Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 103


House seemingly endless rain.

When people are unlucky, they can't stop them. The thirteenth steps are the appetizers for the ghosts to knock on the door. Chen Caixing, Zhu Sui, and Lin Xin are now on the train. Zhu Sui asked, "What should I do next? Do you want to go down after a stop?"

"Go." Chen Caixing moved his wrist.

Seeing this, Zhu Sui inexplicably wanted to light a wax for the next ghost. I haven't seen Ms. Yuan stronger for a while.

Rewind time to twenty minutes ago.

Chen Caixing went back to the infirmary and Lin Xin helped Zhu Sui downstairs, while Qianxia Shuanggong was waiting downstairs. The four of them left the school together and did not join the club. They went home early today and arrived at the railway at exactly four o'clock.

"Brother, come over later." Zhu Sui said.

Yesterday, Brother Liu said that there is a train every half an hour. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's better to be conservative. Chen Caixing had no objection, the three stayed for a while, and Suzumiya Qianxia didn't ask any further questions.

Zhu Sui thought it was okay to look at Brother Yuan.

"Let's go." Chen Caixing looked at the railroad tracks, his eyelids jumped, but he didn't stop, he took out the money from his pocket and handed it to Suzumiya Qianxia, "Let's eat noodles at night, I want to eat noodles, I need to trouble Suzumiya-kun Help run errands and buy some food."

Suzumiya Qianxia took the money and crossed the railroad tracks together.

Zhu Sui's foot was severely twisted, and she couldn't walk fast. When she passed through the middle of the railroad tracks, her face suddenly changed and she said, "Xiaoxin, you go shopping with Suzumiya Qianxia, I want to eat today—"

"What happened?" Lin Xin quickly interrupted, "What are you trying to hide from me?"

Chen Caixing took the lead: "Suzumiya-san, let's go first, we still have things to do."

"Okay, okay." Suzumiya Qianxia had already crossed the railroad tracks and walked forward without looking back.

Zhu Sui smiled bitterly, "My feet were caught."

At some point in time, a pair of bloody hands emerged from the rails, pulling Zhu Sui's ankles tightly. Zhu Sui pushed Lin Xin away and said eagerly, "Brother Yuan, I beg you, take Xiaoxin away, leave, hurry up, the car is coming."

"No, no, there is a chance." Lin Xin frantically shook his head.

The train came whining. Lin Xin took out the props and talismans and squatted and threw them at the ghost hand, but it was useless. Instead, the ghost hand pulled out a bloody head. It was the ghost who came back in the early morning. The ghost head grew up. Opening his mouth, he went down to bite Lin Xin's hand, but Lin Xin withdrew in time.

"Go, go quickly." Zhu Sui shouted and pushed Lin Xin.

"If you don't go, there is still a chance. You will die together."

Couples are inseparable, one is about to sacrifice righteously, and the other is about to die for love with a crying voice. Only Chen Caixing was very calm and said, "Let's go play together, I haven't seen a train station that doesn't exist."

He was able to walk, but as soon as he left, the two of them would be here.

The ding ding sound has arrived.

All three were on the train in an instant. Through the glass at the rear of the car, there was a bloody corpse on the rails, and the old scapegoat died in the same place.

Zhu Sui hugged Lin Xin and kissed Lin Xin's forehead, "It's okay." Then she looked at Chen Caixing guiltily, "Brother Yuan, I'm sorry for dragging you down."

He knew that if it wasn't for the two of them, Brother Yuan would definitely be able to get away.

"It's alright, if it's really gone, it's not bad to be a queen." Chen Caixing muttered.

Zhu Sui Lin Xin: ? ? ? what queen

However, Brother Yuan did not explain, and the two did not ask much. Already in the car, there is only one way to calm down, how to solve it and live.

Lin Xin's eyes were red, and he held Zhu Sui's hand, forcing himself to analyze it calmly: "The new girl on the first day should have left the train station, so she died. Blood on the stone. The second day's veteran didn't leave the station in the early morning. I came back, survived for a while, and found a scapegoat, the one who didn’t know where to go out of the station today…”

"No." Chen Caixing gave the answer.

