continued walking, avoiding crowded places as much as possible. After walking for a short distance, her back was drenched with sweat. She searched around and chose a demon with the weakest strength to ask the way: "Which direction is the demon palace?"

The Mozu stopped and looked suspiciously at her who was tightly wrapped: "What are you doing in the Demon Palace?"

"Go find an old friend." Ji Ting's voice was still very hoarse, after being blown by the wind for a long time, her body temperature was abnormally high, it should be a fever. A cultivator has a fever, and a god has a fever, such rare things have happened to her.

The Mozu narrowed his eyes: "What old friend?"

"A distant relative at home is on duty in the Demon Palace, I'll go and see him." Ji Ting panted slightly.

The Mozu stared at her for a long time, then suddenly sneered: "Since he is a distant relative, why do you want to visit him? Even if you are looking for a reason, please find something reliable."

"Can't distant relatives go to see it?" Ji Ting held a dagger in his hand under the cloak calmly. Although she can't use her spiritual power at the moment, and the thousand-year-old magic weapon can't be fully used in her hands, it is still very easy to assassinate a low-level demon.

"You didn't do well, so you came here to defect to someone else, right?" The Demon Race seemed to see through her, and snorted disdainfully, "I don't think you have any magic power at all, maybe you were robbed by someone? You're so down and out, you're still stubborn, why don't you usually go to see people? I'm annoyed by you."

"... You taught me the right lesson." Ji Ting's hand holding the dagger slightly relaxed.

The Mozu said a few more words to her arrogantly before showing her the way.

Ji Ting thanked him wearily, and dragged his increasingly heavy body towards the magic palace. The closer she got to the Demon Palace, the heavier the demonic energy was. In the past, she had spiritual power to protect her body, and she didn't feel anything, but now it made her walk with difficulty every step of the way. When she reached the gate of the Demon Palace, she was already struggling.

"Stop! Who are you?!" The guard at the palace gate showed her weapon.

Ji Ting was sweating like soybeans, and slid down from his forehead along the contour line, he held his breath and said weakly: "I'm looking for the devil king, please inform me."

"Who are you to open your mouth to see the devil, get out of here!" the guard sneered.

Ji Ting pursed his lips, and finally did not insist, but walked to a corner not far from the palace gate and sat down, quietly watching the palace gate in a daze.

Hearing what the guard said just now, he knew that he was in the magic palace now, so he would come out one day. With this thought in mind, Ji Ting stood there quietly, just like she has been guarding her continuum for thousands of years, she would ask the guard every day if she could pass it on, but every time she was dismissed impatiently , In the end, he could only continue to guard in the corner.

After many days in a row, she woke up from the coma again. When she even noticed the unusual atmosphere, and seeing the guards who had been impatient with her these days, they were standing solemnly at the gate of the palace, as if some important person was about to appear. .

Ji Ting's heart beat faster, she looked there fixedly, although she was about to faint several times, she still persisted, for fear that she might miss something if she wasn't paying attention. After waiting for a whole day, when she was at the peak of her spirits, the palace gate suddenly opened wide, and then a group of high-class demons came out.

She unconsciously took a step forward, and sure enough, after the superior demons came out, she saw the continuity behind. She staggered towards that side in a hurry, and the black cloak that suddenly rushed over immediately attracted the attention of the guards. Several guards raised their knives at her at the same time: "Who is it? Stop!"

"Duduu!" She exhausted her strength and called out his name loudly.

Pausing for a moment under Dixuan's feet, he looked at her indifferently.

Ji Ting's body shook a few times, and he almost didn't fall down. His voice was hoarse and unpleasant after having a high fever for several days, and every time he said a word, his throat hurt very much: "Come home with me, okay?"

He looked at her silently.

Regardless of the sharp knife in front of her, she took another step forward, her voice full of pleading: "Could you go home with me?"

Family? A trace of ridicule flashed in Duan Duan's eyes, and he left blankly. Ji Ting was about to follow, but was stopped by the guards. She looked at the senior guards in front of her, knowing that it was impossible to defeat them, and she still had to stay behind. You can't just risk your life if you wait for the breath to be broken in one breath.

She was silent for a long time, then turned around silently and returned to her corner, sat down on the ground panting silently, and passed out after a while. This time the illness seemed to be more turbulent, the original high fever was accompanied by the blocked spiritual power, and the meridians were hit inch by inch, and she felt as if she was going to die.

... dying? The world has failed when she dies, will she never see the discontinuity again? A tear slipped from the corner of Ji Ting's eyes, and evaporated on his face before reaching his temples.

