Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 114


"How could it be white? How could it be..."

The female player holding the cloak had a bad guess. She looked at the other players. Except for Guo Qianxia, there are ten people in total, seven of them have cloaks, three of them have maps, and Chen Caixing belongs to both.

"Is it a ghost from the mall, take it out and see." He Zhenglin said and took out the cloak from the game backpack.

Snow white color. The rest of the players took out one after another, and if nothing else, they were all white.

He couldn't help but look at the only beautiful woman at the scene who didn't take out her cloak.

Chen Caixing: "Don't look at me, it's also white." This group of people was very cautious, and he took it out.

It is indeed white.

"Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood, why are our cloaks white? What the hell is going on?"

Some people pretend to be crazy.

Chen Caixing touched the fabric in his hand and said slowly, "This fabric has good water absorption."

"What kind of work do you care about absorbent fabrics." The female player holding the map kept looking at the beautiful woman and sneered.

However, Gang Jing said: "It absorbs water so well, it should be good if it is dyed."

"Dyeing? What color? Where do we get red paint."

"Are you entering the game for the first time? What kind of clothes are you still wearing now? What red paint, the blood is not red." Gang Jing said.

The other players actually thought about it, but no one said it first, as if it would break something. The atmosphere in the team suddenly became weird. Some players clutched their cloaks tightly and looked at the team on alert. Now the team is not teammates, but a deadly existence.

Who knows if there will be players who kill and dye the cloak, and the three who do not have the cloak to seize.

Killing players in the game punishes gold coins and downgrades, but one hundred gold coins is not unaffordable for advanced players. It's okay to downgrade, at least to live in this world first.

"It's true that blood is red, but he didn't say that it must be human blood." Chen Caixing swept a circle of players, and the first thought of this group of people was to kill teammates. Look for animals on the way."

The three of them walked in front, and the players behind them were stunned for a while before they suddenly realized that, yes, animal blood can be used, but I don't know if animal blood is acceptable.

But it's still better than killing players. You can try it out.

The virgin forest is so big, every tree looks the same, and can't tell the direction at all. It's humid and hot inside, but taking off your clothes is afraid of poisonous insects, snakes and ants. The insects here are very big, fat and long like children's arms. Thick and thin, as well as chicken-sized ants, the species seems to have evolved, similar to the apocalypse copy, or even more terrifying.

After spraying the medicine, these things just didn't touch their mouths, and they weren't afraid of people at all. Chen Caixing saw an adult man with a thick-armed snake standing in front of them, hissing snake letter, and his yellow pupils showed cold eyes.

I don't know what the black egg has become this time.

After walking for a while, someone in the team shouted that they were tired and wanted to rest.

Chen Caixing used to wash the essence and cut the marrow, and has the ability to vigorously. Now his physical fitness is very good, and he does not feel too tired. Besides, he only walked for an hour. He glanced at him and said that he was tired. The other party was a male player. Yes, I didn't expect to be strong from the outside and work in the middle.

"It's not safe here, we must find the water source for repair." Cheng Lifeng gave a judgment.

The male player said: "It's not enough time to rest for ten minutes."

"Old Cheng doesn't care what he does. Anyway, he didn't form a team. He went his own way. Whoever likes to rest will rest." Chen Caixing said lightly.

Cheng Lifeng nodded, and the three moved on.

The players at the back hurried to keep up, even if there is a map, you can't raise the bar, there is no way to have a map but you won't recognize it, just keep urging that beautiful woman in your heart, don't think that you can squeak by hugging a man's thigh He has given orders, and what happened to that buddy, why should he listen to a woman beep, it's really a shame for a man, if it is put in his hands, the woman who has to be educated is a serious business to be obedient and serve men well.

Fortunately, Chen Caixing didn't hear it, otherwise I would give two big slaps to wake up first, who said that women serve men seriously

Are you a man too

Chen Caixing didn't hear it, but Yuan Qianxia kept paying attention to the barman. Seeing that the other party's eyes were not good to the master, his face turned up, and he walked behind the crowd after a while.

The team was scattered, and someone said: "People are missing, two people are missing."

"Who lost it?" someone asked impatiently.