"Then why is he in the form of a ghost? Not like Brother Liu yesterday." Zhu Sui asked.

Chen Caixing said: "Because the surnamed Liu dragged people to look for a ghost, he gave players a sense of vigilance, so he simply turned into a ghost and looked for a ghost."

Who brainwashed the players to find a ghost to survive

The train was going fast. Chen Caixing glanced at his watch. They were caught on the train at about 4:05. After about 15 minutes, the train slowed down. It felt like it was coming to the station. The scenery on both sides of the window changed. It was four o'clock in the afternoon, but it was already dark outside the window. There were all kinds of pedestrians on the platform, service staff in uniform, young men and women with luggage, mothers holding children, and old people supporting each other. No difference.

The lights were on, and there was even a police service station.

This kind of scene is tantamount to a huge attraction for players caught in the car, especially the police service station.

"Brother, can't go down?" Zhu Sui felt that the pedestrians outside the window were very strange.

If he might wait and see what's going on, we'll talk at the next stop.

"Next." Chen Caixing replied, "Lin Xin, just take care of Zhu Sui."

Lin Xin: "I know Brother Yuan."

Neither of them objected to Chen Caixing's decision, even if Zhu Sui felt it was inappropriate, he still followed in the footsteps of Brother Yuan. If it weren't for them, Brother Yuan wouldn't have to go into this danger.

Ding ding ding, the train stopped.

The car door opened slowly, and the three got off the station. The passers-by who were doing their own things suddenly smelled blood like mosquitoes, and their heads turned in the direction of the three. Zhu Sui even saw the man holding The child's mother's head is screwed directly to the back at 90 degrees, reaching an angle that is impossible for humans to achieve.

The light dimmed, and the bright station lights began to flicker.

Those 'ordinary people' showed what they looked like before they died, some were torn apart, some were hanged, some were drowned and swollen, all of them stared in the direction of the three with greed in their eyes. Lin Xin saw one place and whispered, "Brother Yuan, the girl who died on the first day is by the platform."

Chen Caixing looked at the past, but the new girl is full of resentment now, and she can't wait to drag them to death together.

"Three guests, welcome to the railway station as scheduled, do you need any help? If you get lost, I can take you back." The uniformed staff member said.

Lin Xin and Zhu Sui looked at each other alertly, but did not speak.

"Yes." Chen Caixing said with a smile: "Excuse me, how do you kill these ghosts?"

The staff's complexion changed, and the whole face was torn apart and began to bleed, full of resentment, but before he could take action, Chen Caixing did it first.

The hall, dominated by Chen Caixing, burst into a bright and holy golden light, and all the resentful ghosts were shocked, and then a huge snowman landed out of thin air. Chen Caixing had an old red rope in his hand.

The red rope is a gift from the twins.

It is used to turn the flower rope. The rope is not very common in the world of nursery rhymes, but it can be extended infinitely when it becomes a prop.

In the world of nursery rhymes, all ghosts are afraid of this rope. With the blessing of game props, not only ghosts, but also ghosts can do nothing. Coupled with Chen Caixing Jade Girl Heart Sutra, I can finally experience the bundled play experience of catching up with ghosts and letting you hehe.

Quite fun.

Zhu Sui and Lin Xin were stunned when they saw it on the side. They didn't even need to take a chance. Brother Yuan flew around alone and trapped these ghosts, folded them into a huge ball, and the big snowman shot Shooting, the ball began to get smaller and rolled, and the Specters let out a wailing cry for mercy. The remaining 20 to 30% fled one after another, and there were only a few, an old man with gray hair, a little boy who was not even close to Chen Caixing's thighs, a new female player who died on the first day, these few crying and begging for mercy, let Chen Caixing Let them go.

"We are also forced. We are trapped here after death. If we want to go out to reincarnate, we must find a substitute for the dead ghost, otherwise we will be trapped forever." The old lady said with a sad face.

The old man said, "We can't compete when we're too old. We can only live a life of shit. Who knows what day we'll be."

"The player who left the station died and became one of you. What about the dead soul who didn't leave the station?" Chen Caixing asked coldly.

The old man and the old lady were silent for a while, and the little boy Baba said: "The soul was eaten by them, the big brother I don't have, will you let me go?"