After an unknown amount of time, a cold hand was suddenly placed on her forehead, and then a trace of coolness came from the palm, guiding her spiritual power to circulate in her body. The pain dissipated, Ji Ting's brows gradually relaxed, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, it had been several hours later, and when she opened her eyes, she felt that her body seemed to be better, the high fever that had been lingering was gone, and her meridians were not as congested as before. Could it be that Duan Duan helped her? When Ji heard about the hand he noticed when he was unconscious, he was a little suspicious for a moment.

But she didn't have time to be happy, she thought of the cold eyes when she saw her continuously, and the hope that was born was gone in an instant.

How could he save her if he hated himself so much? Ji Ting gave a wry smile, regretting his previous deception again.

It wasn't until that day that she became possessed by the continuum that she realized that it was not enough to make up for some mistakes. The damage she had done to him had already been done when he was young, and no matter how he made up for it later, his childhood scars would not disappear. She has been thinking these days, if the person who was in the bedroom with her that day was not Shanglu, he should also believe in herself.

But the other party happened to be Shanglu, who was identified in his heart as the most important person to Ji Ting forever, so he believed that he had seen the facts more than Ji Ting's explanation.

Ji Ting sighed and shrunk himself into a small ball.

She had already returned to the palace when she was in a coma, so she still missed the second meeting and could only continue to wait at the gate of the palace, but this time she refused to come out.

There is no clear day and night in the Devil Realm, the sky is always dim and yellow, and the environment is always dark. After staying here for a long time, it becomes difficult to tell the difference between today and night, but Ji Ting knows clearly that he has It stinks.

Sealing the spiritual power in the tendons means that she cannot use the spiritual power to cleanse her body, plus she always has a high fever and sweats, and now her body is full of unpleasant smells. Smelly faint.

If she continues like this, she will probably get herself dirty before the discontinuity appears. Ji Ting thought for a long time, and walked up to the guards of the palace gate again: "Can you help me pass a greeting card to the Demon King?"

"Why are you here again? Hurry up and get out! If you keep stinking on me, I will kill you!" The guard was furious.

Ji Ting stood still and said, "Please inform me, if he still refuses to see me, I will disappear." Since she came to this world, she is the supreme God, except for the decades of being a mortal, she has always been Living high and high, it has been a long time since I have been so humble.

However, the other party didn't buy it, and kicked her in the abdomen, and her whole body was kicked out like a rag, and she didn't fall down hard until more than three meters away. The moment her body touched the ground, her internal organs seemed to have been drilled to pieces. She turned sideways and spit out blood all over the ground with a groan, and the cap of the cloak also fell down, revealing that delicate face.

At this moment, her face was pale, but her cheeks were flushed abnormally. She looked sickly and beautiful, like a ripe fruit. Everyone knew that the next moment would be corruption, but no one could deny that she was so beautiful at this moment. Breathtaking.

The guard didn't expect that there was such a stunning beauty under the black cloak. He looked straight at her for a while, and after he realized it, a wretched smile appeared on his face, and he rubbed his hands and approached her: "Although it's a little dirty. , but washing is definitely still usable, you are lucky to meet me, you can follow me from now on."

As he spoke, he walked up to Ji Ting and grabbed her. His kick hurt Ji Ting's spleen and lungs, and she looked at him dying at the moment, unable to produce any strength to resist.

When the guard's rough hands were about to cover his body, Ji Ting closed his eyes in despair, and the next second he heard the guard's scream. She realized something, opened her eyes suddenly, the guard had been reduced to ashes in front of her, and behind the ashes was the condescending noble demon king.

"Dudu..." Ji Ting's eye sockets were slightly moist.

Duan Duan looked at her expressionlessly: "I told you, don't let me see you again in this life."

"Could you go home with me?" Ji Ting stretched out her hand towards him, and then saw that her dusty hand was still stained with blood, it was dirty and disgusting, and she immediately froze when she reached out.

Xu Duan still stood where he was, and said lightly: "I will ask someone to send you away."

"If you don't go, I won't go either." Although embarrassed, Ji Ting still said this sentence.

Duan didn't intend to pay attention to her, turned around and headed towards the Demon Palace. Ji Ting looked at his relentless back and closed his eyes in despair, and then saw the guard turned into black ash, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart—

If he didn't have himself in his heart, why would he suddenly appear to save her

In order to verify this idea, Ji Ting stretched out his hand without hesitation, and hit his heart without hesitation after gathering spiritual power in the palm of his hand.

The moment Dixuan stepped into the gate of the Demon Palace, he heard a clear sound of vomiting blood from behind, and immediately froze.

After Ji Ting injured his heart, he fell to the ground. Before he passed out, he saw a tall figure walking towards him, and finally closed his eyes in peace. No wonder he always liked to use this trick to deal with himself in the past, it really had a remarkable effect, but it was too painful.

She slandered a lot, and finally passed out completely. When she woke up again, her eyes saw a very familiar place.

