Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 22


Ji Ting couldn't help but took two steps back.

The smile on Shen Tuchuan's face remained unchanged: "Are you afraid?"

"... a little bit." Seeing that he was still willing to maintain friendship, Ji Ting nodded seriously. Who knew that the next second, Shen Tuchuan's face darkened instantly. Don't be too scared, you won't hurt me, right?"

As she was talking, her survival instinct made her unable to help aiming at the hammer. Shen Tuchuan followed her gaze and looked over. Ji Ting was startled, and hurriedly reached out to grab the corner of his pajamas: "Well, I couldn't take care of it all night. Rest, why don't we go back to sleep."

Don't move to look at the hammer, it's scary.

Shen Tuchuan chuckled, straightened up to get the hammer, and stroked the wooden handle affectionately like a lover: "I thought you would be obedient."

"...I'm sorry, I will be obedient and obedient in the future, and I will never go upstairs again." Ji Ting personally demonstrated what it means to be a gentleman who understands current affairs.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her, and the next second he held the wooden handle with one hand, swung his arm vigorously, and smashed the hammer on the sculpture behind him.

The humanoid sculpture was torn apart, arms, legs and head flew around and then hit the ground with a loud noise, and the splashed fragments slashed across Shen Tuchuan's hand, and a bloodstain appeared on the back of his hand instantly. Ji Ting flinched, as if she was the one who was smashed into half.

"Why, why did you smash it?" Ji Ting's voice began to tremble, even if she knew that she would be resurrected in the next world even if she died here, but seeing Shen Tuchuan's inorganic eyes like a murderer, she was going crazy up.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a long time, and slowly said: "The real one is back, and the fake one is unnecessary."

Ji Ting felt that she was about to pass out, and wanted to grab the novel author by the collar and yell, telling him to return her cute and innocent child back, she didn't want this pervert!

"I wanted to clean up these things before you found out," Shen Tuchuan seemed not aware of the pain, and sighed looking at Ji Ting's frightened expression, "It's a pity that I have done too much in the past few years, so I will deal with it in a while." I couldn’t finish it, and I was worried that you would be afraid, so I could only clean it up slowly, but you still found out.”

Ji Ting was about to cry from fright: "I'm just too curious, I won't dare to do it next time!"

As soon as she finished speaking, another sculpture was smashed. She sat stiffly on the ground and did not dare to move. She watched Shen Tuchuan smash all the remaining sculptures. There is no place to step down.

Standing in the mess, Shen Tuchuan looked at Ji Ting quietly, he should be tired after doing all this, his breathing fluctuated obviously, and the smile he often had during this time was gone from his eyes.

Ji Ting stared at him in a daze, for some reason, he became a little more familiar with him.

That's right, Shen Tuchuan's people are set there, and they are paranoid and dark in their bones. No matter how they change, it is impossible to transform themselves into a gentleman from the inside to the outside in ten years. She was It's too useless, that's why I haven't found something wrong.

Seeing him so familiar, Ji Ting felt a little more at ease. Even when he saw him walking towards him dragging the wooden handle of the hammer, he was no longer as scared as before. Because he was still him, the young boy who was like a wounded little beast back then.

She didn't realize that during the ten years since she disappeared, he had closed himself up, just like closing their home, stubbornly keeping it as it was.

"You won't kill me, will you?" Ji Ting looked up at him, his eyes full of trust in him.

Shen Tuchuan lowered his eyes and said coldly for a while, "How could I be willing to kill you?"

Ji heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief, children always disdain to lie, if he said no, then he would not. Her brain finally started to run fast, and she tried to suggest to him: "Then let's clean up all these, and then pretend that nothing happened, okay?"

"When nothing happened?" Shen Tuchuan pinched her jaw, "Are you sure you didn't run away? Just like ten years ago, after knowing my true heart, I disappeared without a trace."

Ji Ting finally understood why he had to hide his emotions during this time. The co-author didn't believe her previous explanation at all, thinking that she escaped by herself ten years ago, and was afraid that she would escape again this time, so he kept suppressing his truth idea.

