Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 41: ☆, Playboy (11)


From Lu Yi's mouth, he learned that Li Tang liked Rong Huan, and he didn't like Rong Huan in general. He didn't immediately question him. Instead, he thought about it carefully and found that his cheap grandson might really be coveting his grandson.

Immediately afterwards, he directly found his stepson, went to Li's house, and asked the stepson to take out all the relevant keys of Li Tang's room.

The husband and wife were actually not happy, but Father Rong could be said that everyone grew up, and thinking that nothing would happen, they "sell" their son.

As a result, I searched the room carefully, and found out a lot of love letters, a diary of young youth's sentimentality, a paper full of Rong Huan's name, and a lot of messy memories of the two.

Yes, the two uncles and nephews have good relationships, and good relationships can develop into such abnormal relationships.

"Bastard, the family is unfortunate!" The Rong family still cherishes fame. After confirming this kind of thing, the old man almost fainted out of anger, and finally got over it. The first thing he thought of was to ask his son to leave Li Tangyuan. point.

After all, things like love can make people dizzy and lose their reason. Li Tang is a young man, and his son is not too young to do such humiliating things.

Of course, Li Tang also ordered the two juniors of the Li family to have a good son. Li Tang is also an adult and cannot be treated as a seven- to eight-year-old child. If this happens again, after Li Tang Don't even think about embarking on the Rong family anymore.

Of course, this kind of scandal is naturally the less people know the better, and he didn't want to make a lot of noise, as long as the two sides restrain each other.

Li Tang’s parents were also shocked. They received a round of approval, and the husband and wife joined together. Now Li Tang is staying at school. As soon as he graduates, they hurriedly get his son outside. This person is far away. Mind will be weakened.

After explaining Li Tang's parents, Father Rong asked the driver to drive to his son's current residence and met him in person.

Rong Huan naturally said that he had absolutely no interest in Li Tang. He hoped that his father would accept Lu Yi, but Father Rong still refused to let go. The two quarreled again and broke up unhappy.

To be precise, the one who was particularly unhappy was Father Rong. Rong Huan was thinking about the "elopement" with Lu Yi and the two people living in a single world.

The two young people decided to do what they said, and before the others had reacted, they simply went through all the formalities and left the country.

Because the two are handled separately, everything is communicated by mobile phones and other communication tools. Although the father likes to supervise his son, he is not so perverted to monitor his son's entire life.

Lu Yi’s side is even more serious. There is nothing to explain at all. After the relevant procedures are completed, he invited his roommate to a separate meal before leaving. He briefly talked about the situation and rushed to the plane that day. Went to make peace with Rong Huan.

They are already in the second semester of their junior year. Even if they haven't gone abroad, they still have to travel for internships. It is very normal for them to be different in this situation. The roommates only said to contact each other again, and they won't affect their friendship with each other because of this.

Over there, Li Tang’s affairs have come to an end. On Father Rong’s side, there is another grandson who has family acquaintances returning to China. The other party is also engaged in art. There are many men in this circle. The other party is not as brave as Rong Huan. In the past one or two years, his parents The forced marriage was forced to come out.

But his family is more open than the Rong family, and he accepts this fact much faster. It just happened that when he returned to China this time, there was a suitable person in the circle, so I thought of Rong Huanlai and introduced it.

Families like them are basically digested within the circle, they are all friends who know each other, know the roots and know the bottom, and the three views are also similar.

When the old man saw the young man, he felt that his appearance was particularly handsome and heroic. The key was to study art, and he had a common language with his son, and he was a good match.

From every aspect, it can be said that he crushed the poor boy Lu Yi. After thinking about it like this, he tried to find a way to let Rong Huan participate in this disguised blind date.

As a result, the phone called and found that Rong Huan's card had stopped, and the housekeeper was sent to inquire about it. It turned out that he had gone abroad with his old father on his back a few days ago.

He immediately went to check Rong Huan's boyfriend, and he was asked to go to the school for a check. Sure enough, Lu Yi was gone, and according to the inquired information, the two of them should be on the same flight.

What is there to think about? It is clear that the two people who resisted the feudal patriarch eloped. It is an exaggeration to say that elopement is an honest couple. Two young unmarried young men can go where they want to go.

Obviously, the second son born to his ex-wife was the most obedient when he was a child, but when he grew up, he became his most troublesome one.

The old man is almost going to be irritated by his rebellious and young son, but no matter how angry he is, it is of no use. No matter how magical things are, he can't reach out to a foreign country to get his son back at once.

Besides, the world is so big, and no one tells where the other party has gone. Even if he has the ability, he still needs to know where the person is.

There is no way, no one can find it. The introduction must have been temporarily soaked, but it is not possible to tell outsiders directly that the little bastard has soaked with his boyfriend, otherwise his old face will be put away.

Facing the questioning and urging of an old friend, the old man had to say that the younger son was not obedient, and went abroad to collect the style without saying a word.

In the end, the old friend comforted him: "Young people are like this, love to play, the one in my house, no, I went to F Chau to collect the scenery. After returning, the white face was cracked into a tortoise shell. His grandma cried with her arms around her."

After hearing this, Mr. Rong was no longer satisfied with his old friend's grandson. He said it was collecting style, but he was just making an excuse. If the old friend’s son is really harmonious with Rong Huan, he must be always ignorant for the sake of photography. Can't do this.

If you think about it this way, it might be better for Lu Yi.

Bah, Lu Yi has nothing good, a little white face who eats soft food, young and naive, sooner or later.

