Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 63


Everyone fell down, but she still laughed at him, she is so bad... When Ji Ting thought of this, she started to cry again, and at the same time, she did not forget to help Shen Tuyi.

Shentuyi was lying on the ground panting, and a rash started to appear on his neck, as if he was suffering. Ji heard him squatting beside him, and carefully helped him up to sit on the edge of the flower bed: "Are you okay?"

"...Go home first and call the family doctor." Shen Tuyi had difficulty breathing, and his limbs began to feel weak.

Ji Ting nodded, and looked at him seriously: "Then wait for me here, and I'll go drive."

Shen Tuyi closed his eyes in pain, and only nodded slightly when he heard the words, breathing became more and more difficult, and he didn't want to say a word now.

But at this moment, Ji Ting is blind, and when he sees this, he looks naive: "Did you hear me? Is it possible that allergies can also affect hearing? Are you okay?"

She was buzzing non-stop like a little fly, Shen Tuyi opened his eyes impatiently, met her watery eyes, and suppressed half of his irritability: "I heard, you go."

"Okay, then don't run around!" Ji Ting earnestly told this person who could hardly even stand to not run around, and then turned around and walked towards the parking lot.

Shen Tuyi took a deep breath, and felt that it was a miracle that he could endure until now.

Ji Ting quickly drove the car out of the parking lot, pressed the window and smiled at him: "Young Master, get in the car."

Shen Tuyi had already rested for a while, feeling better, so he gritted his teeth to prop up his body, swayed towards the car, and waited for the co-pilot to sit down, it was already two minutes later.

The car walked slowly towards the main road, and when it was about to reach the side of the road, Shen Tuyi suddenly asked, "Did you also drink today?"

It suddenly occurred to him that this woman was fine when she came out of the private room, but after a while she turned into this... This kind of strange behavior is abnormal no matter how you look at it.

Ji Hearing was stunned for a moment, and after trying to think back, he was not sure: "Did I drink too much?" But didn't she spit it out immediately after taking a sip

"..." A bad premonition rose spontaneously.

"Did I drink? Young master." Ji Ting looked at him seriously and asked.

The icicles on Shen Tuyi's body seemed to be about to fall off: "This is my question for you."

Ji Ting nodded, suddenly unbuttoned his seat belt and leaned towards him, pouted and said, "Then you smell the smell of alcohol."

"..." He wanted to fire her, such a dissolute woman is not suitable to be the tutor of Xiaosi. Thinking of this, Shen Tuyi's eyes fell on her lips.

He kissed her just now, and it was unexpectedly soft there.

After realizing what he was thinking, Shen Tuyi was taken aback for a moment, turned his eyes away at random, and felt that he was really getting more and more abnormal recently.

"Hurry up and smell it." Ji Ting was tired on tiptoe.

Shen Tuyi took a step back indifferently: "You're drunk, stop the car, we'll take a taxi back." After that, he was about to open the door.

"But I want to drive." Ji Ting sniffed, and locked the car door pitifully, successfully locking him in the car.

Shen Tuyi's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he felt that allergies were not as difficult as this woman: "I can't open it, I will open it after you sober up."

"Why?" Ji Ting curled his lips, and then he thought of the reason, "Are you afraid that the police uncle will catch us? No, there is no traffic police here, so we must be fine..."

Boom boom boom.

Ji Ting and Shen Tuyi paused at the same time, then turned to look at the person standing outside knocking on the car window.

Ji Ting: "..."

Shen Tuyi: "..."

Ten minutes later, after handing in the driver's license and the car together, Ji Ting stood on the side of the road, staring at the black-faced Shen Tuyi who dared not speak. She had woken up a little from the wine, and was not as noisy as before. Similarly, she also began to feel uneasy.

Shen Tuyi dragged his uncomfortable body to call a taxi, and went to open the door with a cold face.

"You don't want me?" Ji Ting whispered, and couldn't help sobbing behind his back.

Shen Tuyi didn't know why, but his heart was stabbed hard. He who wanted to leave her behind couldn't move anymore. After a long while, he looked at her coldly: "Come here soon."

"Okay." Ji Ting saw that he had no intention of abandoning himself, and hurriedly trotted up to the taxi, but was stopped by Shen Tuyi, who let her get up after he got into the car.

