Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 89


While the sky and the earth were spinning, Ji Ting landed in the center of a palace, and the scene in front of him gradually became clear. She blinked her eyes and realized that the novel in her mind hadn't been updated yet, so she wanted to go out of the hall to have a look, but as soon as one foot stepped out of the hall door, she quickly shrank back in fright.

I saw clouds and mist on the ground outside the main hall, and when I looked carefully, there was no ground below, but something like an abyss. Once she stepped on it just now, she might have been thrown to death.

… So what the hell kind of place is this? Why can such a big palace be built in the vacant place

As if answering her question, the novel in her mind was successfully updated with a ding, and the content of this article rushed in. Only then did Ji Ting realize that the reason why it took so long to update successfully was because this article was really It's... too long.

This article called "Crazy Fairy" has more than 2,000 chapters. It is a very typical male channel upgrade flow, but compared with the fast pace of the male channel, the rhythm of this article is almost dead.

In this article, the male supporting role and the male protagonist are a pair of twin brothers. In order to prevent the Tianyu Pill, the treasure of the town clan, from being snatched by the monster clan, the parents split the pill into two and gave it to the two brothers to eat. died in war.

The two brothers who survived unintentionally were accidentally rescued by the servants of the Shangshen, brought them back to the palace of the Shangshen, and were accepted as apprentices by the Shangshen. When meeting these two brothers for the first time, Shangshen preferred the handsome male lead, so she stayed by her side to teach them carefully, while the less outstanding male lead was taken care of by her god attendant.

And that's just the beginning of the eccentricity.

Because the two brothers had eaten the Tianyu Pill, although they possessed huge spiritual power, their growth cycle also slowed down, and it took them tens of thousands of years to grow up. Lord, I gave him all the best. As for the male supporting role, she has long forgotten about it.

The male supporting role grew up with his elder brother since he was a child. The elder brother is as noble as the master of the temple, but he is like an ordinary servant. The elder brother has all kinds of excellent medicines to assist in his cultivation, but he can only rely on hard work every day. It became unbalanced, and after the unbalanced, it became a pervert, and finally killed Shangshen within a few years after growing up, and completely fell into the devil's way.

What follows is the story of the brothers killing each other, and finally the brother and heroine win. And Ji Ting is now transmigrated as the God, and the current plot is developing to the point where the male supporting clan fails to defend against the monster clan. It won't be long before the leading male supporting the two brothers will be sent to her.

This world is different from other worlds. When the male supporting role was sent here, he hadn’t generated hostility and hatred, so the request was not like other worlds. It was directly to eliminate hatred and obtain happiness, but to care more about him, love him, and wait for him to grow up healthy. If you leave the teacher smoothly, the world will be considered a success.

Of course, the most basic thing is that he can't be bitter and bitter when he leaves the teacher, otherwise he still has to wait until he feels happy before the mission is considered successful.

... It sounds not difficult, but because of the setting, the male supporting role will take 10,000 years to grow up, so I can't die. Only by bringing a baby for a long time can the world succeed.

Ji Ting sighed, sitting at the entrance of the main hall, with his feet hanging in the clouds, leaning against the door to think. Raising a baby for ten thousand years is a relatively difficult task for her, let alone raising two babies, so she is still like the God in the original text, and one of them is entrusted to the god to serve.

The one who was handed over to the God Servant must be the male protagonist this time. Anyway, the male protagonist will not look crooked because of the setting.

She wants to bring the male lead by her side to raise her. Similarly, she can’t be too obviously biased like the God in the original text. She still has to give what should be given to the male lead, but this time it’s not just for him, but for him. There must be any male supporting role, and at the same time, she has to love the male supporting role more, lest he accidentally become abnormal and kill her in the end, that would be too scary.

After thinking about it, Ji Ting looked at the clouds flowing at his feet, and suddenly thought that he was considered a god now, so the most basic flying should be no problem, right

As soon as this idea came up, her body suddenly floated up, she frantically stabilized herself, and then stood on top of the clouds in a novelty, feeling the speed of the wind under her feet.

This was an experience she had never experienced before. Ji Ting's eyes were bright, and he flew into the air with a wave of his hand, and finally saw the whole picture of the hall clearly.

The building is indeed floating in the air, and not only the main hall, but also many palaces beside it. Ji Ting flew around these palaces, and the little fairies she met on the road saluted respectfully, not to mention, there were also some strange-shaped plants He would also bow down to her.

Ji Ting circled the palace three times in a row, and then returned to the main hall with unsatisfactory intentions, and kept experimenting with various magical spells in his mind.

After playing for a long time, she was finally tired, so she simply lay down on the throne above the main hall, and soon fell asleep. After an unknown amount of time, she sensed a slight noise, and immediately opened her eyes, seeing that it was Xiao Xian'e returning the water-dropped melons and fruits.

Seeing that she was woken up, Xiaoxian'e hurriedly leaned over and saluted: "For disturbing God's rest, Xiaoxian deserves death."

"...It's okay," this god is much more majestic than the previous eldest princess, and even Ji Ting is a little unaccustomed to the majesty, but he can only hold it, "How long has the deity been asleep?"

"Return to God, you have been resting for three days." Xiao Xian'e who was standing next to her knelt down and said.

Ji Ting: "..." You can squint for three days, it seems that this ten thousand years is not too difficult. She was about to speak when she suddenly sensed a strange breath entering the barrier, and she immediately looked towards the entrance of the main hall.

