Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 64: ☆, Infatuation actor (18)


It may be because what Lu Yi said earlier gave Kong Si a sense of crisis. His professionalism has risen steadily, and he is determined not to be the man behind the boss, but to become the company's cash cow.

He is so enterprising, Lu Yi is naturally willing to devote resources to Kong Si vigorously. Since the establishment of the company for more than a year, Star Entertainment has also signed many artists, including rookies, and first- and second-line Xiaohuadans who have terminated their contracts with other companies, but no one can compare to the status of Kong Si.

The key to the company's support is that Kong Si himself is also upbeat, has excellent acting skills, and has a good appearance. After several big hits, the company is willing to spend money on him to hype, and his fame has gone up like a rocket.

On He Xiao's side, after confirming the truth, Kong Si asked the agent to stop talking, and directly blocked He Xiao.

Of course, he didn't just leave it alone. He asked his agent to open a trumpet and pretend that He Xiao fans sneak into the other party's official fan base, and hibernate there to observe the other party's fans' movements at any time.

So that when the opponent moves, they can make a powerful counterattack in time.

As Lu Yi said, Kong Si and He Xiao are very similar. Of course, they are not talking about their appearance, but about their temperament and positioning. Similar actors are often compared with various rankings, TV series performance, and movie box office.

In the beginning, Kong Si didn't have much fame. When his fans increased, the major rankings began to play with this newcomer.

In the circle, even if there is no obvious friction between similar actors, the actual competition is very high, and usually one gets up, the other will be suppressed invisibly, such as a little girl movie, the director of a good movie When considering candidates, when two people have similar appearance and acting skills, they will definitely consider the hotter, hotter and more affordable one.

Both Kong Si and He Xiao say that they are high-profile acting schools. In terms of script selection, they will try to choose the more difficult but very attractive characters.

He Xiao was born in a youth film, but he has acted in this for a few years, and he has gradually turned from a TV series to the big screen. In order to show his compelling style, he chose literary and artistic films, as well as criminal investigation films with high IQ.

But after a few films, they all rushed.

And Kong Si, in addition to God's food and food, resources are also sufficient. After acting in a few TV series, he began to make movies, and several small-cost niche movies were all hit. Regardless of box office, style, or word of mouth, all similar films starred by He Xiao are slammed.

After Kong Si came up, the resources He Xiao could win were virtually suppressed.

After discovering that he was blackmailed by Kong Si, He Xiao didn’t know why, and felt a little uneasy. He tried to find Kong Si’s phone contact information, but the phone was dialed and the first sentence was just said. Neatly hung up the phone, and then blocked him.

He Xiao is not so easy to give up, but after all he has been a big star for a few years, and he is used to the feeling of being sought after. It is really impossible for him to put down his body and stick to it.

It was originally a pity for Yuan's friend, and it's fine for Yuan to fail. He Xiao thought about it, but found that the actor Kong Si began to invade his life forcefully with another attitude.

They hit the type, several big productions that he valued, in the filming set, he can always see Kong Si's figure, and almost every time, the role he wanted was taken by Kong Si.

In the TV series or movies that he and the other party broadcast on similar schedules, Kong Si always has a higher ratings than him, and his popularity is also better than him.

In fact, Kong Si did not deliberately collided with him. Originally, the release of TV series and movies, from shooting and review to distribution, took a long time.

But who made Kong Si be diligent, he dominated the screen every day for several major productions. There are only so many prime time, and He Xiao’s dramas always have to hit him for a while, but the number of hits is too many, giving people the illusion that the other party is deliberately suppressing him.

With strength and capital, the opponent easily catches up with his predecessor in the entertainment industry, as if riding a rocket.

In the entertainment industry, basically the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach. At the beginning, out of the special sentiment in his heart, he didn't want to have sex with Kong Si, but because of this special sentiment, he always couldn't control himself to pay attention to Kong Si.

Seeing Kong Si's fans increase rapidly every day, from nearly 10 million less than himself, to being equal to himself, to the current overtaking, He Xiao's mentality is also a little out of balance.

You must know that in the circle, besides playing face value, the most important thing is acting. Fans of idol stars may like this person, personality, appearance, and role because of various circumstances. But in the circle, whoever stays in the showbiz does not want to be praised for his acting skills.

Home cooking and acting skills are still passable, and fans can blow it up. Especially like Kong Si, the key buzzwords that God enjoys food and eats and search for his name are the most popular words that are good acting skills, good looks, and the names of the roles that Kong Si has played in several plays.

