Give Me a Kiss

Chapter 28: 28. Button up


"What's wrong?"

Guan He looked at him, unable to take any steps.

Reaching out to raise Xie Wenxing's head, he could see crystal clear water in the other's eyes, not many, but with such a little tears, Guan He could no longer treat him with the same attitude as before.

"Why... so sad?"

The sound didn't feel soft either.

Xie Wenxing should belong to the type who won't lose his mind completely even when he's drunk, as if realizing that his behavior was too embarrassing, he suddenly covered his eyes tightly with his hands.

All that was left was the tip of his nose for breathing and slightly trembling lips. Guan He's down-to-earth attitude hit his weak spot, he was not up to it... unexpectedly... it made him even more sad.

The back of the hand covered another's palm.

"Don't cover your eyes, you may get bacteria." Xie Wenxing's hand was slowly snapped off by another person, Guan He didn't use much strength. When Xie Wenxing's eyes pierced with light again, the other party looked at him with slightly curved lips: "It's pretty good to cry."


"What the hell are you thinking? Sometimes it feels like you like me too, but the things you've done don't mean that at all."

Xie Wenxing whispered, "I like it."

The smile on Guan He's face remained undiminished: "You can tell everyone that you like it at this time."

Xie Wenxing frowned slightly.

Putting cold fingers on the center of Xie Wenxing's eyebrows, Guan He flattened his frowning brows: "To deal with a wolf-hearted child like you, you can only hold what you want in front of you. You can't throw stones at you, you hold a grudge." , do you know?"

Xie Wenxing looked away, feeling a little embarrassed by his words.

"Although you hold grudges but not gratitude, if you feel that someone is kind to you, you will slowly approach him, and you can't help but hold that person's hand. If it makes you feel very comfortable, you will not like it after a long time Alone. Am I right?"

Xie Wenxing lowered his head, and it took him a long while to reply muffled. Guan He glanced at him, but the tears had stopped flowing, and the corners of his eyes were still red.

"Maybe I'm not good enough for you, otherwise you wouldn't always cry in front of me."


Xie Wenxing opened his mouth.

"It's okay if you don't remember what I said tonight. After you wake up, you can see with your eyes," Guan He said, pressing his thumb against the redness at the corner of his eyes: "It will be good for you."

"It's good for you, you can't dump me a second time."

"Otherwise I'll be angry too."


When Xie Wenxing woke up, he felt that he had a splitting headache.

The memory came back slowly. Everything that happened yesterday was like a beach that gradually became clear after the tide receded, but it stopped abruptly when the memory came to the bar.

After a while, he opened his eyes in disbelief.

He... hit Guan He

After opening my eyes, I realized that everything around me was strange, such as unfamiliar ceilings, unfamiliar pillows, and a few unfamiliar foreign language books on the bay window...

No matter how painful Xie Wenxing's head was, he realized that this was not his room. He sat up with support, only to find that there was another person lying beside him.

Because he got up too fast, the man was woken up by him.

Xie Wenxing froze in disbelief. The other party's eyelids lifted, looking at him lazily. I don't know when Guan He's forearm wrapped around his waist. Unlike Xie Wenxing, who became an Internet addict as an adult, Guan He has always had the habit of exercising. The opponent's arm is thicker than his, and the muscle content is much higher. .

With this hug, you can intuitively feel the difference in body shape between the two.

"Have a headache?"

Probably because he just woke up, Guan He's voice was low.

"No pain."

After Xie Wenxing stumbled and finished speaking, his brain almost exploded, but he couldn't remember what happened after drinking the fragment:

what happened

Why did you lie on the same bed with Guan He

The body... seems to be a little painful? !

"Does it hurt in other places?" Guan He pointedly said, "I was not very gentle last night, so I just threw you on the bed."

Xie Wenxing looked at him like a fool, Guan He approached maliciously: "Sorry, but you are too clingy, you have to follow me when I go to get the hangover medicine."

The closer he got, the more Xie Wenxing couldn't help backing away, and in the end the tip of his ears burned, and he probably would fall out of bed if he bullied him again, so Guan He pulled Xie Wenxing.

"You can sleep a little longer, I'll ask Auntie if the hangover soup is ready."

"Did we sleep together?" He changed clothes behind Xie Wenxing's back, and there was a hesitant voice behind him.

Guan He suppressed a smile: "Yes."

"Is... I took the initiative?"


"I won't let you go?"

Guan He played tricks on purpose: "The cuffs are all wrinkled by you."

"I'm sorry," Xie Wenxing asked hesitantly before waiting for a long time, "How do you feel?"


"are you angry?"

The man who had been turning his back to him turned his head, and Xie Wenxing realized that the other party was actually smiling. He hadn't seen him smiling like this for a long time, his eyes were bent, and his white and neat teeth were slightly exposed.

After so many years, she still looks so good when she smiles.

Xie Wenxing couldn't bear to look away.

It was rare for Guan He to be teased like this. He laughed and said, "You believe everything I say? Don't you feel it yourself?"

Seeing the playful eyes of the other party, Xie Wenxing realized that he had been tricked. Embarrassed but also a little annoyed.

Although he didn't know what he had done, he knew that he must have been clinging to Guan He when he was drunk, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to sleep on Guan He's bed. But at this point, Guan He didn't do anything.

