Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 114: ☆, secret (2)


Yu Ke's mentality is far more mature than his peers, and it can even be said that he has stronger intellectual and emotional self-control than many adults.

But no matter how strong he is, in the final analysis he is just a pitiful minor without a father or mother, and he is still a kind of sensitive and delicate mind.

Because the frustration was too great, he subconsciously sought the help of the person who could give him the warmest support-his parents.

Anyway, during that time, because Fang Chuan's mother was making a lot of noise, the school also advised him not to come to school, so he decided to go home.

Although his biological parents lost their precious lives in a ruthless car accident many years ago, the home that left him countless joys is still there.

With all his savings, Yu Ke took the bus to his former residence, a familiar platform, a familiar shop, and even a familiar fruit seller.

Everything was the same as he remembered. He subconsciously walked to the unit building he was very familiar with, walked up the stairs that he had stepped on countless times, and stayed in front of the door he was familiar with.

Maybe it was because he stared for too long, until dusk, the door was opened from inside, and then a gentle young and beautiful woman with long hair came out.

She looks beautiful, as beautiful as his mother.

Following this woman was a little girl with croissants.

Seeing Yu Ke, she asked sweetly: "Big brother, are you here to play with her daughter?"

The girl's crisp voice was like a deafening thunder, which brought back Yu Kecong's beautiful and illusory memories.

The young mother tugged her daughter, guarded the child on her body, and asked Yu Ke, "Who are you, do you look for someone?"

Out of the corner of Yu Ke’s eyes, he could see the appearance of the room. There were girls’ toys everywhere, blonde Barbie dolls and small skirts on the sofa. The styles and furnishings of the furniture had all changed, and they were completely in his memory. Different.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong floor."

Abandoning such a word, Yu Ke ran away, looking a little embarrassed from his back.

The mother and daughter looked at each other. They didn't know what happened, but the neighbor next door murmured casually: "The one just now seems to be a child from Lao Yu's family. It's so pitiful to be young without parents. "

Yu Ke was sitting on a swing in a small park nearby. In the small park, only nearby children were playing. Because it was a working day, at dusk, the chirping children also left one by one at the call of their parents.

Unconsciously, Yu Ke was the only one left in the lively small park.

He lowered his head and was ignorant, so he didn't realize that the evening in this park seemed particularly long.

Twilight is the time when day and night alternate, and it is also the legendary time to meet the evil spirits.

"... Well, how long do you have to sit on this swing?"

A slightly naive voice made Yu Ke raise his head. Standing in front of him was a child who looked only seven or eight years old, with red lips and white teeth, and fashionable clothes. He looked like a child who had been taken care of and was born into a rich family. child.

"Aren't there other swings, can't you go to another one to play?"

There was only one swing in the small park when it was built. Later, there were more residents and it was rebuilt, and there were many more convenient amusement facilities. The swing has also changed from one to two.

The little boy looked in the direction of his fingers, tilted his head and said doubtfully, "But, there is only one swing here."

Are you kidding me, isn’t the swing right there? Although it’s a bit broken, it’s perfectly fine to bear such a child.

Yu Ke turned his head, and found to his surprise that the surrounding area was really empty and there were few facilities, as if it were ten years ago.

What exactly is going on

He looked around and found that although the facilities were few, they looked very new, and the surrounding buildings were just like when he was a child in his memory.

He suddenly remembered something very important. Ten years ago, his parents were still alive!

He suddenly sat up from the swing and ran away in a familiar direction.

At this point in time, just when the adult was off work, he waited nervously at the familiar door, his palms sweating a lot.

I don't know how long it took, he heard laughter, and then saw his young parents and his little self who followed them.

He shouted out excitedly: "Mom!"

He wants to tell his parents that he is their future children and that they must avoid the car accident. Even if he may have some cause and effect on this, he also hopes that they can survive.

But Yu Ke discovered that no matter how he shouted, the young couple and their little self did not realize their existence.

They talked and laughed, took out the key, opened the door, and then entered the room.

