Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 105


Suzumiya Qianxia made dinner, cooked assorted seafood sukiyaki pot, specially bought chili sauce, put a lot of chili peppers in his bowl, served with rice, his appetite was wide open, and he felt like eating seafood malatang.

"Thank you, today's food tastes great." Chen Caixing praised.

Chika Ren Suzumiya is very good. It may be caused by the living environment since childhood. She has an inferiority complex and introverted personality. She knows how to watch words and expressions. If you and her are strangers, you will feel that the other party is very cold and strange. Return warmth.

Just like he mentioned on the first day that he likes heavy flavors and noodles, he has eaten them in the past two days.

"As long as you like it." Suzumiya Qianxia lowered her head to eat, and after a while, she asked as if she mustered up her courage, "Is Yuan Xing-jun going well at school?"

Chen Caixing was eating, and his heart came to him. He knew that Suzumiya wanted to ask about English tutoring. He smiled brightly on his face and said, "Very good, everyone is very enthusiastic, and the teacher and the teacher are also to me—" The refreshing smile turned into After hesitating, he finally smiled reluctantly and said, "It's fine with me too, it's fine."

Suzumiya Qianxia's hand holding the chopsticks stopped, and she looked up at Chen Caixing, her big eyes full of complexity. Chen Caixing didn't see it, and continued to eat and drink soup.

Suzumiya didn't speak until the meal was finished, but the whole person was full of contradictions.

"Ah, I'm so full, I'll clean it up, Suzumiya classmates have a break." Chen Caixing took the initiative to clean up the tableware, and Suzumiya Qianxia was now entangled by her 'tutoring' matter, and she didn't stand up immediately to work.

Chen Caixing finished cleaning up the kitchen, washed the apples, and handed them to Qianxia Suzumiya. The other party held the apple, finally broke free, looked into Chen Caixing's eyes seriously, and said, "Yuan Xingjun, if, I mean, if you don't like tutoring English, you can actually not go and refuse the English teacher."

"Ah?" Chen Caixing was at a loss, and after a while, he lowered his neck and murmured, "Can you refuse?"

Suzumiya Qianxia clenched her fist and said, "Of course you can. Yuan Xingjun is a kind and righteous person. If you don't like it, you must stand up and refuse. Don't be afraid, I will support you."

Before you know it, Suzumiya's honorific to Chen Caixing has become you.

Chen Caixing suddenly showed a firm smile and said, "Suzumiya-san, thank you, I understand."

According to Suzumiya Qianxia's 'misunderstanding tutorial', if he could remind him after dinner that he didn't like it and wanted to refuse, then he guessed that there was a certain error. Suzumiya Qianxia seems to be a very weak and humble girl, but she is still very strong and even bloody in her bones.

"Qianxia, I mean." Chen Caixing showed hesitation, as if scared, and asked tentatively, "If you were threatened by someone, like a teacher threatened with your studies, what would you do?"

Suzumiya Qianxia didn't even want to say, "I won't be threatened even if I die."

It may be that Chen Caixing used his 'fragile secret' as a conversation after dinner, and Suzumiya Chixia's heart slowly opened, and slowly said: "I hate that alcoholic, if I leave, I can only do the lowest level of work without money. , with a meager salary, I don't know when I can save enough money to live the life I want, always hiding like a monster. But I stay here to finish my studies, I want to go to college, and tell myself to wait and see After graduating, go to college and go to another city."

"Yuan Xingjun, what kind of person is your mother?"

Chen Caixing said without hesitation: "A very strong and independent woman, even though she will nagging me. My father died when I was in junior high school. She has been working and living with me. When I was in college, I used my father's compensation for me. Bought a house, then she had a family again, a woman with wisdom and love for life."

"I'm so envious." Suzumiya Qianxia looked into the distance, and said a little disappointedly: "I've been waiting for my mother to come back, but she doesn't like me because I'm—"


Suzumiya Qianxia didn't say anything, and Chen Caixing didn't ask why. He smiled and said, "In fact, everyone is independent, and Qianxia can have their own small family and happiness in the future. Well, I'll go back to my room to rest."

"it is good."

