Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 53: ☆, Infatuation actor (7)


I don’t remember which movie said that the most beautiful love story in the world is not that I love you, but that I support you. Kong Si and Lu Yi looked at each other in silence, and suddenly wailed.

Lu Yi was taken aback by him, and hurriedly asked him, "What's the matter?"

Kong Si said: "No, you let me go first, I'll take a shower in the bathroom and calm down."

He felt like he was being slapped, what a terrible man, God knows where so many sultry love stories come from.

When he turned his head, Lu Yi tilted his head and looked at him. He was obviously a serious man, and he was shamelessly showing cuteness!

Lu Yi said, "Wash it later, you didn't even take any clothes."

Kong Si shook his head: "No! I'll go right away."

He was afraid that he could not help but rush on, and the fire would burn his old waist. This was just finished, restraint, must restraint.

Lu Yi couldn't help laughing a little, and let go of his hand: "All right, then you go quickly."

The young man’s warm arm was put aside, and Kong Si was a little dissatisfied: "Are you not in love with me anymore

The script is wrong, shouldn't his man hold him tightly and burn it.

"I will go with you."

The corners of Kong Si's lips curled up, and he said, his charm is unmatched, which is almost the same.

Before going to bed that day, the water in the bathroom rang for another full hour before stopping.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, Lu Yi was awakened by his own biological clock. Two minutes later, the bedside alarm rang. He got up and turned off the alarm, planning to get up in his clothes.

A hand stretched out from the quilt and forced him back into the quilt: "So sleepy. Sleep with me."

In fact, Kong Si's hands didn't have much strength, they were soft, but Lu Yi followed the opponent's strength to lie down again.

It's rare that the weather is so good, and you can occasionally indulge in a day.

As a result, in the end, the two of them did not get up until 9 o'clock in the morning, and had their preserved egg and lean meat porridge at the porridge mansion downstairs for breakfast.

The temperature of the porridge is very high when it is served, so it will not burn your tongue if you drink it again. Because Kong Si received an important text message, he took out his mobile phone and responded there.

After he returned to his friend's news, he looked up and found that Lu Yi's eyes were looking in one direction intently. After following Lu Yi's gaze, he saw the TV set on the wall of the Congee Mansion.

The TV is broadcasting an old variety show of Fruit Station. The form of this variety show is mainly to invite some guests to do various interesting activities every period.

The guests are all actors from new hot dramas or upcoming movies, or rookies in the popular variety show on the Fruit Channel itself. The latest episode of last night’s show is now being shown, and a recent hot youth drama is invited. Guests in.

Usually at home, Kong Si rarely watch Lu Yi watch channels other than the Finance and Law channel, but today Lu Yi's eyes stayed on this variety show for a long time.

For him, this veteran variety show once brought him joy in his childhood, but now, unless he invites a star he likes, Kong Si will never spare any time on this show.

Kong Si asked Lu Yi: "Do you like watching this kind of show?"

Lu Yi retracted his gaze and gently stirred the hot porridge in the bowl: "Generally, I don't like it."

The two chatted about this show, but Kong Si obviously felt Lu Yi's absent-mindedness.

He paused for a while, Lu Yi's eyes stopped on the TV, and he even forgot to pick him up.

He didn't think that Lu Yi, who has a sane personality, would like the funny way the guests laughed, but Lu Yi's eyes did stay on the TV screen for a long time.

He looked at Lu Yi and watched the show again, and found that when the host was shaking and the audience laughed, Lu Yi's expression was also very calm, and there was no cheerful expression at all.

More precisely, he feels very serious to himself.

Since it is not directed at the show, it is directed at the guests. After drinking half a bowl of porridge, Kong Si relied on his excellent observation ability to see the focus in Lu Yi's eyes.

It sounded on the TV: After the advertisement, after the prompt to return immediately, Lu Yi withdrew his gaze and drank the warm porridge slowly.

Kong Si could finally ask: "Do you like the male guest, the one in the black jacket named He Xiao?"

Lu Yi looked a little surprised, but he still denied Kong Si's guess: "No."

Kong Si said: "It's nothing to like celebrities. I also have a lot of celebrities. I look at them more when I see them. I'm not such a stingy person."

Young and beautiful skin, who doesn't like it. Although he has a male sexual orientation, he can appreciate their beauty as well as watching the beautiful female stars on TV.

Lu Yi said, "No, it's because I don't like him."

