Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 31: ☆, Playboy (1)


Li Tang, who was still affectionate, was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect that the man who had died for him would one day treat him with this attitude.

Regardless of whether it is lust or indulgence or something else, Li Tang's face, who has been praised by others since he was a child, suddenly becomes ugly.

Seeing the young master Li's face shaken, a slightly shrill female voice rang in the ward filled with the smell of disinfectant: "You child, what is your temper? Mom knows you are upset, but you can't let it go. Ah."

She looked at Li Tang again, with a slightly flattering smile and a somewhat flattering tone: "Li Tang, my family Lu Yi has been in a bad mood recently. You have a large number of adults, so don't care about Lu Yi."

This shrill-voiced woman is no one else, but Gao Xue, the stepmother of the original owner.

The original owner is still a college student, and the suicide was committed in the dormitory. The next morning, the original owner's roommate discovered something was wrong, and quickly called the 120 emergency number.

The ambulance entered the school early in the morning, and it also disturbed many people in their dormitory building. The school suppressed the incident, hoping to minimize the negative impact of student suicide.

But even so, everyone who should know knows, such as Li Tang, one of the culprits who caused the suicide of the original owner, and the original owner's father and stepmother.

Originally, his stepmother didn't even think about it. He heard that Li Tang was coming to visit the patient, so she came early in the morning and waited for her hospitality.

After all, the other party is a stepmother, she has a child, and has a son with the original father's biological father. It is also human nature to be unable to get close to him who is not his biological father.

However, after the other party committed suicide, as a legal mother, she didn’t care about the original owner at all. She was still noisy in the ward and kept the patient from being quiet, just to please the culprit who harmed the original owner. That would be really disgusting. Up.

Lu Yi glanced at the other party's face that had been smeared with thick powder, his eyes were a bit disgusting: "You get out of here, too."

Lu Yi's stepmother opened her mouth wide, knowing that her stepson has always had no sense of presence at home, and is always a promise. The only thing that she did the most extraordinary was to get involved with a man.

Now the other party is not only cold-blooded towards that man, but also disrespectful to her elders.

A word came out of Gao Xue's mind: This Lu Yi's head is in the water, it is going to turn the sky.

She originally wanted to reprimand Lu Yi, but taking into account Li Tang's presence, and Li Tang just said that she would get back together with Lu Yi, she also wanted to climb into the relationship with the Li family. She forcibly endured the unhappiness and squeezed out her stepson. Zhang smiling face: "You child, mom cares about you too."

After clarifying his situation, Lu Yi didn't give Gao Xue a bit of affection: "The patient needs to rest. You are very noisy. If you want to chat with this Mr. Li, please go out and talk again."

He pointed to the sign hung at the door of the ward, which clearly read the five characters: "Please keep quiet."

Lu Yi said with a smile, "Auntie Gao, you are also a college graduate. You are educated and you should be literate."

With a few words, he tore off the gold that Gao Xue had posted to her.

When did this little bastard become so sharp-edged? Could it be that he broke the jar once he died

Gao Xue didn't think in the direction of any weird power. After all, a person who has died once has walked on the line of life and death, and it is not impossible for his temperament to change drastically.

The damn Lu Yi was so ruthless, the smile on Gao Xue's face was stiff when he said so badly.

But Jiang is old and spicy after all. Although Lu Yi's mouth has become poisonous, Gao Xue has a thick skin.

At the beginning, she didn't respond. After Lu Yi finished speaking, she still kept smiling: "It's auntie who is not very worried. I know you don't want to call me auntie. Auntie is so happy to see you wake up. Get a little excited. If you really don’t want to see me, I’ll go out now, but in any case, don’t let your body breathe."

When talking about the latter, Gao Xue's eye sockets were still half red in response to the situation. Although she is not young, her appearance and figure are well maintained. This look looks a bit pitiful.

What she meant was that Lu Yi was rebellious and disobedient. She had a motherly heart, and she knew that she was let down by her rebellious stepson.

It's a pity that the two present are gay, no one will appreciate this style.

Hearing Gao Xue's words, Lu Yi puffed out a laugh.

"If Auntie, you really care about me..."