Chen Caixing went upstairs and felt the resentful gaze behind him.

I can have happiness in the future, but Suzumiya Qianxia is dead, and there is no future.

On the second floor, it was already late, and with the moonlight, the tracks were vaguely visible, and there was a player and a green-skinned train blocking it.

Are these people supposed to be there all night? This is a supernatural game, and the world at night will be another world. After watching for a while, Chen Caixing still didn't move, so he looked away and washed and changed his clothes. Teacher Lester's cell phone suddenly rang. Chen Caixing opened it and saw that it was the anonymous group who was sending a message.

[Big secret, there is a girl in our school who has a very strange body.]

[? ? ?]

[Who, what secret?]

The top one should be Ze Yekuan, followed by further questions, but Ze Yekuan did not reply any more. Chen Caixing did not believe that the scumbag Ze Yekuan would find out in his conscience that the black egg could not threaten him when he went home now. There was only one possibility. The other party went to chat privately.

In the middle of the night, there was the sound of howling ghosts and wolves outside, but the distance was a bit far and it was not really heard. The sound was getting closer and closer, and it sounded like it had passed the railroad tracks and was running up the slope. The shouting was gone and there was only crying and screaming. When Chen Caixing was awakened, he heard the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets from downstairs.

The spicy chicken stepfather is back.

The other party seemed to be looking for something, which should be valuable, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find anything. He took off his shoes and went up the stairs. The footsteps were very light, but Chen Caixing could still hear it.

On the second floor, the door to the room next door to Suzumiya Qianxia was pried open.


"Qianxia is me." Spicy Chicken lowered his voice.

Suzumiya Qianxia was on guard, but Spicy Chicken opened the door and rushed in, covering Suzumiya Qianxia's mouth with one hand, and said, "Be quiet, do you have money? Give me money, I don't have money to spend, good daughter give it to Dad Money, I want to buy wine, I want to play cards, and I have no money."

"Uhhh." Suzumiya Qianxia struggled, accompanied by a painful cry from a spicy chicken: "Damn you bite me."

"Don't come here, I have no money."

"How can there be no money, the kid next door looks very rich, you go to sleep with him." The spicy chicken sounded frantic, and he didn't know how much he drank, "but also, your monster body is sold. No man wants it, too dirty—"

The sound of glass shattering.

"Shut up, shut up." Suzumiya Qianxia was forced to collapse and anger.

Chen Caixing opened the door and turned on the light, and everything in the small room next door was exposed to the light. The spicy chicken stepfather covered his hands, his forehead was smashed by a glass, and the water glass splashed.

"It's you, you appeared when I was tickling my hand. It's good to know that I want to beat someone and send it to the door on purpose." Chen Caixing approached with a sneer, and moved his wrist.

"You, don't come here, what are you doing?"

Chen Caixing took the lead and blocked Spicy Chicken's mouth with a rag. Suzumiya probably didn't want others to know the secret of her bisexuality. The place is small, Chen Caixing dragged the spicy chicken with one hand to the downstairs space to teach him a lesson.

After taking off the spicy chicken's arm, the other party was sweating coldly from pain, because the mouth was blocked, and the shouting turned into a whimper.

"How to deal with it? Do you want to kill?" Chen Caixing asked Suzumiya Qianxia with a knife.

He saw that Suzumiya Qianxia's eyes showed a murderous look, and he quickly regained his senses. It seemed that the ghost Suzumiya was pulling with the human Suzumiya. In the end, the human Suzumiya prevailed. People are to blame."

As a human being, Suzumiya really wanted to live hard, and even if he was insulted and violent, he didn't want to implicate others.

"Then you have to let him know that it hurts, or he will always come to harass you." Chen Caixing plunged into the fat thigh of the spicy chicken, ignoring the pain of the other party, and said, "Go away in the future, don't let me see you again, I will really kill you. It's yours, don't take it as a joke."

Spicy Chicken nodded frantically, Chen Caixing let go, and the other side staggered out with a fruit knife on his thigh.

Chen Caixing closed the door, turned around and asked, "Are you out of breath?"


