Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 87: ☆, a collector of diseased children (15)


Although Xu Musi in the memory has a gloomy personality, she is still aloof, giving other people the feeling of indifference and isolation, but now Xu Musi is like a timid hamster, and also like an ostrich who will only bury her head in the sand in danger .

These are completely two personalities, you know, Xu Musi has only disappeared for less than a month. The personality developed over the past two decades has undergone such a big change in a short period of time, and Lu Yi couldn't help but wonder what happened to the other party.

He was curious, and He Si who stood beside him was also curious: "Old Xu, Mu... What's wrong with your son?"

The name Xu Musi was given to his son by Xu Zhen before He Silai attended the wedding, meaning he admired his wife Sisi.

But who made Xu Musi really mean to him in the end? He used to treat him as a junior with a family friend, and it was okay to call him affectionately. Now that he and Lu Yi have established a relationship, they can't shout as affectionate as before.

In fact, he has changed this name for quite some time, but there is little contact between the two sides, and Xu's father usually doesn't care much. Hearing this deliberate turn in his name, he was frustrated and frustrated by his son. Immediately fell to the bottom.

Man, if you have love, you don’t need brothers and friends. Looking at this good-looking but unkind couple, he couldn’t help but scolded a dog man in his heart. He thought of how he expected to comfort his son before. Expressed regret and spurned.

Just like this, it would be nice to come to comfort his son, don't increase the stimulation.

He snorted coldly: "Okay, now you see, my son has become like this, you have seen enough, satisfied, you can go away."

He glared at He Si and waved to drive the guests: "Go out!"

His words were not good, but Lu Yi was not upset, there was no joyful color on his face, and his attitude was still very calm: "Mr. Xu is so anxious to drive guests, is it hiding something? When we came in, we only saw one The black shadow got into the quilt and did not see Xu Musi."

He pointed his finger at the arched quilt: "Call anyone, go into the quilt, cover your face, and then you can say that he is his own son?"

When he came in, he only saw people who were wearing the clothes Xu Musi usually wore and had a body shape similar to Xu Musi. It is not impossible for a person to change so much in a short period of time, but the problem was not seen by others, and the excitement was also seen. I don't even know what Lin Miao said too much, what he did.

He specifically asked the secretary to push him off some meetings and added a day of work, not to come to Xu's house to listen to Xu's father's yin and yang, and then look at the shivering quilt in the room.

He Si on the side naturally supported his boyfriend unconditionally, and immediately followed up and said: "That is, there is a dark bloom in this room, and people didn't even make a sound. This is not a fool."

Xu Zhen was so angry that he shivered to touch the medicine on his body. The young housekeeper immediately went to bring him a glass of warm water.

After taking the medicine, Xu Zhencai said: "Okay, don't you want to watch it, just let you watch it!"

It seemed as if he wanted his son to be like this. For the Xu family, a son who would cause trouble, but was extremely talented, was far more useful than a man who was honest but weak and incompetent.

He also prefers that his son stay the way he used to be, not like he is now.

The quilt was torn off strongly by Xu Zhen, revealing the frightened face of the teenager.

Realizing that he was forced to be exposed/exposed to everyone's sight, Xu Musi immediately covered his delicate face.

Although his movements were quick, Lu Yi, who had been staring at him, was sure that this was Xu Musi himself.

The opponent's appearance is still as refined as before, but the aura is obviously weaker.

Moreover, in the past, as long as he heard He Si coming, Xu Musi's heart must have been floating, and he was absent-minded in everything.

But now, in front of such a big living person like He Si, he was shocked that Quandang hadn't seen it. This was really unusual.

Lu Yi wanted to go to Lin Miao's house and sit for a while, and wanted to ask him what he did to Xu Musi.

But he is in Xu's house now, and there is a Xu's father who has nowhere to complain, perhaps in the near future. He had better not contact Lin Miao.

He Si didn't know Xu Musi very deeply, otherwise, he wouldn't have realized that the other party had other thoughts about him for so many years.

Even so, in just a short interview, he still found Xu Musi's unusualness, enough to show that the latter's changes were huge.

After hesitating, He Si asked Father Xu: "Xu Zhen, he, have you taken him to a psychiatrist?"

Xu Zhen rolled his eyes at him: "Do you regard me as that kind of stubborn old man? I've been asked to come to enlighten me long ago, it's useless!"

His son was like this, he was also very worried. After his son came back, he first went to a doctor to check the whole body.

