Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 111: ☆, contract marriage (15)


The other party will choose to commit the crime when they enter the underground mall, apparently staring at them for a long time. Lu Yi was sure that the other party should still be guarding the underground parking lot.

He called the secretary to arrange another car for himself. After receiving the notification from the other party, he said to Yu Ke, "We will go another way out later."

"What about the car?" Although he is not particularly fond of cars, he has a little dabbling in this aspect, and all kinds of cars can be said to be precious.

That's a car of several million, Lu Yi doesn't need it

"I don't care about the car, I'll explain to you again when the time comes."

Now the more important thing is safety.

He took Ji Rui to buy clothes, masks, and hats. They both changed their faces before going out.

In order to avoid the occurrence of tragedy, he also specifically held Yu Ke's hand.

Yu Ke actually doesn’t understand why Lu Yi did this. Although Lu’s family is big, but Lu Yi himself is very low-key. Except for some well-known financial magazines, I have not made any peachy news, and some make entertainment headlines at every turn. The rich second generation is different at all.

In this case, they don’t need all kinds of cover-ups like celebrities, but look at them now, at night, although they don’t have sunglasses so exaggerated, but they have low hats and masks that cover most of their faces. , Plus the entire set of clothes he had changed, he couldn't figure out exactly what Lu Yi wanted to do.

But looking at the hands between the two people, he was full of doubts, but said nothing.

He drove here, and the man waiting in the parking lot over there was beating the steering wheel irritably, and he had been paying attention to a certain car parked not far away.

In order to avoid missing Lu Yi, he didn't even dare to play with his mobile phone, fearing that he would miss a good opportunity in the blink of an eye.

But it's been too long, two big men, it took almost two hours to go shopping, is there any mistake in the end

Forget it, he doesn't understand what the rich think.

Thinking about this, he subconsciously touched his pocket and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but when I remembered, this was in the car and couldn't smoke.

He touched a betel nut and came out and was unpacking it. Someone knocked on his car window: "Old Zhang, open the car door."

He looked out the car window, he should be a man, he should be the wrong person.

"You found the wrong car." He yelled and ignored it. As a result, the other party continued to knock, and the action was simple and rude.

What kind of neurosis, the man thought so, lowered the car window, and said impatiently: "It's all said that you have found the wrong person."

His tone was violent, but he shrank when he saw a fierce face.

The fierce man didn't know who he looked at each other, and a gang of people rushed up to hula, pulled him up from the car, shackled him, and pressed him onto the police car.

The reason is that the man is suspected of buying murder/killing/person, and this man is the murderer who was bought.

Although this man has not implemented it yet, there is indeed conclusive evidence submitted to the police. In addition, the person involved is a large local taxpayer. If something goes wrong, the economy of the entire city may be shaken. Naturally, this side attaches great importance to it.

Half an hour later, the secretary drove Lu Yi to the car. At this moment, Lu Yi received a call, and a calm voice came from the other side: "Mr. Lu, we have already taken care of the things you explained. Up."

Only then did Lu Yi breathe a sigh of relief and said to the secretary: "The car in the mall, please let you drive over at that time."

"Okay Mr. Lu."

Lu Yi opened the door for Yu Ke: "Let's go up first, it's too early. After a busy day, take a good rest."

Yu Kelima added: "I think it's okay, not tired."

When he arrived at his residence, he put the things he bought in the living room and closed the door of his house. Then he asked Lu Yi, "What the hell is going on, why is it suddenly changed and the package is so tightly packed?"

Lu Yi said lightly: "It's nothing, a small matter has just been resolved."

He was able to understand the transaction behind that person clearly, and he found the evidence in such a short period of time because he had personally dealt with those things after Yu Ke died in his previous life.

But this kind of thing that didn't happen, he couldn't explain it. I can't say that I have the ability to predict, knowing that someone in the parking lot is going to hit me, and it may cause a human tragedy.

Besides, he didn't want Yu Ke to worry indifferently.

"Today you slept in the guest room. If you need a bath, you can use the bathroom outside."

His head hurts terribly now, and his unchanging support has reached a critical point now.

After saying a few words, he shut the door of the master bedroom, and he collapsed on the bed.

A lot of memories flooded into his mind, Qiao Yi's, Lu Yi's, and Lu Xingchen's 18-line actor.

