Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 8


Ji Ting took two days off and concentrated on practicing walking with Shen Tuchuan at home. Shen Tuchuan also cooperated in a muffled voice. The knee is worn out.

At night, Shen Tuchuan returned to the room, lowered his head and took off the prosthetic limb, stared blankly at the scars on his severed limb for a while, ignored the pain coming from there, and covered it with a quilt in disgust. He lay down with a long sigh of relief, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Boom boom boom.

There was a knock on the door, and he immediately closed his eyes. He has been practicing walking every day for the past few days, and now he just wants to rest. However, the people outside the door were as persistent as ever, so he could only get up and open the door after a while, feeling helpless for the first time.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Ji Ting's youthful smiling face. Shen Tuchuan paused, holding the door frame expressionlessly, not intending to let her in: "Tell me something, I'm going to sleep."

"You sleep on yours, I'll give you medicine." Ji Ting relied on himself being a head shorter than him and having a relatively petite figure, so he sneaked into the room quite nimbly under his arms, sat on his bed as if entering his own room, and Seriously patted the position next to him.

Shen Tuchuan had a headache, leaning against the door frame and asked, "What medicine do you take?"

"Your leg is injured. It's my fault. I shouldn't let you walk too much." Ji Ting blamed himself.

Shen Tuchuan paused for a moment, turned his face away awkwardly: "I'm fine, you go out."

"It's all right, come and show me." Ji Ting stared, this child has been carefully raised by her for so long, and has never been touched, and now he is suddenly injured, why is it all right

Shen Tuchuan frowned and looked at her. After looking at her for a while, he reluctantly compromised: "You go out, and I will apply the medicine myself."

"No, you will definitely be perfunctory. I will give you the medicine, and you will go to school in two days. If you don't heal your injury now, you will wear prosthetics and then cover yourself with inflammation. It will definitely be more serious."

When Ji heard about it, he went to pull him. Shen Tuchuan thought of the terrible appearance of the stump, and wanted to shake off her hand in shame, but because he accidentally hit her arm, there was a crisp sound. Both of them were stunned. After a long silence, Shen Tuchuan walked towards the bed with a cold face and leaned on crutches, then sat down.

"I'll apply the medicine well, you go back." He deliberately didn't look at Ji Ting's expression, but accidentally glanced at her reddened arm, and suddenly felt indescribably depressed.

Ji Ting sighed in her heart, she understood why Shen Tuchuan reacted so violently, she just felt that the amputated left leg was his wound and shame, so she didn't want to be seen by outsiders. But if the wound is covered for a long time, it will fester. She has to force him to expose the wound. Even if the process will be a little painful, at least it will make him heal faster.

Thinking of this, she didn't turn around and leave as he expected, but sat down beside him, bowed her head and silently sorted out the medicines she bought. Shen Tuchuan originally wanted to drive her away, but after seeing the obvious fingerprints on her arm, he couldn't say anything.

"This is an anti-inflammatory drug, taken orally." Ji Ting handed him the medicine.

"... Mmm." Shen Tuchuan took it silently, poured it into his mouth and swallowed it directly, Ji Ting hurriedly handed him a glass of water, he hesitated for a moment, but still took it and took a few sips.

After Ji Ting gave him the cup, he gave him the medicine to apply. Shen Tuchuan took it silently, and waited for her to leave.

One second, two seconds... After waiting for a minute, Shen Tuchuan urged in a low voice: "You go back, I will..."

Before finishing a sentence, he saw a drop of water falling on the back of his hand. He was stunned for a moment, but suddenly he didn't dare to look up to see Ji Ting's expression.

"I just want to see your wound. As for being so angry?" Ji Ting tried to squeeze tears while peeking at Shen Tuchuan's face, "I also care about you, and I don't mean anything malicious, why did you hit me..."

Shen Tuchuan bowed his head: "I didn't mean to, stop crying."

