Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 30: ☆, Phoenix male (16)


The confession was over, and it was successful. Yu Zhao's head became hot for a while, and when he calmed down, he saw Qiao looking at him with a smile, and his face that had not completely faded from the red tide turned red.

In fact, after Wang Cheng pursued him for a period of time, the other party made a request for communication, and he also agreed, but at that time it was not like it is now, which made him feel dizzy and floating in the clouds.

He asked in a low voice, "Is it true, am I dreaming?"

Qiao Yi said with a smile: "It's true, not dreaming. If you still refuse to believe it, or I will prove it?"

Yu Zhao followed his words and asked: "How do you prove it?"

Qiao asked him back: "How do you want to prove it? Give you a pinch or give you a kiss?"

Yu Zhao put his hand under the table and pinched his thigh quietly. It hurts!

He raised his head and looked at Qiao Yi expectantly: "Can you try the latter proof?"

Anyway, it was in the small box of the coffee shop, and there were only two of them. As soon as Qiao stood up, walked to Yu Zhao's side, raised his chin, then lowered his head and kissed him.

Although it was just a kiss on the cheek, he kissed him for several seconds, making sure that the other party could feel his own temperature, then lifted his face slightly, and asked Yu Zhao in his ear: "Now, can you prove it?"


Yu Zhaohou regained his senses, and covered his cheek with his hand. He opened his eyes and felt that his head was going to be hot and smoking.

When the two of them left the cafe, Yu Zhao's face was still blushing.

Because it was not too early, Qiao drove directly to the other person's residence.

Yu Zhao still lived in that old building, and Qiao Yi didn't go up, but suggested that Yu Zhao: "Since we have sufficient funds, we can consider changing to a better house."

Yu Zhao used to save money, but now there is no need to save money.

"The main reason is that there is still one month to rent. This is also close to the shop. When it becomes vacant, I will look for a house."

Joe nodded: "I will also help you pay attention. You can talk to me about the psychological price and the type of house you like."

Yu Zhao didn't have much pursuit of the rented house: "It's a little closer to the school, it's more spacious, brighter, and it can shine in the sun."

He added: "Above one thousand, less than two thousand, I live alone, and there is no need to live in that kind of spacious suite."

Joe took down all the conditions he had said, and accompany the other side to run the road for another hour, and the two of them did not do anything particularly close.

To the greatest extent, it is walking, I don't know when the two hands are held together, the orange light on the roadside shines on the two people, even the shadows are in pairs.

After determining the identity of each other's boyfriends, Qiao Yi's life seems to be no different from before, no, there are still some differences.

Originally, Yu Zhao was always a little shy and restrained in front of him. After piercing the layer of window paper, the other party became bold.

To be more precise, the other party has always been enthusiastic and bold, but before he succeeds, he is a little bit worried about gains and losses.

Two people run the road together, and have to eat together several times in a busy week. Originally, the two of them are not particularly fond of watching movies, and they gradually become enthusiastic about this kind of activity.

Of course, it's the couple's private room, and then when the plot is winning, hug or kiss like the male protagonist in the movie.

Many things are very trivial and trivial, but even if it is a boring activity, as long as two people do it together, it can also taste a different kind of fun from the boring.

Just like when I was a child, I played the simplest repetitive action in the eyes of adults, but I was still able to enjoy it and felt heartfelt joy.

Holding hands, hugging, kissing, or going further, because of their different education and personality, they also had disputes, but very rarely, and every time, within ten seconds, one person would take the initiative to bow his head.

Yu Zhao moved from a small broken building to a newly rented house and then moved to Qiao Yi's residence. He became a co-tenant with her boyfriend. Everything was so natural and natural.

For Qiao Yi, this situation is actually a bit unusual. After all, from the perspective of family background, the two people do not match. In terms of education and work, the conditions of the two of them are not equal.

As far as personal conditions are concerned, Yu Zhao is even inferior to Qiao Yi’s ex-husband. His family conditions are not good. He has a mother who is often sick and a younger sister.

Not to mention Lu Yi, even the original Qiao Yi would not necessarily walk with Yu Zhao.

After knowing that his son was actually with "Little San", Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were naturally unhappy.

Qiao Yi naturally explained to them clearly: "Yu Zhao was also a victim, and he was also deceived by Wang Cheng."

Mother Qiao was dissatisfied with Zhao, and she could pick out the stab at will: "Who knows if he is lying, if not, he is stupid."

Qiao Yi said, "Then your son, I don't look at Wang Cheng blindly. A blind man and a fool are born to be a pair, and they are perfect."

