Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 74: ☆, disease collector (2)


Lu Yi didn't say a word, but the impatient "collectibles" spoke first: "Who are you and what brought me here? Do you know that kidnapping is illegal?!"

The young master’s sweetheart should not be too old, so those who were tied up with him were young people in their twenties, the most impulsive age, and most of them grew up under the red flag of socialism, without experience. After going through the darkness, I think it can be reasonable everywhere, so I am more impulsive.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the appearance of the young master. The young master, who is beautiful and weak like a porcelain doll, is still a disabled person in a wheelchair, giving people an illusion of safety and harmlessness.

Young Master’s eyes rested on the speaker. Lu Yi noticed that Young Master’s eyes stayed on the opponent’s nose for a few more seconds. It seemed that the value of this young boy as a collectible was his nose.

The boy began to speak. It should be in the adolescent voice change period. The voice sounds a bit hoarse, but it is not the unpleasant male duck voice that is unique to the developmental boy. It is between the softness of the teenager and the deep and clear youth It can be said to be the sound of nature.

However, the words spoken with this good voice are not so beautiful. His rose-like lips are slightly opened and closed: "It's too noisy."

The loyal servants stepped forward and sealed the young boy's mouth with duct tape. In order not to spoil the beauty, the tape is specially made. Of course, things like tape can be easily torn off by hand. So they locked their hands on the boy's back with shackles.

Things seem to have been prepared a long time ago. Judging from the way the servants lock and paste the tape, this is not once or twice.

Perhaps before this, the young and beautiful young master had driven his subordinates to kidnap several such people, but whether those people escaped or ended up in the same fate as the original owner, Lu Yi didn't know.

It is obviously not a wise move to speak rashly without knowing the details of the enemy and when the enemy is strong and we are weak.

The boy who spoke at the beginning could only open a pair of eyes because his hands were tied back, and looked at other people with resentment.

He was not the only one who wanted to lose his temper, but these people came to such a trick, and those who wanted to get angry immediately became quiet, facing unknown dangers, as long as they were not stupid, they would not act rashly.

A gentle-looking boy with glasses said: "I have money in my family, and if I am missing, the police will definitely find it, which is not good for you. What do you want, money, or My parents will be able to give you anything else."

Seeing that this polite boy was not punished, several other people also rushed to say: "My family is poor, and you can't squeeze me out if you kidnapped me, please, please let us go."

"I live with my parents. If they find out that I am missing, they will definitely look for me everywhere." They scrambled to try to persuade this beautiful boy with their own situation, trying to inspire a little sympathy from each other, only Lu Yi was quiet all the way. Stand here, trying to reduce your sense of existence.

Because he is very clear that what the other party wants is not money, nor is it lack of money. It is a waste of words and meaningless to say more.

Sure enough, after these people spoke, the young master was still stingy with his own words, saying only one word: "Noisy". The previous speakers were all taped, of course, because they did not struggle too hard, nor were they shackled and handcuffed like the original one.

The servants did not carefully observe who did not speak, so Lu Yi, as one of the collections, also faced the situation of being taped. He stood there quietly without struggling.

But before the tape covered his mouth, the young master spoke: "Wait a minute."

Like a robot hearing instructions, the servants' movements stopped instantly.

The young master raised his hand and pointed to Lu Yi: "You, come here."

More than a dozen pairs of eyes stopped at Lu Yi, which was somewhat different from the memory of the original owner, perhaps because he changed his strategy.

Lu Yi stood obediently, and stopped a step away from the other party. If he looked up close, he felt that the young master was like a carefully crafted work of art, not as beautiful as a real person.

The other party looked at him for a moment, and then asked him: "Are you dumb?"

In fact, he knew that the person in front of him was not dumb. If many people disappeared in this city at once, it would cause a certain sensation, and it would cause him trouble.

So before he started, he specially asked people to check the information. There are many similarities to his sweetheart, but some people live with their parents and wives, and some hold important positions.

The people he chose were all unimportant positions in the company, or single otakus who had no jobs at all.

For example, Luyi, who wanders in a big city alone, works as an IT migrant worker. Although his salary is not low, he can find a substitute for him at any time for a company.