But when you think about it, the timing of her disappearance is really too coincidental, just when he asked to live in harmony with her, she didn't go back after she agreed, and she didn't think too much about who she put on.

Thinking of this, the expression on Ji Ting's face became more sincere: "I didn't leave on purpose, and I don't know why, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and added: "Actually, I have always had you in my heart. I'm sorry that I couldn't spend your eighteenth birthday with you."

Shen Tuchuan put down the hammer, squatted in front of her, looked at her at the same level, and chuckled for a while: "Is there any point in talking about it now?"

"Is it gone?" Ji Ting smiled wryly, "Yes, no matter what the reason is, it is a fact that I have been away for ten years. You have suffered for me these years."

Just listening to Li Tuo's talk made her feel suffocated, not to mention Shen Tuchuan, who experienced it personally, never thought that she would spare him from the hatred towards Li Tuo, but turn around and give him even greater hatred.

Ji Ting sighed, stretched out his hand to caress his face, looked at his ink-like eyes and said slowly: "I'm back, Xiao Chuan, I'm back, whatever you want, I'll give it to you, as long as you're happy, I promise you anything."

After traveling through the timeline until now, she felt that she had restarted the mission.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her fixedly, even though he tried his best to conceal the obsession in his eyes, he accidentally let it out: "Is everything okay?"


"A luxurious cage will destroy the canary's longing for freedom, and a luxurious house will also reduce the degree of suffering people suffer. Both of these things can give people the ultimate enjoyment, and people will gradually lose the desire to escape. Heart."

"Even if you still want to escape, it doesn't matter, at least the cage is strong enough to imprison freedom."

Ji Ting lay quietly on the bed, staring at the ceiling expressionlessly. Until now, she didn't understand the meaning of Shen Tuchuan's previous words—

Fuck, it turns out that she is that canary, and she didn't understand like a fool.

There was a noise at the door, Ji Ting's eyes moved, and he looked at the door calmly. The next second the door opened, and Shen Tuchuan walked in with a cup.

It is the familiar 'ginger tea' again.

The corner of Ji Ting's mouth twitched, subconsciously wanting to get out of bed, but when he moved to the left, he felt a stretching sensation in his right hands and feet, and when he moved to the right, he felt a stretching sensation in his left hand again. In the center of the bed.

She looked at Shen Tuchuan carefully, and raised her hands to reveal the delicate thin bracelets: "Can I take this thing off?"

"Isn't it pretty?" Shen Tuchuan frowned and looked at her.

nice! At first glance, it was designed by a top master, and it is definitely worth a lot of money, but why must there be an extra thin chain on each bracelet? !

An hour ago, she promised that she would do anything for Shen Tuchuan, and then he put two bracelets and two anklets on her. Each ring has a professional lock, and it is connected to a thin chain. At the other end are the iron rings at the four corners of the bed.

It wasn't until she was imprisoned on the bed that she realized that Shen Tuchuan hadn't lied at the beginning, and that the four iron rings were designed just to tie her up, that is to say, she was stupid enough to really believe that they were used to tie mosquito nets.

The mosquito net that tied his grandma's legs!

Ji Ting resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and smiled dryly: "Looking good is good looking, but it's a bit too restrictive."

"You want freedom?" Shen Tuchuan's voice was low.

Ji Ting was crying inwardly, this was the second point of her headache, it seemed that after Shen Tuchuan decided that she couldn't escape, he no longer planned to hide his emotions, so in just an hour, she watched him change his face over and over again, I'm tired of watching it myself.

"No, don't want freedom, I only want you." Ji Ting flattered me softly. The little ancestor raised by himself will be coaxed even if he cries!

Only then did the corners of Shen Tuchuan's lips rise, and he leaned over to pinch her wrist to admire her. Her hands were small and soft, and with her naturally fair complexion, even wearing this golden bracelet would not look vulgar, but rather natural. With a rich atmosphere.

He likes her the way she is.

Seeing him staring at his wrist obsessively, Ji Ting just wanted to slap him on the dog's head, but thinking of this person's dangerous personality, he decided to forget it. But it's just forget it, she should be grateful if someone didn't give her a hammer.