After reporting his home address, the taxi drove slowly towards that side, and neither of the two people in the back seat on the road spoke. Shen Tuyi leaned on the backrest and closed his eyes, silently digesting the pain of allergies, and then felt a warmth caressing his neck.

He paused and opened his eyes, only to see that Ji Ting helped him pull down the collar with a serious face, and then whispered: "It will be more comfortable this way."

Shen Tuyi's eyes were heavy: "Are you sober?"

"En." Ji Ting looked serious.

Shen Tuyi's shoulders relaxed slightly, and after closing his eyes again, he said in a serious tone: "Ji Ting, no matter what the reason for you today, coming to see your classmates with Xiao Si is against the teacher's morality, and you can pack your luggage when you go back later." , our contract is officially void, understand?"


Shen Tuyi didn't get her answer for a long time, so he couldn't help frowning and asked again: "Do you understand?"


Still didn't answer, it was rare for him to hold back his temper, and looked aside with a cold face, only to see Teacher Ji who was about to be dismissed sitting there silently crying, his red eyes were even redder now, almost like a Abandoned small pets.

Shen Tuyi: "..."

Ji Ting seemed to know that he was looking at him, and finally changed from crying silently to choking: "You bullied me..."

"..." With just these four words, he knew that Teacher Ji was not sober at all.

"Woo, you will bully me..." The more Ji Ting thought about it, the more sad he felt, and his crying became louder.

Shen Tuyi felt a headache when he heard it: "...we'll discuss this matter later, don't cry."

Ji Ting sniffed, and silently huddled in the corner, looking even more pitiful. Shen Tuyi twitched his fingertips, and wanted to say something else, but he didn't say anything in the end.

When the two arrived home, the family doctor was already waiting in the living room. After seeing Shen Tuyi, he gave him an injection and prescribed him some medicine. Shen Tuyi returned to the room with a tired face after the treatment, Ji Ting wanted to leave at first, but was stopped by the family doctor.

"Mr. Shentu doesn't like people at home, I'm afraid I can't stay, and housekeeper Zhou is not here, so I might trouble you tonight." The doctor said gently.

Ji Ting's wine really woke up almost this time, and he was still feeling uneasy. Hearing this, he became puzzled: "Me?"

"Well, Mr. Shentu's alcohol allergy is caused by psychological hints. If he switches his personality later, the allergy will disappear automatically, but if he doesn't switch, Mr. Shentu will still have a low fever tonight. You may have to stay by his side a lot Take care, if it exceeds thirty-eight degrees, call me." The doctor patiently instructed.

Ji Ting carefully wrote it down, and then sent the doctor out.

After sending the doctor away, she went back to her room first. When she saw her red eyes while washing her face, she felt that life was unrequited for a while... What did she do just now!

It was almost night after they made such a fuss, and Ji Ting knew that Shen Tuyi was still resting, so he didn't bother him after the expiration date, but slept on the bed for a while.

It was past six o'clock in the evening when I woke up, and it was almost time for dinner. Ji Ting sat on the bed in a daze for a while, changed into casual clothes and went out.

There was no sign of Shen Tuyi in the restaurant, and while Ji Ting was relieved, he was a little worried that he didn't come to eat because he was not feeling well. After struggling for a moment, she decided to take a look at him first.

The door of Shen Tuyi's room was closed tightly, and there was no sound from inside. Ji Ting knocked on the door lightly a few times, and became even more worried when he didn't get a response, so he raised his voice and said, "Young Master, I can go in."

Sure enough, there was no response after speaking, Ji Ting pursed his lips, and pushed the door open to go in. There was no light in his room, and the whole room was dark. Ji Ting took a while to get used to the environment in the room, and after groping for the night light to turn on, he saw the frown of the man on the bed clearly.

With just one glance, she was sure that he hadn't switched personalities.

Ji Ting frowned and stepped forward, reaching out his hand to cover his forehead, as expected he had a low fever. Just as she was about to take her hand off, her wrist was suddenly grabbed. Ji Ting was stunned for a moment, and then met Shang Shentuyi's sober eyes.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was hoarse.

Ji Ting said embarrassingly: "The doctor said you will have a fever, let me pay more attention."

"Get out." Shen Tuyi closed his eyes.