It was already hot, and I was sweating endlessly when I walked, but I didn't dare to take off my clothes, because someone took off his coat and a big bug fell from the treetops and fell directly on his arm. It was not poisonous, but it was disgusting to death.

"The scumbag and the tired one."

"Whoever wants to wait, I won't wait anyway." There is not much friendship and what to do. As a result, the teammates pulled down, winked, and whispered: "Cloak, blood."

In case animal blood doesn't work, this game has always given players no way out.

The voice was small, but Chen Caixing and Cheng Lifeng heard it.

Ben said it didn't matter, but now he changed his mind, "Anyway, we are all players, let's go and see, don't do that."

"Don't do anything, you'll suffer if you're injured—" The person who spoke also thought of it, and immediately said, "Go, no matter what your teammates say, you can't help but die. Anyway, it didn't go very far."

Chen Caixing looked at the group of people and said with a smile: "So mutual help and love, let's go together. But I'm not. I'll see if the two of them are injured and bleed, so I can dye my cloak."

other people:…

Although they think so, but when they are spread out in the sun, it seems that they have lost a layer of human skin.

Several people turned back in a hurry, with a posture of 'don't take the blood of these two dead people', but Chen Caixing, who wanted to dye the cloak, walked in the last, not in a hurry, Yuan Qianxia, who had disappeared for a short time, had returned.

"You did it?"

"Master, I just set up a small illusion mirror, and no one can die." Yuan Qianxia explained in a low voice, very afraid that the master would not want him.

Chen Caixing said, "I don't blame you, I want to beat that idiot."

Cheng Lifeng heard from the beginning to the end, and glanced at a trace of blood on the shirt behind Yuan Qianxia. It should be not only a fantasy, but also a hands-on, right? But he didn't say anything. When Chen Caixing walked in front, he pointed at Yuan Qianxia's waist as a reminder.

Yuan Qianxia was dumbfounded at first, not knowing what Cheng Lifeng said, and then realized that when he beat someone just now, he seemed to be smeared with the other party's blood, and accidentally rubbed against his waist, so he showed a grateful smile to Cheng Lifeng.

This guy is still nice.

After walking back five or six minutes, I found someone. The bar spirits were spinning in place, their noses were blue, their faces were swollen, they were crying, and they were calling for help. I didn't kill you on purpose. Let me go. As soon as I heard it, the player's life was in my hands. It wasn't that kind of direct death.

Players are not interested in these, and in the game to this day, there are also indirect deaths. Now that he saw that the gangster was not dead, he couldn't help showing a look of regret, and He Zhenglin went up and slapped him.

The moment he woke up in pain, he saw that He Zhenglin beat him, and yelled: "What do you mean by hitting me? Are you looking for something? You were the one who did it just now."

"What happened just now? You're here all night without us, by the way, where's the other man?" He Zhenglin asked.

When he thought about what He Zhenglin said, he was in a cold sweat. If he was trapped here, waiting for the night to come, he would be dead.

"I don't know, just in a daze, it's like a ghost hitting a wall, falling into an illusion."

"There are ghosts?" He Zhenglin's face sank.

Someone said: "Whatever you do, find someone first."

Where the hell is the other player

Chen Caixing looked at Qianxia.

Qian Xia whispered: "We were still together just now, but his expression was so strange, he was even more confused than when he was in an illusion. When I left, he went in that direction."

"Go and have a look." Chen Caixing followed the direction Qianxia pointed.

In the end, after taking a few steps, I had a strong premonition and said, "Don't go over."

The other players behind him had already seen the disappearing male player, whose head was swallowed up by a huge flower, and blood flowed all over the floor. Seeing the blood on the ground, some people said with pain: "It's all over the ground, it really is."

"If you say don't go there, don't go there, hurry up while the blood hasn't coagulated yet." Gang Jing said but didn't move.

Other players are not stupid, that flower can kill players, and now they will die in the past

Chen Caixing really convinced the players in this match. He used to be afraid, but he still has a moral bottom line for being a human being. This time, all of them are fine, and that kind of fine is very annoying. The entire team is full of suspicion, precautions, and secretly hoping that the player will die soon and take advantage of it.

A player picked up a stick and threw it.

