Give Me a Kiss

Chapter 19: 19. Is it good or not?


The sweetness melted on the tip of the tongue, and after swallowing the toffee, Xie Wenxing asked Guan He, "Why do you have this on your body?"

He was afraid of missing the slightest expression of the other party, that possibility fermented in his mind, and his heart seemed to be pinched by a hand.

Guan He understated: "I took it by hand."

He looked so natural, impeccably calm. Xie Wenxing looked at him, but couldn't say anything when he asked.

Yes, how is it possible.

No matter how passionate you are, there should be a limit, this kind of whimsical idea... He opened his mouth, obviously telling him that this topic should stop here, but he couldn't help it: "Why did it go so smoothly—"

That's when the radio rang:

"Hello tourists, after more than 20 minutes of emergency repairs, the cable car is now in normal operation. Please queue up to get on the cable car one by one. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you."

The female voice on the radio suppressed Xie Wenxing's voice, Guan He, who didn't hear what he said clearly, cast a puzzled look over, Xie Wenxing shook his head in disgust.


Dinner was eaten in the hotel. Looking out from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the dining table, it was still snowing outside.

After dinner, Xie Wenxing went back to his room to take a shower. I don't know if it was because the layout of the room was too ambiguous, he always felt a little uncomfortable after taking a shower.

Guan He was leaning against the bed and playing with his mobile phone, his head was slightly drooping, his eyelashes were very long, and when they were closed like this, the sharp and indifferent eyes looked much softer.

Seeing a gift box on the bedside, Xie Wenxing walked over and pulled the ribbon on it curiously: "What is this?"

At first glance, the box was prepared by the hotel. Combined with the surrounding environment, Xie Wenxing's thinking was unavoidable.

Guan He ignored him, Xie Wenxing opened the box for his own amusement, he was stunned when he saw the contents inside, and then his eyes lit up.

Is there really a case

He took out the contents of the box one by one, the condom, the eye patch... and, huh

Xie Wenxing looked at it for a long time but didn't understand what it was. Seeing that there was a button on it, Xie Wenxing tried to push it. It started shaking wildly.

"..." my day.

Realizing what it was, Xie Wenxing almost threw it away. His series of actions made Guan He raise his eyes and glance at him, Xie Wenxing sneered: "I, I will try."

He pushed the button back as he spoke, and finally turned it off, Xie Wenxing let out a breath.

When he looked up, he realized that Guan He had been looking at him. Xie Wenxing froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Why do you keep looking at me? Are you interested in me, or in that thing... are you interested?"

He spoke tricky, obviously looking for trouble on purpose. Even if it was just a verbal advantage, Xie Wenxing didn't feel a little smile in his eyes.

Guan He looked at him, and the other person's tone of voice was sweet and full of teasing, it was this incongruity that made his blood boil and at the same time bored him.

Guan He withdrew his gaze, his expression flat: "Not at all."

Unexpectedly, someone came up to him without hesitation. Xie Wenxing had just taken a shower. His collarbone was straight, very thin and sexy.

"What are you looking at?" He was very close to Guan He, his voice raised slightly, as if flirting.

If this situation can be tolerated, it is probably not a man.

Guan He scolded this little bitch ten thousand times in his heart. He stretched out his hand to cover Xie Wenxing's neck, exerted a little force on his fingers, and put his thumb against Xie Wenxing's jaw, forcing him to raise his head. Right above the bed, there is a round mirror.

As soon as Xie Wenxing raised his head, he saw in the mirror Guan He's hand holding his neck, the tip of his nose upright, his lips opening and closing when he spoke...

They are so close.

In the mirror, they are as close as a hug. Xie Wenxing's brain exploded with a bang—

Guan He asked, "Does it look good?"

He said, "What are you looking at now, what I was looking at just now."

Guan He raised his eyes slightly, and just as he was about to do something else, he suddenly realized that the body under his hands was inexplicably stiff.

Xie Wenxing remained motionless. Both nervous and stunned, this was so different from his usual appearance, Guan He didn't react for a while.

He glanced at Xie Wenxing in confusion, and unconsciously stroked the other's Adam's apple with his fingers. After this action, Xie Wenxing's face suddenly turned red.

The redness burned from his cheeks all the way to his neck. He didn't look like a veteran in love, he was clearly a young boy who had never experienced anything.

Guan He frowned: "You..."

Xie Wenxing stared straight at him upon hearing the words, without blinking his eyes, but Guan He always felt that he was bullying him with that look on his face.

After looking at each other for a few seconds.

"Forget it." Guan He withdrew his hand.

Seeing that he was about to get out of bed, Xie Wenxing pinched the corner of the quilt tightly with his fingers, just now, did Guan He want to...

Damn, why forget it? !

Seeing Guan He get up and go to the bathroom, Xie Wenxing thumped the pillow violently.

Ahhh! !

Is there something wrong with him? Is it because he is too stiff and Guan He doesn't like it

No, it's fucking, you can't blame him for this... Who can stand being so close to him suddenly and touching his neck

I also asked him if he looked good...

Looking at that scene, his blood vessels were about to explode!

Hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Xie Wenxing couldn't recover for a long time.


After playing in the snow mountains for two days, I returned to Shanghai.

Because of the accident the night before, Xie Wenxing was a little ashamed to face Guan He, and he calmed down a lot during the trip.

It was night when I finally got home. Xie Wenxing usually broadcasts three to four days a week, but tonight he is not in the mood to broadcast live, and lies on the bed in a daze after washing up.

After lying down for a long time, the more he lay down, the more he regretted that he was not an old driver. Xie Wenxing couldn't sleep, so he got up and turned on the computer.

It was already past midnight at this moment. After logging into the League of Legends game interface, he looked in the friend list and found that the time was actually online.

After inviting the time, Xie Wenxing asked in the room: [Are you playing by yourself or live streaming? ]

Time: [play]

Xie Wenxing: [Turn on the voice bar and chat].

After opening the call, Xie Wenxing said, "What are you playing? Matchmaking or ranking?"

"Ranking, change your number, your number won't match mine."

While Xie Wenxing was changing his number, Shi Shi asked, "Aren't you going to sleep after one o'clock?"

"Can't sleep."

He and time started to line up, and the latter laughed aloud at his disgusted tone: "I said, why do you want to chat, do you have something on your mind? Come on, brother, listen carefully."

This matter is really hard to say.

He asked Time to turn on the voice originally because he wanted to ask a question from the side. Xie Wenxing had already thought about starting with the classic sentence "I have a friend...", but Time saw the real situation directly.

Xie Wenxing had no choice but to stammer: "Don't I have someone I like? I went out with him a few days ago, and then... oh shit..."

Xie Wenxing felt a little ashamed if he had to say that he was not skilled enough to scare Guan He away.

It's hard to tell.

For a long time, he didn't get to the point, and couldn't wait for the time: "What are you doing? You don't want to be responsible for putting him to bed?"

Xie Wenxing: "No, I haven't slept yet."

Time: "Damn! You can't do it?!"

Xie Wenxing: "You can't fucking do it, you've chosen a hero, and you're about to choose a fucking... Surprised, why did you choose Jinx?"

Time: "My hero with the highest proficiency is Jinx. If I pick it late, the system will automatically select Jinx."

Xie Wenxing: "Then let me help you. Dad hasn't played support for 800 years. You're making a lot of money tonight, do you know that?"

After Xie Wenxing finished speaking, he chose Thresh.

Time: "Thank you dad, please have a conscious awareness of helping dad, don't dirty my soldiers."

Xie Wenxing: "..."

Time: "You continue, then what?"

"Then we lived together, in a love hotel, the atmosphere was not bad, he touched my neck, I think he meant that."

While replenishing soldiers, Time sighed with emotion: "Do you want to be so careful? Touch your neck? I am ashamed to listen to a pornographic film."

"Don't interrupt, here comes the important point, he, he touched my Adam's apple, and I seemed to blush."

Xie Wenxing felt hot on his face while talking, time was on the other side, he laughed strangely: "Exciting."

"Then, as soon as he approached me, I became very stiff... I didn't dare to move, he probably saw my situation, and he said forget it." Xie Wenxing said: "After that, he went to the bathroom by himself."

time:"… "

Time: "You're cold."

Time: "Your favor in this girl's heart has turned into minus 10,000. Listen to my brother's advice and give up on her."

Time: "What's the matter with you? Don't tell me you have no experience?"

"... umm."

"Ah, what?! Really not??" Time was almost scared to death by him: "You look like this, you talk so much, you tell me you are inexperienced?"


"Brother, it's been a long time. You just have a flirty mouth?"

Fuck it.

Xie Wenxing wanted to shut up time, and the other party asked questions one after another, which was almost like a public execution.

Shi Shi said earnestly: "Then you can't just freeze like this, girls must like a good atmosphere, even if you are shy, you can touch her and touch her."

Xie Wenxing was about to despair: "His hand is still on my neck, I dare not move at all, he even touched my Adam's apple! Damn, how can he be so good at playing?"

Time hates iron but not steel: "...I misjudged you, shame on you."

That is, as soon as the voice of time fell, the enemy's policewoman was slowed down by the shock wave fired by Jinx, and the opponent's support had already been healed, and the policewoman's health was consumed before time caught up. decapitation—

"an eney has been sin!"

Xie Wenxing's Thresh killed the policewoman first.

Shi Shi was stunned: "Xie Wenxing! You fucking assist in grabbing the head, are you human?"

Xie Wenxing: "... Shut up, Shut up, brother, don't be angry."

Time just wanted to spray him. After holding back, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared: "If that girl is playing games with you, and she wants to play shooter, will you volunteer to play support?"

Xie Wenxing: "It's not that I haven't assisted him before."

In high school, he occasionally assisted Guan He.

Time: "Help her block the damage?"

Xie Wenxing: "Yeah."

Time: "What did you do in that situation just now?"

The question of time can be called a torture of the soul, Xie Wenxing thought for a while: "Then I... give him the head."

The time is crisp and neat: "You are finished."

The next sentence is:

"Practice your technique, lad."