"You also said, don't lose your life when dealing with spicy chicken, just let out your anger." Chen Caixing disliked the hand he had just held on spicy chicken, went to wash it, and said, "Go back to sleep, there is still class. "

Suzumiya Qianxia clutched the clothes on her chest and nodded.

The spicy chicken stepfather should never appear again.

Those words just now, what 'you go to sleep with your body', such a line should appear when Takahashi bought the spicy chicken and threatened Suzumiya with violence, and perhaps added the sentence, 'It's rare for someone to pay a lot of money for a monster like you' 'In this case.

Chen Caixing guessed almost the same.

Suzumiya Qianxia fell on the bed, the whole person was silent, and the picture of tonight was reflected in his pupils, but no one named Yuan Xing appeared from the beginning to the end.

'He gave me a lot of money, Qianxia, go to sleep with him, as long as you sleep, you will have money. '

'It's rare that someone doesn't dislike your monster's body for buying alcohol for Dad. I agree. '

'Qianxia promises that the rich father has a lot of money. '

'Go, go, go. '

Suzumiya Qianxia's pajamas were torn open, and she was holding a glass of water in her hand. The sharp glass blade cut through her palm, blood dripped, and the sharp point was directed at her stepfather. She screamed and vented frantically. With the appearance of Yuan Xing, Suzumiya Qianxia has been subjected to violence and beatings.

This time it was her angry revolt, and her first revolt, because the 'stepfather' stepped on her boundaries.

Chen Caixing didn't sleep soundly, and would always have dreams. In his dreams, he was Suzumiya Qianxia, and it was the same situation tonight, but it was even more tragic. Spicy Chicken's fist fell on his body and it hurt, and the corner of his mouth was broken. In the end, his determination to die together frightened Spicy Chicken, but Spicy Chicken said, "I have sold you to Takahashi" when he left.

The dream was so bad that Chen Caixing woke up in a bad mood the next day.

Suzumiya Qianxia was similar, Chen Caixing didn't know whether the other party thought of the scene of being threatened before his death, or because of the appearance of spicy chicken last night.

"Stop cooking, go out and buy something to eat in the morning. I'll invite Qianxia-san to breakfast."

"It's too troublesome for Yuan Xingjun, it's not good for you to spend money."

"You're welcome, I also trouble you to cook every day, let's go, you'll be late if you delay."

Chen Caixing smiled and went out first. I bought a breakfast sandwich at the grocery store and handed it to Suzumiya. There was still cash in Japanese yen in the bag. Suzumiya didn't make a bento today, and the two of them still had to eat outside at noon. If he gave the money directly, he probably wouldn't want it.

"I'll wait for my friend, you go first."

Suzumiya Qianxia took the bag, bowed gratefully, and said, "Thank you Yuan Xingjun, then I'll go first."

This scene was seen by Yuko and her female friends. The three girls bumped Yuko's arm sourly and said, "You still say that Suzumiya is good, I think she is deliberately pretending to be pitiful to deceive men's sympathy.", " Yes, Yuko, don't be deceived by her."

"No way. Suzumiya is already pitiful. Her stepfather is alcoholic, and her mother doesn't care about her." Yuko said, but the expression on her face was wrong.

Another girl said, "You're just too kind, in case Takahashi-senpai is seduced by Suzumiya Qianxia."

"No." Yuko's tone was a bit fierce, "Senior Takahashi would not like Chika Suzumiya."

The three girls were frightened. They were angry when they saw the cute Yuko for the first time. Yuko also reacted.

Takahashi-senpai wouldn't like someone as poor as Suzumiya Qianxia.


After Chen Caixing waited for a while, Zhu Sui and Lin Xin came down.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"The player who was blocked by the train yesterday came back." Chen Caixing saw that the two were confused and told about the train yesterday.

Zhu Sui first gave a thumbs up, but even if he criticized the ghost, he was afraid of Brother Yuan. Lin Xin said, "No wonder it was noisy outside in the middle of the night."

"Yes, yes, someone is crying and howling outside." Zhu Sui said.

Yesterday, one person died on the thirteen steps, and it stands to reason that there are still ten players, but today I counted them on the way, and there are only seven of them left. Don't know what happened last night, or someone didn't go out to school. Soon Chen Caixing knew what was going on.