The flower tray that was originally closed and hidden in the grass suddenly protruded out, and the small flower tray opened, revealing densely packed and sharp saw teeth, opening and closing at a row of players. There were vines sliding on the ground, Chen Caixing stepped back, someone's feet were tripped by the vines and fell to the ground, the vines were pulled to the depths of the flower tray, and the players on the ground reacted quickly, and immediately took out a knife and cut off the vines.

The pots hurt, rustled and swayed, and the vines withdrew.

The players on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly retreated to a safe place.

"What about the blood? Just go like this?"

"Find a pole to wrap your cloak and try."

These people still didn't give up, and they talked a lot, but in the end, someone really got the pole. When it came to who's cloak to start wrangling, they were afraid of being stained with blood.

This kind of heart-to-heart scene, Chen Caixing thought that he would watch the palace fighting drama again.

Really impatient.

"Then use mine." He Zhenglin took out his cloak.

Others don't want to, just this little blood, you're red, you'll be fine, what do they do

"Lao Cheng and I will withdraw in five minutes." Chen Caixing's voice was cold.

This time, no one beeped anymore. The gangster wanted to raise the gang, but his eyes swept to the young man behind the beautiful woman, and the other side looked at him with a shudder, forgetting the content of the gang.

No one dared to waste time, the woman said the same thing. Had no choice but to experiment with He Zhenglin's cloak.

The snow-white cloak just touched the blood on the ground of the corpse, as if alive, and quickly sucked the blood, and the original white cloak turned a pale pink.

Not enough blood.

"It's really stained with blood." Some players confirmed, "These are not enough, if a cloak is red, it's not—"

A lot of people will die.

The players felt a chill in their hearts, seeing everyone as if they were going to stab their murderer with a knife.

"Let's go." Chen Caixing didn't want to deal with this group of players.

As soon as the three of them left, other players followed. He Zhenglin put the cloak into the game backpack first. He decided not to use the cloak unless it was a last resort, because he didn't know whether it was useful to get blood stained, and the NPC said it was not necessarily the case. right.

"How did you say that one died? It looks very strong."

"I don't know, I didn't deviate from it all the way."

"No, this person went for convenience once, who knows if it was contaminated with some pollen."

Players speculate on the conditions of death, and feel that the death of this world should be survival in this ghost place, as long as you are careful, you should be fine.

This time, no one shouted that they were tired. At noon, I simply ate something and continued walking. The forest is the same everywhere, and soon someone asked if it was the right way? How do you feel that there is no progress, will you lead the way

Chen Caixing didn't want to tear people apart now. He couldn't bear the barman, so he rushed into the backpack to take out the bow and arrow, sneered, and pulled the bow.

"You, what are you doing—ahhh."

With a sound of '噈', the sharp arrow broke through the wind, and the barman couldn't avoid it. He was pulled by the force and fell to the ground. The whole arrow passed through his trousers and plunged into the ground.

"Beep next time, I promise you will be an eunuch for the rest of your life." Chen Caixing glanced at the others coldly, "Let's go if you want, we have no obligation to take you."

This hand stunned all the players.

Even if everyone has props, the skills of ordinary people will be sharp and vigorous if they practice and polish their skills, but this woman's arrows are no longer at the neat stage.

I can't see it, anyway, it's not easy to mess with.

"It's still cool to be the eldest sister." Chen Caixing retracted the bow and arrow, and couldn't help shedding tears when she thought of the green and white lotus.

Alas, time makes you grow old. He just wanted to be a kitten.

Cheng Lifeng: …

It was already dim at 3:00 in the afternoon, Cheng Lifeng frowned and said, "Find a place to spend the night."

"Is it ok on the tree?" Chen Caixing, a layman, suggested.

Cheng Lifeng shook his head and said, "Not to mention the rest is not good, there is still a difference between this place and the ordinary forest. The flight is very fierce. Once we exert our strength, it is inconvenient for us to move on it."

When Chen Caixing heard this, he couldn't help looking up at the sky. The trees were growing straight, at least 20 to 30 meters high. He reflected on the suggestion to sleep on the tree just now, it was inconvenient up and down.

"It's your arrangement." He also had tents in his backpack when camping.

"Looking for the water source, this will trouble Qianxia. There are many animals near the water source, just in case." Cheng Lifeng said cryptically, but Chen Caixing understood that if there are animals, they can bleed and dye Little Red Riding Hood.

