Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 90: ☆, a collector of diseased children (18)


Want to develop and grow an enterprise. It takes countless employees to work for several years or even more than ten years, but it does not take so much time to destroy an enterprise.

There are so many people staring at it, and online public opinion has been splashed. Even if the local government does not want the Xu family to fall so fast out of economic and employment considerations, it can't stand the wall and push everyone down.

In addition to financial fraud, some product problems under the Xu family's name have also been exposed. In fact, products like this kind of health care products are more or less unsuitable for people.

For example, mango, some people will be allergic to it.

What broke out this time was a baby food promoted by the Xu family. In order to better promote the product, the company would not be able to say many things very clearly.

Originally, the young novice parents have a lot of inexperience. Looking at the advertisements that say this is good and the other is good, they buy all of them for their children. Various calcium, iron and zinc vitamins are used for fear that the children will lose on the starting line.

In fact, this food is not a bad thing. The problem is that children who are too young cannot eat it, and the staff in charge of the promotion vaguely failed to explain the precautions. As a result, something went wrong. The child went to the hospital and almost died.

The child's mother sent a complaint on Weibo, and immediately a bunch of her own children spoke about various symptoms.

Suddenly, Xu Group's products were pushed to the forefront. The person in charge was continuously interviewed by various relevant departments and was chased by major news media.

Within a few days of fermentation, the stocks of listed companies under the Xu Group continued to lower their limits, and in just a few days, billions of dollars in market value were evaporated.

The company itself is in a predicament, and the frantic selling by investors has made Xu even worse.

Lu Yi has been paying attention to this matter from the beginning. When the stock price of the listed company under Xu's name plummeted to the bottom, he bought a lot and hunted the bottom.

Of course, he did not intend to eat the Xu family. After all, the Xu family group has grown to such a large scale, even if it collapses, the shell is still there, and the government can't just watch so many employees laid off at the same time.

And according to his understanding, a certain colleague has been greedy for this piece of meat for a long time, and retail investors watched the avalanche decline in stock prices and sold them anxiously, including his own handwriting.

After about a month, the head of the Xu family apologized for the fraud, and also made a very sincere apology for his improper propaganda, and listed his compensation to the victim.

The work of public relations is in place, but the serious damage has already occurred, and it is not so easy to recover.

After barely more than half a year, the Xu Group once again appeared in the news columns of major media as the acquiree of a major acquisition.

The Xu family has a heritage of more than a century, but it was originally just a time-honored brand, and gradually developed into a chain. In the hands of Mr. Xu, it became the current Xu Group.

Originally, Mr. Xu was very old, and he almost retired. This kind of thing happened. The 80-something-year-old man came out to apologize to the public, played a card of sentiment, and made public relations in place. After the stock price began to rise, he changed hands and took Xu. Shi sold it for a good price.

Anyway, he can see clearly that children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Although it is said that this failure was driven by opponents behind them, in the final analysis, the Xu family's roots were rotten, and the loopholes were so big, no wonder others took advantage of the loopholes.

Lu Yi still admired the courage of Mr. Xu. After a period of asset integration, the Xu Group also changed its name.

Xu's internal personnel transfer was very large, and the jobs of ordinary employees were basically retained. However, the senior executives of the related households, who were incapable, were basically transferred.

The general managers of many branches were relegated to ministers of some leisure departments, and some of them only relied on slapping their beards, making mistakes of principle, and were dismissed on the spot.

In an enterprise, the leader wants to let you go. There are hundreds of ways to force you to go. Moreover, many of the Xu family's related households are used to being praised by people on weekdays. They suddenly fell from a high position, and many of them are mentally unbalanced. , Do not need the company to try to squeeze people, they just quit their job.

Of course, this is also a small number of wealthy families, and most people still pinch their noses for life.

If you have real talents and learn, the company will naturally be promoted.

It was a large enterprise that acquired Xu's. After the integration of resources, the other party directly parachuted a management team over. It was Xu Musi’s uncle who was in charge of Xu’s listed company. Now that such a big incident has happened, it is of course impossible for him to continue to serve as the director.

The Xu family recommended Xu Musi’s father, or hoped that the Xu family could serve as the top management of the company. However, the purchaser’s board of directors has been discussing the arrangement of candidates, revealing that the Xu family should not be arranged, but Xu's father can temporarily replace them before the formal candidates are selected.

Xu's father took advantage of his power to let Xu Musi join the company.

He thought it out clearly. The Xu family is like this. His son is not too young and he is so smart. He will definitely develop well when he joins the company.

He is just such a son, and it is estimated that there will be no other children in the future. It must be to seek more welfare for Xu Musi.

Xu Musi's character is not something that can be started from the grassroots. Xu's father arranged a good management position for his son, in a very important department, and pointed his son to work hard to climb up.

