Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 102: ☆, reborn male (12)


Lu Yi and Father Lu put the original owner's mother flat on the bed, and after confirming that the other party had fainted and had a heart attack, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, she should be faint, and she will wake up after a short rest."

He was a little louder so that someone who had secretly opened the door of the room could hear it.

In the room, Lu Er said to Ji Rui: "I said you don't sew the door, you will break it if you buckle it again."

Ji Rui recovered from that nervous state: "Sorry, I will compensate."

"What is the compensation? I just said casually." Lu Er also leaned over, "What happened just now, is my brother beaten?"

As an insider who helped his elder brother hide his parents from his parents, Lu Er felt very guilty in his heart. Although he had a lot of spooky ideas, he was still a high school student. Whenever something happened, he subconsciously wanted to escape, even peeking through the door. Dare not.

He was mainly afraid of seeing results he didn't want to see.

Ji Rui's expression became even more guilty: "My aunt fainted with anger, it's all my fault."

It would be better if he could hide it better. It was because he was so happy and emotional just now that he could not hold back his actions. He had to get close to Lu Yi.

Lu Er originally had a bit of resentment in his heart. Seeing that he blamed himself first, he couldn't say anything. He couldn't make a slap. This kind of thing, he couldn't put all the blame on Ji Rui.

And Lu Yi always liked men. Lu Er opened his mouth: "Whatever you mean is your fault. My mother was so angry with my brother, and it's not you."

He still doesn't dare to go out now, for fear that his parents will know that they have been in the know, and if they are arguing with them, he will also be beaten.

Seeing his wife fainted, Lu's father's already blue expression became even more ugly. Lu Yi said that there was nothing wrong with Mother Lu, so he let go of his heart a little, but his attitude was not at all ease.

He subconsciously wiped the cigarette in his pocket to smoke, but he didn't touch it in a familiar place. It took a long time to remember that in order to save money, he quit smoking some time ago.

Their family doesn't like lending money to others, and they don't like borrowing money from others very much. The two students in the family, a high school and a university, both cost a lot of money. They both earn money just like that. They also want to save the eldest son the money to marry a wife in the future, which is more frugal.

Father Lu has always been taciturn, even though there are countless emotions in his heart that he wants to vent, a person like him can't suddenly snap a lot of indignation.

He looked at his eldest son and asked him, "Can you change it?"

For people like them, homosexuality is like a disease, and it can be cured. Like men, but just go astray, so he hopes his son will change.

Lu Yi shook his head: "Dad, this is not a disease. I was born like this. I can't change it."

According to his plan, he will come out sooner or later, but will adopt a gradual approach to make Father Lu and Mother Lu acceptable, instead of suddenly coming like this.

But since the matter had already happened, it was useless to deceive, so he could only let the flow go and just put it aside.

Lu Yi knew that the original owner's parents loved his children very much, and he didn't want to hurt these two old people.

"The country has passed the law. If I find a man to marry, it is also protected by the law. If you are worried that I will have a hard time, I will come back less in the future. I will buy a house in a big city at that time, and then pick up your two elders. past."

In fact, Lu Yi has already bought the house he rented before, and he is rich now, but there are some things that even his relatives cannot say too clearly.

And after getting along for so many years, what ability does the original owner have, can parents know

He wanted to say that he had made a lot of money in just a few months, and Lu's father and Lu's mother would definitely not believe it.

Lu Yi glanced at Mother Lu, who was lying on the bed, with a very calm tone: "Dad, I know it is difficult for you and mom to accept it, but I really can't fix it. This is not a disease. We are all kind people at home. I like men. If you want me to marry a woman, it's just a good girl who has harmed other people's homes."

Lu Yi tried to make his words more down-to-earth.

Father Lu fell silent, his body seemed to be weighed heavily, his always straight spine was bent down, and he sighed heavily: "Yes, you are right, we can't harm a good girl."

Father Lu and Mother Lu are both good people, so simple and unsophisticated residents of the small town. Hearing what Lu Yi said, he also knew that there was no hope of having a grandson.

Lu Er rushed out at this time and said, "Dad, I like girls. Don't be sad. It's really impossible. When I grow up, I will marry a daughter-in-law and give you two elderly care."

Lu Er was young and his emotions were easily affected by the outside world. He heard Lu's father's sighs again and again, and he felt that his heart was also heavy, and he was so sad that he rushed out without holding back.