Father Rong three provinces in his daily life: Did the little bastard return home today? No, did the little bastard call back today to apologize? No. Did the little bastard break up with that little white face today, or not.

After asking these three questions, he felt more depressed than before.

But it's useless to be depressed, Lu Yi and Rong Huan can be said to have played a little bit reluctantly.

Maybe it was because he was too tired in his original world, and finally had a serious relationship. He relaxed a lot and paid great attention to the company of Rong Huan while taking care of his career.

After half a year happily, the two of them gathered up a lot of postcards, then gathered them together and sent them to Grandpa Rong brainlessly.

I worry about this and worrying at home every day, but the two of them have fun outside unconsciously.

This kind of comparison made Grandpa Rong very upset. He was upset by himself, and he wanted others to follow along. He immediately took photos of all these postcards and sent them to Li Tang, who had just graduated.

Li Tang's parents thought it was good, love can't compare to time, it's too far apart, it's all over the world, and it's forgotten over time.

But Father Rong obviously didn't think so. He hadn't seen Li Tang Shao make a boyfriend before, and Xin was still concerned about his son Rong Huan.

There is a saying, what you can't get is always in turmoil, and Li Tang's temperament is definitely not so easy to give up.

Although he didn't like Lu Yi either. At any rate, he was not related to him in name. These postcards looked very distracting, but Geying Li Tang couldn't be better.

Sure enough, after seeing these photos, Li Tang lived up to his expectations and went into the hospital again with anger.

Because of the previous contradiction, the little beauty in Wen Shu who had been better off with Li Tang also broke up. Although he liked Li Tang very much, Wen Shu couldn't bear that his man kept hiding another man in his heart, and that man was his own man's uncle.

Anyway, the situation is too messy, he can't hold his kind who likes to do things and play straight shots.

When the postcard came over, Mr. Rong immediately arranged for someone to check the address of the sender. The result was that the other party left a few days ago and didn’t reveal where he went, except for cursing in his heart. There is no other way for Father Rong, the little bastard of his own, and the man who abducted the little bastard.

Later, the number of postcards sent by two people began to increase frequently. Sometimes it was photos of Rong Huan alone. Most of them were photos of two people, and they were basically hooked up or holding hands. The posture was very intimate.

Rong Huan would write a line or two on the back every time he sent a postcard or photo. One is to report safety to family members in China, and the other is to facilitate the promotion of his boyfriend.

Of course, in the back, the boyfriend becomes the fiance and then the husband.

When two people got married, they were in a very simple chapel, and the priest gave them two best wishes. The way that the married state is presented to Father Rong is to clasp two ten fingers together, wear the same wedding ring, and have a local marriage certificate.

Domestic same-sex marriage is not legal, but the country where they receive the certificate is legal.

No matter how reluctant Father Rong was, he was done, and the two of them had a very good life, his knot was slowly letting go.

After receiving the certificate, Rong Huan called back.

When Mr. Rong heard a familiar voice, his husband scolded his unfilial and conscientious son, and then said: "This year, you can bring him back for the New Year. It's really outrageous that you won't come back for the New Year."

Although the old man's mouth is still very hard, these words are already considered an approval for Lu Yi, and for Rong Huan, they are enough.

Before the New Year, he took the landing back to the country.

Basically, everyone from the Rong family came, and he asked for a while, and didn't say anything disappointing.

Li Tang also came that day, and Grandpa Rong didn't really want Rong Huan to see him. After thinking about it, it was easier for Li Tang to give up on a face-to-face impact, so he let people in.

Li Tang's face can be said to be super ugly. He stared directly at Rong Huan. He felt that Rong Huan's appearance had become better than that of more than a year, and the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were filled with happiness.

He didn't make any trouble that day, but was watching Rong Huan the whole time. Rong Huan and Lu Yi drove away before he got in his father's car and went home.

Seeing the appearance of the two people, Li Tang felt very unwilling. He was unwilling to be robbed of his younger uncle, and the person who snatched the younger uncle was still the ex-boyfriend who had committed suicide by drinking pesticide for him.

This is simply ridiculous, people can't believe it, but this ridiculousness is a fact.

Because the younger uncle already knows his love, he hasn't dated boyfriends much since he broke up with Wen Shu for more than a year.

He firmly believes that Rong Huan is special to him, and people like Lu Yi are only with Rong Huan because of the strong dopamine secretion of Rong Huan and the other party's dog/shit luck.

When he was at Rong's house, he was extremely jealous when he looked at the wedding rings of the two people.

But he comforted himself that it was just a foreign marriage. Gay marriage in this country was not legal at all, and that marriage had no legal effect at all.

He poke the matter to the old man at the beginning, because the old man has a strong personality and pays attention to the right person, and it is impossible to agree with Lu Yi.

I really didn't expect the old man's fire to burn Lu Yi unsuccessfully in the end, but instead burned on his head.

But it doesn't matter, he still has a trump card in his hand.

In China, marriage is not just a simple combination of two people, but also a large group of children behind them.

This is the case when buying pigs and watching pens. Although Lu Yi seems to be doing pretty well now, he got an offer from a prestigious school, and he has some small achievements in starting his own business.

But who made Lu Yi's background not good? After leaving the Lu family, a call was made, and the person on the other end said with a bit of flattery, "Master Li, what do you want us to do?"

Li Tang said: "Tomorrow you can go wherever you go. Let's make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better."

Father Lu on the other side answered, then hung up the phone and said to his wife, "If you have something to do, you will dress up a little bit miserably tomorrow, and work hard."