Xu Musi is indeed talented in business, but his personality is no problem as a manager. As an ordinary employee, more accurately, he is a small senior who connects the past and the next, which is really not suitable.

The most suitable thing for Xu Musi is to let him start a company and be a decision maker, but Xu's father is really reluctant to part with this big piece of Xu's fat, and he still has some hope in his heart.

As a result, Xu Musi, who has always been praised for being smart, did a poor job at the new company.

Originally, his current identity is Xu's family, but the company is not Xu's family anymore. It sounds good. The employees underneath are also in the eyes of the new owner's attitude towards Xu's family.

Xu Musi is very good-looking, but her temper is a bit too bad.

For celebrities, good-looking can be eaten as a meal, and as a student, everyone is willing to treat good-looking people in various ways.

At work, everyone is willing to give him a little bit more for Xu Musi's face.

However, people in society are more realistic than students. In the face of interests, it is nothing that they can't get a good-looking face.

Xu Musi stayed in the company for about two months, and the buyer’s meeting was over. An email was sent. The general idea is that Xu needs to be injected with absolute fresh blood. For this, they will send a young ceo. Afterwards, this CEO probably holds 3% of the company's shares after the asset merger and liquidation, and is also a member of the board of directors.

The new CEO is quite mysterious, until the day when the other party came, Xu's father still didn't know what the other party's full name was. The other party had something to do abroad before, and the company arranged for someone to pick it up on the day that he took office.

As the acting ceo, Xu's father naturally also went. Moreover, in order for his son to show his face in front of the other party and leave a good first impression, he also arranged a position for Xu Musi among the entourage.

As soon as the two parties met, the new CEO's expression was pretty good, but Xu's father's expression was ashen.

Because his future boss is not the victim, but Lu Yi who had had old grudges with him.

At the beginning, Xu Musi looked at their collections with a lofty attitude. Now the feng shui takes turns. Not only Xu Musi, but even Xu's father has to obey Lu Yi's arrangements.

Moreover, the acquirer said that Lu Yi holds 3% of the shares. What does this mean? It means that the other party has been thinking about the Xu family. It is very likely that this time the Xu family will lose so quickly. Lu Yi’s handwriting is in it.

After getting off the plane and entering the company for inspection, many high-level executives approached Lu, and their attitude was even somewhat flattering.

Lu Yi's attitude was not indifferent. After arriving in his new office, he said, "You all go out, and General Manager Xu stay here for a while."

The office door was brought up by the secretary and made a click.

Father Xu didn’t sit either. He stood there with one hand on the table, watching Lu Yi condescendingly, and his voice was a bit of aloof anger: “What do you mean by this, deliberately come to bother us father and son. ?"

Lu Yi clasped his hands, his attitude was rather calm, and he admitted frankly, "You are right. If it weren't for the two of you, I wouldn't necessarily come..."

He is very busy with his own affairs. He didn't want to be the CEO. He just wanted to be a small shareholder who could speak up and have a little weight. Later, I changed my mind to this matter of slapping my face.

It’s a shame that it’s not that high to slap the slap yourself. It’s a shame that others can’t see how these two people change their faces. That’s a shame.

Father Xu didn't expect that he would admit it so easily. After a while, he said, "You shouldn't bring personal emotions to work."

Lu Yi didn't talk to him about personal matters, he only spoke in an official way: "If your job is not impeccable, I can't find your fault, right, Mr. Xu."

"Okay, don't think too much of yourself, I will keep you here, mainly for the handover of work."

Xu's father wanted to talk about private matters, but Lu Yi talked to him about official matters.

After working in the company for such a period of time, Lu was very strict with Xu's father. Xu's father had a high spirit, but for the sake of living, he could bear it.

When the regular meeting opened, Lu Yizhen didn't provoke him and praised him. Xu's father naturally stood up and said all kinds of words to thank the leader for his appreciation.

If it was an opponent who was originally well-matched, he would think it was nothing, just like other seniors who had never had an old senior with Lu Yi. Regardless of who you are above, the leader is young if he is young, and he can lead everyone to make a fortune together.

But Xu's father was different. He was stepped under his feet by the ants that he didn't think of.

After complimenting Xu's father, Lu Yi talked about Xu Musi again.

Xu's father can bear it, but Xu Musi can't. He specifically mentioned the situation of a certain employee, and then said without a doubt: "I received, this young Director Xu seems to be your only child, Xu Zhen, right. "

Tomorrow morning I knew that Lu Yi would have to ask such a sentence, and Xu's father pinched his nose and responded: "Yes."

So next, a number of senior executives conducted a certain analysis and attack on the related households. Poor Xu Zhen is so old that he has to review his behavior in front of so many people.

When this happened, Xu's father would not let Xu Musi work in the company.

