Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 101


It's a pity that there was no one around when Ji Ting pretended to be sick, she gave up after thinking about it, and decided to wait until the next day to talk about it in the daytime, so as not to disturb others.

So at noon the next day, Ji Ting's sudden abdominal pain was reported and interrupted. Duan Duan's face turned cold: "Who is in charge of today's medicine?"

"It's a new maid, the servants have already checked it, the medicine is fine, it should be that Ji Hearing God himself is not feeling well, she, she said, maybe the sealed spiritual power is hitting the meridians again, she also said..." The female officer shivered and knelt on the ground, her voice getting smaller and smaller.

A trace of coldness flashed in the broken eyes: "What else did she say?"

"... She said she wanted to invite His Royal Highness the Demon King to come over, she wants to see you." The female officer whispered.

Duan Duan narrowed his eyes, then returned to his expressionless face: "Understood, let's go down."

The female officer hurriedly responded and was about to go out, frowning intermittently: "Stop."

The female officer was so frightened that she stopped quickly.

"Tell her that if you pretend to be ill any more, you will go back to her temple." Duan said with a cold face, his eyes full of anger.

"...Yes." The female officer didn't dare to delay, and went straight to Ji Ting's place after leaving the door.

"So he promised to come?" Ji Ting lay pale on the bed, the quilt directly covered his neck, and covered himself firmly, as if he was very afraid of the cold.

The female officer pursed her lips: "Your Highness didn't say anything."

With a broken temper, if he really wanted to come, there was no need to say it, I'm afraid he would have come with the female officer long ago. Ji Ting sighed: "If he refuses to come, forget it."

"His Majesty the Demon King also asked the servants to convey a word to God." The female officer said cautiously.

Ji Ting's eyes lit up, but after seeing her cautious appearance, he guessed that it was not a good word, and turned his face in frustration: "What did he say?"

"His Royal Highness said... If you dare to pretend to be sick again, you can go back to the temple."

"... Got it, you go down." Ji Ting closed his eyes tiredly, as if he was going to sleep.

The female officer waited by her side for a long time, and knew that although His Royal Highness the Demon King seemed impatient with her, he actually valued her more than anyone else, so she was always cautious when she was around Ji Ting. Seeing that Ji Ting was going to sleep, she immediately saluted and left. He also called everyone else out.

Suddenly Ji Ting was the only one left in the room, she slowly opened her eyes, the fatigue in her eyes had been swept away, she lifted the quilt to take a look at the thin clothes on her body, and sighed slowly. Originally, I wanted to make a fool of myself and seduce Diandu after cheating him, but it turned out that he was not willing to cooperate at all.

Not only did he not cooperate, but he also directly exposed her small thoughts, completely disregarding her face, and Duan really has no mercy for her now.

... It seems that he is willing to keep himself here purely because of his kindness in nurturing him. As for the affection between man and woman he has for her, he has already appeared in her room with Shanglu , and turned into ashes like a sword.

Ji Ting's heart felt like a stone was pressed, and there was a constant dull pain, as if he was really sick.

If it was only her and the discontinuity, she might still be able to summon up the courage to continue to please him, but now there is Yao Yuji, his true destined lover, as long as she thinks that she has become a passer-by in the discontinuity story, maybe she is always She lost all confidence in the vicious female supporting role who wanted to separate the hero and heroine.

... But if you just give up like this, it seems that you are not reconciled. Ji Ting sighed vicissitudes of life, and finally realized what it's like to be the bad woman you want in a novel.

Her mood was getting worse and worse, so bad that she didn't even want to eat dinner.

"Master Ji, you don't need spiritual power to support your body now, you have to rely on these whole grains. If you don't eat them, it will be very bad for your health."

Ji Ting shook his head slightly: "If you don't want to eat, go down."

"God, if you are like this, it will cause people to worry." Yao Yuji couldn't help but persuade.

Ji Ting looked at her, knowing that the person she was talking about was Shanglu, so he sighed again. This girl seems to have a really good relationship with Shanglu, and I don’t know how long she can hold on before moving on. When she is with Duduan, she can go back to the temple by herself, so that she can comfort the little apprentice who is broken in love .

