Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 85: ☆, a collector of diseased children (13)


"you recognize?"

Hearing the surprised voice on the phone, Lu set aside the kettle: "It's just a guess, not sure."

He Si knew about Lu Yi and Xu Musi's holiday, and he didn't participate, but when he saw the enemy in the past, he should be happy rather than sad.

Even so, he still said: "If that person insists on hurting Xu Musi, I still hope you can reveal some information to the Xu family."

Lu Yi's mood sounded very stable: "I just said that, I am just guessing, not sure, if it is revealed, depending on Mr. Xu's character, it may cause him a lot of trouble."

He went on to say: "He Si, you and Mr. Xu have known each other for so many years. What kind of character he is? You know better than me, don't you?"

For people like Xu's father, sometimes in order to achieve the goal, it is possible to do whatever it takes.

He Si sighed: "I'm just afraid of something, you regret it."

If Lu Yi is the kind of cruel and unscrupulous person like Xu's father, it's fine, but if he knows it, but because of his own sake, it causes the other party to lose his life, Lu Yi will probably find it hard to let go of his life.

He admitted that he watched Xu Musi grow up since he was a child, and when the other party didn't really cause harm to his important people early, he more or less didn't want Xu Musi to die because of a crime. It's okay if Lu Yi didn't tell him, but if he told him, he would inevitably have a little pimple in his heart.

"You are right, I do have my own selfishness, but you are more important."

Lu put a kettle on the edge of the pool. He felt that He Si was a bit noisy there, as if he was driving: "If it is the person I guess, he should be measured, at least not causing physical harm to Xu Musi. "

Because of his appearance, the original trajectory was changed, and he was cut off his ears, and some people had his eyes cut off.

In other words, some people escaped before it happened.

He went on to say: "I don't want to mention this matter anymore. Let's stop here today. I want to rest first."

He Si asked him: "Are you angry with me?"

Lu Yi denied and said, "I didn't." In fact, he was still a little angry, a little bit angry. Although knowing that it was not a mistake to be liked, Xu Musi at the time was indeed because He Si did such a frenzied thing.

It can only be said that the blue face is a disaster, but he still doesn't know the seriousness of this disaster, and he doesn't even know what will happen to the original Luyi.

After all, the trajectory of fate has changed, and He Si's reaction is also natural, but there is still a subtle unhappy in his heart.

Thinking about this, he planned to hang up: "I'm going to rest, good night."

Waiting to press the hang up button, he put the phone on the coffee table in the living room. At this time, the doorbell at home rang again.

At this point in time, who would come to him, Lu Yi had a face in his mind, picked up the microphone, and looked at the scene below the unit building displayed on the phone.

A familiar voice came from the phone: "I want to see you, will you open the door for me?"

What was reflected in the picture was the handsome face of He Si.

He pressed the button to open the door, and soon He Si took the elevator upstairs and knocked on his security door.

Lu Yi opened the door and let him in: "Put on shoe covers, there are no shoes for guests at home."

It wasn't long since he moved here, and he got the house earlier, but it was only half a month since he moved in. He is usually busy at work and has very limited time at home, so he has almost never received guests. I bought some of the good quality disposable shoe covers at hand, and they will be able to use them.

He Si put on the shoe cover: "Can I look around?"

"It's okay, but it's better not to go in the study and my bedroom."

In fact, there is nothing particularly important. He has all the valuables locked in the safe, but Lu Yi doesn't like others to enter his private territory. This will make him feel that his privacy has been violated.

"Okay sir." He Si made a received gesture, turned around briefly, and asked Lu Yi, "Is the room decorated or designed by someone?"

"The hardcover room just asked the designer to make a simple renovation."

Lu Yi poured him a cup of tea: "You are looking for me so late, is there any problem with that project of Zhu Hai?"

During this period of time, he and He Si have actually had frequent contacts, but the main intersection is a variety of project cooperation. Of course, when the other party invites for dinner, he still talks about private affairs, not much about public affairs to discourage Young Master He.

He Si looked a little discouraged: "You let me up, can't it be for personal reasons? I work all day, and I feel that work is more important than me."

Of course he is still pursuing Lu Yi now. It seems a bit strange to make such a complaint. After he finished speaking, he immediately changed his words and said, "I just thought, if we are together in the future, will you treat me like this?"

Lu Yi looked at his face and was silent for a while: "I don't know either."

In fact, he personally has a relatively high opinion of He Si, and he felt pretty good the first time he met, but after knowing his identity, his first impression took a turn for the worse.

The first impression between people is too important. If it is a good impression, there are minor problems behind it. Thick filters will automatically excuse the opposition. On the contrary, even normal reactions will breed. All kinds of dissatisfaction.

He Si looked at him, obviously with a thick filter of love at first sight, the more he looked at him, the more he liked it, and Lu Yi, as long as he thought of Xu Musi, he would...

