Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 45: ☆, Playboy (15)


Rong Huan said without even thinking, "No."

"Li Tang originally owed me and Lu Yi an apology, but I hope you can understand that whether he apologizes or not will not change any decision made by Lu Yi and me."

Rong Huan took a deep breath, and his expression was somewhat ironic: "Your son’s flirty apology is not so golden. Instead of coming here to persuade me to change my mind, it’s better to work hard and fight for those old men on the board. Maybe they will change their minds for your sincerity."

After saying this, Rong Huan stood up and said, "It's getting late, I should go back."

Behind every bear child is a bear parent. Although it is not necessarily absolute, it is true most of the time. Li Tang can develop such a character, which is inseparable from the teaching method of his stepbrother.

"Rong Huan!" The other party called him behind him, but this time Rong Huan did not turn his head back.

On the way back, he became more and more angry when he thought about it. When Lu came back from work, he immediately said to Lu Yi: "I listened to his tone, as if his son can apologize is such a great thing, how precious you are. Don't change your mind because of my face, or I'll be angry with you."

Lu Yi laughed out loud: "Okay, I will definitely not change it." He hadn't planned to change his mind.

"Hey..." Rong Huan sighed suddenly.

Lu Yi asked him, "Why do you sigh suddenly again?"

Rong Huan said, "I just thought, aren't you his ex-boyfriend? What if he thinks that you are still unhappy and deliberately retaliate..." He used his hand, which was as wide as a footbasin for washing clothes." I feel that their faces can be so big."

Lu Yi laughed out loud, in exchange for his lover's eyes.

"You are still laughing, it wasn't you who caused you to provoke you, who made you look at Li Tang blindly before, and you have to live and die, why didn't you look at you so much to me."

Lu Yi stopped smiling, and said seriously, "Whose jealous jar is overturned? So sour?"

Rong Huan smeared a lot of blueberry jam on the freshly baked biscuits, and then blocked Lu Yi's mouth: "It's yours. You must be so sore."

Because the sourness was too strong, he didn't like to eat sour ones. That night, Lu Yiyi was so diligent and devoted himself to turn the vinegar jar into a honey jar.

Naturally, the acquisition was held as planned. In addition to financial recalculations, the company's upper management also carried out a wide range of personnel changes.

Li Tang’s father’s shares were diluted, the right to speak was reduced, and the company’s executive officer was also changed.

Of course it was not Lu Yi, but someone recommended by Lu Yi.

The new official took office with three fires, and the first fire hit Li Tang's father. Originally, Li Tang was studying for graduate school and had a lot of time. He still wanted to get his son into the company, but of course this matter was in a boil.

It's not that you can't get in, but you can't get in important positions, and he also knows that his son's ability is very clever, but he is a little arrogant. In the workplace, unless he is a high-ranking person, otherwise. , I must be shouting about the darkness of the workplace every day.

Because his career was not going well, Li Tang’s father’s attitude was not much better when he returned home. His son was still a teacher, and he went out to play all day, but he often didn’t see anyone when he came back.

He checked the account and found that a lot of money was spent on Li Tang’s secondary card, thinking that his face was useless with his step-brother, and he was angry at the company, so he stopped Li Tang’s card in a fit of anger. .

Because Li Tang was unwilling to enter the society too early, after graduation, he went directly to the university through his family relationship and secured a postgraduate study.

He usually has nothing to do, except for watching Lu Yi's movement, he still eats, drinks and has fun every day like the previous friends of Hupen and Dogs, in the nickname, to expand his contacts.

When it was his turn to pay, the waiter said embarrassingly that his card was out of money. In this era, it is all mobile payments, and no one will bring a lot of cash with them.

When he got embarrassed in front of his friend, he went home and complained to his mother: "Dad stopped my card silently. Do you know how embarrassed I was then?!"

Li Tang’s mother also felt that her husband did not do the right thing, but Li Tang’s father was still angry, so he scolded his son, and then mentioned that Li Tang should apologize, otherwise he would continue to stop the card.

Hearing that his father actually wanted to apologize to his ex-boyfriend, Li Tang exploded on the spot, had a big fight with his father, and then took all his savings over the years (the lucky money given by various relatives over the years) and ran away from home.

Li Tang’s mother persuaded her son and her husband. When her son is older, she must reason with each other and not against her son.