After admiring the bracelet, Shen Tuchuan sat down beside her, and gently blew the hot air on the tea for her, as if he was a different person.

The handsome man is so careful that he even has to take care of the temperature of the tea. If it was before, Ji Ting might be a little moved, but at this time, she has a look of lovelessness: "Do you have to drink it?"

"You don't want to drink?" Shen Tuchuan asked back.

Ji Ting was silent for a moment, then smiled against his will: "I want to drink."

He drank tea obediently, because he drank too quickly, and even coughed a few times. Before she could calm down, Shen Tuchuan supported her and patted her on the back gently.

Ji Ting's heart skipped a beat, and he carefully probed: "I'm a little hungry."

Shen Tuchuan frowned, and said displeasedly: "It will be uncomfortable to eat and sleep now."

"But I'm too hungry to sleep." Ji Ting's voice was a little softer.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and then said with a sullen face: "I'll make you some soup, drink it and go to bed."

"... stop drinking, let's go to sleep." Ji Ting lay down in a good mood. It seems that his hatred for himself is very different from that for Li Tuo. For Li Tuo, he wants to kill him, but for her... um Well, this obedient appearance is definitely not just hatred.

Knowing this, Ji Ting was completely relieved, and was much calmer when facing him again.

"Well, go to sleep." Shen Tuchuan's eyes showed tenderness.

Ji Ting soon felt drowsy, she blinked slowly, seeing Shen Tuchuan not sleepy at all, couldn't help asking: "Why don't you feel sleepy when you drink the water you added?"

"You moved my things, how could I not know." Shen Tuchuan caressed her face.

"But you drank..."

"The real medicine has been changed. What I drink is ginger powder."


Can't play, can't play, Ji Ting closed his eyes tiredly, and soon fell into a dark and sweet dream.

The sky turned white, after a whole night of tossing, dawn finally arrived. Shen Tuchuan sat beside her quietly, staying here like every morning after the reunion.

Her breathing was steady and even, as if what she experienced at night had no effect on her. Shen Tuchuan gently stroked her face, and finally held her neck with his hands.

As long as you use a little force, her slender neck will break, and she will be like those sculptures upstairs, and you will never be able to leave him. As long as you use a little force, he will never have to worry. When this woman will run away, don't worry about yourself Will go through another ten years of nightmare...

"Xiao Chuan..." Ji Ting in the dream hummed uncomfortably, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Shen Tuchuan's fingertips trembled, and the fingers that were pinching her neck appeared between her eyebrows, patiently helping her smooth out the wrinkles on them.

When Ji Ting woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. The first thing she did was to take a look at her body. After she didn't find any new scars, she felt strange. She thought that Shen Tuchuan was going to do something while she was asleep again, didn't she

As soon as this idea came up, Ji Ting was speechless. How low was her bottom line? She didn't mean to be angry at all. Seeing that there were no new marks on her body, she still wondered why Shen Tuchuan didn't do this.

When she was in a daze, Shen Tuchuan came in pushing a small dining cart with the food he had just made.

"Get up and eat." Shen Tuchuan said softly.

Ji Ting looked at him silently for a moment, seeing that he had no intention of coming over, he raised his hand: "I can't get out of bed."

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, squeezed her chin and said slowly, "Please."

"..." Please, sir, this kid is really a villain by nature, he learns from the good ones and learns from the bad ones, but he can use it flexibly.

"Don't ask?" Shen Tuchuan felt a little regretful, "Then I'll brush your teeth for you first, and then I'll bring you breakfast."

This meant asking her to solve a series of problems on the bed. Ji Ting quickly compromised, looked at him limply, and did not forget to reach out and pinch his sleeve: "Xiao Chuan, can you untie it for me first, I think Go to the bathroom."

A gleam of satisfaction flashed across Shen Tuchuan's eyes, and he lowered his head and untied the iron rings on her two heels and right hands, leaving only the left hand. Just as she stretched out her hand and waited for him to help untie it, Shen Tuchuan took out a longer chain from the pocket of his pajamas.