The result of the examination was that there was no infringement or injury from outsiders. Although Xu Musi did have wounds on his body, the result of the doctor's examination was that it was caused by Xu Musi's self-harm and had nothing to do with outsiders.

At that time Xu Zhen scolded, "Let me catch that person, and I must let him have no good results!"

He originally expected Xu Musi to be able to paint portraits of prisoners. After all, his son is at home and has a high level of artistic attainments. It is absolutely no problem to trace personal portraits based on memory.

But in the face of the psychiatrist's insidious guidance, Xu Musi didn't cooperate at all. She was in this state all the time, let alone the portrait, and didn't even say anything.

When the two people were talking, Lu Yi didn't say a word. He just continued to look up and down Xu Musi carefully. He heard the words of the psychologist popping up from Xu Zhen's mouth, and thought of the family situation that Lin Miao had mentioned.

The family members of Lin Miao who were doctors were indispensable for being able to stay sensible under such circumstances, and finally escaped with suspended animation.

Reminiscing about Lin Miao's suggestion to him, he could vaguely guess what the other party did to Xu Musi.

In all likelihood, people are locked up in a small dark room with only one person, and they are not given anything except basic meals.

For Xu Musi, who is withdrawn but desperately yearns for love and company in his heart, there is nothing more painful to him than mental torture.

Maybe it's more than just mental torture. In the noisy surroundings, Lu Yi spoke again: "Okay, He Si, I plan to go back, do you need to stay?"

He Si shifted his gaze from Xu's father and immediately said, "No, no, I'll go with you."

He didn't want to stay to face Xu Father's old face with ruffles.

Fifteen minutes later, He Si drove Lu Yi home. On the way, they inevitably mentioned what happened just now: "Lu Yi, do you think Xu Musi's performance is normal?"

He always felt that Xu's father had concealed something, after all, there was something wrong with it.

Lu Yi didn't reply directly, but instead asked him, "Why do you suddenly ask?"

"I just think that such a short thing, without trauma, will not change a person so thoroughly. If it is for acting, it is possible.",

"Actually, you should trust Xu Zhen a little bit more. Rather than acting to prevent others from retaliation, he would rather his son be healthy."

Xu Musi's mind is indeed not stupid, but according to his identity, there is no need to deliberately act in this kind of drama to win sympathy.

And if he really wanted to win sympathy, Xu Musi's performance just now was a little too calm. Make your clean face dirty, then turn a circle of black under your eyes, it's best to get scars all over your body.

It's best to hang a few big photos of Xu Musi's beautiful before in the room. Under such a strong contrast, wouldn't it make people feel more distressed.

Although he is working very hard now, he is considered a rookie in the circle, but with his own strength, it is not easy to bring down the luxuriant Xu family.

The Xu family is an old-school family, and has been pampered for several generations. Many good things have not been inherited, but bad tempers have been inherited.

Such an arrogant person, it is impossible for him to kneel and lick in fear after he has achieved some results.

Knowing that He Si has done so many wrong things, but still behaves in a straightforward manner, it is in line with the nature of the two fathers and sons of the Xu family.

He went on to say: "There is a well-known psychological experiment. Have you ever heard of it? Scientists showed the executed prisoner hot water, then tied his eyes, poured cold water on the executed prisoner’s hand, and the other party’s There are signs of burns on the hands."

There are actually many versions of this story. For example, I cut a small hole and used a faucet to create the illusion that the blood was flowing all the time. In fact, the blood stopped long ago. The bleeding was only water, but in the end the prisoner lost too much blood. And died.

In the same way, the young people trapped in Xu’s house are the same. No one took action against them, and they didn’t even give too many psychological hints. They just ignored them and didn’t communicate with the outside world. They could quickly use them in just a few months. The time to raise people is abolished.

In the last life, when these people were about to break down, all the valuable parts of their bodies were taken off by the cold scalpel, and they were well preserved.

In this life, they were not physically harmed, and under his efforts, the psychological harm they suffered was not so serious, but they were still affected more or less.

Lu Yi said: "I still have that attitude toward the Xu family. My ultimate goal is to make the Xu family bankrupt."

He looked in the rearview mirror, He Si's lips moved in the mirror, trying to say something.

But Lu Yi stopped him, and he put his index finger on He Si's lips: "Today there is still a long time, before sending me back, you and I will go to a few places, and then decide whether to say to me. Come down."