Lu Yi got out of the hospital bed by himself and poured himself a glass of water with his right hand without slinging water. His dumb voice was much more soothing, and his voice was obviously clearer: "After hearing my words, this time should be given. Choosing to pour me a glass of water will at least ask me if I am thirsty, right?"

Yes, if it was really his own child, when he heard Lu Yi's hoarse voice, he would definitely wonder if his child was thirsty or uncomfortable, so he immediately went up and asked for warmth.

Crying on your mouth to treat you well, but no action at all, this is not what hypocrisy is.

"Okay, it's the same sentence. The ward needs to be quiet. I want to rest. If you are busy, you should go out."

Lu Yi took you one by one. It sounded polite and alienated, but Gao Xue insisted on hearing the ridicule in the other's tone.

"Okay, let Lu Yi rest." Li Tang, who hadn't said a word, opened his mouth and left with a cold face.

He didn't feel that Lu Yi suddenly didn't like him anymore. If the feelings could really be quit so easily, Lu Yi wouldn't be making a fuss, he would die in front of him.

He felt that 80% of what he said before was too hurtful, and that the other party was still angry.

But he wouldn't put his face on the ground and let Lu step on it. Even if the other party committed suicide, it was the other party's strange work himself, and what did it have to do with him.

Facing Lu Yi who suddenly became poisonous and indifferent, he didn't feel that his charm was declining, but that the other party was trying to catch him.

Playing this trick with him is really too tender, it can be said to be shameless. He intends to dry it well, waiting for the other party and can't help it. He is more generous and doesn't care about the other party.

Gao Xue was here to rush to Li Tang, waiting for the other party to leave, and hurriedly followed out.

Lu Yi was relieved when the two people who were obtrusive had left. The world was quiet.

Although he didn't know why he became this Lu Yi, he intuitively felt that he might stay in this world all the time. In that case, he used the body and identity of the original owner to take responsibility for the other person's life.

The original owner's family situation is complicated. The stepmother Gao Xue, with that character, wants to influence her with love. That is something that only happens in a bitter drama, and it is impossible in reality.

Lu Yi is not as lacking in love as the original owner, and of course it is impossible to catch up with him.

As for the father of the original owner, after marrying Gao Xue, he hardly fulfilled his responsibilities as a father.

Like this time, the original owner committed suicide and was admitted to the hospital.

From the memory of the original owner, Lu Yi could almost think of the other party's face when he heard the news.

The man must have frowned, with a look of disgust: "Why did you commit this kind of thing, or committed suicide? It really lost the old Lu family's face, died and died clean, and was hospitalized for so long, and wasted. my money."

Although this man has a lot of slots, the other party also gave money to raise the original owner, so accordingly, Lu Yi will do his duty as a son of man and pay the equal alimony provided by the law. As for other things, Father Lu don't even think about it.

But Father Lu and Gao Xue weren't the focus, the real focus was the ex-boyfriend who just got together.

He didn't know exactly how he should do it, but the purpose was to know, that was to make Li Tang difficult.

But this seems very difficult, because Li Tang is a playboy, many people know, but for his handsome appearance and rich golden family background, there are still a lot of people rushing to him like moths.

Without Lu Yi, there will be Zhao Yi, Qian Yi, Sun Yi, and Li Yi spinning around each other.

Is that going to ruin the other's proud face? That was too shameful. Lu Yike couldn't do such a thing. The revenge he hoped was for the other party to get retribution for his bad personality and life, instead of using violence to solve the problem.

If he does that, what is the difference between him and Li Tang's kind of scum.

The problem is that as long as the other person's looks and family are still there, it will never happen that no one cares about it.

However, this situation now has some advantages. The original owner has committed suicide and is not close to his family. The sudden change in temperament will not make others feel strange.

Forget it, don't want to do so much for now, his body is still in a weak state, and he has a headache when he thinks about it.

It may be that Gao Xue blew some ear wind in front of Father Lu. After staying in the hospital for four or five days, Lu Yi was notified by the hospital staff to leave earlier because he was not renewed in the hospital. The beds are tight and it is impossible to use limited medical resources for charity.

After Lu Yi left the hospital, he definitely couldn't go back to the home where Lu's father and Gao Xue were located. He simply followed the route in his memory and went back to the university dormitory.

When he went back, several other people in the dormitory were not there. Lu Yi looked at the class schedule posted on the original owner.