"Put the things down." The girl was kind, and she was also afraid that Shanglu would come to her door, and it would be another scene of brothers killing each other, so Ji Ting decided to ask them to keep all the food.

Only then did Yao Yuji feel happy, and she arranged the meals with the others and left. After they left, Ji Ting sat down at the table weakly, looking at the food on the table without appetite.

In all fairness, all the dishes on this table are her favorite and familiar ones, and several dishes are exactly the same as those cooked by the chef she liked when she entered the mortal world. When she ate these for the first time in the Demon Palace, she was very surprised, thinking that the mortal cook had been specially found for her by the continuation, but after listening to the female officer's explanation, she realized that these were the cooks of the Demon Palace according to the taste of the continuation. Made it, she was eating these before she came.

Thinking that the discontinuity is very similar to her own preferences, she suppressed that secret joy, and didn't think about it anymore.

Ji Ting pinched the bridge of his nose, and found that he had a headache and found that he always likes to think about the past. Is it a symptom of early aging? She sighed again, picked up some food and secretly poured it out, pretending to have eaten it before calling someone in.

The female officer glanced at the table, finally relieved, and walked out with the rest of the meal. Yao Yuji looked at Ji Ting silently, and Ji Ting knew that she had something to say, so he left her behind.

The female officer and others did not go to the kitchen with the food, but went directly to Xuduan, and knelt on the ground in front of his palace gate: "His Royal Highness, the food used by the God has been delivered."

After speaking, the group of people knelt quietly, and when they sensed the extremely oppressive momentum, they immediately lowered their heads even lower.

Xu Duan walked over to take a look with a blank face, and was about to turn around and go back as before, but stopped suddenly after looking at it.

Everyone's backs were sweating immediately, and just when Sese didn't know what was wrong, she heard a broken voice: "Didn't you watch her eat?"

"...Go back to His Royal Highness the Demon King, the God of God refuses to let the slaves wait to accompany you." The female officer's voice trembled slightly.

His intermittently condensed eyes swept over everyone, and finally returned to the hall without saying a word. The female officer was frightened and paralyzed to the ground, and after a long rest, she reluctantly got up and left.

Unlike the atmosphere that was about to freeze at the Duan, Ji Ting's side was relatively relaxed. Yao Yuji took her arm and sat down beside the bed, and couldn't wait to ask: "Listen to others, Master Shangshen Were you sick yesterday?"

"I pretended." Facing his own people, Ji Ting was quite honest, "I just wanted to find a reason for Dudu to come and accompany me."

"Then I'm relieved... so was it successful?" Yao Yuji asked again.

Ji Ting blinked: "What do you think?"

"... Master Shangshen, don't be sad, maybe he is too busy, so he doesn't have time to see you, and he will come when he is free." Yao Yuji is obviously not good at comforting people, and it has taken her a lot of time to say these few words. Less brains.

Ji Ting waved her hand: "You don't have to comfort me, I know it in my heart."

"Master Shangshen is beautiful and powerful, but actually he doesn't have to be hanged from a tree." Yao Yuji persuaded in a low voice.

Ji Ting paused: "Shang Lu told you to say that?"

"Master, did you see it?" Yao Yuji laughed generously.

Ji Ting couldn't help laughing: "These words don't seem like what you would say." The Yao Yuji in the original text is a master who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back.

"No, it's just that he just feels that Xuduan has lost his love for you now. If you continue to entangle like this, I'm afraid you and Xuduan will always get hurt, and he doesn't want you to get hurt, so he asked me to persuade you. But although I understand him, I don't agree with him in my heart." Yao Yuji shrugged.

Looking at her disapproving expression, Ji Ting had to say from the bottom of his heart that although he felt guilty about her arrival, he still liked her very much.

... But having said that, there should be very few people who don't like such a straightforward child, right? Ji Ting smiled wryly and lowered his head: "But you still helped him persuade me."

"I can't help it, I like him, so naturally I have to do things that make him happy," Yao Yuji paused after speaking, "but now that the things that make him happy are done, it's time to do things that make me happy."

"Huh?" The moment Ji Ting looked up at her, a pill was stuffed in his hand.

