Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 17: ☆, Phoenix male (3)


The two are still newlyweds. If they go back, they will definitely have to sleep together. Qiao Yi really doesn’t want to lie down on the same bed with Wang Cheng, so he doesn’t want to go back. He really stayed in the study for the whole night and was very sleepy. Sleep on your stomach on the table.

When he got up the next morning, Joe glanced at the clock, and it was nine o'clock in the morning. Fortunately, it was Saturday and Sunday, and it didn't matter much to go to bed late.

Looking at the face in the mirror while washing, he once again deeply realized that he was not Lu Yi who was unable to beat at six o'clock every day, but that he had really become an ordinary little designer Qiao Yi.

After washing, he walked out of the bathroom, and he saw two more people in the room. The male appearance was five points similar to Qiao Yi, just like a middle-aged Qiao Yi.

They are not others, they are the Qiao parents who answered their son's phone yesterday.

Both Wang Cheng and Wang Cheng's father were there, and in front of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, their attitude was very good, especially the king's father, who couldn't see how arrogantly facing Qiao.

As soon as Joe saw this posture, he knew that things were going to be bad. Sure enough, the two families sat together and said something, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother's attitude was obviously much relaxed.

When Wang Cheng went to the kitchen to wash the fruits, Qiao's mother greeted Qiao Yi: "Go to your room. Mom has something to say to you alone."

As soon as Qiao took her into the study, he locked the door again: "Mom, just talk about it."

"You child." Mother Qiao couldn't help but sighed helplessly with her son, and then said: "What happened yesterday, Wang Chengdu told me, there was something wrong with what you did. Dad's arm is broken, why don't you tell me about this?"

Joe was silent, he wanted to sue, it must be something that can only be said to his advantage.

He defended: "I was a conditioned reflex."

"Conditional reflex, you can break a person's arm? You are not attacked by terrorists every day, and you haven't practiced taekwondo or the like. Can you still have this conditioned reflex?" Mother Qiao didn't believe what her son said.

The original Qiao Yi did not know how, but as Lu Yi he did. But for this reason, it was impossible for him to tell Mother Qiao.

"The first one is cheap. He moved his hand first. I just fought back normally."

"Fine, good." Mother Qiao said, "but he is an elder, you fight back like this, and your anger is gone, don't make a divorce."

"But you and Dad supported me last night." Divorce is actually just a matter of two people. But Lu Yi also knew very well that Qiao Yi's situation was different from his.

He was completely independent, and his parents absolutely respected his choice and would not interfere with his life much. But Qiao Yi is very close to his parents. In the eyes of his parents, he is just an ignorant child. Even the current job depends on the relationship of his parents.

He took a deep breath and calmed down: "Mom, I am not joking with you, nor am I arguing. I really want to divorce Wang Cheng."

He sat on the chair opposite to Mother Qiao, and stared at him without blinking.

The expressions of his son are telling Mother Qiao a signal: He is here for real.

She wasn’t happy anymore: “It’s not that my mother said you, you are my son. I must take care of you. But yesterday, both of you were wrong. dad."

When she said this, she took a sigh of relief, and then said, "But Wang Cheng just said that his father came here to live for two days, and he will go back today. He even bought the plane ticket. It is so far away from his place. Far away, Wang Cheng’s father is a villager, and he will definitely not be so tossing again when he is getting older."

She also knows that her son is upset, but in this world, who can not be aggrieved at all: "I asked you not to choose Wang Cheng. You have to choose, and you must marry him. Now that you are married, you can live your life. , It’s just a little bit of slowly running in. You live with Wang Cheng, not with his dad. As long as he treats you nicely, why do you mess around like this."

Seeing that Qiao didn't say a word, she finally said: "You have a temperament that is spoiled by me and your dad. If you find someone, who is like Wang Cheng who can bear your bad temper and let you sleep? You? Look at your father and me. They also quarrel. The husband and wife must change each other for each other."

Wang Cheng’s parents don’t know the truth. She knows that her son is the one above. In fact, her son took advantage. When they got married, they cared about each other’s self-esteem and didn’t mind saying that Qiaoyi was his wife.

To put it awkwardly, her son knows best, and she doesn't know what his son's temper is. Wang Cheng's family background is indeed worse, but his personality and personal conditions are still very good.

Mother Qiao had to finish talking about the firecrackers, and persuaded her son not to be too self-willed.

In the face of Qiao's mother who was devoted to her own sake, Qiao fell silent. As Lu Yi, he was convinced enough, but Qiao Yi was different. He was clamoring for a divorce and could not get the support of his parents.