"Master, are you awake?!" Shang Lu looked at her anxiously, his eyes were full of exhaustion.

A bad premonition rose in Ji Ting's heart: "Where am I?"

"... the temple, it was the demons who sent you to Master Fallen Immortal, and Master Fallen Immortal sent you back." When Shanglu said this, his voice couldn't help lowering.

Ji Ting was stunned for a long time, and finally laughed angrily. Shanglu looked at her with a little hairy smile: "Master, don't be mad in a fit of anger."

"I am a god, how could I be so easily possessed." Ji Ting glanced at him.

Shanglu muttered: "Dudu is still for those who are about to ascend, so it is easy to become a demon."

"Okay, you go out first." Ji Ting closed his eyes wearily.

Shanglu was worried: "You won't go to him again this time, right? Let's go there together after you recover, shall we?"

"Go out." Ji Ting frowned.

Shanglu didn't dare to go against her will, so he had no choice but to turn around and leave. After he left, Ji Ting dragged his sick body towards the Demon Realm, and then said to the newly arrived guard of the palace gate as before: "Can I trouble you to inform me?"

The new guard who knows very well how the previous guard died: "…"

In order not to make the same mistakes again, he went to report in a f*cking manner, and he opened his eyes when he was meditating, and his eyes were full of frost: "She's here again?"

"... yes." Seeing the Demon King's appearance at the moment, the guard shrank into a tiny one in fright.

After being silent for a long time, he finally spoke: "Call her in."

"Yes!" The guard finally breathed a sigh of relief, and ran to invite someone.

When Ji Ting heard the news that he was allowed to go in, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and immediately followed the guards in. When she arrived at the main hall, Dixuan was already waiting there. Now he is the Demon King, wearing a black robe embroidered with ancient fierce beasts, and his hair is tied with a thousand-year-old cold jade. Even if Ji Ting doesn't like black, he also thinks he is very suitable for such a dress.

His aura and talent are all inconsistent with the righteous path, but they are not abrupt here. Perhaps what Fallen Immortal said was right, the break is naturally suitable for this place.

"Dudu." Ji Ting called him softly.

Duan Duan looked at her gloomyly: "Why did you come back?"

"My husband is here, so I naturally want to come. I won't come back unless he comes home with me." Ji Ting looked at him firmly.

Hearing the words, the corners of his lips curled up, and thick mockery was about to overflow from his eyes: "Husband?"

"Yes." Ji Ting took a step forward, endured the discomfort brought by his aura, and walked in front of him, "If you don't want to go with me, I'll stay."

"Ji Hearing God is willing to stay in a dirty place like the Devil Realm?" Duan looked into her eyes.

Ji Ting's face was a little pale, and he smiled shallowly when he heard the words: "For you, I can go anywhere."

"If it was a few months earlier, I would be so happy for you to say these words." He continued to look at her mockingly, "Unfortunately, it's too late."

Ji Ting felt a pain in his heart, and as soon as he stretched out his hand to touch his sleeve, he shook it off and left: "If you want to stay, then you can. Delusional."

... The person who had wanted to never see her before, now agreed to let her stay. If he hadn't backed down step by step, how could she have delusional thoughts. Ji Ting looked at the direction where he disappeared, his eyes were full of distress for him.

As expected, Ji Ting stayed, but she lived in the palace farthest from Xuduan. There were more than a dozen demon women watching her all day, and she was not allowed to step out of the palace gate, let alone go to Xuduan. Broken, not even freedom.

According to the continuity, if she can endure this kind of life, she will stay here forever.

Ji Ting didn't think it was too sad. Someone was serving him with delicious food and drink, and she was right next to Duduan. Although she couldn't meet him, she was satisfied in her heart. The only thing she wasn't satisfied with was—

"Ji listens to God, it's time to take medicine." A demon woman came over with medicine.

Ji Ting took a look at the decoction, and his face became bitter: "I have been drinking for more than ten days, and my body is almost recuperated, why do I still want to drink?"

The only unsatisfactory part is that after the spiritual power is blocked, she is like an ordinary person. She can only rely on mortal soups to take care of her body. She can't use all kinds of herbs with spiritual power at all, otherwise it will easily cause the same high fever as last time. The spiritual power was running wild.

"His Royal Highness the Demon King said that anyone can stay in the Demon Palace if they want to. Since the High God wants to stay here, he has to suffer some hardships that ordinary people don't have to suffer. If the High God doesn't want to eat it, then just leave." The Mozu woman had an indifferent face.

Ji Ting's status as a god has no human rights here, so why would she be the one to keep in spite of herself? After confronting the demon woman for a while, she sighed in resignation, took the bowl and drank the soup in one gulp, her face instantly wrinkled after drinking it.