"This is the Miqing Pill. I dripped my own blood on it, let the pill recognize the owner, and then ask him to take it continuously. After taking it, he will be obsessed with you for the rest of his life. This is a prescription passed down from my family. There is only me, Yaoyu, in the sky and on the earth." One family can refine it, try it." Yao Yuji said seriously.

Ji Ting: "..." After all, it is the world of cultivating immortals, and all kinds of magical things will appear.

"Ah, there's one thing wrong with this thing, that is, you have to instill the most refined and pure blood of your own heart, and the effect will be guaranteed. Master, you are still very weak now, if you use this medicine, I'm afraid it will hurt your vitality again. "Yao Yuji laughed after finishing speaking, "But compared to getting a sweetheart, this little injury seems nothing, don't you think?"

"Thank you, I don't need to..." Ji heard that he returned the medicine to her.

Yao Yuji hurriedly waved her hands: "You just don't use it now, maybe you will use it later, don't give it back to me, Master Shangshen, I'm leaving first, if I stay with you for too long, I will be suspected."

After she said that, she left in a hurry, Ji Ting watched her disappear, shook her head funny, and stuffed her pills under the pillow. Although she wanted to reconcile with Duan Duan, she would never be able to do such a thing as giving medicine to control his mind. It is better to save the medicine first and return it to Yao Yuji later.

Ji Ting sat on the bed beside the bed, staring blankly out of boredom. It was getting dark, and it seemed that it was time to eat dinner again. After drinking a large bowl of bitter medicine, she lost her appetite at all, so she wanted to get everyone out like noon, and just fooled around.

"God, the slaves should stay here to serve you." The female officer hurriedly said, she didn't want to experience the death threat like noon at all.

Ji Ting pursed his lips, which showed that they insisted that they could only eat in front of them. I couldn't swallow the meal, I only ate a little and put down the chopsticks, the female officer hurried over to serve the dishes, Ji Ting looked uncomfortable: "If you want me to eat one more bite, I might throw up."

Female officer: "..."

After she said that, who would dare to ask to eat more, the group had to leave with the rest of the food, and Ji Ting breathed a sigh of relief, and lay down on the bed.

In the main hall, he was still discussing matters with the high-level demons last moment, and now he was looking at the food in the hands of the female officer and others with a gloomy expression. There were so many people in the huge space, no one dared to interrupt him.

After a long time, he lowered his eyes, shook his sleeves and left without any emotion, and the atmosphere in the hall instantly relaxed.

Ji Ting tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, and finally felt a little sleepy. Just as she was about to fall asleep, the door was blown open by a gust of wind. She noticed the familiar breath and hurriedly got up. The night in the Demon Realm is not very dark, even if the lamp is not lit, Ji Ting can clearly see his silhouette.

"Dudu?" She couldn't believe that she still had a day to see him.

Duan Duan's expression was cold, his whole body was like an ice sculpture, Ji Ting flinched unconsciously when he saw him like this. The aura is really too strong. Since he became possessed, he has been reborn and grown rapidly, and now he has a strength that she dare not underestimate.

... And behind this kind of growth, there should be bloody suffering.

Her voice was dry: "Why are you here?"

"You deliberately didn't eat for a whole day, isn't it just to let me come?" The broken tone was full of sarcasm.

Ji Ting felt uncomfortable being stabbed by him: "I didn't mean that."

"Isn't that what you mean by pretending to be sick?"

"... I pretended to be sick to get you to come. You didn't come either, but I really enjoyed the meal." Ji Ting retorted in a low voice.

Duan's gaze was cold: "Ji Ting, do you really think I'm a fool who can be easily fooled?" Which dish does she like to eat the most on weekdays, how much is a meal, and which dishes have side dishes? He doesn't know how to touch chopsticks, there are rules to follow, and no abnormalities can be hidden from his eyes.

"I've eaten, and whoever told you that I didn't have anything to eat, you call him over!" Ji Ting relied on himself to bury the food perfectly, biting him to death and refusing to admit it.

As soon as the words were finished, the discontinuity flashed in front of her in an instant, and the cold and slender fingers lifted her chin, and the voice was full of gloomy: "I told you, don't lie to me."

"...I'm sorry, I was wrong," Ji Ting Miao coaxed, and he still pretended to be pitiful after the counseling, "I just thought that even if I pretended to be sick, I couldn't get your soft heart. It was too uncomfortable for a while, so I didn't have any appetite, you Don't be mad at me, okay?"