A word blocked Qiao's mother speechless.

She couldn't talk about her son, so she simply didn't make sense: "Anyway, I just don't agree."

Qiao said: "You gave birth to me, and I will repay you for your nurturing, but the person with me is not the one who makes you comfortable, but wants to make me feel comfortable. If you don’t, Joe One, in this world, I shouldn't find someone more suitable for me than him."

He didn't mean to fight against Mother Qiao, he did speak the truth.

Although Yu Zhao didn't pass certain hardware conditions, his appearance was the type that Qiao Yi liked. His non-aggressive beauty was gentle and soaked in his bones.

But not blind to the Virgin, not pretentious, even in the face of hardship, but still able to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Just like a little sun, it radiates warmth in people's hearts.

After Yu Zhao moved into his residence, they became intimate, but they left a certain amount of space for each other. The traces of Yu Zhao are everywhere, but when he wants to be alone, the other party will always make a pot of tea quietly, and then exit silently, leaving enough space for him.

Although they are indeed not matched enough under certain conditions, the more they get along, the more comfortable Qiao Yi feels.

In fact, it is not impossible for him to call out the other party, get the marriage certificate directly, cut first and then play, but for the sake of the long life of the two people, he still wants to get the blessing of his parents first.

At the beginning, Mother Qiao bit her tightly, saying that she disagreed and disagreed.

It is better to say that she is tyrannical and arrogant. In a previous marriage, it was because they let their freedom and let their son choose what they liked, and they made such a gangster.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother also knew that his son had experienced a failed marriage and it was not easy to be able to regenerate his confidence. He had not seen a person with a lively personality, and he became much more restrained and calm.

However, it is better to be jade fragments than to complete, and the son is getting better and better.

But after a while, the two did not break up at all. Instead, the relationship became more and more harmonious. They still lived together. The two lived a cohabitation life in advance, but no other conflicts occurred. They dragged and dragged them, and the two elders were shaken. .

Although he still had concerns in his heart, under Qiao Yi's unremitting efforts and secretly observing, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were relieved.

After all, at this time, Yu Zhao’s career has already begun to succeed. In his spare time, the other party does not forget to study. Apart from the fact that he has lost two years of university atmosphere because of family reasons, he is not worse than others.

Of course, it wasn't just because the other party worked hard to improve themselves, mainly because they found that Yu Zhao was too capable and virtuous.

Parents are spoiled children, reluctant to bear hardships for their children, and they know that children are spoiled to grow up.

Although their children are not the kind of people who don't help if the oil bottle falls, but out of selfishness, they still hope that their children can receive the other half of the care.

Yu Zhao is a very energetic person, not only he is energetic, but also the other half is also energetic.

After a period of in-depth understanding, they found that the other party was too good at taking care of others, the food was delicious, the housework was also beautifully done, and with Yu Zhao’s supervision, Qiaoyi had three meals a day to eat on time, even if it was. When he was busiest, his complexion was also very healthy and ruddy.

Rare, rare, this is really rare. With a loosening in their hearts, they secretly urged Joe to settle down quickly.

After getting their promise, Qiao Yi brought people into the house and met his parents.

Then on this day, Qiao took out the ring he had previously ordered and proposed to his boyfriend who had been in love for one and a half years and had lived together for six months.

First, I missed seeing the parents for a long time, and then I proposed marriage. Although the boyfriend did not have any ingenious romance at all, he just bought an anniversary cake and asked him to cut the cake, and he cut out a delicate ring box.

He looked at the ring for a long time, then took a bite on it with his teeth and gritted his teeth, it was true.

After biting the ring, Yu Zhao said weakly: "Hurry up, give me a hand."

Joe hurriedly supported him: "What's the matter, I'm not feeling well?"

After being supported by her boyfriend or fiancé, Yu Zhao leaned on Qiao Yi and said, "No, I just passed out happily."

The fireworks exploded into the sky and fell down sooner or later, and the happy days passed out. What if Joe thought he was upset and cold.

The corners of Qiao Yi's lips curled up: "I am also very happy."

He turned his face and looked at his boyfriend who was leaning on his shoulder: "If you are really so worried, do you want to get the certificate today?"

Yu Zhao, who was still weak just now, got up and said, "I want it!"

Marriage is never a careful calculation, but an impulse!

"I'll get the household registration book, you wait!" Yu Zhao didn't persuade him at all.

When the two people took the residence booklet and stamped it with a red stamp, the Civil Affairs Bureau was almost off work.

