Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 24: ☆, Phoenix male (10)


"But Mr. Qiao, I'm worried that I can't do it." Yu Zhao agreed before, and he won't regret it, but he did this kind of thing for the first time. It is unavoidable to worry that he didn't do it well, which delayed Qiao Yi. Things.

It is this kind of honest person who is easy to be fooled by deceiving people. Qiao taught him: "Your mother is sick, isn't it true?"

"Yes." Although I don't understand why Qiao Yi suddenly asked, Yu Zhao nodded honestly.

"The operation requires a lot of money, which is also a fact."

Yu Zhao still nodded: "Yes."

"Whether he decides to lend you money or not is his choice, and you are not forced to do so, right."

"Yes." Yu Zhao always felt something wrong.

"That's not enough. I didn't let you tell lies to him. In front of Wang Cheng, you only need to exaggerate the truth a little bit and think about your mother's illness."

"It's that simple? Don't say anything else, don't borrow money from Wang Cheng?" Yu Zhao was a little incredulous.

"No, you only need to do these two points," Qiao Yi said, "but in front of Wang Cheng, if he gives you, you have to be sure that it's just borrowing money, you can take the initiative to write an IOU."

Yu Zhao was somewhat puzzled: "If you want to write an IOU, at most it means that he is hiding it from you for other purposes, and you can't be labeled as a malicious transfer of marital property."

Qiao Yi didn't answer directly, but instead asked him: "If you really have to go to the point of asking for help, would you write an IOU?"

"Of course it will." He must also pay back the money he borrowed.

"That's okay, no matter whether you succeed or not, you just need to do this. The rest is my business." Joe glanced at his watch, and it was less than two minutes before the plane took off. Hours.

"We keep in touch at any time. If you are not confident enough, you can report to me every bit of your relationship with him, and be more confident in yourself."

He waved to the distance: "Waiter, pay the bill."

Before leaving, he stood up, walked to the opposite side of Yu Zhao, put one hand on the table, leaned down, and lowered his voice: "One-half of the money borrowed from Wang Cheng will be yours. Remuneration. Even if you can barely deal with it now, auntie’s condition cannot be taken in case."

He patted the other party's shoulder and brushed a piece of catkins on the youth's shoulder: "I don't give my own money to Wang Cheng to help the poor. Perform well. You are worth the reward."

Yu Zhaoli sat upright: "I see!"

Qiao Yi said everything for this reason. For a generous reward, he should also have confidence in himself.

After work, Wang Cheng first called Qiao Yi’s company: “Hello, I’m Qiao Yi’s husband Wang Cheng. I couldn’t get through Qiao Yi’s phone call just now. I want to ask if he left for the airport? "

Although Qiao said that he was going on a business trip, he had always been careful and cautious, and he would definitely have to confirm it.

The front desk who answered the phone said, "Wait a minute, let me check, the marketing department said that Director Joe is on a business trip."

Wang Chengxin fell halfway down, and he knocked on the side and said, "Oh, I see, he told me to travel for ten days."

"I don't know this, do you have anything else?"

"do not have much left."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Chengcai contacted Qiao Yi: "Where are you now?"

Joe said to him once: "At the airport."

He used the fat goose to send a casual photo of the airport to the other party.

Wang Cheng replied: "Be optimistic about your luggage, don't pay attention to missed the flight."

Joe replied: "I see."

After getting a reply, Wang Cheng drove directly to the shop where Yu Zhao sold hand cakes. He knows that the other party is selling cakes, but this year, there is no shame in doing a small business, and in the recent chat, Yu Zhao plans to open a small shop, and then finish school when it stabilizes.

In fact, at this time, education is not a very important thing. After all, he likes Yu Zhao, because he likes the other party's ability to grow up like weeds. He enjoys the ambiguous relationship with the other party, and also likes the excitement of betraying Qiao Yi.

As a result, when he arrived at the place, Yu Zhao was not there, and asked the aunt who sells meat and steamed buns next to him. The other party also shook his head: "Xie hasn't come in these two days. It seems that something has happened to his house."

"What happened to his house?"

"I don't know this, you can contact him yourself."

Wang Cheng had to turn back into the car and called Yu Zhao: "Yu Zhao, where are you?"

After a long while, Yu Zhao said: "I'm going to a stall."

Wang Cheng said, "You say it again, where are you?"

Yu Zhao was silent now, without saying a word.

Wang Cheng noticed something was wrong and asked him, "Is there something wrong in your house? If something happened to you, just tell it, don't hide it from me."

He knew that Yu Zhao was so straightforward that he couldn't even tell a lie, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tell such a lie.