Diane loosened her jaw and stared down at her face. Ji Ting guessed that he was going to stab her with harsh words again, so he hurriedly knelt up by the bed and put his arms around his waist: "I have nothing to do with Shanglu, I really just wanted to make sure that he In terms of physical condition, in my heart, you have always been the only one."

"You think I'll believe it?" Duan Duan's eyes were full of indifference.

Ji Ting felt a little uncomfortable: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Shanglu. It was a whim to help him determine his physical condition that day. What I really want to do with him is to tell him my decision... I told him, I want With you, I hope he can adjust his mood."

Diana didn't speak, but he didn't push her away either.

Ji Ting sighed lightly: "I know, you don't believe me now, what I say is useless, but it will make you more bored with me, but you really think that I am Is that the kind of person who can stand on two boats?"

After she finished speaking, she fell silent, and the room suddenly became quiet. After a long time, there was a slight movement, and when Ji Tingsheng started to hope, his hand broke her hand away without hesitation. Ji Ting's heart sank little by little, and his eyes became slightly hot.

"Ji Ting, I don't want to believe you." Duan told her word by word. If every time he believed her, all he got was pain, then he chose not to believe her again.

Ji Ting gradually clenched his hands, and when he spoke again, his voice was a little hoarse: "Can't you give me a chance?"

Her eyes were sad, she stepped on her self-esteem, and put her request in her eyes, just for him to give herself a chance. After Xu Duan looked at her for a long time, the answer he gave her was to turn around and leave.

As if all the strength in his body had been taken away, Ji Ting sat on the bed in a daze for a long, long time, then lay down and buried his face in the pillow. Slowly, tears soaked the pillow.

In the end, she still couldn't save him.

She was as quiet as if she was asleep, only her slightly trembling shoulders proved that she was still crying. After an unknown amount of time, the door was knocked open again by Li Feng, and she was startled for a moment, not even having the courage to look back. The door was blown open and closed under the action of the wind, and the room was instantly quiet again, as if the strong wind just now did not exist.

Then there was a cold temperature coming from behind, Ji Ting finally whimpered, his slender fingers grabbed the quilt, and cried even harder.

"Why can't you let me go?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

Ji Ting grabbed his hand that was pressed against her face, and tears fell on his hand: "I know you don't believe me, but this time, can you believe me once, just once."

As soon as the words fell, Diandu bit her neck like a wild beast, Ji Ting groaned in pain, and gradually grabbed his hand harder. There was obvious pain in her neck, but she seemed to have lost all resistance, just lying there motionless, as if she would not resist even if he wanted her life.

The two of them maintained this movement for a while, and finally released her first. There were a little tooth marks on the white neck, but there were no other injuries. He didn't want to hurt her until the end.

"I won't let you hurt me again." Duan Duan looked at the marks on her neck indifferently.

Ji Ting struggled and turned over to face him, the corners of his eyes were still wet, and his eyelashes were even stained with tears, so he didn't have the slightest aura of God. She stared at the broken black eyes for a long time, and finally put her arms around his neck, and kissed him with his strength.

He was still unmoved by several kisses, Ji Ting carefully leaned back, not daring to provoke him anymore.

"I am cold now." Duan said indifferently.

The body temperature of the demons is cold, just like their blood, changing from hot to cold intermittently. I don't know how much pain they have to go through before they can directly change from mortals to demons.

Ji Ting felt sad: "It's nothing, I'll help you warm up."

Xu Duan looked at her motionlessly, until she couldn't help but retreat under his cold gaze, he overturned her, and let her bury her face in the pillow like before.

The bed curtain fell down, blocking the spring light in the room, Ji Ting was still thinking passively in a trance, so he really likes this, it was in the Lingquan before, and it is now...

Ji Ting's body is not as good as before, so naturally he can't accompany him as crazy as when he was in Lingquan, and fell asleep from exhaustion after just over an hour, and woke up once before dawn. Hugging him, the small nasal voice hummed dissatisfied: "Tired, hug me."

After speaking, he felt the man stop for a while, then hugged her obediently, and didn't bother her anymore. Satisfied, Ji Ting slipped into his arms, and quickly fell asleep again with his arm on his pillow.