As long as you have Luyi's mobile phone, pretend that he submits his resignation to the company, and then send text messages and messages on behalf of Luyi regularly to communicate with other people, no one will notice his disappearance at all.

Everyone in it has read his information, they don't need to explain the situation themselves, he also knows it very well. But Luyi looked different from the information.

It is written in the information that Lu Yi is an introvert and somewhat cowardly person, and he is not good at rejecting things he doesn't like to do on weekdays, which is what everyone calls buns.

People with such a personality have never shown any fear when they entered the present. They are all people with a herd mentality, especially Luyi, who has a weak personality and does not have independent opinions. He "confided in".

Even if he can't get close to him, at least he has to show his desire to talk, but the Lu Yi in front of him is too calm, and it is completely different from what the information shows.

Lu Yi's eyes reflected the other's delicate and beautiful face.

In the story, the young master said that tyranny is not tyranny. He doesn’t want to kill people, and he has no interest in the collection except for parts that are similar to his sweetheart. Lu Yi is not so afraid because he realizes this. The only thing to protect is the poor ears of the original owner.

After all, no one would have thought that there would be such a big perversion, piece together the outline of the sweetheart from different people.

Lu Yi also thought about learning Lu Yi's character to do things, but after walking in, he changed his mind. He was pretty sure that the young master had known their information beforehand, and when those were scrambling to explain his situation, the other party's performance confirmed him even more.

He himself is a patient and calm person, and his acting skills are not good. If he wants to learn how to bluff, it is easy for people to see the flaws. It is better to fight and behave differently to attract this young master. attention.

An ordinary collection is like a prisoner in a prison, who may have been locked up for a whole life without knowing the whole picture of the prison.

Although he could clearly see all the memories of the original owner before he died, until he was driven out of the manor, the original owner didn't know where this place was, let alone figure out the name of the young master.

Lu Yi didn't want to spend his miserable life here in a muddle-headed manner, he needed privileges.

Before the young master's patience disappeared, he shook his head very slightly: "No."

When he said this, he showed his arrogance and dignity as a superior.

In the original story, before his death, Lu Yi only knew that he was a collector's item in the eyes of the young master. His value in the eyes of the other party was a pair of ears that were somewhat similar to the other's sweetheart.

But no one knows who the young master's sweetheart is, at least Lu Yi didn't know before he died.

Based on the crazy degree of this young master, and then inferred from the other party's financial resources, the young master's sweetheart should be someone he can't reach, and there is no way to imprison him.

Otherwise, this person would be sick enough to collect the puzzles, so why didn't he bring in the master

Fortunately, he won the bet.

The other party raised his head to look at Lu Yi and asked him, "What is your name?"

Although he knew that the youth in front of him was not his sweetheart, but the other party was still confused by the similar temperament that the other party showed, and he looked at Lu Yi expectantly.

"Lu Yi." Lu Yi said, reminding himself that he was Lu Yi, not Lu Yi.

"The name Luyi doesn't sound good. Starting today, you can change your name to Lusi, Missing Si."

The person he likes has a word of thought in the name, but he doesn't want to change Lu Yi's name to the other's name completely. It's just a collection and is not qualified to occupy the other's name.

He used a word for Lu Yi, just to think of that person more easily when he read it.

Lu Yi thought, 80% of the sweetheart's name had the word Si in his name, and he agreed, "Okay."

This situation cannot tolerate him to say bad.

His obedience did not please the young master. The other party looked at his face and said: "You don't want to say okay, I allow you to tell the truth in front of me."

Although Lu Yi's face is not like that person, his temperament gives him the feeling very much. Temperament is a very mysterious thing. He hopes to make the collection in front of him look like he wants.

Lu Yi asked him: "Then can you let me out, I don't want to stay here."

"Except for this." He could not easily let go of the collection that he finally found.

Lu nodded: "Then I know."

As he retreated, he caught a glimpse of the jealousy that other people had felt towards him. He is the same victim, but only he is treated differently. At this time, it is natural for people to breed some ugly emotions.

Although he didn't understand, he couldn't even use his real name, what's so jealous of.