At this point in time, several other people should still be in class.

When Lu returned to the familiar dormitory, many vague memories of the original owner became clear in his mind.

After going to college, I avoided that my unreliable father would not pay anything under his wife’s pillow wind. The original owner did several part-time jobs and saved a sum of money for emergency needs.

But because he didn’t go back during the summer vacation, the father of the original owner knew that his son was doing summer work and winter work. No matter how much money Lu Yi could earn, he simply used the excuse that his son had grown up and his family had financial difficulties. Let him be financially independent, and he will not pay for living expenses and tuition.

Relying on working as a tutor and doing various part-time jobs on weekdays, coupled with the hard work of the scholarship, the original owner can barely cope with his living expenses and tuition, but only barely.

Boys develop later than girls. Some people try to grow taller after their 20s. The original master was 17 years old when he was in college, but now he’s less than 20. It’s when he grows his body, because he grows fast. , But every time I can only eat seven to eight percent full, the original owner is very thin.

Every time Lu Yi changed his clothes, he found that his body was so thin that he had no sense of beauty. When he touched it was all bones, he looked empty when he wore looser clothes.

Fortunately, the face is decent. Although the character is a little gloomy, with a face and gloomy temperament, it still attracts a few suitors.

The original owner was very happy to be liked by others, but basically he refused, because most of the confessions to him were cute girls, and he liked men.

This society is much more tolerant of homosexuality than it was ten years ago. You can also see same-sex couples in pairs on college campuses, but same-sex marriages have not yet been legally approved. As a minority group, he may be blessed by strangers, but Basic parents and other elders will object.

After realizing that he only liked men, the original owner didn't want to cause trouble to those girls who really liked him, so he didn't agree at the beginning.

Later, I didn't know from whom he was a homosexual, so Lu Yi was found by Li Tang.

Unlike the original owner who is useless except grades and face, Li Tang is a well-known playboy in their school, but his flowers are only for men, and he is not at all for women.

It is said that Li Tang came out of the closet when he was in high school, anyway, the family did not expect him to be the heir.

As long as he doesn't mess around, and doesn't get any messy diseases, the family won't care about him.

Because of his outstanding appearance, cheerful personality, a variety of talents, and very good at playing, even if he is shunned by some anti-comrades, there is never a shortage of people around him.

There are straight guys, gay guys, and some elementary school girls who admire seniors.

For the original owner who is cowardly and accustomed to forbearance, Li Tang is the kind of luminous body he most yearns for. So after the other party came to confess, he was surprised at first, reacted, very flattered, and then agreed to the other party without hesitation.

Even if he heard Li Tang's not-so-famous reputation, he unconditionally chose to trust Li Tang under his lover's rhetoric.

Until he did some part-time job, he saved a little bit of clothing and food, and saved a necklace that Li Tang casually said he liked, and he was happy to prepare a surprise for the other party.

As a result, on the day of Li Tang’s birthday, he waited for his boyfriend’s breakup before he had time to send out the present.

The original owner asked Li Tang with red eyes: "Obviously, how come you broke up suddenly, don't make this kind of joke, I can't bear it, really."

There were still many people present at the time, all good friends who came to organize a birthday party for Li Tang. One of them didn’t know whether it was out of sympathy or other thoughts, so he told him directly: "Don’t be stupid, our Tang brother is the same. Truth or Dare, I will find you only if I choose a big adventure."

At that time, the original owner was at a loss. He looked at his boyfriend in disbelief, and tremblingly begged the other party for a negative reply: "This is fake, is it a lie to me?"

Before he goes to bed every day, he will be happy and sweet when he thinks of it. Is it just a joke from the other party

Li Tang was stunned for a moment, and then shrugged: "Don't you know what my personality is? Actually, I didn't want to hurt you like this."

The other party didn't directly say that it was false, but these two sentences are tacitly acquiescing that the person who just spoke was the truth.

The original owner was exhausted physically and mentally, and suffered this blow again. He didn't want to open it for a while, bought a bottle of pesticide, and drank the pesticide secretly on the bed that night.

The reason why he chose to die at school was actually because the original owner had a thought in his heart. Even if he died, he also hoped that he could die in a place where someone knew him. Don’t die and die. In the end, the whole world knew it. Li Tang still didn’t. knowledge.