After taking the little red book, Yu Zhao looked at him over and over, even though he thought the photo was a bit silly to take him.

But still can't restrain the happiness.

His eyebrows were full of joy, and he was as happy as if he suddenly won 50 million prizes in a lottery ticket.

No, his man is worth more than 50 million!

Qiao Yi is not a person of joy, but he is infected by Yu Zhao's happiness, and his eyes are full of joy. However, if he gets married and stamped, he will not really become a fairy. Life is still to be passed: "Then what shall we eat tonight, go home to eat cake, or buy some food and make it ourselves?"

The cake he prepared for Yu Zhao was completely forgotten by the two of them after cutting out the ring.

Yes, the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau have all gone to eat, and they have to eat too.

"How can I just eat cake on such an important day?"

When Joe saw him smile, he deliberately made a serious face: "But buying you a ring emptied my savings, what should I do?"

Yu Zhaocai is bold and generous: "Master, please, have a big meal, and keep you delicious and spicy!"

He said that he was eating fragrant and spicy food, but Yu Zhao still ate very light that day, without touching any chili, because for him, on the wedding night, there are more important things to do...

I got the certificate after impulse, and the two talents confessed to their parents. Yu Zhao’s side is okay. My sister can’t be his master. The feeling of being a mother drags his son a lot. The son can find such a good and outstanding object, and he is himself. Like it, although it is a man, she has nothing to object to.

On Qiao Yi's side, although Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were relieved, the son didn't say anything. For the second time, Qiao's mother naturally criticized his son.

At this time, it is useless to be reasonable. Qiao Yi quietly waited for Qiao’s mother to spit to finish the approval, and respectfully asked his mother, "I have received this certificate, and you don’t want my son." Come to the third marriage?"

Mother Qiao glared at him: "Bah, baah, close your crow's mouth, what a third marriage, I mean you have to hurry up to prepare for the wedding."

At Qiao’s mother’s insistence, even though it was her second marriage, Qiao Yi’s wedding was held very grandly. Relatives, friends, and some stakeholders, all the guests who should be invited were invited, including those who were to Qiao Yiduo at the time. Uncle who cares.

After the divorce from Qiao Yi, Wang Cheng still worked in the original company. Their company is now a big company. Although Wang Cheng's education and abilities are not bad, the other employees of the company are also very good. He can be promoted. So fast, more or less because of Qiao Yi's relationship.

Because of the divorce during that period, Wang Cheng didn't want to work and made some mistakes. Although he was not expelled from the company, the director talked to him. The originally promised promotion place also gave another very hardworking newcomer to the office.

Wang Cheng's heart was naturally unbalanced, so he went directly to the general manager's office to talk. The result was that the two people had a big quarrel, and the conversation fell apart. In anger, Wang Cheng still didn't dare to resign.

In fact, before this, someone from other companies came to dig him, but comparing the treatment and development, he still chose to stay in the current company.

But at that time, it was the other party looking for him, and the condition was naturally to drive high. Now he is looking for the other party. He is the management team. To change jobs is definitely to jump high and not go low. There is no shortage of people. Would you like to say otherwise.

Even if he agreed to ask him, he would definitely keep the price down. Wang Cheng later found someone to test it, but the other party really kept the price down, and the pressure was quite ruthless. The originally promised position could not be fulfilled, and the naked reality poured him a basin of ice water.

His feverish mind calmed down, so he had to endure it in the company and comfort himself, that there are always unsatisfactory things in life.

Compared to other people of the same age, he is actually pretty good. Although he didn't get anything from the first divorce, the basis of his annual salary is 500,000 before tax and 350,000 after tax.

He is less than 30 years old. Even though he has no house, no car, no savings, and no help from the family, as long as he saves a little, he will not have a bad life with some additional investment plans.

But Wang Cheng is obviously not such a cheerful and optimistic person. Once people are unhappy, they can't help but think about the past. He and Qiao Yi were divorced, and there was no social interaction in theory, but it took a lot of effort to understand some of Qiao Yi's current situation.

The other party also resigned and started an entrepreneurial venture. It was still a venture capital company.

Just like Qiao Yi, what kind of venture capital he would engage in. At the beginning, he didn't care, thinking that the other party's brain was dizzy and burned because of his parents.

Later, when he heard that Joe had made money, he also thought darkly, but it was just because of the shit luck that he would lose everything sooner or later.

In less than two or three years, Qiao Yi not only succeeded, but also got married. He had a good career and love.

He inquired about who was his ex-husband's newlywed wife, but when he inquired, it was not someone else but Yu Zhao who had cheated on him in the first place.