When Ji Rui watched him go out, he also took steps, but seeing the hint in Lu Yi's eyes, he drew back again.

Now it is the matter of Lu Yi and Lu Yi's father and son. After all, he is an outsider. If he rushes out hastily, he will only mess things up.

And... And he is only a freshman now, with nothing, he can't promise Lu Yi anything, he won't go out to make trouble.

Mother Lu rested for a while, and woke up leisurely when she was in the willow tree on the moon. Seeing Lu Yi, she felt tightness in her chest and shortness of breath. In fact, she was the top mother inside and outside the family. She felt that she couldn't accept things like her son likes men.

Originally, she looked at Ji Rui, how she liked him, but now, knowing that her son likes him, she dislikes him whatever she thinks.

Of course, Lu Yi's diary wrote that he liked Zhao Wuchen, the kid next door.

Although Lu Yi and Zhao Wuchen broke off, she still hates Zhao Wuchen together. Most mothers in the world have this kind of thinking. Their children are innocent and innocent. If they make any mistakes, they must be seduced by outsiders.

If it weren't for Zhao Wuchen, how could Lu Yi go astray.

In order to allow Mother Lu to pass the breath, they opened the window and let the cold wind of early spring blow into the house. On the night of the fourth lunar month, the crescent moon was crooked and there were a few stars.

Mother Lu’s face was like the dark sky outside the window: "Anyway, you are still young, ignorant, and don’t know what feelings are. When you grow up, you will know the good of a girl. It’s not that mom wants to be this villain, anyway. It just doesn't work to like men. You must be separated from that Ji Rui."

Lu Yi said, "Mom, I'm nineteen years old and I know what I'm doing. Now that you read my diary, you know that I just like men and don't like women."

Although he doesn't like Zhao Wuchen at all, he doesn't want to be a coward who shirks responsibility in this matter: "It used to be Zhao Wuchen, but now it is Ji Rui. Only men can be tempted. Sexuality is innate and forced. Break straight and bend, it's all hurt."

Mother Lu's emotions became agitated: "Hurt, what hurt?! Do you care about hurting my motherhood?"

She doesn't care about other people's children, she can't care about men and women, but she can't accept her own children.

Although he hadn't studied much, the way Lu's father and mother educate their children rarely used hitting. Unless they were really disobedient and made a big mistake, they would use feather dusters and other tools to let the children learn the lesson.

When Lu Yi grew up, they could no longer do anything to Lu Yi. Mother Lu couldn't beat her children. What was the only way she could make her children obedient? That is to cut off the economy.

Mother Lu said coldly: "If you want to do this, your dad and I won't give you any more money when you study, and we will leave everything at home to Lu Er."

Lu Yi sighed softly, "I know, it makes you two elders sad, but I still said that, this can't be changed."

"Then you take someone to get out of me!"

Mother Lu was determined to get her son back to the right path. As a result of the stalemate, Lu Yi and his guest Ji Rui were kicked out of the house in the middle of the night. They brought everything with them. go.

Originally, when she came back this time, Mother Lu had already prepared the living expenses for her son, but now she didn't give anything, so she drove people away. Only when she suffered, would Lu Yi know how to change.

Lu Yi sighed and took Ji Rui away seriously.

There is no high-speed rail at night, and there is no need to change trains in the town to get to the plane. The two people refunded the previous tickets and changed the train tickets in the middle of the night. The train will go to X city.

It was the Chinese New Year in the middle of the night. The bus in the town stopped long ago. Lu Yi spent 150 yuan. The two people sat behind the truck that transported goods, and asked them to send him and Ji Rui to a place. The train station is an hour's drive away.

Ji Rui stayed with Lu Yi, shivering in the cold wind, and whispered: "Or, would you apologize to Auntie?"

Pity the parents of the world.

Lu Yi looked at him: "Do you want me to break up with you?"

Ji Rui shook his head: "I'm very selfish. Although I know my aunt is sad, I still hope you can persevere."

He went on to add: "If my mother knows and asks me to separate from you, I will definitely insist."

Although he is weak in some things, in some respects, he is exceptionally persistent.

"I can only wait for my mother to calm down and accept the facts." This kind of thing can only be considered in the long term.

Ji Rui sneezed. When he was kicked out, he was not wearing warm enough, and the temperature was low at night.

Lu Yi glanced at him, unzipped his overcoat, put the child in his arms, and then closed the zipper: "Okay, don't talk, I'll call you when I get somewhere."