Obviously, I have been paying attention, why should I lie... What else did Kong Si want to say, and he suddenly reacted to his lips: "You mean, because you don't like him, you look at him?"

He has forgotten that there is a saying that the person who knows you best in the world is not your lover, but your opponent.

The reason for paying attention to a person, in addition to liking, may also be annoying.

Kong Si looked at the delicate little meat on the screen and was very curious: "Why don't you like him? Did he have a holiday with you?"

Lu Yi didn't want to mention He Xiao more: "You don't need a reason to like someone. I just want to see him unpleasantly."

Speaking of, in the original trajectory, Kong Si was the one who was with He Xiao, because he went to the wrong room, so all his fate has changed.

He looked at Kong Si: "Do you like him?"

"Who do you like?"

"It's the star on TV, He Xiao."

Kong Si said: "I didn't feel anything before, but now I hate him."

Lu Yi was a little surprised: "Why?"

He thought that Kong Si should at least look at each other well, otherwise, it would be hard to imagine how the two would come together.

Si Kong said frankly: "Because you hate him, I like the people you like, and I hate the people you hate."

This is the truth most of the time when you help your relatives and don't help. No matter how good and capable He Xiao is, what his lover hates, he will also hate it along with him.

It's like he didn't like porridge at all before, but because Lu Yi liked it, he gradually fell in love with this simple porridge.

If two people stay together for a long time, they will definitely influence each other.

The corners of Lu Yi's lips rose slightly: "I was just thinking that if you also become an actor, there may be a certain degree of competition."

Kong Si bowed his head and fiddled with the phone for a while, and looked at He Xiao's information for more than ten minutes: "I don't think it should be. Our two positions are not the same. I am a strong group, and he is an idol group."

The entertainment industry is much harsher to women than to men. Women play narrow roles. When they are young, they often play silly and sweet dog dramas. When they have to be attentive, they have become the wicked mother-in-law in family ethics dramas. Today's traffic florets are mostly fifteen or sixteen years old, or even five or six years old, they start to debut, or become popular as soon as they debut. After thirty-five years old, most of them have passed the golden age of actors.

But male stars have a much wider play path. The idols who rely on their faces to eat are the golden age of 20-25, after which the acting skills gradually settle down, and many of them are in their thirties, which is the beginning of the real acting career.

Kong Si is now twenty-four years old, and his facial features have been shaped. Unless he uses a knife on his face, his appearance won't change much.

He looks very handsome, which is different from the popular flower boy. With red lips and white teeth, sword eyebrows and star eyes, the facial features are not exquisite when taken apart, but when put together, they make people feel very special.

There is a sense of quietness and elegance when I close my mouth, which is very bluffing. It can be said that it is as quiet as a virgin, like a rabbit.

Lu Yi said, "You are a strong faction, and that's even more of a collision with him."

He Xiao’s first drama was basically a newcomer starring, and it was also a self-made drama that was filmed and broadcasted. In the original script, he played the male number two. With the extreme awfulness of the male number one, he became popular. Now, the crew is also young. The second-year male is far more popular than the first male. Thinking that they are all newcomers, he simply changed the script behind him. He Xiao succeeded in counterattack, and he became a second-timer. The second male becomes the first male.

Because the performance just after his debut was remarkable, the company that signed He Xiao began to play various acting skills. It uses a very familiar pulling method, and compares the acting skills of the male number one with a little acting experience to set off the pure rookie He Xiao's excellence.

After his debut, He Xiao’s agent hurriedly took advantage of the heat to pick him up several dramas, but several of them were on the street, and there was nothing to tell about the work, so the company started to fry him again. Assume.

But as an actor, the most important thing is that the work is hard enough. Without a good script, the acting skills have to be past.

In addition to eating He Xiao's face, what the drafts and fans talk about most is He Xiao's acting, a young genius, a new generation of idols and powerful factions.

Kong Si said: "You won't be his black fan? How do you feel that you know him well."

Lu Yi shook his head: "No, it's just that because of some accidents, I paid a little attention to him."

In the past six months, in addition to stocks, he will basically collect He Xiao's information in three days, and he has also specially built a document to analyze all the other party's news and the increase in the popularity index. Analyze the opponent's positioning through the script and exposure of the opponent's recent shooting.

After all, it is an important person who is closely related to his purpose of collecting debris. Even if he doesn't like it, it is necessary to pay more attention to the opponent.