However, there are only one or two people who are jealous of him, and most of them are normal. Before leaving this house, he needs an alliance that will not reveal secrets. The kind of people who will be jealous of him for this strange reason is obviously inappropriate.

After being scrutinized by the young master, they were released from imprisonment.

The collections were banned by the taped mouth, and the handcuffs were also released. The servants led them into a gorgeous and spacious living room. There were eight chairs on the long table, four on one side, and the dining table. Place all kinds of delicious food.

Golden grilled chicken, tender steak on the outside, beautiful desserts like works of art, exuding a tempting strong fragrance.

They are all young people who have not suffered much. After being knocked out, they have not eaten until now. They didn't feel it before. Now when they smell the aroma of food, their stomachs groan.

But they were hungry and hungry, and they were still afraid of eating indiscriminately. Who knows if the person who kidnapped them had poisoned them.

Lu Yi's stomach was also beating a lot. He found the sink in the living room, washed his hands, and took the lead to sit down and eat with his chopsticks.

The others watched silently, and after seeing that Lu Yi had not suddenly died of poisoning, they also pulled away their chairs and sat down, devouring them to eat.

People who are hungry are delicious in everything, not to mention the food here is really delicious.

After the belly was no longer groaning, the person who grabbed the seat next to Lu Yi kicked Lu Yi's stool lightly with his foot: He lowered his voice and asked, "Brother, do you know what's going on?"

At this time, Lu Yi had almost finished eating, but if he didn't eat and still sat in his seat, it was obviously a bit strange, and he served himself a small bowl of soup.

Lu Yi replied: "I am not very clear. The only certainty is that as long as we don't die, our lives should be guaranteed."

Several people wearing the same style of clothes sitting together, if you ignore everyone's look, it looks like a gathering of friends.

At the beginning, I questioned the violent temper of the young master and said: "Let’s introduce each other, where do you come from, where do you come from, and why did you appear in this ghost place?"

Anyway, it will not be worse than the current situation. People like them must unite to find a way.

The violent temper first said: "My name is Zhong Mou, Zhong Mou of Alexandre Dumas, I am a graduate of University A, a freelancer, and I just finished an appointment with a very hot girl. I woke up the next morning and found this. Ghost place, how about you guys?"

Lu Yi said, "Lu Yi, who typed the code, was knocked out on the way home from overtime work."

Immediately, a boy wearing glasses raised his hand and said, "I was also knocked out halfway, but I was going to work as a tutor and come back at night."

He was full of anxiety: "My parents are just my son, and I don’t even have a girlfriend. That young master looks sick, so he still sits in a wheelchair. He won’t be arrested for his organ matching. What?"

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. He always felt that he might have eaten this meal, and when he woke up the next day, he lost a kidney in his body.

The next few people explained their own situation. Basically, they are single dogs, or even if they are not single, they are also in long-distance relationships, and they are relatively homeless by profession, so they are relatively easy to start.

Someone who thinks things negatively said: "Will we die here? No one has found out."

The violent boy sprayed him: "Don't say so discouraged, if you want to kill someone, the other party must have done it long ago, and they will provide you with delicious and delicious food. You are raising a pig."

"Then why do you say we are here? Who knows if that boy is abnormal? I feel like he is like that kind of ghost puppet in the story, beautiful and beautiful, but gloomy. If it is a dream, then All right."

Several young people with different identities, different professions and different occupations started quarreling like this. Lu Yi noticed that the boys around him had not said a word, and they seemed to be much more stable than the others.

Maybe this boy will become his ally, Lu Yi thought to himself, but he decided to observe in secret for a period of time. It is also possible that the other party was a spy who was inserted between them by the young master. No blame for him for being tolerant. Thinking too dark, mainly related to personal safety, he had to think a little bit more.

After the last person put down his chopsticks, the servants who had previously withdrew walked in again: "Sirs, please come here with us."

Except that they used chains to chain people at the beginning to prevent them from running around after waking up to find no one, and they used tape when they were too noisy in front of the young master. These servants were very polite to them, as if They are really the guests invited by the host family, not the hapless kidnapped.

