Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 4: ☆, contract marriage (4)


Now that the two sides reached a consensus, Lu Yi said, "Where is your home?"

Yu Ke opened his eyes and looked at him, adding childishness to Dan Feng's slightly charming eyes: "Ah? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"If you brought your account book when you came out."

Yes, it seems that you need to bring your account book to get married: "But if the pre-marital property is notarized, should my property be notarized? Then I have to issue a certificate?"

If he gets divorced a year later and he can only get 10 million from start to finish, then he is not at a disadvantage.

Lu Yi stopped: "What assets do you have?" According to what he understood, the other party went on to study after university, and even though he was 28 years old, he didn't really have a long time to work. .

Yu Ke said humbly: "There are not many assets, just a house in City B, a scooter worth about 500,000 yuan, the full amount, the house loan has just been paid off, and the working capital in his hand is about 2 million yuan. ."

In fact, his personal conditions are quite good in his class. Now he gets 40K a month after tax. Although there is not much room for promotion, he can change jobs or open a studio after he is familiar with the domestic environment. .

The house was bought early, and now the value is around tens of millions. This condition is not bad, but it is also very poor. He is humble, but his tone is subtle and proud.

Lu Yi asked his new wife: "Nothing?"


The corners of his lips curled up slightly: "That's really poor."

This sentence made Yu Ke choke half to death. He followed the man, looked at the other's wide shoulders, narrow buttocks, and an extremely standard hanger-shaped figure. He swallowed his saliva without any interest, and his mouth was muttering. Mumbled: "I just want to say that 10 million is actually not that important to me."

He really likes money and there is nothing wrong with it, but he can't let the future husband think that he is in the eyes of money, so he only values money.

Lu Yi stopped and looked at the handsome young man who suddenly ran into his arms. He lowered his head and stared at each other’s beautiful eyes: "These things are not important to me. From today to tomorrow, you just need to follow Just do what I said, and wait until the wedding is over for the rest. Do you understand?"

The other party's momentum was too strong, Yu Ke was taken aback for a moment, and then he stammered for a while and said, "I see."

As soon as his voice fell, the other party had already walked away, leaving only a dashing back figure drifting away.

The next thing was directed by Lu Yi and Yu Ke cooperated. Within an hour, they quickly completed the two major tasks of notarizing the property and obtaining the marriage certificate.

Although Lu has a lot of wealth, the law protects the pre-marital property of each spouse. Real estate such as real estate does not need to be notarized. It is mainly that the equity and some movable properties that are not well-measured need notarization.

Moreover, Yu Ke's own resources are limited, just because he wants to use his brains, it is impossible for him to completely hand over his own industry to the other party. After waiting for a year, the other party is too good, he doesn't mind giving a little more monetary compensation, but if the other party wants to make trouble, then Yu Ke will bear the debt that he can't afford in this life.

When he saw the two red books in his hand, Yu Ke still hadn't recovered.

Are you married like this? Married to a man who has never seen or heard of? Go to the wedding tomorrow? Is it a dream

He looked at the ID photos of the two people in the red book, with a usual smile on his face, which was completely instinct to face the camera, but the man standing next to him had a face with a paralyzed face, and he couldn't see it at all. The joy of newlyweds.

Although he wishes to get rich every day, if he dreams, he shouldn't look for such a fierce man. At first glance, he thinks that the man who has a strong desire for control is right.

It still feels light and dizzy. Looking at the overly beautiful young man in the rearview mirror, Yu Ke removed his hand from the marriage certificate and pinched his thigh. Of course, he was afraid of pain and did not dare to use too much force.

Fortunately, he was fine-skinned and tender, and he didn't use much force, and he still felt pain.

Lu stopped the car and turned his face slightly to look at the man beside him: "Here, get out of the car."

The door of the car was opened from the outside, and the young and beautiful welcome lady bent down and stood in front of him: "Please."

Although he hadn't reached this level, he was not someone who had never seen the scene. Yu Ke got out of the car calmly, and after Lu Yi got out of the car, he took the other person's arm very skillfully.