When she woke up, there was no one around her, the bed and herself were clean, there was no trace of his presence, and the faces of those who served her were normal, as if they were the same as every morning before. Same.

... If it wasn't for her body being run over by a steamroller at this moment, she might really think she was dreaming. Ji Ting tried to move a bit, and then the tingling feeling suddenly hit her whole body, and she groaned and lay back.

After resting for a long time, he turned over, put his hand under the pillow as before, moved his hand a few times and realized that something was missing, was startled, sat up suddenly and rummaged around, waiting to confirm the pill that Yao Yuji had given him. After it was gone, she was so panicked that she didn't even have time to put on her shoes, so she ran out barefoot.

Seeing that she was about to leave the palace, the female official hurriedly stopped her: "God, His Highness the Demon King said that you are not allowed..."

It's a pity that she didn't finish her sentence, Ji Ting ran away in a hurry. When Xu Duan changed his clothes and was about to go to the main hall, he heard the news of Ji Ting running out. He frowned and searched for her. When he saw her bare feet and her body in only thin clothes, his face suddenly turned cold down.

"I, did you take my medicine?" Ji Ting was still panting, and asked cautiously after seeing him.

Xuduan was as cold as a snowstorm blowing out of his body, so cold that no one else dared to approach, he picked her up with a cold face, and went straight to her palace.

Ji Ting held his neck and explained in a low voice: "You have already seen what it is? I didn't intend to use it. The medicine has the effect of controlling people's mind. I am not willing to use it on you, so It’s just been there all the time, don’t get me wrong…”

"Since you didn't intend to use it for me, why did you get that thing?" Duan Duan said indifferently, "Miqing can only be practiced by members of the Yaoyu clan, and there is only one member of the Yaoyu clan in this palace."

"Have you seen her?" Ji Ting's heart skipped a beat, and he became nervous again when he saw his expression, "You didn't hurt her, did you? I won't let you hurt her!"

"You order me?" Diandu paused.

Ji Ting pursed her lips: "Anyway, you can't bully her. If you have to be punished for this matter, then fine me. I, I can abolish one meridian. If you still feel uneasy, then two. In short, you She cannot be punished."

At this moment, she didn't have to worry about whether the two of them would meet again when they met. Yao Yuji gave her pills for her own good, so she had to protect her no matter what.

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Duan Duan's eyes: "You are good to everyone."

"...I'm the best for you." Ji heard that, and carefully hugged him tighter.

Duan Duan looked at her expressionlessly: "I was kicked out of the palace, and she didn't hurt her."

"Get out?" Ji Ting was taken aback.

"You do not trust me?"

"...Xinxinxin, I trust you the most." Among other things, Duduan would not lie to her, and if she wanted to be sure, she could just send a letter to Shang Lu to ask... It's just that these two people are not The destined person, why did he just send it out

Ji Ting was a little confused. Duduan glanced at her dazed expression, and immediately lowered her eyes: "You really don't know how to use that medicine on me?"

"... To tell you the truth, you haven't come to see me. Occasionally you're tempted, but you really don't want to. Even if you fall in love with someone else, I don't want to." Ji Ting replied earnestly.

Duduan glanced at her, carried her back to the couch in the room, then turned and left. When he was leaving the palace gate, a palace servant accidentally bumped into him, and was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, yelling for mercy. Duan Duan left with a wooden face, and the man begged for a long time before he realized that he had left early, and he couldn't believe that he had saved his life.

After Ji Ting was thrown back on the bed, he just lay down and rested. He didn't get up until he was too hungry. Looking at the sumptuous meal, his appetite was whetted, and he drank an extra bowl of porridge than usual, and ate half an extra steamed bun. . This incident was reported to the main hall, and the high-ranking demons were very grateful for the continuous discussion. After all, they have not encountered such a good atmosphere for a long time. Even a fool who sent the wrong seal to His Highness the Demon King did not smash it into pieces immediately end.

Ji Ting, who didn't know how many lives he had saved, had a good appetite all day due to the excessive consumption last night, and ordered snacks in the evening, and read a book while eating. She has recently become obsessed with story books, and being locked up in the palace is very boring, so she reads story books all day to pass the time.