Yuan Qianxia looked at Chen Caixing, Chen Caixing waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, you and Lao Cheng find the water source."

Soon the two disappeared in front of the player. Someone asked them where they were going, but Chen Caixing ignored them and sat on the spot. The players didn't dare to beep when they saw this, so they had to whine in a low voice, but the voice just happened to be heard by Chen Caixing. This group of men is even more broken than the eight women.

After a while, Lao Cheng and Qianxia didn't come back. There was movement in the grass, and the sound was very subtle.

Chen Caixing looked over, He Zhenglin paid attention to Chen Caixing at any time, and followed the other party's gaze when he saw this.

"Quiet." He Zhenglin shouted, alertly looking at the grass, there was something.

Gang Jing knows the depths, and knows how to turn the rudder best. He took out a weapon from his backpack, an axe. The others also held weapons in their hands. They stared at the grass in a variety of ways, alertly, and the contents inside were also exposed. A pair of fierce eyes, black and yellow striped fur, roared lowly.

"A tiger is a tiger." Someone recognized it.

With the sound, the tiger stood up, twice the size of the tiger in the real world, and the players trembled and wanted to step back. Chen Caixing said lazily by the side: "It's getting dark, red cloak~"

So the players who flinched became eyeing the tiger.

"We are a group, and there are props. If you don't believe it, you can't handle this tiger."

"Sister Yuan, where's your bow and arrow?"

The player didn't know what the beautiful woman was called, but when he heard the man call this woman's Yuanjie, he had no choice but to call her sister in grievance. Who knows that Sister Yuan waved her hand and said indifferently, "I won't interfere with this, and I will send it to you."

Who cares for you to send!

But the tiger has already pounced.

The team of seven players is not enough. In reality, they have never fought a tiger, not to mention the mutant tigers here, a ferocious group. At first, everyone saved the props and didn't want to pay them all. She would help out, but between her life and death, the beautiful woman sat still, humming a song in a good mood.

In the end, those who hid secrets could only grit their teeth and dig out the props.

That's how to get rid of a tiger.

"Bah, what kind of dog thing, beast, has no humanity at all." Some players pointed at the tiger and scolded people.

Chen Caixing didn't understand, and said, "If it doesn't get stained, the blood will coagulate."

The nonsense people quickly took out their cloaks. The three who didn't have cloaks itch with hatred and waste their props to help, but there is no way, the beast doesn't know anything, they don't do it, the tiger kills them.

Four cloaks were attached to the tiger, and some people thought that the blood was not enough, so they stabbed it a few times.

The cloak slowly turned pale pink, still far from Little Red Riding Hood, including He Zhenglin's cloak, the color didn't change at all.

"Why is this thing so wasteful, a tiger can't get enough of it."

"Is the pink one okay?"

"What do you think? Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood, not Little Pink Riding Hood."

But there was no blood in the tiger again. Cheng Lifeng and Qianxia came back. Cheng Lifeng saw that the tiger on the ground was still bloody, and immediately said, "Let's go, the smell of blood will provoke others."

"That's right, my cloak is not full of blood."

Chen Caixing stood up and said, "Let's go." A tiger has lost its strength for a long time. What if a group of them came? Who kills who.

The three of them withdrew, and the other players dared not speak out, so they could only keep up.

The water source is a little far away. Qianxia is a ghost floating fast. According to the method taught by Cheng Lifeng to find the water source, the two partners quickly found it. It's the players' turn to leave, and it takes at least an hour to arrive. Even if it is still a long way from the water source, it is not good if it is too close, and it will be attacked by animals.

Set up camp, gather firewood and rest.

Cheng Lifeng said in a low voice, "There are hippos in the river, but it's getting late, and it's not safe in the past. Do you want to dye your cloak?"

"Master, I can dye it." Yuan Qianxia volunteered.

"Everyone's cloaks today are not Little Red Riding Hood." Chen Caixing briefly repeated what just happened, and said his speculation, "I don't know if there is not enough blood, or there is a daily dose, or cloaks that have been dyed with human blood cannot be dyed with animal blood. Try it."

Chen Caixing stood up and stretched, "Qianxia stayed to watch the camp, Lao Cheng and I went over. It's alright, I'll call you in danger."