"Can you help me out?" the female player cried, "I want to go home, I know how to get back, I can take you back, just get on the train again—"

Chen Caixing looked over with a smile, and glanced at the group of resentful ghosts who were begging for pity.

"I thought I'd never been on a train. Of course, I'd go out of the train station first and get on the train again. Who knows which direction the car is driving, and you should accompany me?"

The female player's ghostly eyes suddenly resented and angered, "Why, why, why did I die so miserably and be imprisoned here."

"The other two were eaten directly. You still have a ghost, and you have to be content with being a ghost." Chen Caixing didn't bother to talk any more, he directly tied up the sympathizers who sold the miserable sympathy, and used the ghost talisman to seal them. The group settled, took away the red rope, and said, "Go up and have a look."

Zhu Sui Lin Xin: …

"Brother, are you a monkey?"

Chen Caixing shook his head, wondering what Zhu Sui's question meant. Lin Xin really was Zhu Sui's childhood sweetheart, and the two grew up together, so he would hold someone and say, "He wants to sing Monkey Brother."

"Yes, Brother Monkey, Brother Monkey, you are amazing." Zhu Suizhen sang.

Chen Caixing: …

Rainbow fart is ok.

The train platform has stairs leading up to it. The three of them walked up the stairs, a dazzling white light went up, and they opened their eyes again to reach the train tracks.

Four fifty-six.

Chen Caixing glanced at the time, the delay was not long, "Go back to eat, I'm hungry."

"Brother, you are really amazing, the train station platform can't hold you down..." Zhu Sui sang the words, changed the words, and went out of tune.

Before Chen Caixing could speak, Lin Xin couldn't take it anymore.

At this point, the students went to the club, and when they went home, there was no one on the way. The three suddenly appeared without attracting onlookers. After walking for ten minutes, they went back to their respective residences. Lin Xin wanted to apply Zhu Suibing and spray medicine. can be better.

"I'm back." Chen Caixing pushed open the door.

Suzumiya Qianxia was in the kitchen, with a faint smile on her face, and said, "Okay, it's time to eat."

"Excuse me, I'll wash my hands." Chen Caixing said.

Today's dinner is noodles.

Japanese ramen is accompanied by various side dishes. The fried eggs of Chika Suzumiya are especially delicious. After eating the rice bento for two or three days, the noodles are very appetizing. Although they are still light, after eating the noodles and soup all drank.

"It's so delicious. Suzumiya is very good at craftsmanship. If you get married in the future, the other half will be very happy." Chen Caixing said.

The other party lowered his head, "Yuan Xingjun has praised him."

"I'll clean up today, because my friend delayed Suzumiya's homework." Chen Caixing stood up and cleaned up the dishes.

Suzumiya Qianxia was about to get up, but Chen Caixing gently pressed her shoulder. The other party reacted greatly and shrank away. Chen Caixing was stunned for a moment and said sorry, Suzumiya Qianxia quickly apologized and said that she didn't like others touching her, it was not Yuan Xingjun's problem.

"Okay, there's no need to apologize to each other. I'll clean up, Suzumiya classmates will have a break." Chen Caixing went to the kitchen holding the tableware.

Because of this little episode, Suzumiya Qianxia also forgot to decline.

In the kitchen, Chen Caixing was washing the dishes, thinking about the reactions of Qianxia Suzumiya today, misunderstanding the worry in his eyes when he was 'threatened by the English teacher'. He learned that his friend Zhu Sui was injured and waited for him to go back under the tree. There is also the touch just now, the other party's sensitive dodging and the apology that reacted. These subconscious reactions and emotions are all real, not fake.

It is the trajectory of a 16-year-old girl.

Feel the kindness from the sensitive shell of alertness, and be willing to return the same kindness and concern.

At the same time, there is something wrong. For example, when Chen Caixing asked the other party to go on the track, ordinary people would be curious and concerned about why they didn't go back together, but the other party didn't say a word and left without turning his head, as if he knew what trouble they were in.

It seems that it is what he thinks, this is a decided game, Suzumiya Qianxia is dead, the players go through the 'tragic' story again, and Suzumiya Qianxia himself does not know that he is dead, the decision on the track is a ghost Suzumiya influence.