A player took the initiative to find him and asked for cooperation. It was an old hand, a female player, whom he saw at the track yesterday.

It was also the thirteenth step that mocked Xue Hao.

The girl is about twenty-seven or eighteen, with short hair, she actually looks cute and has dimples, but from her eyes, it can be seen that she has experienced a lot, and she is very calm. The other party introduced himself, "My name is Hua Cong. This is the world in my advanced mode. I originally wanted to play this world by myself, but now I'm not confident."

"How about our cooperation?" Hua Cong said.

Chen Caixing asked what kind of cooperation.

"I'll be your little brother." Hua Cong said, "You lead the way, I'll start, and the assigned tasks will be completed."

Chen Caixing admires this female player very much. She can bend and stretch, and she has an appearance that the game world has no gender but only strength, not like Sister Yuan's bitch. So I didn't think about it, I nodded and agreed, and said with a smile, "It's not my little brother, everyone will pass the test together."

"Don't say superficial words, little brother is not an insulting word, the strong can take us out of the game, I am obedient." Hua Cong said.

Chen Caixing: …

This girl is tough.

Tell me what happened last night. The flowers were blocked by the rails, "... Later, the players who participated in the club were blocked on the side of the rails, and the students walked across the rails smoothly as if they couldn't see them. Seven of us were blocked. Until it was dark, No one dared to go there first, and some people suggested that they simply go back to school and make do with one night."

Chen Caixing had already guessed what would happen.

"School full of ghosts."

"How do you know?" Hua Cong said in surprise.

Zhu Sui: "Brother Yuan knows a lot more, you continue to say, and then what?"

"The students during the day, including the ones I saw crossing the railroad tracks, were all trapped in the school at night and became ghosts. Fortunately, these ghosts are not resentful ghosts, except for the ghosts on the stairs and toilets, which are a bit tricky and useless. props-"

"You didn't hurt the ghost in the toilet, did you?" Chen Caixing interrupted.

Flowers: ? ?

"No, that little girl is quite powerful, and a player almost fell into it when he tried to fight."

Chen Caixing turned back to calm and said, "It's okay to continue."

Hua Cong was stunned. If Yuan Xing was not a player, she really thought that Yuan Xing had something to do with the little girl ghost, so she cared so much.

"We couldn't stay overnight at the school, and we managed to get rid of the little female ghost and the cracked adult female ghost. They couldn't chase after school, but there were monsters on the road, chasing us all the time, and two players were eaten by monsters. , When passing the railroad tracks, it was already in chaos, and I was too busy to take care of myself, some people were caught by the train, and the rest rushed back."


Hua Cong was also very puzzled, and described it carefully, "The black one is tall and tall, with sharp claws, running on all fours, very fast, I saw through the light that the monster had a human face, and one of them was from the fourth class. Sawano Hiro, there is another student who should be from this school, I have never met."

It should be Kazuhiko Takahashi.

These two turned into beasts, which is good.

"Do you know who was caught by the train?"

Hua Cong shook her head, "It was so chaotic at the time. Everyone was running and screaming. The train quickly grabbed people and couldn't tell who it was."

Chen Caixing asked Zhu Sui to talk about the vitality of getting off the train and the stairs.

You will be surrounded by ghosts when you get off the bus. If you can get rid of all the ghosts, you will come back to life when you go upstairs. If you get on the path of a ghost, you will become a ghost and be trapped in the station. If you don't get out of the car, you will become a ghost's stand-in puppet, which is also death.

"...You know the steps. If you step on it, we're all little brothers and I'll give you a hand." Zhu Sui said kindly.

Hua Cong was curious: "What about the toilet one?"

"Oh, Brother Yuan said that he talks about positive energy to the black eggs in the toilet every day. It's not dangerous. Don't provoke it. And Brother Yuan treats black eggs like his own daughter, so don't scare the children."

Who is scaring whom? ! ! !

The flowers are in a trance, showing a complicated look, is this small group really good at it

"That kid has a name?"

"Don't cry like a kid, Eggy is still pretty cute, although I haven't seen it before, but Brother Yuan's daughter must not be bad."


This person is better than her.