Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 10: ☆, contract marriage (10)


Ten minutes later, Lu Yi politely invited the other party out of his room, and finally he was at peace.

It only took him fourteen hours from learning that Fang Chuan had disappeared to finding a replacement groom and arranging everything in order.

Every step was carried out exactly as he expected, except for Yu Ke, a small accident happened to him.

Putting his finger on the place where the two people touched, Lu Yi thought to himself, maybe he was too indulgent to each other, maybe in the next year, he should pay attention to the balance between the two people.

There was no dream. The next morning, Lu Yi was awakened by his biological clock. He changed into his custom-made suit for the wedding, walked to the door where Yu Ke was resting, and knocked on the door of the room.

Yu Ke in pajamas opened the door from the inside and rubbed his sleepy face. When people wake up or go out of the bath, they are basically the ugliest, but Yu Ke looks unexpectedly cute, and his appearance has obviously withstood the test.

Lu gave a regular greeting to his new wife, kind and polite: "Good morning, how did you sleep last night?"

Yu Ke's voice was lazily: "Good morning, I slept well. Do I need to get up so early today?"

Because he replaced Fang Chuan and lived in the Lu family, the wedding reception was cancelled, saving a lot of time.

"I will check your progress yesterday. The wedding location is about a two-hour drive from here. It will be very hard next. If you feel tired, you can rest in the car."

His voice fell low and his expression was very serious: "From the time he left the door of the Lu family, he can't be as casual as yesterday, do you understand?"

"I see, just come and check it."

Yu Ke came over and let Lu Yi enter his room.

There will be a lot of media coming to the wedding this time. Although they have greeted them, the characters are exposed to the spotlight and every move will be magnified. He must ensure that Yu Ke, an extra, does not make any mistakes, unlike yesterday. Randomly checked a few like that, but from beginning to end, every detail was deducted.

Two hours later, Yu Ke looked very tired, it was as if he had been working with the People's Congress for three days and three nights and was drained of energy.

He looked at Lu Yi sitting upright, still vigorous and energetic, and said weakly, "Lu Dong, you are really strict."

Lu Yi didn’t answer his words, and only closed the folder in his hand: “There is still a small omission, but it’s enough for guests. Your memory is better than I thought. If you don’t mind, I can do it at Lu’s You arrange a job and the salary is about twice your current salary."

"If it is to be your secretary, I think I have to reject your kindness." If he is Lu Yi's secretary, he will definitely not have an extra favor with this boss.

It was really tired. Two hours ago, he saw that Lu Yi was still an angel emitting holy light. Two hours later, when he looked at Lu Yi's handsome face, he felt like he was looking at a hideous devil.

"No, it's Lu's public relations director." Yu Ke is indeed a smart and likable person. He also presupposed a few crises, and the other party also answered perfectly.

Yu Ke's eyes lit up a bit, but he still rejected him: "Sounds great, but since I am your current wife, it's better to avoid suspicion."

Lu Yi just said casually, but the other party refused, and he didn't force it.

Here, the Lu family was preparing for the wedding, and on the other side, the mother who had spent a lot of money finally contacted her ran away son at two o'clock in the morning on Valentine's Day.

When she got in touch, she flew into a rage, scolded her son without a ladylike manner, and then the other party hung up the phone.

When she changed her number and contacted again, she became obedient and stopped talking nonsense to vent her anger. Instead, she just said, "Do you know that Lu Yi is getting married today?"

Fang Chuan’s voice came from the phone, a little boring: "I know that today was our wedding, but I really don’t love him. Maybe some people don’t care about love, but if you just get married like this, I think I’m You might regret it for a lifetime. Mom, I'm sorry, you say sorry to Lu Yi for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he planned to hang up.

But Ms. Qin's cold words stopped him: "I mean, today's wedding will be held as usual, and the person you should be sorry to say is me, it's my mother!"

Fang Chuan's voice sounded a little unbelievable: "Mom, what do you mean by this sentence?"

How could the wedding go on without another bridegroom. He has known Lu for ten years and knows that the other party is not a person seeking shame.

In fact, it is to believe that the other party has enough ability to solve the problem, he will have the courage to leave.

Feeling that her son can listen to her own words, Qin Lan calmed down. The most urgent task now is not to scold her son, but not to let the absurd wedding go on.

"What do you mean, you treat everyone like a mother and treat you as a treasure, but you have to? He just got the news and immediately found someone to get married. I think he has cheated on 80% long ago. My stupid son , You ran out in vain, but you let others take advantage of it."