Of course, there is also a sense of revenge in his heart. Li Tang killed someone, no matter what the reason, public opinion will affect the other party more or less.

However, the original owner did not die later, and it did have a bad effect, but it was not for Li Tang, but for him.

The original owner has become a fool in others' mouths, and Li Tang is more attractive in the eyes of others because someone has to die for him.

What a poor silly child, the original owner himself is also at fault, such as being too dependent on others, taking too much affection, and taking himself too lightly.

But what really caused the tragedy was not the scumbag like Li Tang who took advantage of others' goodwill and unscrupulously harmed others.

Lu Yi covered his heart and waited until the strong emotional fluctuations that did not belong to him disappeared, and then began to sort out various information and liquidate all the assets of the original owner.

This year is the first semester of the junior year. There are not many courses in the school. There are only three major classes a week, so the original owner has sufficient part-time time.

Because one year's tuition, accommodation and class fees were paid at the beginning of school, he now only needs to pay for his own living expenses and not starve to death.

There was still 600 yuan left in the original owner’s savings card. This was a month of living expenses he left for himself. For Li Tang, he spent all his savings and bought a necklace of 10,000 yuan.

Because of the shock that day, the gift was not able to be given out, so it was placed in the drawer of the original owner.

Although the original owner was very unlucky to meet the scumbag, the other people in his dormitory were okay. They were not so warm and friendly, but they were not superb. The dormitory got along well. Otherwise, the original owner committed suicide after drinking pesticides. Find.

He has been away for such a long time, the cards and the like are still there, and the expensive necklace is still there.

Now his whole body, the most valuable is this necklace.

He turned out the original packaging of the necklace, and it was written in the product information card. Within seven days, if there is a defect or other problem, a full refund can be made. After seven days, only the exchange is non-refundable.

After a month, even if there is a defect, it will not be accepted.

For this kind of thing, it is difficult to negotiate a refund, and Lu Yi didn't plan to spend energy and time to do this kind of thing.

He searched the Internet, downloaded a second-hand platform trading software, and then hung up the necklace. The necklace was sold at a 20% discount on the market price. The issuing/ticketing, the outer packaging and the entity were all photographed and placed on the platform.

After thinking about it, he posted a post in the school’s official post bar and part-time group.

The school is so big and there are not many students selling such expensive necklaces.

Originally, buying this kind of luxury goods is to give gifts to people. If the rich didn't give it away, they would not sell this thing and be embarrassed.

And really rich students will not come to buy such second-hand gifts.

Lu Yi could sell it right away. He sorted it out. In addition to this necklace, he sorted out all the valuables that Li Tang gave him, took photos, and sold them all.

The two had been dating for half a year. Li Tang gave some things to the original owner, but the original owner didn't accept the valuable things. Some small things, several hundred or one thousand, would be unhappy even if he refused Li Tang.

The original owner accepted it, and every time he spent a lot of thoughts in returning the gift.

Of course, the gift from Li Tang was kept 90% new by the original owner, and the gift from the original owner is probably not known where Li Tang left it, and I can't find it.

Now that the two of them have broken apart, these things are of no value to Lu Yi.

For the time being, he doesn't plan to waste time doing the part-time job he used to do, and he doesn't want to starve himself. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

When he posted this post, it quickly attracted the attention of some people. Those who manage the school’s official posts are all students at school, including Li Tang’s friends.

Although he didn't send his name and the id was taken randomly, it was almost as soon as Lu Yi finished posting that someone guessed his identity and notified Li Tang.

At that time, Li Tang was playing black with his roommate. He didn't pay attention to the news. After playing the game, he felt angry when he saw it.

He left a message under that post: I want everything from the original poster.

After posting the post, he went directly to Lu Yi's dormitory. Anyway, it was all boys, and the auntie would not stop him.

Because he didn't have the key, he knocked on the door vigorously: "Lu Yi, you come out for me!"

Lu Yi ignored him and packed his things on his own.

Li Tang said, "I am the crisp candy in the school post. Can you still sell things?!"

The next second, the door was opened.

Lu Yi saw that it was Li Tang, and his first sentence was: "Everything is packed, which one do you like, if you want it all, I can give you another 5% off."