Yoho, there are times when stubborn muscles are weak, and tears are really useful, Ji Ting thought so, and cried even louder. This was also the enlightenment given to her by being drunk that day. This person can let her mess around because of the offensive of tears, and he must also show her wounds because of her crying.

Shen Tuchuan didn't expect her to be so wronged, and handed her a tissue at a loss: "Call back, can you stop crying?"

"I won't hit you, you clearly know that I don't want to hit you." Ji Ting choked and covered his eyes, thinking he couldn't do it anymore, he couldn't cry anymore.

Shen Tuchuan, who didn't know that Ji Ting was trying to squeeze tears, heard her angry and still so gentle words, his heart was sour, and at the same time he felt even more guilty: "Then how do you want to punish me, I admit it."

"I, I'm going to help you apply the medicine," Ji Ting groaned and peeked at him, like a rebellious child who was struggling, "You won't let me apply it, but I will."

Shen Tuchuan looked away in embarrassment, and Ji Ting cried even more sadly. After a long time, he whispered: "It's ugly..."

Ji Ting paused and grabbed his hand. Shen Tuchuan was a little dazed, and caught off guard and looked into her red eyes from crying.

"Show me." Ji Ting stopped crying, but looked at him with more sincere eyes, "Can you show me your injury?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and finally lifted up his pajama pants. The place two inches below the knee of the boy's left leg was gone. The place where the calf should have been was empty. The cross-section was newborn skin with wrinkles, and some bloodstains had been rubbed on it.

It is indeed ugly, and what is even uglier is the wound on Shen Tuchuan's heart, which was covered by Shen Tuchuan in a protective posture, even if it was festering and bleeding, he would not show it to others, but now it is showing all of it along with the leg injury Let Ji listen.

Does she feel sick? Probably, just because he was too thin, she never wanted to let him take off his pants, now seeing his wounds, she should have no interest in him anymore. But if she signed a contract with him, even if she regrets it, she can't drive herself away, so he is not afraid.

What he thought in his heart was that he was not afraid of anything, but Shen Tuchuan's back was still covered with sweat. He clenched his hands tightly, and the veins on his arms burst out due to the force. Ji Ting stared at his wound for a long time, and finally stretched out his hand to cover it.

Shen Tuchuan was startled, and wanted to back away in a panic, but stopped because of Ji Ting's eyes. Ji Ting touched his leg, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the injury is not serious, and it will be fine after two days of treatment. You should use crutches instead of prosthetic limbs these days, you know?"

"… Um."

Ji Ting smiled, lowered his head to help him apply the medicine, Shen Tuchuan stared at her motionlessly, and couldn't help but ask after a while: "Don't you feel sick?"

After asking, a trace of ridicule flashed in his eyes, he didn't understand that he was obviously afraid of hearing some answers, but he wanted to ask like masochistic.

"What's disgusting?" Ji Ting raised his head blankly, as if he had never thought about these questions.

Shen Tuchuan didn't know why, he seemed to be relieved suddenly, he raised the corners of his lips, and said lightly: "It's nothing."

Ji Ting snorted, touched his broken limb with distress, helped him bandage the wound, and then got up to leave. When he walked to the door, he did not forget to remind: "Actually, according to a normal day's activity, the prosthetic limb It is enough to cope, the reason for the injury is because the amount of practice exceeds the usual amount of activity, so don’t worry too much about daily life, this kind of situation will not happen again in the future.”


Hearing that Shen Tuchuan's expression had eased, Ji went back to the room. Shen Tuchuan sat alone for a long time, and a three-point smile suddenly appeared on his face.

From this day on, it seemed that something had changed. Shen Tuchuan seemed to have lost his tendons suddenly, and became obedient overnight. One month after he transferred to another school, he got into the top 20 of his grade, Ji Ting was so happy that he took the meager salary he had just paid, and took him to a western restaurant for a meal.

Seeing the bill after eating, Shen Tuchuan laughed: "Are we going to start eating instant noodles in the next month?"