They are all with good acting skills, but old dramas are not good, so compare them with those of a similar age. He Xiao is the male artist who blows genius acting in the circle.

There is no need for Kong Si to hint the fans, there are good news gossip entertainment bloggers in the entertainment section of major forums. # are all talented actors, how are the actors Yu Si and He Xiao acting? #

When someone asked # how to evaluate actress于司#, some people deliberately took his name, and compared the two people, stepping on and holding the other.

In the entertainment industry, if you want to keep your mentality intact, you have to maintain a normal mind of Buddhism, but He Xiao is obviously not this kind of buddhist youth. He climbed up so quickly at the beginning, and he didn’t make a lot of troubles. Other people's drafts, a method used in circles.

But now, he looks at the topics that the fans are talking about, and the answers on the forums, although he doesn't know whether the answer is a fan of the other party or the navy, even if the other party is telling the truth, he still feels that he has been given by Kong Si. Pull stepped.

Yes, he Kongsi is a luminous body, a natural person who eats this bowl of rice, but he obviously mixes well outside the circle, what is going on with him in the entertainment circle to grab this bowl of rice.

He looked at Kong Si every day, and the more he looked, the more he felt that this face did not overlap with the memory, and the sunny and handsome face of the other party became particularly odious in his heart.

When Zhao Qian came in, he saw He Xiao watching the recently released TV series. He saw He Xiao's gloomy face and said to him: "Why do you watch that Yu Si again? He refuses to behave with us. , There were rumors in the circle before that the two of you were not in harmony."

He actually didn't understand how his own artist was so concerned about a male artist, but he was tied to a boat with He Xiao, and when He Xiao was good, his life would be good. He Xiao pays attention to Yu Si, and he also pays attention to Yu Si's agent, but the other party is very cold, and has no intention of hype with them at all, so he almost has to tear his face with them.

He Xiao asked him: "Then you tell me, what should I do?"

Zhao Qian asked He back: "What should I do?"

"It's Kong... It's Yu Si, Brother Qian, you're right. I compete so fiercely with him, and I can only live if I trample him to death." He felt that he was really too soft-hearted before and shouldn't be thinking about such old feelings. , Let the opponent climb up.

Zhao Qian sighed: "I told you a long time ago that you didn't work hard when he was growing up. Now that people have climbed up, how can you step on it so well."

He Xiao frowned. He really regrets it now. He shouldn't have been too kind to Kong Si for the sake of such a little love for his sons and daughters: "What should I do then?"

Zhao Qian said: "In fact, there is also a way, but I don't know if you will agree."

"What way?" The more he looked at Kong Si's face now, the more uncomfortable he felt. Moreover, his popularity is now declining. For his career, he must take absolute measures.

Zhao Qian hesitated for a while, and said, "Fry CP."

"What do you mean? Do you want me to scramble for scandals with female artists?" It is sad to think about it. In the past, female artists used to scramble for him, but now he is asked to scramble for others to scramble for scandals. Attract the attention of the public.

This is all to blame Kong Si.

Zhao Qian shook his head and said, "What's the enthusiasm for frying with female celebrities, it's all lost."

After the legalization of gay marriage, many male celebrities in the circle used glutinous rice to become famous. He Xiao just wanted to show that he was different and set up a straight man. Now Zhao Qian wants to fry with his man. He Xiao feels that he is his own. The agent is confused.

"Don't be with female celebrities, don't you be with male celebrities, have you forgotten what the company set up for me?"

Zhao Qian said: "It was before. When you were hot, of course, you had to insist on being unshakable. Now you are about to confuse. If you don't want to continue to confuse, then you can only use your sword to move away from the front."

He glanced at the male actor on the LCD TV: "He is now in the upswing of his career, unless there is a big scandal such as marital cheating or drug abuse, otherwise, I want to crush him to death. It’s hard."

He Xiao frowned: "He doesn't even fry with others about the scandal. What an infidelity in marriage."

In recent years, the country’s moral requirements for celebrities have been much stricter than before. If the derailment becomes a big deal, then basically you will have to be a low-key person in the entertainment industry.

But this is also aimed at derailment within marriage. If unmarried, the negative impact of scandals such as male cheating is not serious.

As for scandals such as drug abuse, unless there is a news that the other party has been arrested and the person has entered the bureau, then it is possible. Otherwise, the other party can sue the slander forcefully. Rumors will not affect Kong Si at all.