The demon girl took the medicine bowl and was about to leave, Ji Ting hurriedly called her to stop, a little embarrassed after she looked at him: "I will send medicine to this deity in the future, can I send some candied fruit?"

The demon woman pondered for a moment, then firmly shook her head under her expectant gaze: "No."


"Shangshen came to endure hardships, if he gave candied fruit, would that still be called suffering?"

Ji Ting: "..." I have to say that although the continuous revenge method is peculiar, it really hit her with precision. She has always been tired of bitter taste, but now she has to drink three meals a day, and she has lost her appetite.

After the demon woman left, Ji Ting lay down on the bed with a sleepy expression, and patted his heart to slowly fall asleep. I have to say that although this medicine is extremely bitter, it is still somewhat useful, at least the stagnant qi in her heart has been much smoother.

Ji Ting lazily turned over and soon fell asleep. While she was asleep, the demon woman took an empty medicine bowl to find Diandufuming, and bowed to him after seeing him: "His Royal Highness, the God has already drank all the medicine, and she asked the slave to give me some medicine for it." candied fruit."

"Not allowed." Duan said lightly.

The demon woman leaned over: "The servant did not give it."

"Well, let's go down." Xudu stopped looking at her.

The demon woman couldn't get up for a long time, and looked over coldly. The demon woman summoned up her courage: "I still have something to say."


"If His Highness the Demon King wants to punish God with bitterness, there is no need to ask people to spend two or three hours a day to boil those medicines. You only need to ask your servants to go to the mouth of the cliff to pick a medicine called Yaku and soak it in water. The medicine is so bitter that a person can taste it for three days after one sip, and it will be even worse if soaked in water..."

Halfway through the speech, she stopped talking in the eyes of "you are already a dead person", knelt on the ground and shivered: "I know my mistake! I know my mistake!"

"Get out of the palace, don't take half a step closer to the gate of the palace." Duan said coldly.

The demon woman ran away in a hurry, her complexion was ugly, and it took a long time for her to return to normal.

When Ji Ting woke up, he found a different girl to deliver the medicine, and this girl was so beautiful that she didn't look like a passerby at first glance.

Sure enough, as soon as the girl saw her, she immediately came up to meet her, and after looking around, she saluted in a low voice: "Master Shangshen, I am a friend of Shanglu. Shanglu doesn't trust you, so I sneaked into the palace to serve you. I didn't expect to be chosen here by such a coincidence."

"So it's like this, don't bother you, I'm fine here." Ji Ting smiled slightly.

The girl snorted softly: "What's the matter, I've heard that the devil makes you drink bitter medicine every day, just to torture you. With me in the future, you can pour out the medicine and don't need to drink any more."

"Since he wants me to drink it, then I'll drink it." Ji Ting didn't care much, and drank the bitter medicine after speaking, because he still had a little idol burden in front of his disciple-in-law, so he endured it The urge to grin.

The girl looked at it, but her face wrinkled: "Shangshen is not a loser, but patience is good. I took a small sip earlier, and I almost lost my temper."

Ji Ting laughed: "Speaking of which, Shanglu hasn't told me your name yet."

"My name is Yao Yu Ji, and God can call me Yao Yao." The girl smiled generously.

Ji Ting's smile suddenly froze on his face, and a few big words flashed in his mind—

Yao Yu Ji! Isn't that the name of the hero's first wife? !

"Master Shangshen, what's wrong with you?" The girl looked at her suspiciously.

She was actually with Shanglu, could it be that the cp line was changed... No! If she really changed her route, why did she come to the magic palace again after going around and around? Ji Ting, who has traveled through several worlds, is quite familiar with the routines of novels. As for Duduan and Yaoyu Ji, who can get together no matter what, they can't find any reason except to use the word fate to explain it.

Ji Ting was in a crisis for no reason, afraid that his man would empathize with another, and also afraid that his other apprentice would be cheated on. No, it can't go on like this, she must quickly reconcile with Duan, lest he fall in love with someone else when he doesn't forgive her.

"Master Shangshen?" Yao Yuji was worried.

Ji Ting forced a smile: "I'm fine, but other people may be suspicious, so go back first."


Ji Ting waited for her to leave, and immediately walked around the room anxiously, thinking for a long time before coming up with a solution.

That night, Ji Ting Shangshen suddenly became 'ill', and His Royal Highness the Demon King had to go to see him in person to get well.

The author has something to say: Ji Ting: If spiritual communication is ineffective, then we can only use the most primitive way, first of all, to deceive people

Chuaner: Pure and innocent, I don’t understand, but I really want to cooperate

It was agreed to drop the horse, and I forgot to drop it after writing it, so let’s drop it within 500 words in the next chapter (no double update! The next chapter will be at nine o’clock tomorrow morning! It’s only a dozen hours).