With the help of Qiao Yi, Yu Zhao not only opened a small restaurant, but later also opened a hotel. In the most prosperous area, business was very good.

Wang Cheng didn't see Yu Zhao's efforts, and Yu Zhao couldn't go everywhere to publicize his early hard work.

Because of this, Wang Cheng felt that if he had not divorced Qiao, then this hotel would not have become his.

There is a saying, I feel at ease if you are not doing well.

Wang Cheng has been looking forward to the bad time for the dog-men, but when he learned of their recent situation, he was mad with jealousy when he heard the enviable words of others.

On a certain day off, he made a special trip to Yuzhao’s new hotel, and when he came back, he passed out in a panic. He had been ill in the hospital for more than half a month. It was only when the king's father rushed to take care of him from the country. Get better.

Only then did he admit that he had always been stubborn with these two people, but it was useless. The other side stood taller and farther than him, and would live better and better than him, and his mentality collapsed across the board.

Later, Wang Cheng got married. Compared to Qiao Yi, he was naturally unwilling to use the money he had earned to help the poor, but this idea was that rich people were very good, not like being young in college and cheating. Everyone talks about conditions and talks about everything.

Wang Cheng didn't want to give birth, so he didn't find an old man. He found a very rich old woman with a very bad personality.

He also had his own child, changed company, and wanted to climb up with a woman.

But the woman was also very shrewd. She gave birth to a few children through the test tube of the young guy, and she ditched Wang Cheng neatly.

Later, Wang Cheng got married three times and found an older, unmarried, local person with ordinary conditions. He started to care about trivial matters, his attitude towards life was very negative, and his life got worse with each passing day.

Life left a very distinctive and ugly trace on him, and he soon became the big beer belly, greasy and mean old man he had looked down upon most before.

In the second half of his life, his most talkative talk was that he had a marriage relationship with a well-known entrepreneur in the city, Qiao Yi, which is really sad.

Later, one or two of Yu Zhao and Qiao both had wrinkles on their faces. Yu Zhao left first. Qiao was still in good spirits. The next day, their adopted child Qiao Yue found out that Qiao hadn’t even lay on the bed. To breathe.

After losing two close relatives one after another, Qiao Yue was so sad that she burst into tears on the spot.

In a place where he could not see, the shining fragments floated out of Yu Showa's body, accompanied by a mechanical and cold voice that humans could not hear: memory extraction... 1%... 2%... 10%... 100%, the extraction is complete, the memory is being stored... After the storage is complete, the world will be randomly selected.

The draw is complete: the overbearing president falls in love with my gray son

The target is put in, the target is put in.

When Lu Yi woke up, his head was irritated, and a mess of memories flooded into his mind. After sorting it out, he remembered that he was a ghost who almost clicked the virus-infected computer button, and then it appeared on the computer. In a strange world, it seems that you have to collect Yu Ke's fragments to rescue people.

He didn't know exactly how to collect it, but vaguely felt that he was going to avenge the scumbag and completely change the life of the original owner.

I don't know if it is God's revenge or what, he is still called Lu Yi now, but he doesn't live with him.

As the youngest director of the Lu's Group, he has a harmonious family and a family environment that is envied by the world. And Lu Yi in this world is not only poor at home, but none of his parents are worry-free.

Even if the family conditions are not good, the key is that Lu Yi’s current mother is not a real mother, but a stepmother. After his father married a stepmother, he became a stepdad directly.

Because of the lack of love since childhood, the original owner was easily picked up by the playboy Li Tanggou. After being with the original owner, Li Tang dumped the original owner and told him that he was just betting with his friends and playing with him, a poor boy. Play.

Then the original owner committed suicide by drinking pesticide. As a result, Li Tang was moved by the original owner's love and came to begging for forgiveness. A lot of things happened during the period.

Later, the original owner learned that Li Tang was also with men 1.2, 3, 4, and 5 when he was with him.

And these men are all substitutes for a man.

The original owner couldn't think of it, and committed suicide again. This time he was not rescued. He was really dead.

When Lu Yi woke up, it was the first time the original owner committed suicide.

He thoroughly sorted out the memories in his mind, then opened his eyes and saw a young and handsome face with peachy eyes and a romantic and affectionate brow.

Seeing that he finally opened his eyes, the man rushed over and said affectionately: "Lu Yi, I really don't know that you love me so much. I was wrong. I still want to be with you. Forgive me. "

Looking at the handsome face close at hand, Lu Yi moved his lips, and then uttered three words indifferently: "No, get out!"