Ji Ting paused, and stood up with a dry smile: "Then I'll cook something for you, I forgot to tell the chef to make lighter meals today, you can't eat the ones on the table now."

Shen Tuyi said nothing, Ji Ting got bored, touched his nose and went out.

She originally wanted to make some food for Shen Tuyi first, but she couldn't walk when she passed the restaurant, so she sat down with a guilty conscience and filled her stomach first. Since Shen Tuyi was not there, she drank both of them's milk Alright, I got a little nauseous after drinking it, so I went to the kitchen and steamed fresh shrimp custard for Shen Tuyi.

After she was done, she went to look for Shen Tuyi, and this time she knocked on the door and got a response easily: "I'm not hungry, don't come in."

"... Eldest young master, I have already prepared everything, you can eat some, so that your body can recover faster." Ji Ting flattered him.

She knows what this person cares best, so she only picks the most useful words when persuading him.

Sure enough, Shen Tuyi was silent for a moment, and asked her to go in.

Ji Ting hurried in with his things, went to the sofa and put the plate on the coffee table, Shen Tuyi quickly walked over, saw the egg custard and was silent for a moment: "You made it?"

"En." Ji Ting nodded, looking for praise.

Shen Tuyi glanced at her, lowered his eyes and picked up the spoon: "No wonder it's so ugly."

"..." If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb.

Shen Tuyi ate in silence, and Ji Ting sat across from her and watched silently, just thinking about what he said today that he would fire her, he felt faintly uneasy.

Shen Tuyi ate half of it, and asked coldly, "Are you completely sober from the wine?"

... What should come is still coming. Ji Ting took a deep breath and tried to put on an innocent look: "I'm drunk today, am I?"

Shen Tuyi paused for a moment, and looked at her nonchalantly. Ji Ting was a little unnatural under his sharp gaze, but he still tried his best to pretend that he didn't know anything. She has to get through this level.

"Teacher Ji."


"Did anyone tell you that your acting skills are not good at all."


Shen Tuyi's eyes showed mockery: "It's really hard to imagine that you can forget about your poor wine quality, and you are also good at evading responsibility."

"... If I were good at evading responsibility, I wouldn't be so bad at acting." At this point, Ji Ting could only dryly admit that she was not broken.

Shen Tuyi snorted coldly, lowered his head and continued to eat. Ji Ting looked at him as if he was fine, and couldn't help beating his heart. After a long while, he finally bit the bullet and said: "What happened today...I'm really sorry, I didn't drink before..."

"Would you be that drunk without drinking?" Shen Tuyi frowned. He didn't intend to care about these things at first, but it could be seen that she lied again and again, and he finally started to feel unhappy.

Ji Ting pulled the corner of his mouth stiffly: "I, I really didn't drink before, I just took a sip later, just one sip... You saw it too."

Her voice was getting weaker and weaker, and when she reached the last few words, she could hardly hear what she was saying.

Shen Tuyi froze for a moment when he heard the words, and his expression became a little unnatural. Of course he knew when she said it, because right after they kissed...

It may be due to allergies, but at this moment the heartbeat suddenly became abnormal, Shen Tuyi pursed his lips, forcing himself not to think about that kiss again.

"You mean, you became like that after just one sip?" Shen Tuyi forcibly changed the subject, "Do you think I will believe it? I already know about you and Xiaosi. The fact that you keep lying at this moment makes me doubt whether you can teach Xiaosi well."

"I didn't lie, what I said is true." Ji was relieved to hear that he didn't plan to pursue today's matter beforehand, and then he was a little anxious because he blamed himself.

Shen Tuyi was in a bad mood: "I have already decided not to fire you, so you don't have to say any more, just go out."

"I..." Ji Ting was at a loss for words for a while, and finally went out angrily.

Shen Tuyi's complexion was also not good, and he lost his appetite to look at the things in the bowl, so he went to wash up and continued to lie on the bed.

As soon as he lay down, Ji Ting rushed in, this time with a bottle of red wine in his hand. Shen Tuyi had a bad premonition: "What do you want to do?"

"Thank you young master for not worrying about today's affairs. As for the matter of my drinking capacity, I will prove it to young master right now." After hearing this, Ji took a sip from the opened red wine bottle.

Shen Tuyi frowned: "Go out."

