Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 92: ☆, reborn male (2)


When Lu Yi saw Zhao Wuchen, the other party naturally saw him. However, Zhao Wuchen would still be angry with Lu Yi. He just snorted and turned away, as if I was not willing to pay attention to you.

Lu Yi didn't even want to take care of him at all. He dragged his suitcase and got into the car. After more than 4 hours of high-speed rail, he took a look at his mobile phone and quickly reached the destination city X.

He and Zhao Wuchen were not in the same carriage, and Lu Yi didn't pay attention to each other. But as he walked, he felt as if he was following someone behind him.

Although he changed his body, Lu Yi's keen intuition did not disappear. He turned his head and saw Zhao Wuchen who was following him not far away.

The two people looked at each other, and the other immediately turned their heads, pretending not to recognize him.

If you love to follow, just follow, anyway, this guy won't be able to follow for long.

He walked up the high steps along the crowd, and the middle-aged man holding a sign saw him, his eyes lit up and he waved and shouted, "Lu Yi, here and here."

Lu Yi quickened his pace and followed with his heavy suitcase: "Uncle, you have worked hard."

In fact, from the beginning, Lu's mother discussed with her son to let Lu Yi live in his uncle's house in X City. Although Lu Yi is an adult now, he has been studying before and has not been to other places alone. Parents are unavoidable.

But in the plan of the original owner, he was going out with his little boyfriend. If he asked his uncle to pick him up, he wouldn't be in trouble, and he didn't agree.

When packing up his luggage yesterday, Mother Lu raised a mouth unwillingly, and Lu Yi responded casually. Although she didn't know how Lu Yi changed her mind, she still happily went to call Lu Yi's uncle immediately.

"No hard work, no hard work." The middle-aged man looked fifty to six percent similar to Lu's father, reaching out to help Lu Yi pick up the suitcase, Lu Yi avoided: "It's okay, this is easy, I can come by myself."

He followed the man outside, and Zhao Wuchen, who was watching Lu Yi walk away, looked at the scene behind him. He didn't want to deal with Lu Yi, but he soon followed.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary citizen, thanks to the gods, he would do it all over again. But God didn't give him any system space gold finger, and he didn't remember any lottery numbers.

The only golden finger is the experience and experience of living a few years longer than others. Lu Yi is a good springboard, and outside, he is unfamiliar with the land alone. If he is with Lu Yi, he can use his car and lodging, and save a lot of money.

It's not to blame Zhao Wuchen for picking, his parents are not worrying, even if he knows how the house price will skyrocket, he can't spend the money to buy a house, and the family has no money.

In order for him to have money to buy a house in the future, he can naturally save a little now.

As for why not go to the rich and rich second generation, the money of the rich is not so good, and I will meet my sweetheart in the future. When talking about this relationship, what if others say that I dislike the poor and love the rich .

The Lu family is from an ordinary family, and Lu Yi himself is easy to handle. He likes him so desperately. When the time comes, the relationship will be disagreeable, and the other party will not care about making trouble with him.

An honest person has the advantage of being an honest person. He Zhao Wuchen is a down-to-earth person. Since he didn't get any awesome gold fingers after being reborn, he could only rely on his own calculations step by step.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he was doing. The only thing he didn't quite understand was Lu Yi's sudden change of attitude.

At the beginning, he also thought, if he could be reborn, would Lu Yi be able to be reborn too.

But if that were the case, the other party would definitely have a showdown with him directly, where would they break up quietly. So in all likelihood, someone is still instigating, Zhao Wuchen is still very confident in his charm.

The only blame is Lu Yihan's stupidity, who can believe everything that others say.

He is still a few years away from graduating from university. If he breaks away now, it will not be easy to find another one who is as dedicated as Lu Yi.

With this in mind, when Lu Yi was about to go far, he quickened his pace to follow up, regardless of whether he would lose points first, and asked in a "surprise" voice with the voice of a person who was very pleasing to the elders: "Lu Yi?"

Sure enough, Lu Yi's uncle was attracted by him, and he looked at his nephew: "This is?"

Zhao Wuchen seemed to have seen his presence, and said politely: "Hello Uncle, I am Zhao Wuchen, and I am Lu Yi's neighbor."

They all belonged to neighbors. Could he not know what Lu Yi's uncle looked like

Sure enough, Uncle Lu immediately smiled and greeted him very kindly: "It's you, I even hugged you when I was a kid, you definitely don't remember. I remember you seem to be still studying, right."