Li Tang's father was very angry. Only his son listened to Lao Tzu, as well as all kinds of Lao Tzu who begged him for forgiveness. He was bitten to death, and if he didn't give Li Tang the money, he felt that it was all caused by the excessive money.

Li Tang’s mother didn’t understand her husband’s actions. Anyway, she was also a professional woman and used all the money she earned. In private, she often used the money to supplement her son.

But this time, Li Tang’s father’s attitude was very tough, his son’s expenses were average, and his wife’s private money was not too much, so he had to submit to his husband in the end.

Li Tang also asked his grandma, grandpa and grandpa for money.

Because of Li Tang’s coming out, his grandfather didn’t like him very much. His grandfather and grandmother were okay, but Li Tang’s mother was not the only daughter, and there was also an older brother. His grandchildren were all fleshy, so he shouldn’t be too partial. Pocket money can be given, but it is difficult to pay for Li Tang's raised expenses.

As for the nominal grandfather, that is, Rong Huan's father, long after Li Tang made the mess of admiring his son, he disliked the cheap grandson very much. There was no money.

It's not a child. Adults who have graduated from college come and have hands and feet, so they won't make money by themselves.

Li Tang's grandmother, her status is a bit embarrassing, although she loves her grandson, she dare not do too much.

Li Tang himself is a person who can't save money. He originally had grandparents, grandparents, and father and mother. Only then can he be generous and play with his friends all day long.

The university is still a small society. After graduation, everyone is out of society, which is more realistic. Li Tang didn’t have any money. At the beginning, everyone had a good relationship with each other’s contacts, but they knew that they were having trouble with the family and didn’t dare to help too much, so they gradually faded away from him. .

Most of the people who came to Li Tang's beautiful skin could not bear his love, and they didn't care about Li Tang's love and love, and they were looking at Li Tang's money. "True love" that doesn't care about money and can tolerate bad tempers basically has more or less flaws.

Moreover, the gay circle itself is chaotic. Students only talk about pure love. When they enter society, people pay more attention to conditions and benefits. It is just a dream to stay together. Most people just want to simply sleep with Li Tang. .

He has been paying attention to the situation on Lu Yi's side, but since there is no money and no one, it is very difficult for him to know the situation of those two people.

It's not easy to find out, and it's all about the goodness of those two people, and even the former classmates, I don't know where to get to know Lu Yi, and climbing up to him, it made Li Tang stunned to death.

This is not worse. What’s worse is that because his father was disappointed with this son, he actively made people at home every day. Li Tang was outside and he had not returned for a long time. He found that the number of times his mother’s relief had decreased, When I returned home, I found out that my mother had a big belly and there were many more bottles and cans in the house.

Originally, the family said that they would not have another child for him, but his mother and father also betrayed him. Li Tang exploded on the spot and argued with his mother.

There was a dispute between the two people. In excitement, he pushed his mother. Fortunately, the servants at home rushed over and used the strength of feeding to help him.

Looking at his mother's extremely disappointed expression, Li Tang couldn't help feeling guilty, and he actually fled.

After that, Li Tang's mother stopped funding him. Without these sources of income, Li Tang finally returned home and confessed his mistake to his parents.

In the end, it is his own son, where his feelings are, what else can I do, I can only forgive him.

But there is a second child in the family, and with grievances, Li Tang can't be treated like before.

When Li Tang returned home, he deeply felt the importance of money. He offered to work and join his father's company.

Out of face issues, Li Tang’s father did not talk too much about the company’s affairs with his family. In addition, although it was not as good as before, he still had power. After talking with personnel, Li Tang was admitted to the company, of course based on his Educational qualifications start at the grassroots level.

Li Tang agreed. After joining the company, he performed well. Although he is not very fond of learning, he is good-looking, active and proactive, with a sweet mouth. As a newcomer, he is very pleasing.

Everyone praised him for being good, and with the promotion of Li Tang’s father, Li Tang smoothly changed from an ordinary employee to a young supervisor. Of course, he was the kind of supervisor with little power, but in this way, the speed of promotion can be said to be very fast. Up.

For Li Tang, what he thought was that he was only practicing at the grassroots level. When he climbed up and became financially independent, no one would be able to control him, including his parents. By then, he would not have to count on him to take care of it. Second child.

And Lu Yi and Rong Huan, a piano player and a poor boy, can mix no matter how much they can mix.

He has been holding such a beautiful idea, until one day when his colleague asked him to send documents, he even saw Lu Yi in this company.