"You're right. Although I promised a chance, I didn't pay that much attention." He said similar words to what Cai Hesi said on the phone.

He also poured half a glass of water for himself, put the glass on the long coffee table in front of He Si, and then sat down on the single sofa opposite He Si.

"If Xu Musi doesn't like you, I may focus more on you, but we are still separated from him. When I see you, I always think of some bad things. I know this It's anger, but just like you still can't bear to see Xu Musi's miserable end, I hate him, and there is a natural dislike for you who are crazy infatuated with him."

"You told me about this before. I insisted on chasing you, saying what I wanted to try. But I thought you wouldn't care so much." He Si was a little angry at this meeting. Xu Musi is gone.

Lu Yiping looked into He Si's eyes: "If anger can be controlled, then it is not called anger."

The word itself exists because people cannot completely control emotions with reason.

He Si was silent for a long while, and his voice softened: "Then can we just ignore him, no matter who you guess it might be, just treat it as if you didn't hear it. Although this sounds very despicable, but to me, You are the most important thing."

The human mind is always biased. One is his nephew who refuses to repeat and has no deep feelings, and the other is the object he pursues and wants to be with him for a lifetime.

A fool knows which one to choose, but Lu Yi gives him the feeling that he is a decent person, and sometimes he can even be called a moral pacesetter. He naturally wants to behave in front of the other party.

Seeing Lu Yi's silence, he went on to say, "I admit, I'm just an eccentric eye."

Lu Yi looked at him for a long while before saying: "No one will make you unbiased."

If He Si dared to be partial to Xu Musi, then he could just dismiss this person.

He glanced at the door to confirm that it was closed properly, and then said, "I guessed it before and haven't contacted him, but if I didn't infer that it was wrong, the person who kidnapped Xu Musi should be Lin Miao."

He Si subconsciously asked, "Who is Lin Miao?"

If he is in business, he will usually spend his time trying to figure out all the details of his opponent. But doing business is not the same as falling in love.

Asking himself, he certainly wouldn't want his lover to check himself out.

"Lin Miao is a collection that came in with me."

He Si immediately swore a curse: "I didn't let Xu Musi do such a frenzied thing, he did it all.",

Lu Yi said angrily, "I know this."

If it has something to do with He Si, what else would he try with this guy, let alone fall in love, thinking about the painstaking effort to destroy the He family.

"Lin Miao is a wise man. He was a doctor at home. He was really forced to not leave Xu's house at the time. I persuaded him to commit suicide. Of course, it was not a real suicide." Although he was special in front of Xu Musi, But there is no special enough to influence the other party's thoughts, so that the other party can easily let the other party put out other collections.

At that time, the only thing he could get was to let those people live a little bit more.

He would make that suggestion because Lin Miao is very familiar with the structure of the human body. After all, suicide by cutting the wrist is also a technical task. If someone without common sense, Qie Mimi would have the wrist cut by herself, and regret it when she is about to die, but the result is a large artery. Bleeding, calling the emergency call without the energy to survive.

He Si asked, "What happened later?" Lu Yike had never spoken to him before. Does what he said now meant that he opened his heart to himself

"Later, I persuaded Xu Musi to send him out. After that, we didn't have much contact."

He Si listened to the grievances of these people: "If it is really him, it can only be said to be retribution."

He went on to say, "What about the others, what do you plan to do to get the rest of the people out."

Everyone's psychological endurance is different, thanks to his cleverness, Lu Yi, plus that Lin Miao is lucky enough to meet Lu Yi.

"No, Mr. Xu has sent those people back." Others didn't know, but he kept staring at the movements of these people's original residences.

He is not powerful enough now. If he stuns the snake, it is very likely that the opponent will break the pot. Fortunately, Xu's father was not as bad as he thought. Regardless of the purpose of the other party, he always chose to put it back and compensate, rather than destroying his son's body.

"I tried to contact Lin Miao before, and it was him in all likelihood. He is a well-measured person, but it is inevitable that Xu Musi will suffer a bit."

The grudge against him must be reported, not only Xu Musi, but also the Xu family who condoned this neurosis, including Ying Bo, the housekeeper who helped him to be abusive.

But all of them have to come one by one, and they won't be fat in one breath.

Sure enough, after waiting for another three or four days, just when Xu's father decided to make a big disturbance, someone told him that the young master had appeared in a certain street. He was wearing the same clothes as when he was kidnapped that day. There was no obvious damage, but The whole person seemed to be greatly stimulated.

On the day Xu Musi appeared, Lu Yi finally contacted Lin Miao.

He simply asked a few words, and the other party readily confessed what he had done: "I didn't do anything to hurt him. I didn't have any hurting props. I just did what he did to us. Of course, it's just a little bit too much."

Lu Yi asked him: "What an excessive method?"

The other party said: "You can find out if you check it yourself."

What he said was so mysterious, it really aroused Lu Yi's curiosity. After leaving the schedule, Lu Yi personally visited Xu's house.