After a long time, the servant led a group of little fairies in from the outside, and two of them were still holding two babies in their arms. Ji Ting frowned: "These are the two brothers of the Shentu family?"

"Go back to God's words, yes." The servant bowed down respectfully, as if he was not surprised why Ji Ting knew this.

"Come up and show the deity." Ji Ting sat up straight, planning to leave the supporting actor behind after finishing watching.

But when the two children were hugged in front of them, Ji Ting fell silent—

She has seen the four-year-old Shen Tuchuan, but she has never seen the newborn Shen Tuchuan! Moreover, these two are still brothers, their eyebrows and eyes are a bit alike, she really can't tell which is which.

Ji Ting originally wanted to directly ask which of these two is Shen Tuchuan, but just as she was about to ask, the original plot suddenly appeared in her mind, and she remembered that when the two children were brought here, their parents and clan were all wiped out, so naturally no one told them their names. So God himself gave them names.

... In other words, it is impossible to tell who these two are by their names and looks.

The little Xian'e who was holding the baby didn't move at all, and Ji Ting would not let her go, so they kept hugging like this, as if they could hug the sea until the sea dries up.

After Ji Ting was silent for a long time, he asked blankly, "Which of these two is the elder brother and which is the younger brother?"

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on the god attendant's face who had always been silent in the ancient well: "Bi, when the time comes, there will only be these two babies left, and no one will tell who is the brother and who is the brother."

Ji Ting fell into a longer silence, no one in the hall dared to breathe loudly. After staring at the two children for a long time, she asked another question: "Look, which of these two is better looking?"

God attendant: "..."

Little fairies: "..."

They feel that today's God is a bit strange.

Looking at these two babies who look similar, Ji Ting also felt that she was crazy, and at the same time she was even more speechless. It's hard for her to pick out a better-looking one.

Now that things are up, do we have to keep them all by our side and teach them by ourselves? Ji Ting looked at the children in embarrassment, and denied this idea after a while.

The two are kept together, and there are more comparisons, but a bowl of water is never absolutely level, and if you are not careful, the male partner may go astray at any time, so it is better to keep them separately.

So she has to always look towards the male partner, so that the male partner may not be jealous, which is why she must distinguish who is who.

"Is there no way to tell which one is bigger?" Ji Ting asked with a frown.

The god attendant was in a dilemma for a moment, and suddenly thought of a solution: "Why don't you take them to the underworld and use their fingertip blood as a guide to see which one was born first, so that we can tell the difference."

"..." Sure enough, the world of cultivating immortals still depends on this kind of feudal superstition.

This is the only way now, and the servant immediately took the children to the underworld, found the judge who had been on good terms with him before, and asked him to do the test. This kind of test is against the rules of the underworld, but the judge drank too much wine and was provoked by the god servant, so he agreed, and then went to the reincarnation stone with two swaddled babies,

The god attendant wanted to follow, but the judge refused drunkenly: "Brother, do you believe me?"

God Attendant: "..." I really don't believe it.

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it on the face. Seeing that the judge insisted on going, I could only nod in agreement.

The judge went to the stone of reincarnation with drunk eyes, put down the two swaddling babies, pricked the fingers of the two babies, and pressed their fingertips on the stone of reincarnation one by one. The birth time of this life soon appeared on the stone. He took a look, and went to look for the gods with the two babies in his arms.

"How about it, which one is the big one?" The servant asked immediately.

The judge paused for a moment before realizing that he only looked at the time of birth, but forgot to mark it after the test.

Seeing him in a daze, the servant couldn't help frowning: "Could it be that you didn't remember it, why don't you test it again, and I'll go with you this time?"

"... How could I not remember, this one is big and this one is small!" The judge was dissatisfied with his doubting himself, and immediately nodded the child with the rounder face first, and pointed at the thinner one for the second time. For twin brothers, the older one must be the elder brother, and the younger one must be the younger brother.

Seeing that he was serious, the servant believed him, so he put a mark on the elder, thanked him, and took the two children back.

Ji Ting has been waiting in the main hall, and when he heard that the servant came back, he immediately went up to him: "How is it?"

"Go back to God, it's been confirmed, this one is the big one, and this one is the small one." The servant pointed out solemnly.

The older one is the male lead, and the younger one is the male supporting role. Without even thinking about it, she hugged the younger one in his arms, and slowly opened her mouth under the surprised gaze of the god attendant——

"They are still young, and the deity will tell them in person after the hatred of exterminating the clan becomes an adult. Before that, no one should mention this matter in front of them."


"These two sons lost their parents because of the gift from the deity. The deity took them as disciples. When they grow up, they will follow the deity to practice. The young ones will be raised by the deity himself. As for the older ones, they will live according to you in daily life." It was Shen Tuchuan who was the one, so she pushed the male lead to the gods to raise him according to the plan.

"Shangshen is benevolent and obedient to orders." The servant held the baby in his arms and bowed to Ji Ting to salute.

The author has something to say: There are not so many plots about raising and growing up. The most common ones are after Chuaner fell into the devil's way, so don't worry, everyone will not keep watching the 233 of raising dolls

ps Some children don’t understand why they forget Chuan’er’s appearance after listening to it. Here’s the text to explain it. The growth cycle is too long, and the time jumps are too few. I really can’t recognize it when I’m a baby. When it grows into Chuan’er’s own appearance, Thousands of years have passed, and Ji heard that she... really forgot (who can guarantee that he can still remember the face of his old lover after thousands of years!) So in this world, there really is a Shura field 233