Ji Ting took a sip and sniffed, then turned around and went out holding the bottle. When she was about to reach the door, she stopped suddenly, and came back holding the wine bottle after a while, looking at Shen Tuyi with red eyes: "I told you that you can't drink well, why don't you believe me."

Shen Tuyi: "..."

Ji Ting put the wine bottle away, walked up to him with a sullen face, and sat down on his bed sheet unceremoniously. Shen Tuyi's eyelids twitched following her movements, and after holding back for a moment, he slowly said, "I believe it, you can go."

"You're perfunctory." Ji Ting bit her lips aggrievedly, a white mark was bitten out on her originally bright red lips, and her soft lips were like roses that had been rubbed, delicate and pitiful.

Shen Tuyi frowned calmly, and said coldly, "Don't bite."

"Huh?" Ji Ting didn't understand.

Shen Tuyi was silent for a moment, felt that his head was starting to hurt again, and couldn't help lowering his voice once: "Go out, I'm going to rest."

"You really are perfunctory me." When Ji Ting said the last word, a tear fell down, the corners of the eyes stained by tears seemed to be painted with rouge, and there was a little more sadness for no reason.

"..." Those who didn't know thought he had done something to her.

Shen Tuyi slowed down, forced himself to explain patiently: "I already believe you, I misunderstood you just now, I apologize to you, you go back and rest, I also rest."

"You believe I'm not lying?" Ji Ting's eyes widened slightly.

Her eyes were like obsidian, Shen Tuyi could even see his own reflection from inside, he turned his face away slightly, and only after a while did he respond indifferently. Ji Ting suddenly laughed: "It's good if you want to believe me..."

He was obviously happy, but he still cried when he spoke at the end, Shen Tuyi was silent for a moment: "Did I offend you again?"

"No." Ji Ting wiped her tears with her mouth curled.

Shen Tuyi frowned: "Then why are you crying?"

"Weeping with joy."

"..." Very good, I hope she can also use this fragmented time to teach Xiaosi a few more idioms in her usual teaching work.

Ji Ting sobbed alone for a while, seeing that Shen Tuyi didn't come to coax her for a long time, he gradually became bored, and stood up after he stopped crying. Just as Shen Tuyi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw her dragging a sofa not far away towards him.

Shen Tuyi: "..."

The sofa is not too big for a single seat, but it's not too light either. At least Ji Ting struggled to drag it alone. His face turned red when he dragged it slowly, and the wooden floor where the sofa passed left a considerable amount of dust. Clear scratches.

Shen Tuyi looked at these scratches in silence, and after Ji Ting dragged the sofa to the bedside with a blushing face, he slowly asked, "Are you also classified into personality?"

"No." Ji Ting finished a major event, and at this moment, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his body, and his face turned red, and he replied comfortably on the sofa.

"Do you have schizophrenia or other mental illnesses?"

"No." Ji Ting looked serious.

Shentu looked at her expressionlessly: "Very well, when you sober up tomorrow, let's talk about floor compensation."

"Oh." Ji Ting nodded stupidly, then sat and dozed off.

Shen Tuyi frowned: "Why don't you go back to sleep in your own room?"

"I want to stay and take care of you, and leave after your fever subsides." Ji Ting looked at him softly.

Shen Tuyi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that she was so drunk and still thinking about her body. He and her looked at each other for a moment, and the voice was not as cold as before: "I'm fine, you go back and rest."

"But it wasn't well just now..." Ji Ting looked innocent.

Shen Tuyi's expression didn't change: "It's healed." He was still feeling unwell and didn't have the energy to deal with this drunk, so he just wanted to drive her away as soon as possible.

Ji Ting looked at him thoughtfully, then suddenly raised her hand and rushed towards him after a while, Shen Tuyi didn't expect her behavior to be so chaotic, but what she subconsciously didn't push people out, but received them live.

Suddenly there was a soft body in his arms, and he could clearly feel her gracefulness. Shen Tuyi, who had never been so close to a woman before, was stiff, holding her at a loss for a moment.

Ji Ting took advantage of the gap in his daze, and covered his forehead with a soft little hand, and tears immediately filled his eyes: "I knew you were still having a fever, and you just wanted to trick me away..."