More precisely, it may be more appropriate to call these people servants. After all, servants are hired and have their own thoughts and consciences, but these people completely obey the boy's instructions, a bit like domestic servants specially trained in a large feudal society.

Perhaps this young master is a little more powerful than him. If you want to completely contend with the other party, the best way may be to leave the city, or to show greater value and seek protection from the boss.

Lu Yi is not a person who recognizes the bed, and the original owner does not have this problem, but because of his serious concerns, he suffered from insomnia for the first time that night. He tossed in bed for half the night without being able to fall asleep. It was almost three in the morning, but his body was finally unable to resist. I fell asleep when I was sleepy.

Early the next morning, he was awakened by a knock on the door. The first woman he saw yesterday walked in and told him: "You will have dinner with the young master later."

Lu Yi asked, "What about them?"

"Don't be with them, this is the order of the young master. I don't know why, don't ask more." She looks different from those who were subordinates yesterday. Although she is not so polite, she is a bit more popular. Look. It looks more like a living person.

Lu nodded: "Thank you."

The other party glanced at him and seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated for a long time and finally said nothing.

Maybe it was yesterday's performance that worked. He was taken by the young master and accompanied each other like a friend to dine, study, and go to class.

Although there was no place like this castle from beginning to end, the other party, like other students of this age, had to learn everything, even more.

Every day, different teachers come to teach him. After the class is over, they will withdraw from the convenience. During the class, the teacher’s attitude towards the young master can sometimes even be said to be very strict, but after the class, they again Recovering the way Lu Yi saw them at the first time, his attitude was respectful, even with a little fear.

Lu Yi stayed in this place for many days, maybe because he performed well. He was equipped with a mobile phone and a computer, but the signal of the mobile phone was blocked and the computer had no internet.

There are no novels for entertainment in the mobile phone, no video screen, and the page is very clean. The only APP that can be used offline is the notebook and the puzzle game that comes with the mobile phone.

The computer is even more important. A computer without a network is of no use except for him to type words.

The original owner is a relatively good IT migrant worker, but the code can only be used when there is a network. At least it needs to be implanted with a chip or the like. Lu Yi is not a great hacker, nor does he have that talent.

He can only wait and figure out the details of each other little by little.

Almost a month later, he went from a dispensable collection to an all-round steward of the young master.

He basically knows what the young master learned. The Lu family believes in elite education. When his peers are still playing mud and sandbags with his friends, he learns various skills, music appreciation, and piano all day long. Cello, various musical instruments, calligraphy and French painting...

Even if you can't be fully proficient, you must get started so that you can have a common topic when you talk to the big players from all walks of life in the future, and you can have a decent compliment when you attend various occasions, so that you won't lose the face of the Lu family.

These things are all things he has carved in his memory. Although he has changed his body and his technique is a little rusty, his memory will be awakened very quickly when he encounters those things. At first he was like a beginner, but It is very fast to get started, in the words of Xu Musi's teachers, it seems like a genius.

Lu Yi's outstanding performance has won the favor of the young master, because the person he likes also has very high attainments in art.

But the people he likes don't know how to type on the keyboard to code, so in Luyi, no, when Lu Si appears in front of him, he definitely does not allow him to touch anything other than art.

Yes, after spending these days, Lu Yi finally knew the name of the young master, Xu Musi, admiration for admiration, and longing for thought.

It is said that because the young master’s mother had a thought in his name, his father named him this. But Xu Musi obviously didn't make so many collections because of her mother who died young.

Moreover, Lu Yi was fortunate to see the photos and portraits of the other's mother. It was a beautiful woman who looked very gentle and charming. His eyes, nose and ears did not look like them at all.

He can be sure that the sweetheart of the young master should be a man of noble origin.

After staying in this manor for two full months, Lu Yi successfully helped a collectible to leave the manor, because he had more places in his body that resembled the other’s sweetheart, and that collection was useless. At the same time, the other party was knocked out and transported out. When he woke up the next day, lying in his rental room, he might only think that what happened during this time was a fantasy.

Lu Yi didn't expect the other party to find this place and rescue some of them.

On the 75th day after becoming Luyi, Lu Yi finally met Xu Musi's sweetheart.