Give Me a Kiss

Chapter 26: 26. Hypocrisy


As soon as he said this, Xie Wenxing's movements stopped.

He looked at the back of Guan He pulling the car door to get out, and his heartbeat became faster than ever.

"Looking at the stars?" Shi Shi didn't realize the deep meaning in it at all, but said with emotion: "This hobby is very fresh and environmentally friendly."

When he unbuckled his seat belt, he found Xie Wenxing staying in the car without moving, Shi Shi snorted, "Xiao Xie, why are you still not moving?"

"I'll be right away."

As Xie Wenxing said, he touched the car door absent-mindedly.

Which pot of time does not open and which pot to mention: "I suddenly discovered that there is also a star in your name."

Xie Wenxing's heart skipped a beat: "What?"

Time: "It's nothing, the boss said he likes to watch the stars, it's a coincidence."

Xie Wenxing exhaled: "It's quite a coincidence."

The bar was taken over by Lu Yaoyao. When sitting in the card seat, Xie Wenxing was held shoulder to shoulder by Time and others, and by the time he realized it, he had already separated from Guan He.

Looking again, the executives of Blue Whale, Su Mu, and Lu Yaoyao were all sitting there...

Xie Wenxing had no reason to go there, so he could only sit down with the time. After sitting down, the thoughts still haven't come out of Guan He's words earlier.

A bottle of wine corresponds to a booth, and everyone ordered a lot of mixed drinks, and the table was filled with colorful colors. Xie Wenxing was in a daze all the time, and he only raised his head when everyone else was calling his name.

The time was a little strange: "Xiao Xie, why have you been standing there?"

Xie Wenxing touched his nose: "I'm thinking about something."

"Don't think about it. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today. After drinking this drink, you can continue to think about it."

When the time said, he filled the wine glass in front of him.

Xie Wenxing didn't resist either, he took the glass, and when he drank it upside down to signal that he was empty, Time laughed at him: "Take it easy, the first sister ordered Burgundy, I'll get dizzy for a while after drinking too much."

"It shouldn't be a problem for brother to drink so much, right?" fsh gestured at two-thirds of the red wine bottle. Looking at the time, he shook his head: "Xiao Xie has a lot of alcohol, don't you know?"

Eve's jungler is unbelievable: "Moshen can't drink enough?"

Time: "Just pour a bottle of beer, he said it himself."

Everyone's eyes came together, Xie Wenxing touched his nose: "It should be, I haven't been drunk for many years."

The jungler comforted him: "The amount of alcohol is based on drinking, and the more drunk you will be, the more you will be able to drink."

Xie Wenxing said: "I don't drink well, the people I know told me not to get drunk."

Time is quite interested: "What's wrong? You want to find someone to fight?"

"Fighting is not enough," Xie Wenxing's eyes froze for a moment: "Anyway, it's very bad."

In the first year of high school, Guan He invited many people to sing at KTV on his birthday. Li Yan taught him how to play with dice, and he kept losing accidentally, so he kept drinking.

He still had a vague impression when he was drunk, he remembered that after he was drunk, he hugged someone and refused to let go...

After the weekend, after school, I ran into Li Yan and Guan He in physical education class. As soon as Li Yan met, he looked at Guan He, then at him, and couldn't stop laughing.

"Xiao Xie, do you have any impression of what happened on Friday night?"

Xie Wenxing shook his head.

"Hey, you're going too far!" Li Yan was very self-conscious, and poured out all the things in one brain: "How could you treat Ah He like this? You kissed and hugged, Ah He almost couldn't control it, and changed his mind." Become a beast... He can't do anything yet, I feel sorry for him just looking at him! You don't remember? Then it makes sense for him to endure for so long?"

Li Yan recounted how he was close to Guan He, how Guan He had to take him to the ktv bathroom to hide in order to hide the eyes and ears. Xie Wenxing was dumbfounded. On the ground, his face was flushed red.

"...Of course, I don't know what you guys did in the bathroom." Li Yan coughed and turned to look at Guan He: "Why don't you tell me?"

"What are you talking about?" Guan He squatted down, picked up Xie Wenxing's basketball, put it back in his hand, and slightly raised his eyebrows at Li Yan: "Don't bully him."

Li Yan was dumbfounded: "Damn it, are you fake?"

After he finished all these words, Guan He came to pretend to be a good person, this kid is really a lot of hypocrisy.

But Xie Wenxing still likes this kind of thing.

"Don't get drunk in the future."


"If I'm here... it's not impossible to drink a little more."

"it is good."

"One bottle of beer at most when alone."

At that time, Xie Wenxing was thinking about Li Yan's words, so he agreed in a daze.

Once it was answered, it was answered for many years.

When he came back to his senses, Time was happily saying: "Very good, we will feed you tonight."

Eve's assistant: "Did you see this glass of whiskey on the rocks?"

Eve's jungler: "There's also this green glass, this orange glass, and that transparent glass over there."

fsh: "It's all brother's."

