Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 49: ☆, Infatuation actor (3)


This flash marriage can be said to be very fast, and it was not until he got in the driving seat of his car that Kong Si accepted the fact that he had become a married person from an unmarried person.

Just as he was about to say something, a ring of bell interrupted what he wanted to say.

Before the hospital was checked and the wedding photos were taken, to avoid the sudden ringing of the bell, Lu Yi turned off his mobile phone. After getting in the car, he just turned on the phone and called.

The caller ID was Brother Li, who was the agent Li He assigned to him by the company after the original owner debuted.

Lu Yi glanced at the phone screen and said to Kong Si next to him: "It's my agent. I will answer the call first."

As soon as he connected, Li He's roar came from the phone: "What's the matter with you, where did you go last night, I can't find anyone now? Do you know that I'm going crazy looking for you? !"

As an eighteenth line artist, the original owner is not taken seriously by the company. Of course, the agent assigned is not only in charge of him, but in charge of more than ten artists of all sizes.

And because he offended a certain senior of the economic company, in recent days, he hasn’t even had a notice at all. Even if it’s a very low painless traffic advertisement, he would not consider looking for an infamous talent like him. Eighteen lines of birth.

But yesterday, Li Ge called him and asked him to come to a party, saying that he had a chance to win a small role in a movie.

Although it is only a male number six with only a few lines, because it is a big production by a famous director, it is still a very good opportunity for small stars like the original owner.

Because the original owner is young, he still has some better yearning for this circle. Although the agent Li Ge has not valued him for a long time, but these days, the other side's goodwill and non-giving up have allowed him to regenerate confidence and trust Li Ge.

It was because of this trust that he drank a glass of wine that his agent poured for him, and then after getting drunk, he unreservedly handed over to the elder brother of the agent who was a straight man and already had a wife.

But what the young original owner couldn't imagine is that although the agent only likes women and has no interest in men, he can pimp other big men who like men or high-status celebrities.

Because the other party promised to give Li He a promising male celebrity resource, then Li He sold the male protagonist who was hidden by the company without any pressure.

After all, the economic man relies on his artists to make money. Lu Xingchen was not well-known, and he was hidden by the company. In Li He's opinion, Lu Xingchen was also lucky.

As a result, when he got up the next day, he was called and scolded by the boss who had promised before. He was scolded as a doggie.

After a long while, he understood that the other party's curse meant that he was unreliable, because when the waiter opened the door early in the morning, the reporter hadn't photographed anyone in the room except He Xiao.

This is impossible. Li He vowed to take the person to 409 according to what the other party said. After proving his innocence by using a lot of tongue, he aggressively called Lu Xingchen to question him on the phone.

As a result, there was always a sweet female voice prompting in the phone: "Sorry, please turn off the phone you dialed, please call again later, sorry..."

Anxiously hung up the phone, he simply drove directly to the dilapidated small apartment rented by Lu Xingchen to find someone, and finally took out the key and walked in, only to see half a bucket of instant noodles on the table that hadn't been eaten, and the mess. drawer.

Not only the people disappeared, but also the ID-related documents.

The artist under his hand had to look for him again, during which he called Lu Xingchen several times, but they didn't get through. During a meal, the gangster scolded him again, nodded and bowed his head and apologized to the gangster, and said a lot of good things. He suffocated his stomach and couldn't eat any delicious food. He didn't report much hope. He called Lu Xingchen again.

As a result, this time, the phone was connected, and when he heard the familiar voice, he screamed with excitement, and then scolded the person again.

When Li He began to roar, Lu Yi frowned, turned down the volume, and took the phone away from him.

When the phone no longer made the buzzing vibration, he took it closer, and then turned on the hands-free.

Lu Yi's eyelashes dropped, because it was night and the car had not started yet, the orange light in the car shone on his face, causing the thick long eyelashes to cast a small black shadow.

Lu Xingchen is still very young, no matter his appearance or voice, he is full of vigor, with the sunshine and clearness that is unique to an older boy.

But after changing the soul in the shell, the same body, the tone and tone of speech were a little more calm and deep: "If I remember correctly, last night, you sent me to 409, I I also want to hear your explanation from Brother Li, why there will be so many amusements and paparazzi the next morning?"

Li He's verbal abuse stopped abruptly and paused for a while. He said impatiently: "Of course it was arranged by me. You have no reputation. If you don't hype, you can still turn around?!"

In the eyes of the young artist Lu Xingchen, the agent is a very powerful profession. If he really doesn't understand at all, Li He may fool it.

Although Kong Si didn't know what the entertainment industry was like, he knew that the agent of the eighteenth-line young artist did not have that great ability. Hearing Li He's bragging, he couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Yi glanced at Kong Si, his voice was very indifferent. He opened the recording of the phone call: "Li He, you are a three-year-old child of mine, and you are still a fool who knows nothing."

Li He became vigilant: "Who is the person next to you?"

