Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 35: ☆, Playboy (5)


Lu Yi: ... He felt that he played the piano bad enough, and he also played a few wrong notes. Why is he still at the level of being a teacher

Seeing Mr. Xiao Rong who suddenly changed his face, he chose to be honest: "I have studied piano, but I haven't got a certificate. I want to come here to study mainly to test for a certificate. I like to leave the work to professionals. ."

When he was studying at university, Lu Yi also took a number of certificates. He has always spared money and all the certificates are handled by the relevant education and training institutions.

During the time he has to run errands, he can earn several times or even dozens of times the cost.

He said this very sincerely and did not adulterate at all, but only concealed part of the facts.

When he was speaking, his eyes looked at Rong Huan without blinking, and his eyes seemed to keep saying: What I said is true, not deceiving.

The young man's eyes were clear and pure, obviously not a particularly square face, but he exuded an awe-inspiring righteousness, his eyes were so hot that the other party could hardly avoid it.

After a brief look at each other, Rong Huan was the first to lose.

He believed that the person in front of him was true, but the other person's true purpose was definitely not just that simple.

He then "cross-examined" Lu Yi a few more questions, and made sure that the other party was not here to smash the scene, and then he was relieved: "You can take the certificate exam at this level, but you need to take the sound base certificate before that."

Candidates under the age of seven and over forty do not need this certificate, but the age of the person in front of them does not seem to be in this range.

"Okay." Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Rong Huan added: "These information can be found from the top. I don't need me to teach people your age how to go online."

"I'll check the information." Although Rong Huan was relieved, Lu Yi was still sensitive to the fact that the other party's first impression of him was not very good.

It is not easy to reverse the first impression, but if the negative impact continues, it might run counter to his purpose of coming here.

"I haven't touched a piano for a long time, and the relevant knowledge points may not be very clear. For the sake of me also a student of the piano industry, if I encounter something I don't understand, can I ask Teacher Rong for your guidance?"

Rong Huan smelled something unusual, and most of the people of the same kind have special feelings. The first time he saw Lu Yi, he knew that the other party should also like men.

There was not only one man expressing his affection, but the young man in front of him had a clear-sighted look, and he did not make any over-distance movements from beginning to end, nor did he say anything to express his affection.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was one's own passionate words.

And although the situation that the other party said sounds absurd, it is not impossible. He struggled for a while and agreed: "Yes, you can leave your contact information."

"No problem." The unfolding of the matter was a little more difficult than he thought, but today he finally made some progress. He exchanged contact information with the other party, and then left the classroom of the advanced piano class without any nostalgia. Wave your hand without taking away a cloud.

After Lu Yi left, Rong Huan asked the front desk again: "Let me see the information of the students who signed up for this period."

The thick information was handed to Rong Huan, and he turned to Lu Yi within a few pages of the most recent time.

The appearance of the one-inch photo provided by the other party is not much different from that of the person himself, but there are many differences in temperament and eyesight.

The age is twenty years old, and he is still a college student.

A photocopy of his identity was attached to the information. He checked his age and it was true.

And this university looks a bit familiar. I have a nephew who also studied at this university.

If you are really a college student, you shouldn't do what you think you are.

Is it really a misunderstanding? Rong Huan felt a little embarrassed, but because of this he paid more attention to this man named Lu Yi.

He usually ignores the people who add him. After get off work, he frequently looks at his mobile phone and waits for news from people who have said that he wants to ask questions.

But what is embarrassing is that there is no news at all, no phone messages, other communication tools, which can record online, are also gray.

Sure enough, I was thinking too much. I looked at myself in the rearview mirror, and Rong Huan felt a little red on his cheeks, ashamed of being so emotional for himself.

With a long sigh of relief, he left what happened today.

After leaving the piano shop over there, Lu Yi went back to the school dormitory and began to check the information.

They are the kind of dormitory with a bed above and a table below, a standard room for four people. When Lu Yi checked the information, they were below. Wang Wanglu glanced at it casually when he went over to pour water, and did not care, just asked casually: "Do you want to buy a piano, so many pictures?"

Lu Yi didn't intend to conceal it. After all, he lives in the same dormitory and is in the same class. Sooner or later he will know what to do: "I plan to take the piano exam."

Wang Wang retreated: "Yes, when did you secretly learn the piano behind our back?"