Chen Caixing cleaned up the kitchen tableware and washed his hands. Qianxia Suzumiya washed the fruit and poured hot tea. With a look of gratitude and trouble, he repeatedly bowed and said, "It's too troublesome for Yuan Xingjun."

"No trouble, you helped me cook for two days. Besides, we are classmates." Chen Caixing smiled and took the hot tea, "It's right to help each other."

Suzumiya Qianxia was stunned for a moment, her hair covering her eyes, and she said, "This is the first time someone doesn't bother me."

"You're not a trouble in the first place. Suzumiya classmate is very good. She can cook and clean, and she has to take care of her studies. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do so much." Chen Caixing praised Suzumiya in a timely manner. Compliments from time to time will make the other person feel confident.

Sure enough, Suzumiya raised his head, his eyes were crystal clear, and he pursed his lips into a faint smile.

"Thank you Yuan Xingjun."

"You're welcome, then I'll go upstairs first." Chen Caixing said.

Although the 'tragedy' has been established, this is the world of Suzumiya Qianxia, and if the script is repeated again, I don't know what will happen.

The next day, many players talked about the rails again.

"That double is gone. He didn't show up for a day yesterday. Who among us was dragged away?"

"I don't know, I didn't hear the train ringing in the early morning."

"The bad old man waited on the train tracks for almost an hour after school yesterday, and he didn't see the train."

"Who's not, we'll count the people in a while. Suppose the track was the fourth yesterday, and one died on the stairs yesterday. We should have ten people left."

Some people started secretly rubbing their probes around to probe their brains. Everyone went to school about the same time. After counting them, they were stunned.

"There are not many people."

"How can there be no less? Are you sure you didn't hear the train rang in the early hours of the morning?"

"It's not like you didn't hear it, really, what you did to lie to you, everyone didn't hear it."

"Then why no one died?"

"There is another possibility that the ghost strength of the track has become stronger. Be careful with your teammates today."

After listening to Zhu Suile all the way, I thought that I had been there yesterday and three people had been arrested, but who let Brother Yuan criticize him.

"How are your feet?" Chen Caixing asked.

Zhu Sui moved around and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, but my feet may be a little lame, and I can get better in the afternoon."

No pain is a lie, and the one who lied is Lin Xin.

Chen Caixing didn't say much.

"Brother, do you think the train issue will be resolved?" Zhu Sui asked.

Chen Caixing shook his head, "I don't know." He was more inclined to not solve it. This is not the real world, but the world of Suzumiya Qianxia. After the early morning, the train may refresh and start again.

This world Suzumiya Chika is the main line.

Now is not the time to speak, Chen Caixing gave the two of them a look, meaning to talk about it later.

"Yesterday, a player from Class 4 almost fell on the thirteen steps. Did you find out what it was called?"

"Lin Xin and Zhu Sui."

"How did they avoid death?" The veteran player was curious.

As a result, the shoulder was patted, and when he turned around, he saw two young men, one of whom was injured and wrapped in bandages, and immediately knew what he just said.

"Want to know how we can avoid it?" Zhu Sui smiled and showed her white teeth.

On the contrary, the other party is very alert. With the example of Brother Liu before, it is not right for anyone who kindly provides clues now, suspecting that it is a ghost looking for a substitute.

"No, just stay away from me."

Zhu Sui: ? ?

Okay, I wanted to do good things every day.

The train tracks were soon reached, and the players hesitated again. This time, Chen Caixing and the three calmly stepped over. The players in the back looked at each other and didn't dare to wait. They struck while the iron was hot and left quickly.

Normal class in the morning.

In the third class, a female player was trapped in the third room of the toilet. After half the class, a teacher found something wrong and asked.

"She went to the toilet, why hasn't she come back yet?" said the female player at the same table.

The teacher said, "Then go and see."

Zhu Sui wrote a note to Brother Yuan, the toilet is haunted

Chen Caixing nodded.

Seeing Brother Yuan's calm look, Zhu Sui didn't ask any more questions, that is, why did Brother Yuan know that the ghost in the toilet was not terribly hurt

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the girls to scream in the hallway outside the classroom.