While admiring his character, Xie Wenxing couldn't help wondering if he wasn't attractive at all. What was even more embarrassing was that he didn't know if Guan He could see that he drank so much alcohol on purpose...

While thinking wildly, the shirt belonging to another person was placed in his hand, Guan He understated:

"Your clothes are not here, wear mine."


It was almost four o'clock, and the little assistant called Xie Wenxing on WeChat.

[Touch God, are you there? ]

After the question mark, a cute emoji was followed, and Xie Wenxing replied: [? ]

Assistant: [Are you going to broadcast live tonight? Today just happens to be the first live broadcast this month].

Assistant: [Have you considered turning on the camera? The last time you turned on the camera, the audience responded very well. In addition to the accident a few days ago, you are now one of the most popular anchors of Blue Whale. The high popularity increases the appearance, this is a great opportunity for you to usher in the second spring of your career! ]

Xie Wenxing: [The second spring, I had the first spring? Can you use words? ]

The little assistant didn't mind his attitude at all: [Isn't the first sister's wedding broadcast live? Someone deliberately recorded the place where you appeared and made a video. Many fans of this video are on the official blog of Aite Blue Whale. After discussion, we all think that you should turn on the camera].

Xie Wenxing: [Think about it]

He also planned to turn on the camera before, but he was only married to Guan He at that time. He was worried that accidents during the live broadcast would be difficult to deal with if the camera was turned on, so the idea was shelved. Now it seems that he and Guan He hardly interfere with each other under the same roof, and it is not impossible to turn on the camera.

Assistant: [Please]

Assistant: [ball ball yu]

Assistant: [You receive a lot of gifts, and we also get a lot of commission, just showing your face, why not do it? ]

The words were very straightforward, but very reasonable, Xie Wenxing thought about it, and typed a reply in agreement.

That night, as soon as the audience entered his live broadcast room, they frantically swiped the screen: [Old touch showing his face? Sing again tonight? ]

[This minute I feel like I'm going to faint from being so handsome]

[I can't believe my husband's face on the cover... Suffocate! ]

[oxygen cylinder! ]

"From today onwards, I've been showing my face in the live broadcast. How's the camera angle?"

[Okay, okay, looks handsome! ]

[I think it can be lower]

"A little lower?"

Xie Wenxing reached out and adjusted the camera. While he was shaking the camera, someone noticed his clothes.

[Touch your shirt, it's so big that your collarbone is exposed]

[I sold sex on the first day I turned on the camera, so I reported it]

[Xiao Lu is fine! Mom loves you! You are the prettiest kid on the block! ]

Xie Wenxing paused, he lowered his head and noticed the cobalt blue cuffs, and then realized that he was wearing Guan He's clothes all the time: "The clothes are not mine."

It’s okay if he didn’t say anything, this sentence caused an uproar in the live broadcast room, the more the barrage said, the more outrageous it became, Xie Wenxing simply followed the joke of the barrage: “Yes, it belongs to the gold master’s father.”

[Blue Whale is the only straight male anchor? ]

[Clarify, why are you wearing men's clothes? ]

"Why are you wearing his clothes? Of course I slept with him, my own clothes are not next to the bed," Xie Wenxing said while opening the queue interface: "Do you want me to not wear clothes?"

Seeing the barrage of ghosts and wolves howling, Xie Wenxing's lips twitched slightly.

"What does sleep mean? Isn't that what sleep means?"

"How many times a night..."

"I don't understand, I fell asleep," Xie Wenxing said more and more, he found it more amusing, and he laughed himself: "Yes, I was just too tired, so I couldn't help falling asleep."

Xie Wenxing was going to say something, but when he lowered his eyes, he saw the system prompt:

I touched you and entered the live broadcast room.

The barrage is still driving like crazy, especially the sentence he just fell asleep from exhaustion, which has been adapted into a short story. Xie Wenxing sat up straight and looked at the monitor, the tension in his eyes almost turned into reality: "Shut up the fuck, whoever says naughty things will be banned from the room. Damn, who sent that green barrage just now? It's over the limit, Hurry up, seal it..."

"This purple one, ban it, ban it, why don't you make up stories? Are you ashamed, I'll go?"

"And this, what is good or not? Who the hell posted this? How shameless? Do I need to tell you whether it smells good or not?"

[Report, whether the dress is good or not was sent by your boss]

[I'm fucking going to laugh out loud tonight]

[Probably Mr. Guan still has to face]

[Moshen looks like he is about to suffocate, who will hang an oxygen bottle for him? ]

"You..." Xie Wenxing held his breath in his throat and couldn't move up and down, his voice was a bit lower: "Why are you making fun of me with them?"

[Hahahahahahaha, my Cusanima, what is the second counseling? ]

[What is face changing? ]

[I... I didn't mean to... be with them... Are you kidding me...] At the end of the barrage that teased him, there was a sarcastic qaq.

Xie Wenxing pinched the mouse, wishing he could block these people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. But at this moment, Xie Wenxing saw the id very similar to himself in a bunch of colorful bullet screens:

Let me touch you: [button buttoned].

Subconsciously, Xie Wenxing put his hand on his neckline.