Xie Wenxing couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Fuck, are you human?"

Just after scolding, an idea suddenly crossed his mind.

If he deliberately got himself drunk, wouldn't he have the guts to ask Guan He? Ask him what star he's talking about.

from the sky? still…

But if he was drunk, would he hug Guan He again as before? It’s different from kissing and hugging when I was a teenager, if I kiss Guan He and hug him now...

How would he react


Suddenly there was a noisy sound from the adjacent deck, Guan He turned his head, and the scene he saw made his eyes jump.

Xie Wenxing held a glass of wine and drank it without looking at it.

"Damn, Xiao Xie, you are lying, you are obviously huge?"

"I can't do it anymore..." Eve's assistant looked like he was about to vomit, and his face was disheveled: "I feel like I'm walking on the clouds, if I don't drink it, I won't drink it anymore, and if I drink it, the manager will kill me, and you don't want to drink it anymore, Fugou!" , your fucking face is green."

fsh was also a little flustered: "My face is green? Why can't I see it?"

Among the noisy crowd, Xie Wenxing was the only one who kept laughing instead of talking. It looked the same as it did when awake.

Time began to doubt: "Is he already drunk?"

"Didn't Moshen say that his wine quality is very bad, and he doesn't make trouble now, so he should still be sober?"

Shi Shi stretched out his hand in front of Xie Wenxing's eyes, and was about to snap his fingers when Xie Wenxing's eyes suddenly lit up.

Time froze.

How would you describe Xie Wenxing's eyes now? As if seeing something that made him extremely happy, those eyes became radiant.

Following Xie Wenxing's line of sight, Shi Shi saw Guan He walking over.

Xie Wenxing was indeed drunk.

Some people don't respond immediately when they're drunk, they need a switch that stimulates them. Guan He is Xie Wenxing's switch.

Shi Shi watched as Xie Wenxing stood up and reached out to Guan He. Guan He didn't respond, so he slapped the opponent's shoulder.

It's very hard, and the sound is not small.

Everyone was shocked.

Time's drunkenness was awakened by fright, and he quickly stood up to pull Xie Wenxing: "I'm sorry...I'm sorry boss, Xiao Xie is drunk, he didn't mean to..."

The color of Guan He's eyes has indeed cooled down, like ice.

This is probably the real appearance of this man. Guan He didn't put on airs when he got along with them all day, so much so that he almost forgot the identity of the other party. It is absolutely terrifying for a person like Guan He to get angry.

Xie Wenxing, the unlucky boy... Time kept complaining in his heart.

Guan He asked, "Which of you fed him?"

The people at the table exchanged glances, and then one, two, three... almost everyone raised their hands.

The expression on Guan He's face became even lighter.

Time is still making amends: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you... Your lord has a lot, don't care about the drunkard, I'll drag him away."

"He drank so much wine?"

"Yes, yes, he drank a lot. Can you not get drunk after drinking so much? This is how people get drunk—"

Before he finished speaking, Xie Wenxing stretched out his hand and patted Guan He again. This time he didn't use as much force as last time, but the sound still made Shi Shi's teeth sore.

It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over... oh my god!

"He's drunk, so I'll take him away first." Guan He said, "He's a poor drinker, so don't drink him next time."

As he spoke, he gently pushed Xie Wenxing, and the latter obediently walked forward with Guan He's strength at this moment. Seeing Guan He lead him away from the booth, Time and fsh looked at each other in dismay.

Lu Yaoyao at the other table was the first to break the silence: "Mr. Guan also drank a lot of bars? How does he drive?"

eve's jungler: "Is he drunk too?"

Eve's assistant swallowed: "He...will he fight with Moshen...?"

fsh asked with his eyes: "Brother Time?"

Time: "Zhui, there are two doors to this bar. You go through the south gate and I go through the north gate. Go and see the situation."

fsh nodded, he and time were the more sober ones in this group, and the two went to the two exits of the bar respectively. Because the venue was reserved, there were not many people on the dance floor. After crossing the shining water bridge, fsh saw two figures that almost overlapped each other.

His heart brightened, and he quickly chased after him.

Turning around the corner of the corridor, he had already seen the shadow of a person. Just as fsh was about to speak, the bright red numbers in the elevator first caught his eyes—

Then there was Xie Wenxing who was pressed against the wall.

The words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, fsh looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, Guan He put one hand on Xie Wenxing's shoulder, the other hand grabbed his waist, and kissed Xie Wenxing delicately one by one on the neck.

Xie Wenxing raised his head slightly, his eyes half-closed, he was indeed quite drunk.

Guan He didn't choose to kiss him, but kept touching his neck with his lips, until he even touched Xie Wenxing's Adam's apple—

The number of the elevator changed to two.

The door opened.

Guan He pulled Xie Wenxing, and the two walked into the elevator.

Before the elevator doors closed, fsh saw Guan He, who had always lowered his eyes, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at himself indifferently.

Then bow your head.

This time, he kissed Xie Wenxing.