Yesterday, he obviously gave Lu Xingchen a very strong drug. If Lu Xingchen did not show up at 409, he must have been taken away by someone else.

Lu Yi asked calmly: "I'm the driver of the express train. Yesterday I was taken into 409 after I was drunk. You did it specially. What are the benefits of doing this?"

He thought for a while, it seemed that if the original owner had encountered this incident, his emotions should not be so calm and steady. After hesitating, Lu Yi raised his tone and said something emotionally exaggerated, "Do you know that I was almost... I trust you so much, how can you do this to me?!"

Hearing that it was an express driver, Li He relaxed. He knew that Lu Xingchen, a stupid boy, was relatively innocent and had no scheming at all. Otherwise, when the company's senior executives wanted to unspoken rules for him, he would not directly refute people on the spot. The face is so good that the debut momentum is good, but it has been hidden by the snow.

It was probably because He Xiao was not too drunk yesterday. He found someone and got them out. Li He thought to himself that even though the big guy said it was useful, He Xiao Mingming had always liked women to the outside world. For straight men like them, even if a man was naked in front of him, they would not have X impulses.

His tone became worse: "Lu Xingchen, when you came out yesterday, how did you tell me that you would cooperate well and take this role? Do you know that He Xiao is the big one? To make an actor that will be set immediately? In the entertainment industry, if you want to be popular, you have to hype. Do you know what hype is, pull, tie, and speculate. Do you know how difficult it is for me to find this opportunity? It cost you so If you have many connections, you will waste it on me. I really don’t know what to do! I’m so disappointed in you."

Lu Yi glanced at Kong Si next to him, and said in a more exaggerated tone: "Really it's just a hype? Then what are you going to do with me?!"

"What kind of medicine, are you afraid that you are drunk and confused?" Li He is still a bit clever, even if he has completely given up on Lu Xingchen in his heart, he still insists that he has not administered the medicine.

"Brother Li, aren't you curious about where I spent last night?"

Li He raised his heart: "Where?"

"In the hospital, I fainted on the ground yesterday. A kind person sent me to the hospital. The result was anaphylactic shock. The doctor gave me a blood test and said that I contained a special medicine in my body... This medicine is right. Most people have aphrodisiac/yang effects, but because the drug content is too high, my body can't bear it."

Kong Si on the side looked at the man in the rearview mirror, his tone was exaggerated, but his face was expressionless. He lied and said without blinking his eyes. He also said that he could not act. He knew that he knew well. Deceiving.

These words were of course made up by Lu Yi, there was no doctor at all, and no coma. His antidote was a real big man.

But his tone didn't sound like joking at all. With Li He's guilty conscience, he really believed it.

He regretted that he had increased the dose in order not to make mistakes, and he hated iron and steel and said, "You are really useless!"

"Even if it wasn't your medicine, you knew it, Brother Li, for the sake of trusting you so much, tell me, who is the one who wanted to frame me?"

Li Hedang would not confess that big man: "You ask so much what you are doing, who do you think you are? People still work so hard to frame you. What happened to the medicine I gave? Anyway, I will give you the last one. Tong, you will go back to your little broken apartment right now. If I haven’t seen you, don’t want to get involved in this circle in the future!"

For a young artist like Lu Xingchen with no background, if he offends his agent, there is basically no life in his early days.

Lu Yi finished the recording and returned to his accustomed calm and alienated voice: "Don't bother you, I plan to terminate the contract with the company."

"What are you talking about? Are you turning your head?!"

Before Li He's roar passed, there was a beeping sound from the phone. Obviously, Lu Xingchen cut off the phone.

Lu Yi looked at Kong Si next to him: "I have said that, I am innocent."

Kong Si asked him: "You just said so much just to prove to me that you are innocent?" In fact, he had believed the other party's words a long time ago, otherwise, it would be impossible to marry Lu Yi on impulse.

Lu nodded: "This is just one of the reasons. Do me a favor and send me to Hejin Apartment Building 106. I think I may need to solve the problem of terminating the contract with the entertainment company first."

Kong Si was very dissatisfied: "You, can you be more polite? Don't call someone help?"

This was the first time Lu Yi was said to be impolite. He thought about it and repeated it very politely: "Kong Si, please do me a favor and send me to the Hejin apartment. I need to resolve the issue of contract termination first. , Okay?"

Kong Si was even more dissatisfied. He patted the steering wheel and protested: "We have received the certificate. We have received the certificate. Do you know what it means to receive the certificate? A legal couple!"

Lu Yi fell silent. He and Yu Ke had a contractual marriage before, so he called Yu Ke Mr. Yu, and if he was called Kong Si, he was close enough.

But if you change to a more polite Mr. Kong, the other party will be even more angry.

He hesitated: "Wife, do me a favor. I need to solve the troublesome contract issues that may affect the lives of our two husbands and wives, can you?"

"Shut up!" Isn't the sleeping one or the wife, OK, Kong Si snorted coldly, and then started the car.