Zhao Qian followed his words and said: "Yes, since he won't be able to confuse for a while, then you can use his traffic to scramble cp with him."

"Then what if he embarrass me?" He Xiao didn't doubt that the other party could do such a thing.

Zhao Qian said with certainty: "As long as we don't publicize it and you don't make a clear statement, he won't be able to embarrass you."

This time, He Xiao didn't hesitate much: "Then do as you say, and I will cooperate fully."

Although He Xiao had done too much before, he didn't make any trouble behind. Kong Si thought in his heart that it is better to do more than to do less. The other party did not cause any harm. It always seemed immoral that he took the initiative to suppress others.

But because of lessons learned, he never gave up letting the agent give up his attention to the other party. Probably nearly a year has passed since the last deceitful incident, and the wind direction about him and He Xiao suddenly changed drastically.

Suddenly, a wave of cults appeared in the circle, who specifically fired him and He Xiao's CP, called Xiaoyu CP. In the Internet and comic circles, there has been a large wave of fan art about He Xiao with him, as well as video clips of the TV series they have filmed.

Because it was only popular in a niche circle at the beginning, Kong Si's agent hadn't noticed it at first, but when the circle grew and CP fans started to pull people from pure fans, they noticed something was wrong.

Those cults and humanities are basically the kind of abusive essays, which shaped He Xiao particularly well, and shaped the special scum of Kong Si. Coupled with Kong Si's big game a few years ago, He Xiao came out to speak for Kong Si. The incident of Kong Si's refusal to respond further confirms the fact that Kong Si is a scumbag.

Kong Si is completely sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky, just because he has publicly expressed his sexual orientation as a male, he somehow becomes a scumbag who deceives the feelings of straight men.

This evil wind seems to be the beginning of an entertainment gossip big V, and it has nothing to do with He Xiao, but Kong Si is not stupid. Thinking about who can profit from it, he knows who is the instigator.

He originally wanted to get Lu Yi to file a lawsuit, but then he thought about it. At the beginning, he asked Lu Yi to give him the full authority. He was thinking about morality and did not take the initiative to attack the other party, but just to crush it honestly. , Will lead to this situation now.

He didn't have the face to ask Lu Yi to help him again. After discussing with his agent, the other party developed from the two-dimensional circle, and he defeated the other party in the same place.

In the midst of his busy schedule, he specially opened a few trumpets to release himself, and wrote his own fandom. He was a gathering of the school's literary club back then, and the magazine had written dozens of articles, and he could say that he was handy when he wrote essays on dog-blood abuse.

Didn't He Xiao want to write that he was a scumbag? He wrote short and medium newspaper articles. The front was very sweet, and the two of them were sweet and sweet, and then when the end was about to end, there was a shocking reversal. It turned out that everything was a scam set by He Xiao. In the end, naturally, there was a turning point. The scumbag was kicked. Or the meteorite smashed directly to death.

After writing a few of this kind of bloody essays in one go, he borrowed the company's channels to push them.

I opened a small account, dedicated to writing sweet texts, dedicated to writing domineering president X him, or he X domineering president, the name of the president is also very simple and rude, and his surname is Lu. With super high-quality sweet texts, he is this number. Also once became a big player in the circle.

His own power is too weak. In addition to writing to relieve his anger, he also mobilized his fans to write.

Of course, he did not say it himself, but through the administrator of the official fan group to show what he meant.

Fans don’t know about him and the president, so what do they write? They wrote about the role played by the company AX Yusi B, and the role C played by Yusi X and Yusi under the encouragement of the administrator. Cult Party.

The benefit of his dramatic increase in fans and popularity is that with regard to his self-defeating and self-reliant fanren, the fanren who was transferred by the official support club quickly became popular, and it was increasing at a terrifying speed. He Xiao’s The heat was quickly suppressed by the enthusiasm he brought up.

And apart from writing He Xiao Zhannan's script at the beginning, he determined not to give the other party any heat behind him. Black and red are also red, so he didn't want to bring He Xiao hype.

After he had done all this and made the results of his labor, he took the data analysis report before and after he went to Lu Yi. This time it was not a complaint, but a request for credit.

Kong Si pointed to the data in the report and said: "In the beginning, he pulled a lot of fans away from me, of course the kind of unsteady one."

He went on to say: "But I quickly discovered the anomaly in this circle. I made people produce food by myself. Not only did I successfully bring back those fans, but also some fans who belonged to He Xiao."