If you want to say how familiar your brother’s neighbor’s child is, it’s definitely not. It’s just a bit of an impression. It's not too close, and he can't tell the grade too clearly, so as not to be embarrassed by saying the wrong thing.

Zhao Wuchen replied: "This year is the first year of high school, but when the school starts, it will be the second year of high school."

Uncle Lu talked to the junior one after another: "That's summer vacation, I'll just say it, I remember you seem to be in this grade."

Looking at Zhao Wuchen, who played a super well-behaved and good boy in front of the original lord, Lu Yi felt that he didn't quite understand the brain circuits of this reborn person.

Originally, a reborn person wouldn't work hard to earn money by his own struggle, thinking about using others as the pedal all day long, and relying on men, which makes him very embarrassed.

And he obviously doesn't like a person, just for the sake of such a small favor, he makes a false impression with others, and he feels that he is losing the price when he is with such a person.

And just yesterday, he didn't say everything so clearly before, and the two have broken up and broke up, and the other party is still actively clinging to do something.

Wasn't Zhao Wuchen aloof, the flower of Gaoling, facing the original owner, always holding the noble and glamorous persona, he almost didn't write these four words on his forehead.

And this is the uncle of the original owner, and has nothing to do with Zhao Wuchen. Still, he underestimated Zhao Wuchen's feelings for the original owner.

Or is it to blame him for breaking up too early, causing the other party to have an illusion: "Man, you succeeded in attracting my attention"

If this were the case, Lu Yi felt that he had made a mistake.

The brain runs faster than humans thought. He thought of so many things, in fact, it took less than two minutes.

But just two minutes was enough to make Lu Yi impatient.

He reminded his cheap uncle: "The time is late, if you don't leave, it's easy to catch the evening peak."

City X is a big city, and it is much more prosperous than the small fifth-tier cities where the original owners are located. Of course, traffic jams are even worse. And now it's the train station, where people come and go, and it's noisy. Obviously, it's not a good time for fellow villagers to meet fellow villagers.

Uncle Lu patted his forehead: "Look at me, the car is here. Your aunt is working overtime today, so she didn't come with me. Let's go back first. You put down your things and take you to the restaurant."

His craftsmanship is not very good, so he doesn't need to darken the taste of Nephew Tu.

When things finally turned back to the right path, Lu breathed a sigh of relief.

He put the suitcase in the trunk of the car that Uncle Lu drove, and the latter helped him with the stuff.

At this moment, Zhao Wuchen was still standing next to him. Now, even Lu Yi's uncle realized something was wrong. He asked Zhao Wuchen, "You two, are you here together?"

He is an adult after all. Although he is a straight man, he has been in the society for so many years and he has encountered same-sex couples. Although Lu Yi had always acted indifferently, this Zhao Wuchen's attitude gave people an unusual feeling.

Although China amended the law a few years ago to stipulate that an adult is 16 years old, but for so many years, everyone still acquiesces that 18 is an adult.

Like Zhao Wuchen, who didn't graduate from university, they belonged to premature love. Parents not only had to manage but also persuade them to divide. What's more, Zhao Wuchen is a man, and his nephew is also a man.

Even if gay marriage is legal, it is still a minority. In this society, it is still discriminated against and life is not easy.

Regarding his two nephews, as a parent, Uncle Lu is not happy to think that his nephew is gay.

He immediately separated Zhao Wuchen, closed the trunk of the car, and was not very willing to show his intimacy to Zhao Wuchen. He was polite, but only politeness was left, and the affection for the juniors he knew was a bit less affectionate. : "You hurry up to find your parents, we still have things to do, so we will leave first."

They didn't invite himself, and Zhao Wuchen didn't have that face to rub the car. As his body gets younger, his face has become thinner, and his self-esteem is too strong, making it almost impossible to do such a cheap thing.

He was still there fighting between heaven and man, but Lu Yi left in a relative's car, and really dropped him.

After the car left, Zhao Wuchen fully realized that this advantage could not be taken up.

Originally, his plan was to go with Lu. After all, the other party had completed the strategy, and he followed, but the other party could always keep a hard-hearted heart.

However, there was an Uncle Lu who came to pick up the guests.

It's not just Lu Yi, he even hates Lu Yi's uncle.

Over there, Zhao Wuchen temporarily booked a hotel to check the guide, while here Lu Yi was in his own cheap uncle, but it was not easy.

Lu Yi's uncle knocked on the side in every possible way, trying his best to find out the relationship between the two.

Lu Yi saw that he was so anxious, and he felt that he shouldn't hide it from his elders. He admitted frankly, "Yes, I like men."