When he was about to change the chain for Ji Ting's left hand, Ji Ting pressed his hand: "Wait a minute, do you want to lock me?"

"Can't you?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her, although the corners of his mouth were still raised, but there was no smile on his face.

Ji Ting resisted tenaciously under the pressure: "It's not impossible... But if you use this chain for me, then I can't go out, I want to go downstairs to watch a movie with you."

"I'm going to the company today, and I'll take you to the movies when I get back, okay?" Shen Tuchuan asked.

As long as there is a little bit of advice in his inquiry, Ji Ting can't say it well, but facing Shen Tuchuan's oppressive aura, she nodded decisively and looked at him pitifully: "Then you Come back soon."

"Well, I will." Seeing that she had no objection, Shen Tuchuan softened his expression a little, changed the chain and waited at the dining table.

Ji Ting reluctantly went to wash up. After washing his face and applying lotion, he suddenly became curious about the hardness of the thin chain, so he stabbed it with an eyebrow trimmer.

Very good, there is no trace at all, it is a special material at first glance.

Ji Ting completely gave up, and went out dejectedly. As soon as she went out, she met Shen Tuchuan's eyes that saw everything through. She felt a little bit in her heart, and suddenly a question popped up: "Did you install a camera in my bathroom?"

"Is it possible?" Shen Tuchuan was thoughtful.

Ji Ting hurriedly stopped his dangerous imagination: "No, I'll be embarrassed to go to the toilet then."

Shen Tuchuan didn't intend to pretend, and put the fried egg into her bowl when she came over. The house hadn't had boiled eggs since the last time she choked.

Ji Ting stared at the fried eggs thoughtfully, and finally finished the meal under Shen Tuchuan's silent urging.

Shen Tuchuan changed into his formal clothes and put on his golden mirror. When he came to say goodbye to Ji Ting, Ji Ting gave him a sideways glance and clicked his tongue in his heart. This kid really deserves the word 'clothed animal'. If he walked out like this, who would have thought that he would be a little pervert who would handcuff people at home

Shen Tuchuan didn't know what she was thinking, and came over to stroke her head with a smile: "Don't think about escaping, you can't escape."

"I know, this thing is very strong at first glance." Ji Ting shook his hand, and the chain collided with the bracelet, making a small and crisp sound.

A smile flashed in Shen Tuchuan's eyes: "Even if you are not strong, you can't go."

Ji listened for a while, remembering the exaggerated and bizarre security measures outside when he came to the villa, he was instantly speechless. Cooperating with him to make so many preparations, all came here for her.

"...Okay, go to work quickly." Ji Ting felt that he needed to be quiet.

Hearing her words that seemed to drive her away, the smile in Shen Tuchuan's eyes dissipated a little, he stared at her for a while, and finally turned and left with lowered eyes. When he was about to reach the door, Ji Ting stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Shen Tuchuan stopped immediately, turned around with a wooden face, and saw her running towards him quickly, then grabbed his sleeve and pulled her over. She didn't have much strength, but Shen Tuchuan still took two steps forward in cooperation.

Ji Ting grabbed his arm with both hands, tiptoed to kiss the corner of his lips, Shen Tuchuan's fingertips trembled, and his whole body froze in place.

"Come back early, I'll be bored by myself." Ji Ting looked at his expressionless face, and noticed from the corner of his eye that his ears were gradually turning red, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan didn't know how to make an expression anymore, he gave her a dull look, turned around and left. Ji Ting looked at his slightly hurried back and smiled in a good mood.

It seems that she guessed right. Although Shen Tuchuan hated her very much, this kind of hatred is not the same as the hatred for Li Tuo in the original text. He hates her, but he also loves her, so he will not hurt her, but Will not let her go.

Whether it is locking her or taking care of her, it seems that Shen Tuchuan expresses his care, so she has to get used to his aggressive way as soon as possible, and then give him a sense of security, let him know clearly that she is his, and will never Run away like he feared.