On the day Xu Musi resigned, Lu Yi sent invitations to Xu's father. There were still two copies, one for Xu Musi and one for Xu's father.

This is a wedding invitation. The big gilded characters of the invitation are specially made by a designer. It is very dignified and artistic.

Both parties to the wedding were men, and one of the bridegrooms was the diamond bachelor of the He family, He Si.

The two have been in contact for almost a year, and He Si was a prodigal son before.

Now that he is getting older, he cried and said that he was insecure. Especially when Lu Yi entered the Xu family for the Xu family and his son, he developed a sense of crisis.

Although Lu Yi tried his best to guarantee him that he never looked at Yingying Yanyan outside, the old man always had a sense of crisis.

There is a saying, love and hate in an instant, hating Xu Musi, it is also a kind of special attention.

He planned a very careful marriage proposal scene, and he brought a diamond ring to marry him.

Originally, Lu Yi didn't say that he must find the Xu family, or He Si insisted that he would ask for both.

Lu Yi saw that he insisted, so he left it alone.

Although He Si is older, Lu Yi is more tolerant when two people get along, while He Si is more emotional.

On the day of the wedding of the two of them, Xu Musi only took a long look and went to the hospital.

What happened later, Lu Yi did not deliberately deal with the embarrassment.

But he also made people look at Xu Musi. If the other party dared to do the collection of items like before, he would seize the evidence and send the other party to prison.

However, Xu Musi was not so "competitive" because of depression and desperately trying to catch up with Lu Yi, he was less than 40 years old and died of a heart attack.

On the contrary, Lu Yi and He Si, the two lived very long. Although there were also noisy and conflicts, they still lived to be white on the temples with Hemei/Mei.

After being hit by the strange light and unconscious, when he woke up again, Lu Yi found out that he had just graduated from a senior high school senior.

The bright red T-shirt, the ordinary small head, and the pimples peculiar to boys of this period on his face, he opened his mouth and said, his voice was as unpleasant as a drake, it was very good, and he was still in the period of changing his voice.

And the reason why this kind of thing happened was entirely because he wanted to travel through the world to retrieve Yu Ke's fragments.

And because when Yu Ke was in a car accident, the piles under him were full of dog-blood novels, so the fictional world was also very dog-blood.

In the face of such a strange incident, Lu Yi's mood was calm and unwavering, and it felt as if it had happened more than once indifferently.

I don't know what the malice of the world is, his identity this time is the future husband of the protagonist Zhao Wuchen.

It is said that it is the future because it is a story of rebirth.

In the original trajectory, Zhao Wuchen and the cannon fodder Lu Yi's childhood sweethearts, because Zhao Wuchen's parents are not reliable, Lu Yi, a neighbor, is very caring to him.

It was because Zhao Wuchen was so pitiful and lovable, much more painful than his naughty brother. Taking care of him, the original owner Lu Yi was moved.

That's right, the original owner has a younger brother, and he is called Lu Er. Originally, Lu Yi thought the duplication of names was very strange, after all, the ones that Yu Ke bought said he hadn't seen it either.

But after knowing the name of the younger brother, he determined that this was a coincidence. It should be because the author was too lazy to think about the name, so he gave cannon fodder a simple number as the name.

In short, the original owner was eaten to death by Zhao Wuchen, and even after he worked, he also provided a lot of money for Zhao Wuchen to study.

Eat frugally on your own, and be sure to let your little boyfriend eat and drink well.

When the memory fragments were placed here, Lu Yi's eyebrows were already frowned.

No matter how good he is to others, he has a bottom line. He will not put his face on the ground and put his posture so humble.

Sure enough, after Zhao Wuchen succeeded, Zhao Wuchen dumped the original owner. The reason was that the original owner was Taicun and was not good enough.

And the reason why the original owner was so devoted to Zhao Wuchen was because of Zhao Wuchen's appearance and his intentions that did not match his age.

Zhao Wuchen is not a real child, but a rebirth, the original owner is just a pedal he chose. The true emperor in his heart is another person.

It was just because of rebirth that he was afraid of changing the facts too much and not seeing each other, and he did not go to find someone in advance.

Lu Yi looked at the large pile of money scattered on the table and the broken piggy bank.

In order to save money to buy gifts for his little boyfriend, the original owner did not hesitate to smash his piggy bank. In addition, the college entrance examination scores were good, and the bonus given by parents was almost 10,000 yuan.

The original Lu Yi agreed to Zhao Wuchen's trip to X City.

What the original owner does not know is that the reason why Zhao Wuchen behaves so yearning for City X is because the ex-boyfriend he has never forgotten in his previous life is in City X.

Looking at the large pile of money, Lu put it away blankly. Although ruining promises is not a good thing, but to give Zhao Wuchen money to find an ex-boyfriend, it is better for Zhao Wuchen to dream.