"Instant noodles are too expensive, let's buy noodles. We can eat dry noodles for two yuan for three days." Ji Ting replied with a smile. At this time, Shen Tuchuan was wearing a prosthetic leg. Although he walked with a slight limp, the lameness was not obvious. Ji Ting held his arm, and the two of them walked on the way home together.

The cool breeze was blowing, Ji Ting was in a good mood, he paused when he saw his hand holding Shen Tu Chuan, and asked amusedly: "Do you think we are like a mother taking a rebellious son to go shopping?"

"What a silly metaphor, I'm only six years younger than you." Shen Tuchuan frowned, he really didn't like this kind of age difference jokes more and more recently. She clearly knew that their relationship was not suitable for this kind of joke.

Seeing that his joke was not funny, Ji Ting touched his nose innocently and muttered: "Dead children are becoming less and less cute."

Shen Tuchuan glanced down at her, but didn't tell her that he could hear her.

It was already after nine o'clock in the evening, there were not many pedestrians on the road, and it was so quiet that he could hear his own footsteps. Shen Tuchuan watched him and Ji Ting's shadows intertwine, and suddenly had an idea that it would be good to live like this for the rest of his life. As soon as the idea came to him, he froze for a moment, but before he could get to the bottom of it, he heard a drunken noise coming from the front, and the familiar voice immediately pulled his face down.

Ji Ting also saw the group of people, hurriedly took Shen Tuchuan's hand, and said in a low voice: "There are too many of them, let's go." After speaking, he cursed inwardly, how could these passers-by still have a part in the show.

That's right, the drunkards leaning beside the car not far in front of them were the same gangsters who bullied Shen Tuchuan when Ji Ting saw him for the first time.

The past humiliation seemed to be still in front of him, Shen Tuchuan looked forward with serious eyes, and finally because of Ji Ting's presence, he chose to turn around and leave. Ji Ting was afraid that he would rush over to find someone to fight, he was relieved when he saw him go, and followed him silently.

It's just that the good atmosphere just now was completely gone, and Shen Tuchuan's eyes darkened, obviously holding back something bad. Ji heard the fate of those bastards in the book, it seemed that Shen Tuchuan broke his hands and feet and killed half of his life, his heart immediately hung up.

If he still followed the original text, it would be a violation of the law, and she couldn't let him do it.

"I'm so thirsty, wait for me here, I'll go buy a bottle of water." Ji Hearing waited for Shen Tuchuan to nod, then ran towards the roadside supermarket, and then turned around while he was not paying attention. On that road, after seeing the license plate numbers of these people, they called the police.

I remember that it was mentioned in the original text that these punks had a lot of fun. Seeing the excitement of these people, it was obvious that they were not just drinking alcohol. Wait for the prison to sit through it.

Shen Tuchuan has been waiting on the side of the road. After waiting for no one, he sent a text message to Ji Ting. Ji Ting's text message came back quickly, saying that he had a stomachache and went to the bathroom, and it would take a while to come out. He could only continue to wait, wait and wait, and his thoughts drifted to those people just now.

After his leg was broken, the person he hated the most was Li Tuo, and the second hated were those bastards. Li Tuo made him lose the opportunity for treatment, and those people stepped him into hell. Sending a text message again to confirm that Ji Ting will not be back for the time being, he walked towards the road just now with a cold face. On the way, he saw a discarded plank in the corner, and picked a wooden stick to hold it.

The figures of those people gradually appeared in front of him, Shen Tuchuan had no emotion in his eyes, and he leaned over with a wooden stick like a hunting beast. At the same time, Ji Ting felt that it was almost done, so he came out of the shadow and walked back. Shen Tuchuan was tensing up when he saw the person who suddenly jumped out and raised his stick subconsciously. When Ji Ting turned around, he saw He's about to beat himself up.

"... I'm just telling a little lie, so I won't cause domestic violence." Ji Ting spoke with difficulty, while silently taking a step back. The kid looks so fierce.