Fang Chuan was still a little unsure. When he heard this, he was sure that this was Ms. Qin's method of tricking himself into going back to finish the wedding: "Mom, don't lie to me. I know that Lu Yi didn't find anyone else, and he wouldn't. Do it to me."

Ms. Qin almost didn’t catch her breath. She was afraid that her son would hang up the phone again and change the phone card. She would no longer pour dirty water on Lu Yi. She threw out her own tricks: "He really didn’t cheat, but he really looked for A substitute, do you know who the substitute is? It's your first love, Yu Ke!"

There was the sound of a heavy object falling on the phone. After half a minute, Fang Chuan's breathing became obvious: "Mom, don't lie to me, how could he get in touch with Yu Ke?"

He said that he didn't believe it, but his tone was very different from when he denied that Lu Yi had derailed earlier, and he was obviously shaken.

He knows his mother very well. When he was young and ignorant, he used to die and live for true love. Even after the other party had said cruel words and left, he couldn't think of cutting his wrist. Although he didn't cut his wrist because he was afraid of pain, he didn't cut it. The family hated Yu Ke, especially his mother who loved him.

She would never take Yu Ke to whom she would talk about this kind of thing.

"You!" Qin Lan's voice was a bit of hatred for iron and steel, "Today at 12 o'clock, the wedding will be held. No matter who it is for, you must come forward to solve this marriage."

Fang Chuan's breathing suddenly became heavy: "But Mom, what if you lied to me? Just like when you were in high school, you lied to me and said yes, but turned your head to find Yu Ke."

"What good is it for me to lie to you? Besides, do you really want to sever ties with your family for this matter?"

Her son was raised so squeamishly that even if he took a large sum of money, it was impossible to guarantee a lifetime of life.

In this regard, Qin Lan has believed 80% of the facts he said: "But I am in country A now."

"How long does it take for the plane of country A to fly back? If you can't make it, you can borrow your aunt's private plane, which is in country A."

She didn't want to make the whole family know about this kind of thing. After all, she was embarrassed, but if she couldn't help it, she could only do so.

Fang Chuan fell silent, before squeezing a sentence from his teeth: "I'll check the nearest flight."

No matter if what his mother said is true or false, he wants to take a look. If it is false, he admits it, but if it is true, he will regret it if he doesn't come to stop it.

After confirming that his son could come back before the wedding, Qin Lan was relieved. She could have told Lu Yi about the news, but the other party's behavior was tantamount to a slap in the face. She hesitated and chose to hide it temporarily.

In any case, tomorrow she must stir up this wedding, and it can be regarded as a mouthful of the bad breath that has been held in her heart for the past two days.

As for Yu Ke, the two families have been together for so long, Lu Yi’s friendship with Fang Chuan, her elder is also in his eyes, as long as Fang Chuan sincerely asks for forgiveness, the childhood sweetheart who grew up together, can’t be better than A man who gets along for less than a day

Qin Lan felt relieved, and finally was able to sleep soundly.

Everything went well after starting from Lujia, but when he was approaching the church, Yu Ke, who was sitting in the wedding car, was inexplicably uneasy.

Lu Yi sensed the anxiety of the people around him and turned his face to look at him: "What's the matter, you look a little uncomfortable? Is it motion sickness?"

"Nothing, I just feel a little nervous."

Lu Yi's hand covered his newlywed wife's, and he said calmly and calmly: "An Xin, with me, everything will go well."

Yu Ke squeezed his warm hand backhand: "I know, I won't let you down."

Two affectionate faces were reflected in the rearview mirror of the car, both handsome and handsome, who really looked like a couple of gods and goddesses.

Those who were invited by the two houses were all decent people. Although they could guess that the replacement of the bridegroom was certainly not because the secretary accidentally mistyped the list, they came for an alliance between the two parties. As long as the wedding was held, it would be fine. enough.

They are all people who have seen the world, and have not experienced any weird things. Other people's household affairs will be handled. It is good that they know each other well, and there is no need for anyone to jump out and reveal it.

The wedding was held as scheduled. In the sacred church, the stage was full of guests. On the stage, priests dressed in gods recited the wedding message, just like in a TV series, asking one of the bridegrooms.

"Mr. Lu, you are willing to be a partner with the people around you, and accompany him throughout his life, no matter how beautiful or ugly, no matter whether he is born, old or sick, no matter whether he is rich or poor."

"yes, I… "

A louder voice interrupted the young man's low and melodious voice: "No, he doesn't want to!"