He has been paying attention to He Xiao, but Kong Si doesn't stay at home very often, and when two people get along, they don't talk about irrelevant people. All the other party didn't realize that he was paying attention to this young male star.

Kong Si poked the preserved eggs in the bowl with his chopsticks, feeling that he had no appetite at all.

He whispered: "Fortunately, you hate He Xiao, and I hate him even more now."

If Lu Yi could have guessed a little bit about Kong Si's thoughts before, this time he is really a bit unpredictable: "What's wrong?"

Kong Si looked at him, and then said very seriously: "Even if you know that you hate him, but watching you pay attention to him so much, you will still feel jealous."

He was obviously someone he didn't know, but so much attention that belonged to Lu Yi was taken away from him, how could it not make people jealous.

Facing Kong Si sounded very childish, Lu Yi laughed: "Then you can work hard to become a star that is more eye-catching than him, just let my eyes stay on you."

After breakfast, Lu Yi asked him, "Is it true that you told me yesterday that you decided to be an actor?"

Kong Si nodded: "I will not tell you a lie."

Lu Yi went on to say: "The life of an artist is not as glamorous as you think. Under the applause and love of flowers, you have to suffer a lot. Even if this is the case, do you have to persevere?"

Kong Si still nodded: "I'm not afraid of hardship, but that hardship is worthless. I like acting, and I want to act."

After confirming again and again, Lu Yi said, "Then I will give you a ten-day vacation. If there are no particularly good scripts and opportunities for these ten days, let me give them all."

Kong Si curiously said, "Ten days, is it so long?"

Lu Yi said meaningfully: "It's better to take a longer time, because you may not be able to enjoy it in the future."

Within ten days, he took Kong Si to buy a car, watch movies, travel, and go to the amusement park. He almost finished all the happy things.

In the evening ten days later, Lu Yi drove people to a high-rise building: "From today on, you have to train here every day until the teacher says you can go to school."

Kong Si still held the strawberry-flavored marshmallow Lu Yi bought for him in his hand. He suddenly heard the sad news, and raised his heart: "Can I ask, can I train?"

"Your body and manners, line skills, even dance, martial arts, music."

Since Kong Si decided to be an acting school, he must solidify his basic skills.

He looked at his lover: "What do you want to do, I fully support you to do it, but I don’t want it. You are fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and you have no pursuit of yourself at all. Even if I can There is no way for the mud to support the wall, do you understand?"

Lu Yi didn't want to use his high standards to demand his lover: "I said before that an artist is not an easy thing. With me behind you, you can avoid some detours, but it doesn't mean you. You can easily lie down and take the trophy."

Kong Si said, "I know."

He landed on his back and went to the crew to shoot a movie. He played a small supporting role who didn't have much role in the scene. In the hot weather, he couldn't wait to wear only pants on his body. Quilted jacket.

"If you can't bear it, just call me and tell me that if you can't bear it, you won't go." He allowed Kong Si to be a deserter. If the other party really can't bear it, waste money and waste money.

Ten million or twenty million, the most important thing is that Kong Si is happy himself. As for He Xiao, he doesn't think that a person with bad behavior will be innocent in the big dyeing vat of the entertainment industry, and will not do anything that hurts others.

At the beginning, Lu Xingchen was the victim he knew. Besides, there will be others. When the pollution is lifted off, He Xiao may not be able to live as well as before.

Kong Si nodded and shook his head. He took a big bite of marshmallows: "I know, I have decided, I won't let you down."

Popularity depends on not only strength but also luck, but since he has to do it, he must work hard. Even if he fails, he is worthy of himself.

After eating the marshmallows, he kissed his man's face fiercely, then opened the car door and walked towards the gleaming building bathed in sunlight like a glorious soldier.

In the entertainment circle, there is no shortage of good-looking people, and there is no shortage of people who have good acting skills and hard work, but in the increasingly impetuous entertainment circle, there are very few who become big stars only by virtue of their acting skills, because they don’t. Capital, not marketing.

During Kong Sifa's severe retreat training, Lu Yi began to concentrate on dealing with entertainment media companies. Three million funds were only the minimum investment standard. He also needed more money to make Kong Si sit back and relax.

Lu Yi's "Marketing" is not particularly good, but he knows what capital operation is. In addition to his own entertainment company, he also makes other investments, and all professional stuff is handled by someone.