Shen Tuyi sat on the bed leaning against the backrest, Ji Ting's weight was on him, and the opposing bodies were also tightly pressed together. When she sobbed, her upper body kept rising and falling, rubbing against his body inadvertently.

Shen Tuyi became more and more tense, and there was a subtle feeling under the quilt. When he realized it, his face changed instantly, and he grabbed Ji Ting's arm and was about to carry her away.

Ji Ting noticed his movements, and immediately hugged him even tighter, muttering: "Don't try to drive me away, I won't go away..."

"...Ji Ting, let go!" Shen Tuyi's voice was a little hoarse.

Ji Ting's answer to him was to hug her even tighter. Shen Tuyi had no choice but to endure the clamoring heat in his body, and warned in a hoarse voice: "If you keep hugging her, I can't guarantee what will happen."

"Just hug! I won't let go, who told you to lie..."

Before the words finished, Ji Ting's world was turned upside down, and while he couldn't help exclaiming, he subconsciously hugged Shen Tuyi tightly, and when he realized it, the positions of the two of them changed. Ji Ting stared blankly at the people above, and forgot to cry for a while.

"Ji Ting, you shouldn't provoke me." Shen Tuyi said coldly.

Ji Ting stared into his eyes, and stroked his face with trembling fingers for a long time. At this time, most of the rash on his face had disappeared, but there were still some traces of light red. He looked more drunk than her liquor.

Her fingertips were warm and warm, just like her, the place that was lightly touched seemed to heat up, Shen Tuyi indifferently grabbed her evil hand, endured all beast-like thoughts, and looked at her. He said blankly: "Do you think that I hate women, so you are safe?"

"Then you may be disappointed. Although I hate women, I am also a normal man. Everything you do now, I will treat you as voluntary. Once you start, you don't want me to stop. Now tell me, Do you want to stay here?"

Shen Tuyi didn't know if he was threatening or serious, even if Ji Ting kept looking into his eyes, he couldn't see the slightest emotion, he just felt that he was scary at this moment.

As time passed, the patience in Shentuyi's eyes gradually disappeared, and finally he announced in a hoarse voice: "It's time, I will take it as your consent."

As soon as the words fell, he bent down and gradually approached Ji Ting's slender neck. When the distance between the two people could clearly feel each other's breathing, and there was almost no gap between the lips—

"Are you tired?"

Shen Tuyi stopped and looked into her eyes quietly.

Ji Ting also looked at him with red eyes, and said in a low voice, "Every time the three of them are injured, or have huge emotional ups and downs, you will come out, so you are very tired, right?"

Shen Tuyi's eyes darkened a little.

"But you can't, and you won't refuse, right? Because you are their protector, you are the bearer of pain, and you are derived from the main personality, just to share the pain for yourself. You really worked hard..." Ji heard As he spoke, a drop of tear overflowed from the corner of his eye, which sank into the hair with the gravity, leaving only a shallow trace on the temple.

Shen Tuyi's face changed slightly when she said the word 'derivative', and there was frost in his eyes at the moment: "Who told you that I was derived?"

"I guessed it myself, don't worry, I'm not a psychiatrist, and I didn't intend to find out who the main personality is, I just... I just..." Ji heard that her crying became more and more serious, and alcohol completely magnified all her emotions. Accidentally stated the conclusion of the recent observation, "I just feel sorry for you..."

Shen Tuyi stared at her silently, no emotion could be seen in his eyes, Ji Ting burst into tears, took a break when he was tired from crying, and then continued to cry, Shen Tuyi didn't say a word during this process, just Watching her quietly.

Ji heard that his voice was a little hoarse at the end, and he was so tired that he couldn't cry in his eyes anymore. After choking for a while, he looked at the man who was still in his original movements, and asked in a low voice: "Can you pour me a glass of water?"


Shen Tuyi stared at her for a while, then stood up expressionlessly and poured her a cup of warm water, and handed it to her.

Hearing his thanks, Ji took a sip of the cup and drank it. After drinking it, he felt much more comfortable and his mood improved. When he looked at Shen Tuyi who was sitting by the bed, he couldn't help but praise him. One sentence: "Your waist strength is really good, and you haven't shaken after holding the plank for so long."

"..." Shen Tuyi didn't want to say a word to her at the moment.