Just as she was fascinated by it, all the candles in the room suddenly went out, Ji Ting frowned, and when she raised her head, she bumped into someone's belly, her eyes widened in surprise: "Why are you here..."

Before he finished speaking, he was thrown on the bed, continuing the same plot as last night, and then Ji Ting couldn't find anyone the next morning. It was like this for several days. When he was thrown on the bed again, Ji Ting hurriedly turned over and hugged the pillow in front of him.

After a pause, he said expressionlessly, "Get down."

"...I can't lie down anymore, my knee hurts." Ji Ting whispered.

Frowning continuously and grabbing her pillow, Ji Ting hurriedly said: "Really, really, it's all blue, it hurts so much!"

There was a pause in the movements of his hands, and the next second the candles in the room lit up at the same time. Ji Ting blinked, looking at his clear face longingly.

I am ashamed to say that I have been intimate with him every night these days, but because he came very suddenly every time, and would extinguish the candle first, as a result, she was pressed on the bed as soon as she saw his figure, waiting for her to unfold The sky is bright in the eyes, and the others are gone.

... Looking at it this way, I seem to be that kind of thing, it is simply miserable!

When Ji Ting's thoughts diverged, she only felt her knees were cold, she shook slightly, and when she lowered her head, she saw that the cloth on her knees was cut open, revealing her knees full of bruises.

A trace of displeasure flashed across the eyes of Dixuan, and as he stroked her knee with his fingertips, the marks on it disappeared.

Ji Ting: "..." His Highness the Demon King is really powerful.

When he was speechless, Duduan looked over and met his pair of emotionless eyes, Ji Ting blurted out: "I don't want to be the same as before when I get well!"

The intermittent air pressure dropped.

Ji Ting swallowed her saliva, and tried to discuss: "Why don't we change our movements today." Every time she was suffocated in the pillow, she would suffocate to death.

"Are you bored?" Dudu asked coldly.

Ji Ting blinked her eyes, and smiled dryly: "Actually, I don't, I just need a little novelty." After she finished speaking, she secretly thought it was bad, this is no different from directly saying that he is boring!

"It seems that I'm too polite to you, so you have time to think about other things." The cold gaze continued, clearly telling her that she was going to die tonight.

Ji Ting was terrified by him, got up and put his arms around his neck, and whispered: "I just want to watch you." Seeing that there was no response from Duan after speaking, he lowered his head and carefully untied his belt.

The clothes were scattered, only a pair of obscene pants were left, she stretched out her fingers and pulled them down, then pulled them down... When she saw the familiar birthmark, Ji Ting froze suddenly, and after a long time, she looked at his face in disbelief. Memories from other worlds thousands of years ago flooded wildly, filling her brain with the memories of these years.

No wonder it was Shanglu who got the favor of the Fallen Immortal at the beginning, no wonder it was Diandu who had always been extreme and indifferent, no wonder Yao Yuji fell in love with Shanglu... There were so many abnormalities in the past, she just thought it was because of the exchange of circumstances between the two, That's why there are some intertwined personalities, but I never suspect that I have identified the wrong person!

... Shanglu and Diandu have never been alike, and Shanglu and Shen Tuchuan have always been alike, but she is so stupid that she never found out! She... She didn't recognize her lover, time blinded her eyes, and made her unable to recognize her Xiao Chuan, until today when she woke up, he had already developed resentment and anger.

"What are you in a daze for?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

Ji Ting looked into his eyes in a daze, and immediately her eyes turned red and hugged him tightly, whispering: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

She sobbed sadly, frowned intermittently, and hugged her stiffly after a long time. Ji Ting cried for a long time, until the end her voice became hoarse, Xu Duan didn't know why she was crying, so she waited quietly, without saying a word before she stopped.

Tired from crying, Ji Ting wiped his red and swollen eyes casually, lowered his head and continued to help him undress, and said in a nasal voice: "It's getting late, let's start."

Teasel:"… "

Noticing that Xu Duan was motionless, Ji Ting raised his head in confusion, seeing his face was sore again: "What's wrong?"

"... sleep." Duan lay down beside her with a cold face.

Ji Ting sniffed: "Aren't you going to continue?"