Those majestic emotions made his expression constantly change, and the body lying on the bed also fluctuated violently with the changes in emotions.

It took a long time for his emotions to completely stabilize, and he slowly sorted out his memories for several lifetimes.

Because everything in this has been personally experienced by him, and every decision he made is his own. Those throbbing unique to love, the ups and downs that have been experienced together are also exceptionally real.

He clearly remembered that his goal mission for entering this world was to collect Yu Ke's fragments. Of course, he had to change the lives of those target characters. There was no such clear mission goal.

But in every world, what Lu Yi did was to turn the original owner from the hapless and pitiful into an object of envy by others.

From a loser to a winner, his change is obviously successful. Another condition is to collect Qi Yuke's fragments. He succeeded in every world. This shows that the white moonlight of those scumbags is the fragments that Yuke fell into that world

Although they don't look very alike, and their status and status have undergone tremendous changes, in terms of character, they do have similarities with Yu Ke.

If this is the case, then some things can make sense.

Lu Yi's expression also became gentle when thinking of losing his memory in every world he would meet with Yu Ke's fragments, and then falling in love with each other and marrying him.

But he thought of Yu Ke's previous reaction. He went back to the past and saved Yu Ke from the car accident. Does that mean that Yu Ke will not have those fragmented memories.

At least just now, he was pretty sure that the Yu Ke next to him was a Yu Ke who didn't know anything and only had a contract marriage with him.

Obviously spent five lives together, but only one person remembers it, which is a bit unfair.

What's more, for Lu Yi, there is a fundamental difference between Yu Ke who has gone through so many Yu Ke and who doesn't know or remember anything.

At this moment, Lu Yi's mood fluctuated violently as never before.

However, he was really tired. After receiving guests, he had been busy all day, and his body had already felt tired. When he was in the mall, he was supposed to relax, but because of the murderer hiding in the dark, he strained his nerves and couldn't relax until he returned to his new house.

Then, just after digesting and absorbing those huge memories, until now, although he has not experienced any heavy work, Lu Yi feels that his arms are about to be raised.

Lu Yi felt extremely sleepy. He, who always loved Jie, didn't even change his suit, and then fell asleep deeply.

Until 6 o'clock the next morning, the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room, shining on the handsome face of the young man.

The biological clock awakened Lu Yi, his fingers moved, and he straightened up with difficulty, stretched out his hand to draw the curtains, and then continued to fall asleep deeply.

When the hour hand on the watch went from six to nine, Lu Yi's door was knocked suddenly.

At first it was only one sound, and then three times regularly. Seeing that he did not open the door, the rhythm of knocking on the door quickened. Yu Ke's voice came from outside the door: "Lu Yi, you have the ability to close the door, you open the door for me. !"

The young man's eyelashes moved, and five minutes later, he opened the door of the room, and Yu Ke's silhouette was reflected in his dark eyes.

Yu Ke kept yelling, his throat was a bit dumb, and his throat was about to break, so he leaned against the door to rest for a while, but Lu Yi opened it abruptly. He couldn't stand still and fell straight back.

But what greeted him was not the cold ground, but a warm and powerful embrace.

Lu Yi looked down at the man who was caught by him: "You lie down enough, can you stand up?"

Yu Ke quickly grabbed the door and stood up.

Lu Yi's voice was a little hoarse, but his tone and expression were very gentle: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Although he hasn't been completely sure yet, looking at Yu Ke's face now, he doesn't seem to be able to say anything particularly important.

Yu Ke lifted his head slightly, his beautiful eyes looked at the sponsor on his contract without blinking. His fists were tightened and loosened. After all, he asked, "Qiao Yi?"

This is Yu Zhao, the CEO of a certain chain restaurant.

"Yeah." Lu Yi's eyes lit up a bit, and he responded softly.

Yu Ke was also excited. He licked his chapped lips, and he was reluctant to look away from the handsome and charming face in front of him: "Lu Xingchen?" This is the actor Kong Si.

"Well, I am."

"Little friend Lu?" This is He Si, the big guy who eats tender grass.

Lu Yi stressed dissatisfied: "Mr. Yu, I am 27 years old this year."

In the next second, Yu Ke hung on him like Ji Rui brand koala: "Then Mr. Lu, can I be your kid?"