Ji Ting didn't drink enough, so he went down with the cup and poured half a cup by himself, and Shen Tuyi had already taken his temperature in the gap, lying on the bed and throwing the electronic thermometer to her: "The fever is gone, get out."

Ji Ting picked it up and saw that he had already retreated, and he was relieved immediately.

After tossing around for most of the night, the fire in his body went up and down, and Shen Tuyi, who was already uncomfortable, was even more tired. After throwing the thermometer to her, he closed his eyes and rested, and there was no more noise from her in his ears. .

The creases between his brows finally smoothed out, but in the next second, he felt the quilt being lifted up, followed by the feeling of the mattress sinking.

He opened his eyes speechlessly, and saw Ji Ting lying beside him, looking at him with a smile: "Good night, young master."

"… go out."

Ji Ting yawned, hugged his arm and rubbed his face, and closed his eyes with sleepiness: "So sleepy, let's go to sleep."

"go out… "

"No, what if you have a fever again in the middle of the night, I'll be here with you today."

"No need..." Before Shen Tuyi finished speaking, Ji Ting covered his mouth, and a faint scent of lemon lingered at the tip of his nose.

Ji Ting's voice was already vague: "Go to sleep, I'm so sleepy."


In the end, the young master, who was covered in icy shards, still couldn't bear the exhaustion of his body, so Ji Ting hugged him and fell asleep.

At first it was the young master lying down like a dead body, straight and straight without any bends, so Teacher Ji could only hug one arm beside him aggrievedly, but gradually changed his position for some reason, and became the young master hugging Teacher Ji, Ji The teacher was comfortably pillowed in the Eldest Young Master's arms, and the two of them slept more soundly than the other.

Shentu had a fever again in the middle of the night, but it wasn't too serious and didn't affect his sleep, while Ji Ting, who kept on taking care of him, also slept from beginning to end.

When the sky was about to break, the man slowly opened his eyes, and with a slight movement, he clearly felt a woman in his arms. He paused, raised his eyebrows and looked over, but fell silent when he saw Ji Ting's face. At this moment, he was still hugging her, she was sleeping peacefully, unknowingly unbuttoned two of the shirt buttons on her body, allowing people to see directly inside.

His body was too tired, so he couldn't clearly perceive what happened last night, but today a man and a woman slept together, Ji Ting's eyes were red as if he had cried, what happened, it seems that he can't understand without words Can clearly know.

It should be a good thing, because he hasn't touched women for so many years, and now he finally meets someone who doesn't hate him, and has developed to the present stage quickly, he should be happy for him.

... But what's the matter with the faint feeling of discomfort in my heart? The man gently pulled his hand from under Ji Ting's neck, got up and sat down on the extra sofa beside him. He stared at Ji Ting's sleeping face for a long time, the corners of his lips were finally raised slightly, the corners of his eyes and hair were flamboyant and uninhibited.

It's a little uncomfortable. It's rare to meet such a cute girl in so many years. It's three points more interesting than a motorcycle. It's a pity that his affection is a step behind, and he is no longer qualified to mention it from today.

When Ji Ting woke up, it was already past breakfast time, she closed her eyes and frowned, only feeling that her brain was hurting badly. After lying on the bed for a minute, the eyes under the thin eyelids suddenly moved, and then opened them suddenly and sat up.

Everything in front of her eyes seemed to confirm her thoughts. After seeing the scratches on the sofa on the floor, she covered her face in despair, and wanted to smoke the self who was drinking a few hours ago.

She was also really impulsive at the time, she knew the virtue of drinking too much, but she dared to take the initiative to drink, she really wanted to kill herself!

"woke up?"

Suddenly there was a familiar teasing laugh in front of him, Ji Ting suddenly looked towards the door, and when he saw him standing relaxed leaning on the door, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "Shen Tuer?"

"Why, I'm disappointed to see that?" Shen Tuer was still smiling, but the meaning of the smile on the corners of his lips was unclear.

Ji Ting's head hurts a little: "No...well, do you want to ask, why am I here?" Is it time for her to explain again

"That's not important, what's important is that the kitchen baked a small cake, just out of the oven, do you want to eat it now?" Shen Tuer didn't want to hear about her and her eldest brother.

Ji heard that he didn't care, so she didn't explain at all, anyway, she was already tired of doing this: "Okay, let's go eat after I go back and wash up."