Among the huge fan groups, true love fans and brain-dead fans will always be a minority. Most of them are passerby fans, and they fall when the wind blows, so once something happens to the artist, this group of people will easily turn around. Even the fans turned black.

People are born to be affectionate animals. Fans change their "husbands" every day. But wall fans are also fans, it's better to have something than nothing.

Lu Yi looked at the report, looked at Kong Si's expectant face, coughed slightly, and said, "You did a good job, just keep it like this."

When Lu Yi works, he is accustomed to strangling danger in the bud, and Kong Si's rule is that people don't offend me, and I don't offend people.

But since he had promised to hand He Xiao’s affairs to Kong Si, he would not interfere too much, and only grow his own capital silently behind his back, so that he has enough right to speak, and come out crazy in He Xiao. You can easily trample people to death.

Kong Si looked at him a little disappointed: "Don't you do anything else?"

Just verbal praise is definitely not enough. He hugs him up and hugs him. He doesn't ask for the last three words. Anyway, let's do the first four words.

Lu Yi said, "The one who wrote the overbearing president XX, is it you, and it's also you who painted a salted fish."

Kong Si was taken aback, and subconsciously denied Sanlian: "It's not me, really not, I don't have one."

After the denial, he remembered that he had said that he was not cheating, and immediately changed his words and said: "Well, it's all me, how did you find out?"

Lu Yi said, "In the middle of the night, you sneaked up and wrote this, and then forgot to delete the document."

Thinking about what his own man wrote, even if the writing is too ugly, he still has to hold it up, lest the other party lose confidence.

But after reading it, I have to say that Kong Si's writing is quite good, but the writing of Xiao X is too unrealistic.

Well, anyway, if two people live together, sooner or later the vest won't be able to cover it.

In this way, Kong Si quickly became balanced. He thought about it, and said: "Actually, I have been suppressing this when I wrote this. There are still hidden dangers. If the other party hires a large number of gunmen to produce food, it is not impossible to suppress me in the opposite direction."

Lu Yi heard Kong Si's tone, and without thinking about it, he knew that his lover had something in his words. He cooperatively asked Kong Si, "Yes, what you said makes sense, then?"

Kong Si said, "We can also hire more naval forces. Anyway, I have made a lot of money for the company over the years. You are right."

Lu nodded: "You are right."

Media companies and artists are in fact an influential relationship. The company has made the artists popular, and the popularity of the artists will bring a steady stream of revenue to the company. Now Kong Si is already the real brother of Star Media. His rapidly growing popularity has brought very high profits to the company. Last year, Kong Si received as much as 160 million endorsements and remunerations.

Coupled with the dividends of the company's stock, Kong Si is now a real rich man.

Kong Si went on to say: "But, spending this money on people like him is not a waste. Even though we have money, we have to save, right?"

Lu Yi hesitated, then nodded, saving is a traditional virtue.

Kong Si swallowed. He is obviously an old husband and wife. At this time, he is still inexplicably nervous, almost like a marriage proposal: "So I have a good way to solve him and save money. Do you want to listen? ?"

Lu Yihan looked at him with a smile: "Tell me, if it's as appropriate as you said, I will consider it."

After shaking the burden for so long, Kong Si finally shook his true purpose: "I think the timing is almost here, let's make it public."

He didn't want his name to be put together with He Xiao or other people, he only wanted Lu Yi, he wanted to tell the world, this is his man, recognized by the law, and well-justified husband.

Lu Yi said, "Okay."

His voice is short and powerful.

"If you..." Before Lu Yi answered, Kong Si was prepared that the other party would not agree. Because they have been here for such a short period of time, it is not he who said that, as the company's brother, if he is made public, the company's stock price may be subject to considerable fluctuations.

Xingchen Media was founded by Lu Yi, and he clearly sees how much effort the other party has put in the company for such a long time.

If it is him, he may also think twice, after all, no one is born to tolerate the other party.

But Lu Yi didn't hesitate at all, so he said yes.

He was still worried about the three-year itch or the seven-year itch, but now all those worries have been thrown into the country of Java.

"Lu Yi!"

"Huh?" Lu Yi answered softly, indicating that he was listening carefully.

"Let’s make it public now, right away!"

Lu Yihan smiled and said, "Okay."

He Xiao's first wave of hype was not completely successful, but it was not all a failure. At least at the beginning, he tasted the sweetness. He was planning to scan the rankings habitually, and when he was planning to see whether to buy a hot search, he made such a hot search.