The youth's voice was choked up a bit: "My mother's condition got worse and she was hospitalized."

Wang Cheng raised his voice: "Which hospital are you in, I will drive over now!"

This is probably the time when Yu Zhao is most vulnerable. No matter what the situation is, he should rush to Yu Zhao's side quickly, otherwise, the relationship that has finally developed a little bit will definitely not continue.

Yu Zhao seemed hesitant, and Wang Cheng said, "If you still value me, even if you treat me as a friend, you have to tell me."

"It's in the hospital on Gaoxin Sixth Road."

Wang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief: "You send the address here, and I will navigate to it."

When he arrived at the hospital, Wang Cheng discovered that the situation was earlier than he thought. Yu Zhao's expression was very haggard, and his eyes were filled with despair, which made people feel distressed.

He pulled Yu Zhao aside and asked him: "What the hell is going on, you are still hiding it from me."

Yu Zhao's expression was painful, and Wang Cheng repeatedly asked him before saying: "My mother is going to have an operation, and the doctor said that I will pay a million for the operation."

He raised his head: "Wang Cheng, I don't think I can drag you down. Let's break up. My family looks like this. You graduated from a prestigious university, the two of us are simply not suitable."

Wang Cheng was shocked and felt warm. He knew that Yu Zhao was good, but he didn't expect that the other party would say such things in order not to drag him down.

Thinking of this, he remembered Joe again. Like Qiao Yi, if a catastrophe is imminent, the husband and wife must fly separately, but for Yu Zhao, he may be the one who silently guards the giving and will never leave.

If he really abandoned people at this time, he would still be a human being.

A particularly exciting and courageous emotion filled his heart. Like the first meeting, the impulse made him speak: "Don't worry about money matters, I'll take care of it."

Yu Zhao didn't even want to refuse to say: "How can it be, your house and car are all burdened with loans, and it is not easy to repay the loan every month. I have no reason to drag you."

Some things, once the head is opened, are the same as the opening of the gate, which cannot be collected. The more at this time, Wang Cheng's head will turn very fast, and he has already seen something in his mind. Bold idea: "Actually, car loans and mortgages are almost there, and my salary is not low, besides, your craftsmanship is so good, don't you worry about not being able to repay the money."

Facing Yu Zhao, who was unwilling to owe favors, he persuaded the other party in turn: “It’s not easy for auntie to raise you to such a big age. If you don’t die, you can earn everything, bread, house, car. But people are gone. No matter how much money I earn later, it is useless."

Wang Cheng knew something about Yu Zhao’s family. Yu Zhao’s mother had asked her to be inhumane. She lived a poor life and had a good life, but her life was a little bit harder. The good thing was that Zhao was filial, and as a result, she was in poor health.

Wang Cheng thought in his heart that he helped Yu Zhao in this situation, and Yu Zhao must remember him for a lifetime.

In case, in case Qiao Yi stabbed out one day later, the other party will definitely think that the kindness is not very good.

Yu Zhao is too soft-hearted and easy to be deceived. It is because of him. Otherwise, the other party still doesn't know what it is like to be cheated.

He made up his mind and said: "Don't be stupid, I will help you. It is better than looking for some kind of loan. That kind of loan will get higher and higher at the time, and it will not be repayable at all. That's a procrastination. Break the family down. Don't worry, I have money."

Yu Zhao was obviously forced to be ruthless, and his eyes were a little red. He was persuaded by Wang Cheng again and again before he let go: "Then I will write you an IOU for up to three years. I will definitely pay you back within three years."

Under Yu Zhao's insistence, Wang Cheng agreed to write the IOU. If Yu Zhao didn't insist, he would worry that Yu Zhao would lie to him.

In order to help Yu Zhao "raise money", Wang Cheng accompanied her boyfriend for a while and left.

Yu Zhao sent a text message to Qiao Yi: "Mr. Qiao, Wang Cheng has come to see me. He offered to lend me money, and I insisted on writing IOUs."

After a while, the phone dinged and the screen lit up: "You did a great job."

In order not to let him find out, Wang Cheng himself would definitely take the initiative to eliminate the relevant traces, men, he is always dizzy because of true love.

Yu Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and cleared the news according to the agreement with Qiao Yi.

He didn't worry that Wang Cheng would see a familiar number on his mobile phone, because he had already kept Mr. Qiao's contact information in his heart and would never forget it.

Yu Zhao thought to himself: I will only do this once in my life. No way, this kind of thing was so exciting, it made his heart pounding when he saw Qiao Yi's news.