Yu Ke squeezed his fist and hit the rough wall hard, but he didn't feel any pain at all, his hand did not bleed like a normal person, and his skin didn't even break a bit.

Sure enough, even if such an incredible thing happened, he was not favored, and it was possible that this was just a dream he had, and it was completely illusory.

He looked at the sky, the sunset was west, the sky was full of red clouds, and the color of the sky had not changed at all after such a long time had passed.

Maybe it was just a dream in his own memory. He looked at the closed door and tried to get in, wanting to see his home and the faces of his parents.

But he failed, and even if it was a dream, he couldn't do it.

Yu Ke leaned against the wall decadently, and then started crying uncontrollably like a child.

"Do you want to ride on the swing? If you want, go sit on it."

It was the little boy just now. The other party didn't know when he stood in front of him, looking at him strangely.

The boy is very good, but his expression is serious, serious, like a little adult.

Yu Ke stopped crying. He felt unusual. He asked the boy: "Can you see me?"

The other nodded, and then stretched out a small fleshy hand: "Don't cry, I'll ask you to eat sweets."

His little hands are white and tender, and a big white rabbit toffee lies in his palm.

Yu Ke tried to take the candy. He peeled off the sugar paper and stuffed it into his mouth. The rich milk scent filled his whole mouth. The taste was very sweet and made him feel a touch of warmth.

The little boy still tilted his head to look at him: "Why did you show up at my house? Did your mother come to play with me?"

Yu Ke retorted subconsciously: "I am not, how could this be your home?"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he realized that the surrounding environment had changed. The place where he appeared was in a very spacious house, and the swing in the so-called small park nearby was also the swing in the big house.

He occupied the boy's swing, no wonder the other party let him down.

"Isn't it?" The boy looked a little lost.

Mom and Dad are always busy and have all kinds of entertainment. As their children, he has to learn all kinds of things. Dad said, don’t accept other people’s favors easily, because he is still young and there is no way. See clearly the maliciousness hidden by others.

But for him, he also wants to have his own friends like everyone else.

Although Dad said, this is only when he thinks this way when he is young. When he grows up, he will know that so-called friends are no match for interests.

Looking at the little boy, Yu Ke seemed to see himself.

He said, "Thank you for your candy, it's delicious. Would you like to play with me?"

He actually doesn't like children very much. At least none of his cousins like him, but the little boy in front of him looks polite and well-behaved. He looks good. People always have nothing to do with good-looking cubs. Resistant.

He played with the boy very happily, and time finally began to pass.

He opened and closed his eyes, and he realized that a year had passed.

He still has no way to reach other people, except for the boy, no one can see him.

And his day, in this time and space, is equivalent to a year passed.

In just a dozen days, it was enough for Yu Ke to establish a special relationship with this little boy.

He looked at the other party day by day, no, exactly year after year, until the other party reached adulthood, he found that the boy could not see him, and gradually forgot his incredible existence.

All he could witness were important moments in the boy's life. Even though he was only looking from a distance, he felt as if he had spent a very long time with him.

Time flies, until the little boy grows up and grows into a great adult, and then at the age of 27, he died in a car accident because of his enemies.

His parents died under the wheel of a driver who was driving fatigued. Because it was at night when the car crashed, no one noticed it. In addition to the escape of the perpetrator, the best rescue time was missed.

And this boy who has fate with him is the same.

Looking at the young man lying in a pool of blood, he couldn't do anything and tried to call his cell phone madly.

I beg God to help him, he pressed hard, and finally dialed 120.

There was an inquiring voice on the phone, but he couldn't hear what he said.

Fortunately, it's not particularly secluded here. Someone still noticed something happened and the ambulance came, but the other party was still dead.

Yu Ke stood there blankly, and the time around him began to go backwards quickly. When he recovered, the sky would light up again.

And in front of his eyes, there appeared a station he was familiar with.

He rushed to the small shop and saw the familiar date, which belonged to his world, but the ones he had experienced were so real.

Yu Ke exhaled, his breath was warm, but his heart was still cold, he thought, maybe he should be able to do something else.