Before Lu Yi shook him off, he stood on tiptoe gently, leaned to the ear of the other party, and said in a low voice, "Since you decide to do the show, you should always make the full set. If I am the only one to post, Dong Lu will do the same for you. It's a shame."

After saying this, a slightly shy expression appeared on his face. To outsiders, it was Yu Ke who was acting like a baby to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was indeed very uncomfortable being hugged by a strange man like this. He closed his eyes and adjusted his mentality in the fastest time.

After that, he didn't break free from Yu Ke's hand, but walked into the door holding the opponent.

Because it was said that the wedding styling design was arranged by Lu Yi, the design and stylist were also arranged by the Lu family.

As soon as he saw Lu Yi coming in with a person in his arms, he greeted him enthusiastically and said in a fluent but a bit rapportant C national dialect: "Hello, Mr. Lu, this is your wife, Mr. Fang. You are so lucky to marry Such a big beauty."

This stylist who was specially invited by cousin Lu Yi from abroad worked for the Lu family for the first time. He only knew the specific process of the day and the name of the client, and had not seen a real person.

Yu Ke's expression was very subtle in an instant. He glanced at Lu Yi, then said openly: "My name is Yu."

This answer made the stylist a bit at a loss: "But Miss Ann told me that the other gentleman's name is Fang Chuan." Did he get the client wrong? But the assistant personally led in, and this Mr. Lu looked exactly like Miss Ann described.

Lu Yi took Yu Ke's hand out, put his arm around the other's waist, and replied: "He is my legal wife, called Yu Ke. It was written as Fang Chuan before. It was just a small misunderstanding."

This is certainly not a misunderstanding, but since Fang Chuan ran away, he should accept the consequences of running away.

The client said it was a misunderstanding, and the stylist didn't ask too much. Yu Ke was quickly pressed to the seat, and the designer began to design a new hairstyle and styling for him.

Lu Yi waited on the side for a while, then stood up and planned to leave.

Yu Ke looked in the mirror and hurriedly called him: "Lu... Honey, where are you going?"

He is a very qualified actor, even in front of people he doesn't know, he always keeps track of his professional standards of love and dedication.

"I have another stylist." It was enough to be a stylist, so it was more harmonious, but because a lot of time was wasted looking for Yu Ke, he could only squeeze time out in other ways.

He glanced at his watch, there were only less than twenty hours left. Excluding six hours of sleep time, his schedule was very tight.

After explaining this sentence, he stepped out of the room door.

It took about four hours before Yu Ke was finished. After it was over, he looked at himself in the mirror with no fluctuations on his face, and sighed in his heart. Look at his face, tender enough to pinch water, and his new clothes, full of money all over his body.

He also knew about this high-level club in City B, but he had only passed by before and never thought that he would sit here and "enjoy" a day.

Sure enough, the happiness of a wealthy person cannot be imagined by a poor person like him.

After the tossing was over, he went to find Lu Yi, but the other party happened to have something to be alone for half an hour. As a wise wife, he had to wait outside and stroll around to see what the clubhouse for rich people looked like.

After seeing a pot of very beautiful orchids, his eyes lit up, stepping on the small leather shoes that had been polished brightly and squatting down in front of the flower pot.

As a "flower" idiot, he wanted to see if this was the precious variety in the legendary one million pots. A familiar and unfamiliar voice rang behind him.


Yu Ke straightened up, turned his face, his usual spring-like smile instantly froze on his face.

The speaker looked surprised: "I said someone is there with a butt pouting, and he looks like a hillbilly who has never seen the world. I also feel very familiar with it. When I think about it carefully, it seems to be Yu Ke, but I didn't expect it to be you. So. It’s been a long time since I didn’t expect you to be so personal."

When I was studying in the past, everyone was relatively simple, and didn't pay much attention to family background, mainly based on grades. Yu Ke is good-looking, will come, has good grades, and has a sweet mouth. He is especially fond of teachers.

But after all, people are different from money and cannot be liked by everyone. While attracting most of the same sex and opposite sex/love, Yu Ke also attracted a lot of hatred.

The yin and yang strange man in front of him was one of his hatred back then, because back then, the other party was Fang Chuan's admirer.