If the entertainment company is not well opened, the money he earns in other fields can also be used to throw it into it. As long as it is thrown on Kongsi, he is happy and willing.

Anyway, he is willing to decentralize, but also willing to spend money. Ten million is not enough, then 20 million, 30 million, or even more.

Because it was a fully enclosed training, Kong Si also had a very difficult time.

The teacher Lu Yi invited him was not the kind of one-on-one personal training, but a teacher teaching several students at the same time.

However, many of these students are not for acting. Some are married to wealthy families and demand to practice manners, and some want to enter the upper class. They are talented and willing to endure hardships. They ask teachers to teach them.

Confucius has no competitive relationship with the other students, but because they are all students, there will inevitably be comparisons. When he was training his manners, he was sometimes no better than a five or six-year-old girl, and occasionally wavered, but he agreed to Lu Yi and got over it slowly.

At the beginning, he had to call Lu Yi every day, which was the video call type, and then after a few days, he only called, and refused to open the video.

In the end, I only played every two or three days, and even the frequency dropped to once a week, just to keep myself from being distracted.

Otherwise, hearing Lu Yi's voice every day, he would feel that he immediately wanted to rush out of this building to Lu Yi's side.

In order to reduce the amount of snacks, he reduced the frequency of looking in the mirror, because every time he saw himself in the mirror, he would immediately think of Lu Yi.

But every time he endured it. Although he didn't know how Lu Yi found these teachers for him, he knew that Lu Yi had spent a lot of money on the level of the teachers.

In his mind, Lu Yi is a myth in the investment world. He wants to be the most successful existence of the other party's investment, not a failure.

When training lasted for a month, several teachers gave him a day off, and all the friends in the same period went to indulge. Only Kong Si continued to practice.

After three full months, he finally became a teacher.

When he walked out of that building, he felt like seeing the sky again.

But he didn't want to go anywhere, just wanted to see Lu Yi.

He took a taxi all the way home, knocked on the door, he took out the key to open the door, and wanted to give his man a big surprise.

As a result, when the door was opened, the person was not there at all.

Calling, Lu Yi's voice came from the phone, as far away as the voice of another world: "Where did you say you were? I went out in the morning, and now it's here in the XYZ building."

The building Lu Yi said was the place where Confucius trained these days. Because the teacher said hello in advance, he drove to pick up people when he went out in the morning, and for this reason he turned off most of the company's work.

Kong Si couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm at home now."

Lu Yi was silent for a while: "Then you just wait at home and wait for me to rush back."

Because of the traffic jam on the road, two people met above after exactly one and a half hours.

When Lu Yi opened the door, a figure resembling a black lightning, rushed into his arms and hugged his waist: "surprise!"

Lu Yi kissed the child Kong Si on the face: "Very pleasantly surprised, wait for me to close the door first."

He closed the door with his backhand, and Kong Si lifted the hem of his T-shirt: "Look, vest line, muscle!"

Although his work intensity was not low before, he seldom exercised, and his belly was basically soft and flat, but he still felt a little belly.

But now he doesn't have a stomach, and he has very beautiful diamond-shaped muscles. He is typically thin in clothes and a standard hanger-shaped figure with fleshy undress.

Lu Yi stretched out his hand and touched it. It was a pity that he still liked the softer touch, but now Kong Si is fine, he praised: "It's beautiful."

"That's it? Nothing else?" Kong Si's tone was disappointed.

Lu Yi thought about it seriously: "You have lost weight, what do you want to eat at noon today, I will take you to eat."

"It's only ten o'clock in the morning, and I'm not hungry." Kong Si then asked him, "Don't you want to check my strong waist strength after exercise?"

Lu Yi fell silent again.

Just when Kong Si felt that he was not suggesting enough, his man suddenly carried him up, and then carried out a two-hour arduous review work from the inside out in the bedroom.

After both of them had rested, Lu Yi said, "You have lost a lot of weight."

Where he didn't know, he didn't know how much suffering Kong Si suffered.

Kong Si asked him: "Is it very distressed?"

Lu Yi couldn't say anything too straightforward, so he nodded.

Kong Si's lips curled up like a proud little peacock. He said, "I don't need to feel distressed. This is a choice I made myself."

He stared at Lu Yi, with bright stars reflected in his eyes: "No matter how hard I eat, I can bear it. I want to be your pride."

Lu Yi was silent for a while, then laughed: "Then you lose, don't need to work hard, you are already my pride."