Security and love are what Shen Tuchuan desires and wants the most, so she will give them to him.

Ji Ting had an idea in his heart, and decided not to mention the matter of untying the bracelet, but to give Shen Tuchuan a sense of security first, and then take the rest of the matter step by step.

But she underestimated how boring it would be to stay alone in the house without a mobile phone or a computer. Especially these days, Shen Tuchuan seemed to feel that he no longer had to stare at her personally, so he went to work as usual every day, and once even worked overtime until Come back at nine o'clock in the evening.

Ji Ting was going crazy from boredom, but he also knew that it was unrealistic to ask Shen Tuchuan for a mobile phone or a computer. Only by completely isolating her in his own world like now, can he truly feel at ease.

Ji Ting decided to speed up the process after several days of pretending to be good had no effect.

Another day at six o'clock in the evening, the first thing Shen Tuchuan did after he came back was to go to her room. He took off his suit jacket after seeing her, rolled up his shirt sleeves and said, "Be hungry, I'll go cook."

Ji Ting, who was lying on the bed, ignored him, Shen Tuchuan paused, frowned and walked over: "What's wrong?"

"I'm not feeling well." Ji Ting looked at him weakly.

Shen Tuchuan's face darkened, and he immediately stroked her forehead. After finding that her body temperature was normal, her brows frowned even tighter: "I don't have a fever, what's wrong with it?"

Ji Ting grabbed his hand and placed it close to his heart. Shen Tuchuan froze for a moment after his hands were elastic and soft, and then his eyes darkened.

"The heartbeat doesn't seem right." Ji Ting was serious.

When Shen Tuchuan spoke again, his voice was already hoarse: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, maybe I missed you. I feel better when you come back." Ji Ting grabbed his big hand with two small hands and kissed his fingertips.

Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"What?" Ji Ting looked at him innocently.

Shen Tuchuan withdrew his hand, looked away and said, "I'm going to cook." He said so, but he didn't move.

Ji Ting looked at him innocently: "But I feel uncomfortable."

"Didn't you say that it's much better?" Shen Tuchuan frowned and looked at her. Although she felt that she was probably faking it, she was still worried.

Ji Ting looked at him slightly distressed: "I don't know, it's not good for a while, didn't you learn a lot from doctors before, help me to see."

"I just learned simple wound management..."

Shen Tuchuan's voice stopped abruptly, because Ji Ting had already undid three buttons of his pajamas while he was speaking. Seeing his froze, Ji Ting really wanted to give him a wicked smile and ask him if he was still satisfied.

But in order to prevent the painting style from going in a strange direction, she resisted this urge, and gently grabbed his arm and bit his ear to breathe, the moist wind breathed into her ear, and Shen Tuchuan's whole body tensed up.

"Xiao Chuan, if you don't eat, eat me, okay?"

A soft voice rang in his ears, and Shen Tuchuan's Adam's apple moved, tearing her off his body, and staring at her motionlessly.

After Ji heard these shame-filled words, his whole body seemed to be steamed in a pot, so hot that it was about to smoke. But no matter how shy he is in his heart, if he still pretends to be innocent and wild, he will definitely be punished today.

Now that things have happened, she can also see that what she did to Xiao Shen Tuchuan back then is completely useless to the current Da Shen Tuchuan, and she can't just follow the route of the Holy Mother of Warmth.

We are all grown-ups, so we have to be a little bit sentimental when we speak, and we can’t always use words if we can express it with our bodies, otherwise it will always make people feel almost meaningless.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her blankly, when Ji Ting thought that something was going to happen, he suddenly helped her fasten the buttons one by one with a gloomy face.


"Don't even think about it." Shen Tuchuan finished the button, dropped this sentence, and walked away with a cold face.


The author has something to say: Listen: Don't talk, it's embarrassing...

Get rid of this person, when you ignore him, he will be blackened in the corner alone, getting more and more perverted, if you really want to talk to him, he is not so black anymore (probably?), continue to ask for comments, I will directly I threw out all the saved manuscripts, please have mercy on me (there is a list that depends on everyone's comments)