Dixuan closed his eyes, as if he was not going to pay attention to her, Ji Ting lied down softly in his arms, pinching his belt and reluctant to sleep: "Diudu... I will treat you well in the future, from now on From today on, you are my top priority, and I don't care about anything else."

Keep silent.

"I will pamper you well. I will give you whatever you like. From now on, I will do whatever you ask me to do. Don't you like being behind your back? Then, then we will use that one in the future, and we don't want anything else. I I will definitely never dislike being boring again, really, even if I want to change it occasionally, I will hold back... "

"Say one more word, and I'll drive you out of the demon world." Duan said unbearably.

Ji Ting became quiet for an instant, rubbed his face in his arms like a kitten, and fell asleep hugging his waist. Only then did the broken brows relax, and he hugged her expressionlessly.

At dawn the next day, when Ji Ting woke up, there was no one around her, but since she knew that Diandu was Xiao Chuan, the panic in her heart was completely gone, so she was not in a hurry. She has a lot of time to coax him.

It's a pity that Duduan still comes every night, and there are almost no people in the daytime. After reading Ji Tinghua's book, he was in a panic alone in the dormitory, and found other ways to pass the time. Then one night, she noticed the broken robe.

Early the next morning, she asked someone to report to the temple.

And before the letter left the Demon Palace, it reached Dixuan's ears first.

"What does she want Tianjin to do?" Xuduan asked expressionlessly.

The man wiped off his sweat: "Shangshen said that someone would send some batches of Tianjin brocade fabrics to pass the time, but he didn't say how to pass the time."

"You don't need to go to the temple, the horses in the magic palace are for her." She continued to deal with the affairs of the magic palace with her eyes lowered continuously.

"But the brocade is made of spiritual silk. Only one piece of fabric is produced in a hundred years, and now there are more than ten pieces in the Demon Palace. Since the God wants the slaves to go to the temple to get it, it means that there are also..." The man's voice continued. His gaze suddenly stopped, and he even wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"give her."

"...Yes!" The man hurriedly responded, then turned and went to the warehouse.

So I thought I would not be able to get the Tianjin brocade Ji Ting until the night, but I got it in the afternoon. Ji Ting chose a light-colored horse from the material with great interest, and threw it on the ground to start researching. She also read the book in a daze and sent it out. She had to do some handicrafts to pass the time.

This has been done for more than ten days, and the more I play, the more addicted I am, and even when I come back at night, my mind is full of her work. He already knew what she was going to do, and didn't bother with her about her distraction. Even when she was still busy when he came occasionally, he would wait patiently for a while, and this situation often happened.

"If you wait for me to get angry, I won't be so late in the future." Ji Ting said carefully.

Duduan glanced at the little red marks on her fingertips, pinched her wrist with a cold face, and after his fingers touched her wound, the wound healed.

"If you get hurt again, you don't have to do anything." Duan Duan said coldly, but she didn't stop her from doing it, Ji Ting immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After going on like this for two months, Ji Ting looked at the finished product in front of him with satisfaction, put it into a Qiankun bag and asked someone to send it to the temple.

The person who delivered the things went to Xuduan first again, and Xuduan was silent for a long time after hearing the words: "Are you sure it is for the temple, not for me?"

"Sure..." As soon as the words came out, there was a murderous air from the opposite side, and the man didn't dare to speak immediately.

Duanduan opened the Qiankun bag with no expression on his face, and when it was poured out, he found that it was a lot of small clothes, all of which were worn by children of one or two years old.

His face darkened instantly.

The author has something to say: Chuan'er: I thought it was clothes made for me, but it turned out to be that pig's

When I was writing this world, my original intention was to prove that no matter whether Chuaner is a male supporting role or not, I would like him after listening to it. As a result, people don’t seem to like this kind of 2333 very much. In addition, a lot of things happened recently, which caused my thoughts to be very mixed when I wrote it. , I’m sorry to everyone, all this chapter will be given out in red envelopes, it’s a small apology, this world will end tomorrow, the new world plans include a tyrannical king, a world of orcs, and a governor, everyone thinks Behold, I'm starting to outline today

I will continue to work hard, and the next world will definitely reduce the misunderstandings (ah, my favorite) and return to the sweet feeling before!