As she spoke, she jumped off the bed, put on her slippers and hurried out, when she passed him, Shen Tuer was still smiling, but when the door closed behind her, the smile on his face disappeared .

Sensing the change in herself, Shentu You was also a little helpless, she only liked it a little, why now she has a virtue that she can afford and cannot let go of

Ji Ting, who didn't know what the second young master was thinking about, looked at his red and swollen eyes when he returned to the house, couldn't help but sighed, took a bath and changed his clothes dejectedly, and waited for half an hour to tidy up.

Shen Tuer was sitting in the dining room waiting for her, and when she saw her coming with wet hair, the corners of her lips curled up: "The cake is already cold."

"It's delicious even when it's cold." Ji heard that he sat opposite him, picked up a cupcake and started eating. She was so hungry that she stopped with her mouth gagged like a little hamster.

Shen Tuer thought her eating was too interesting, and after looking at it, she couldn't help but look away. Ji Ting didn't notice it, and just concentrated on eating his own.

"Do you want milk?" Shentu You asked, pouring himself a drink first. The temperature is just right, and the moment it reaches the stomach, the whole person feels comfortable.

Ji Ting shook his head: "I drank too much from your elder brother yesterday, and now I feel a little sick..."


Before she finished speaking, Shen Tuer spit out a mouthful of milk and sprinkled it all over her body impartially, even the cake in her hand was not spared.

Ji Ting's face darkened instantly, and he looked at him with disgust: "What are you doing?"

Shen Tuer was also in a bad mood, coughing for a long time before he calmed down, frowning and looking at her: "Why are you telling me this?!" He didn't want to know the details between her and his elder brother!

"... What did I say, as for such a big reaction?" Ji Ting was a little speechless.

Shen Tuer took a look at the whiteness still hanging on her eyebrows, and looked away uncomfortably: "You are not allowed to speak out about these things in the future, the eldest brother will be angry." He left directly after speaking.

Ji Ting looked at his back with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he meant at all.

After breakfast, she went back to her room to change clothes. Shen Tuer's milk made her all over, she really hated it. After changing clothes, it was past ten o'clock, and it was time to make up lessons for Shentu Temple. According to the decision of those personalities, Shentu Temple would definitely come out at this time.

The mechanism of changing guards between them has always been wonderful. Ji Ting discovered it early in the morning. Although the changing of guards can be done according to the ideas of the four people, once there are external factors or huge emotional ups and downs, the boss will come out. It can be regarded as order mixed with a touch of uncertainty.

She changed her clothes and went to the study room, and Shentu Temple was waiting there, she didn't know what she was concentrating on, but when she saw her rubbing against her, she stood up and put her hands in her pockets in a panic: "Mr. .”

Ji Ting raised his eyebrows: "This is the first time I've heard you call me a teacher, right?"

I thought that Shentu Temple would retort, but in the end he just gave her a dull look, and said in a low voice: "If you like to hear it, I will always call it that from now on."

"So obedient? It seems that I was right to help you yesterday?" Ji Ting's eyes were stained with a smile.

Shentusi glanced at her quickly, stared at the ground in embarrassment, and said, "It's not because of yesterday..."

"That's fine, let's go to class." Ji Ting told him to sit down and start today's class.

Shentusi cooperated unexpectedly, but occasionally his face would turn red suddenly, or he would lose his mind, but compared with the previous one who was non-stop and not serious, he was like a little angel.

At the end of a class, Ji Ting closed the math book and praised: "It's not bad, keep it up."

Shentusi snorted softly, turned his face away in disdain, but his eyes revealed his joy at the moment.

Ji Ting gave him a funny look, picked up the book and was about to go out, but Shentusi hurriedly caught up and stuffed something into her hand: "This is for you! I just asked someone to send it urgently !"

After he finished speaking, he ran away, Ji Ting looked at the palm of his hand inexplicably, and saw a crystal apple on it, very rustic. She raised her eyebrows, curiously pinched an extra branch on the apple, and then accidentally touched a button, the whole apple suddenly flashed with lights like a nightclub, and sang Little Apple.

Ji Ting: "..." Did she travel to the non-mainstream period more than ten years ago

The author has something to say: Did you find out, the emotional line is becoming more and more obvious, I am jealous that my own beautiful day is coming!