The teacher went out to check the situation first. The students in the class couldn't sit still, so they all poked their heads to look out. In the entire classroom, only Suzumiya Qianxia was not curious, and sat in the seat and lowered his head to read. Chen Caixing and Zhu Sui knew that there would be no major incident. didn't go out either.

I didn't attend half of the class. I heard that the two girls were so frightened that they were sent to the infirmary. There was a steady stream of gossip until the break after class.

"The little girl in the toilet has eyes as big as Niu Ling's, and her mouth is so big that she can swallow a person's head in one bite."


Black eggs have big eyes, but they are not as exaggerated as Niu Ling, and they are very cute. Not to mention the mouth, what a bloody mouth!

"It should be the resentful spirit who died in the toilet. I heard that the younger the child is, the more resentment he will suffer from being tortured and killed."

"Then what should I do? I didn't go to the men's toilet before, why did I go to the women's toilet again?"

"That kid was just a little girl."

Chen Caixing: ... not really.

The frightened female player never came back and stayed in the infirmary to rest. Chen Caixing went to the toilet at noon and knocked on the door, "Are you there?"

"Dad, don't come in, it will scare you." said the black egg in the toilet.

Chen Caixing asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's very fun, Dad, let's go."

Chen Caixing: …

It stands to reason that Goose should be taught not to scare people, but Goose has a career and Feng Gong is scary, so he really can't say anything.

"Okay, have fun."

When he went out from the toilet, he saw Sawa Yekuan sneaking to the women's toilet with a camera in his hand, so he turned back and knocked on the door of the black egg, "Goose, you go to the next door to string together, have a good time and you're welcome."

Heidan immediately became happy, "Okay Dad, I've finished my makeup."

Chen Caixing: ? ?

Niu Ling's eyes? Bloody mouth

The toilet cubicle is gone.

The first period of class three in the afternoon is art class, and there are thirteen floors to go up. There are eleven students in the third class, including Chen Caixing and Zhu Sui, there are still six, one more than the next class. Before the class, Xue Hao, the new manager and player who bought a house, was afraid.

Zhu Sui asked Brother Yuan about this, and Brother Yuan didn't mind what he said so generously in the morning.

Originally said.

"You mean that there is no way to avoid the thirteen steps, but not to enter the art room?"

"Yes, there is another point. As long as you step on the middle steps, you will want to go to the art room. It is best to have someone watch you in pairs."

Xue Hao fixed his eyes on Zhu Sui, smiled to please wearing a high hat and said, "Little brother, you are such a nice person, please help me. I am a big man who is afraid that other female players will not be able to stop me. If you help me, If you want to buy a house, I can send it to you."

You, a marketing manager, are so arrogant, what is your family doing in real estate

Chen Caixing didn't want to say anything, the typical white wolf with empty gloves, he had seen such kindness entangled too many times.

"I'd like to help, but you see my feet are still lame, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop you." Zhu Sui pointed at her legs and said sincerely.

Xue Hao: It's true.

So he turned his attention to Chen Caixing again.

"My uncle is here, and I'm in a bad mood. I can't see blood and I'm very irritable today." Chen Caixing casually said.

Xue Hao smiled and said, "How dare I trouble you, I'll take a look at it again." He could see that this young man was the leader.

The players in the third class heard Zhu Sui's words, and everyone quickly found a partner. If something went wrong, they would stop him/her. Xue Hao also gained a companion by virtue of his strength as a man.

The bell was about to ring, and the three classmates went to the stairs one after another.

There have been accidents on the first floor of this staircase, players have been killed, and blood and brains have flowed on the first floor, but now the students go upstairs talking and laughing like nothing happened. Only the players were unhappy in their hearts, and they went directly across the first floor and stepped onto the second floor.

One floor, two floors, three floors…

Stairs seem to have magic, and they can count up automatically.

"Thirteen—" The male player who stepped on the thirteenth section was stunned for a moment. He reacted and grabbed Xue Hao, "Brother Hao, you must stop me and stop me."

Xue Hao nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely stop us. Let's not go to the classroom, let's hide in a corner."

"It must be stopped."