It is true that whether or not to divorce is only a matter for two people, but if Qiao's father and Qiao's mother are angered by his son, and he is separated from him for a lifetime, it will be contrary to his original intention.

He listened patiently to Mother Qiao finishing her words, and assumed an extremely serious gesture: "Mom, the divorce from Wang Cheng is the result of my careful consideration."

Qiao's mother opened her mouth and wanted to say something, and was interrupted by Qiao Yi first: "I didn't interrupt you when you were talking before. Now, please wait until I have finished speaking before you speak, okay?"

What he said was an inquiry, but his tone was a bit tougher than a request, more like an order.

Mother Qiao was quiet, and at this moment, she felt that her always immature son seemed to overlap with her fierce director, so serious that it was embarrassing.

"First, Wang Cheng's parents only have a son like him. Just like I can't ignore your two elders, he can't completely sever the relationship with his parents."

"That is, if you really sever the relationship, you can't ask for this kind of man."

Qiao Yi made a gesture to signal mother Qiao to be quiet: "You should finish listening and say what I have said, okay? Second, the most important thing between husband and wife is trust. Since it is a small family, you should give your partner enough respect and trust. , An unequal marriage, unless both people are sick, it cannot last for long."

He then concluded: "When Wang Cheng came back yesterday, his mother was crying on the ground. He didn't even look at me or even ask a question, so he asked me to apologize to his mother who gave birth to him. When I said about the divorce, he immediately changed his words and asked the opponent to make amends to me."

Originally, he shouldn't tell anyone about the private affairs of the husband and wife. The circumstances are special and he must also explain: "Yesterday, Wang Chenglai apologized to me. He got angry at first, and then he threw himself down on my knees. , I think his desire to perform is very heavy, and he has not loved me to the point where he can let go of his dignity."

In fact, it is impossible to say that Wang Cheng has no feelings for Qiao Yi at all, but his inferiority complex is too heavy. In front of Qiao Yi, he blindly bears, behaves in a low way, and pleases in every way. At the end, after climbing up with the help of the other party, After Qiao's father and Qiao's mother had an accident, Qiao Yi was thrown away again.

Looking back at Qiao Yi's memory, Qiao Yi, who was favored by his parents in the palm of his hand, must have a problem, but at least Qiao Yi has never betrayed Wang Cheng, and even because of Wang Cheng, he has tolerated the royal father who picked him up everywhere.

Mother Qiao opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say, she sighed: "But you are just married. It is really not easy to find someone who likes you and is willing to tolerate you so kindly to you."

There is a saying how to say that if you tell a lot of lies, it becomes true. She felt a little loose in her heart, but still felt that divorce was a major event and her son was too young and impulsive.

Qiao Yi throws out his final killer: "Actually, what you said is right. Husbands and wives have to think about each other, slowly adapt and compromise with each other, but there is one thing that I cannot compromise. Wang Cheng's dad wants me To be able to give birth to a child for Wang Cheng, I see what Wang Cheng meant. He also hopes to have a child, but he does not want to have a child himself."

The meaning of these words is too much. Wang Cheng doesn't want to give birth, and Qiao Yi is not giving birth. It must be with a man or woman outside.

This is obviously a huge hidden danger. If nothing happens now, it will happen sooner or later.

Mother Qiao can tolerate many problems with her son's partner, but she can't stand it.

Waiting for Qiao Yi and her to come out of the room, Qiao's mother changed her previous attitude again and supported her son's divorce.

However, she didn't say clearly that her in-laws were there, but yin and yang made a few words, not staying long, and then left, making it clear that she would not wait to see the royal family.

Overnight, Qiao Yi and Qiao’s mother changed their attitudes towards themselves. Originally, Qiao’s mother looked down on themselves a little bit when she first started. Qiao Yi was guarding her. Now Qiao Yi is about to get a divorce, and Qiao’s mother’s attitude is affirmative. It's even worse.

This was all because of the swear words and impulsive slaps of his own biological father. Wang Cheng couldn't help but complain about the royal father, and did not idle. That day, he drove the royal father back to the countryside in the small county seat on the 18th line.

The royal father kept swearing along the way, basically swearing at the Qiao family, nothing more than the Qiao family looked down on people, there are two great words with bad money, it is clear that Ming Qiao earns less money than his son.

Wang Cheng didn't say a word. He listened to the complaints all the way, and he was relieved when he sent the royal father to the train. It seems that he has been in distress since his wedding. He can't help being a little tired. He is afraid that if this continues, he is afraid that he will be tossed and destroyed before the day of development.

After the car stopped at the station for a while, he suddenly saw a very familiar figure, quickly started the car, drove to the other side, pressed the horn several times, and lowered the window: "Yu Zhao?"