Only then did Yuan Qianxia obediently sit in the tent and watch the house for the master.

As soon as the two left, some players glanced in the direction of Yuan Qianxia, and He Zhenglin soon came over and said with a kind smile, "Little brother, what about Sister Yuan and that little brother?"

Yuan Qianxia didn't even look at him. He Zhenglin didn't care when he touched his nose, and left with a smile. Gang Jing sneered at He Zhenglin, He Zhenglin's eyes were full of fire, and Gang Jing smiled proudly, "I knew it was a hypocrite."

He Zhenglin didn't say anything, but his eyes were cold.

It was getting dark, and fires were built in front of everyone's tents.

There is a tent for the team, and there are temporary teammates. The female player with a map but no cape found the female player with a cape and 'squeezed it', and didn't know what to promise. It was obvious that the female player on the map had no good intentions, and the other party also let him in.

About an hour later, Chen Caixing and Lao Cheng came back, with no expressions on their faces, no good or bad.

"I'll keep vigil tonight." Cheng Lifeng said worriedly.

Yuan Qianxia raised her hand and said, "I'm not sleepy, I can watch the night."

Chen Caixing thought of Qianxia's ghost body, it really doesn't matter if he sleeps or not, so he agreed and said, "It's hard for you, take it and eat it." He took out snacks from his bag.

"I don't know if the vigil without all the hair is reliable." The barman beeped softly.

The tents were densely packed, and the other players disliked Yuan Qianxia's young and insecure age, so they chose a night watchman and waited for someone else tomorrow. Everyone entered the tent and got into sleeping bags to rest. The night was extremely quiet. With the sound of matches beeping outside the tent, some people quickly fell asleep.

Yuan Qianxia sat at the entrance of the master's tent, occasionally glanced at Cheng Lifeng's tent, and ignored the rest. The male player next to him was still patrolling at first, but the night became darker and darker, and he was also sleepy. He could only open a can of Red Bull and take a few sips, and then he heard a very small sound of the game machine. Looking over, the thin and slender man The young man grabbed the snack in one hand and ate the snack in the other.

Instantly, the Red Bull in my hand was delicious.

Flat hills at the border of the forest.

The eggshell the size of a watermelon cracked, and a small wet head, a green color, and big wet eyes, swept around in a daze, seeing the target, the little dinosaur roared: Ouch~~~

The milky voice is soft and cute, and there is no power at all.

The man next to him didn't even look at him, looked in the direction of the forest, and said, "Who made you dawdled in the last world and put it in temporarily, this is the only one."

"Hoho~~~" The little dinosaur pulled down its two small claws, but it fell out of the eggshell out of control, and turned into a head lying on the grass with the eggshell on top, mixed with the green grass color, revealing two Thin and soft jiojio.

The man looked at the direction of the forest as usual, and said in a good mood: "You want the most handsome and powerful person who can protect the stars, the night dragon is the fiercest in this world, oh, you've only broken the shell now, and there's still more to go, I've just become an adult to protect the stars. it is good."

The green little dinosaur with the eggshell exposed its angry eyes, and said milkily: roar~~~

"Wait two more days, the stars will come." The man smiled, patted the eggshell, and said, "It's delicious these two days, don't go back and complain that I'm starving you."

The little dinosaur that was photographed on the ground:…

The night is like the sound of the wind, listen carefully to the sound of chewing.

The players in the tent were fast asleep, and some people were snoring, and the male player who had been vigilant was so sleepy that he dozed off. Yuan Qianxia put away the game console and floated up to the highest point in the sky. When she saw something, her pupils shrank, and she quickly flashed to the entrance of the tent.

"Master, there is danger."

"Brother Cheng, wake up."

Cheng Lifeng woke up instantly when Qianxia spoke. Chen Caixing also opened the tent, his eyes were very energetic, and he didn't look like he was still asleep, and asked, "What did you see?"

"Undead, the undead controlled by huge resentment." Qianxia said seriously: "Master, it is very dangerous, there is no time to run."

What undead

Chen Caixing got out of the tent and climbed the tree with light work. With the good eyesight of a vampire, white skeletons rushed towards him in the distance. The dark eye sockets were blazing with a strange green fire. Look at the speed, you can arrive in one minute.