Nowadays, there are more and more people learning musical instruments, such as piano and guzheng guitar, but there are more guitars. One is a good start, and the other is to sing and sing.

The piano is different. You can take the guitar with you to play and sing. You can't just move one to the girl downstairs to confess.

Lu Yiyi smiled, and didn't say much: "I signed up for a study class before, and now I have to go to the sound base certificate to be qualified for the test."

"Oh, it's like this." Lu Yi didn't say anything specifically. They also thought that the other party should be a beginner. Many college students learn music. After all, people who teach music and dance now make money.

Zhang Zhihong, who was sitting on the bed and playing games, divided up a snack: "What were you talking about just now, piano?"

"It was Xiaolu who said he was going to learn piano."

Zhang Zhihong looked at Lu Yi: "Don't, Lu Yi, you won't remember the old love for Li Tang, right?"

Wang Wang glared at him: "What nonsense, let's talk about Lu Yi's words. If we break with Li Tang, we will break, right."

Zhang Zhihong made my brother's aggrieved expression, and then said: "Because Li Tang said that he likes people who talk about the piano very much, and he feels very temperamental."

Wang Wang exploded at once and asked Lu Yi: "No, brother, you haven't given up your heart yet. Let's say that the dung pit that has been dropped can't be dropped a second time. If you drop it again, I won't drag you."

"It has nothing to do with him, I always like piano."

Lu Yi was telling the truth. He learned the piano when he was very young, and his teacher praised him for his talent. When he was young, he still pestered his teacher to say to be a musician, but then he was reprimanded by his own elder Lu. Later, he began to get involved in finance, and his piano certificate was lost. He also forgot how he practiced piano every day.

When he said this, he naturally showed a look of nostalgia. Wang Wang glanced at it and felt that there was a story. Anyway, it wasn't because of Li Tang, and he didn't say anything.

After all, it was Lu Yi's own life, how to live it, it was Lu Yi's own choice.

Although most things in this world are the same as my own, there are still many details that are different.

Lu Yi spent more than half a month to understand and study, and finally got all these things clear.

When focusing on one thing, he basically doesn't use tools to connect with anything.

After he had absorbed the relevant knowledge, he remembered that there was still Li Tang's Bai Yueguang to contact.

He boarded Feixun, an online communication tool commonly used by young people in the world, and tapped Rong Huan: Teacher Rong, I have been reading the information these days and I can basically understand it, but there are still a few things I don’t understand. I can ask you. A moment

Then he uploaded an offline file and waited for more than ten minutes without responding. When his roommate called him out for dinner, he turned off the computer and went out.

When Rong Huan got off work, he read the message. At first glance, he felt that the profile picture of the contact was a bit familiar, and he went in a little bit, looking at the tone, and remembered that he was the young college student before.

He received the document and opened it while drinking water. It was a few small documents and pictures 1, 2, 3, and 4.

When I clicked it, he almost didn't spray water on the computer.

It’s not that the other party did a bad job, but that the other party did a great job. The other party has done all the puzzles and details of forms, words, ppts, and the key points are marked in red, which is quite shocking.

Everything can be done in this way, it may really be a natural personality like this.

No wonder when I watched it that day, I always felt that the other party had a maturity and stability that did not meet the age.

Rong Huan took a long sigh of relief, and then applied each other's template and listed them one by one.

Everyone and students are doing it so seriously. If he is a teacher who is still perfunctory, it seems too incompetent.

Lu Yi wanted to sign up, and then take the piano test for a few months. Within a few months, the two of them rarely talked face-to-face, and they usually communicated like this.

At the beginning, it was purely talking about piano and music. After a long time, the topic became crooked.

On this day, while chatting, the two of them discussed major events in life.

Lu Yi looked at the computer page.

The other party sent a message like this: My mother wants me to go on a blind date again, and it just collapsed.

Lu Yi returned: Didn't you say before that you like men and it's not a good thing to cheat on marriage.

Rong Huan: Whoever lied to marry, my high school came out, and I almost broke my leg back then. You still don't understand anything. My mother is looking for a man, but I don't want to go.

Lu Yi's hand on the keyboard paused: Singles are better for singles, and couples are better for couples. It is always good to try more, then should you think about it and find a boyfriend