Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 16: Human skin lantern 3


The sun went down, and smoke rose from every household in the village.

Katie's family is simple, Katie and two sons, the eldest son is in his early twenties, and the youngest son is seventeen or eighteen.

The house has no mistress.

The house is in a mess, the groceries are piled up in the corner of the main room, and there is no vegetable field in the yard to raise chickens and ducks.

Chen Caixing was very hungry. As soon as he saw the meal, the smell of the food next door reminded him. So I went downstairs to eat with RMB 90,000. On the first floor, the eldest son chopped firewood in the yard, Jiadi worked as a carpenter, and the younger son helped.

The stove is cold and the stove is cold, and there is no heat at all.

Chen Caixing: …

Could it be that he really doesn't deserve to eat? !

"Uncle, I'm hungry, when are we going to have dinner?" After Chen Caixing finished speaking, he saw the father-son three-man model, afraid that they would make do with meals at will, so shamelessly held his waist with one hand, holding his beer belly, embarrassed to laugh He smiled and said, "I can't help it. I can eat for two, and my brother. The child is growing, so he needs to eat something nutritious."

Gatti looked up at the sky, lost the wood in his hand, and said, "Don't chop it up, boss, you can help while cooking." He patted his younger son on the shoulder.

The younger son avoided his father's hand, and went to the kitchen with the elder brother in silence.

After a while the smoke rose.

Jiadi washed his face and hands with water, and sat on the low bamboo chair by the door smoking a gun, smoking fiercely.

Chen Caixing is a good actor, always remembering his status as a 'pregnant woman', so he hides on the side to avoid second-hand smoke. In fact, it was to visit the place where the Jiadi family lived on the first floor. The last game made Chen Caixing develop to observe the site first, and the NPC's home should not be spared.

In the middle of the layout of the first floor is a very spacious main room, the front yard and the back yard are connected, and the wind in the hall is very cool in summer. There is a dark and heavy Eight Immortals table in the middle, with a total of four rooms on the left and right sides. The left side of Gadi's house is in the direction of the front yard, and behind it is a warehouse.

On the right is the room of the two sons.

The door was not locked, it was open. There is nothing suspicious about the three bedrooms, all simple and obvious at a glance. The warehouse is piled with debris, several heavy wooden boxes are locked, and I don't know what is in them. There were also a few sacks, which Chen Caixing untied, which contained sun-dried fungi and the like.

"Sister, someone's here." Yuan Jiuwan was the speaker.

Chen Caixing supported his beer belly and calmly came out of the warehouse. When he was found, he murmured that he was a pregnant woman with a child and was too hungry and wanted to find something to eat.

Although it is shameless to pretend to be pregnant, but sometimes it is very useful.

As soon as he came out, he had a face-to-face with the newcomer Lu Zhou. The other party nodded at him in a panic. At the door, Jiadi said, "... Find the room on the second floor yourself."

"Okay, okay, thank you." Lu Zhou's attitude towards Jiadi can be said to be respectful.

Should have known their situation.

Lu Zhou had a briefcase in one hand and a down jacket in the other, and his face was sweaty. Chen Caixing felt uncomfortable when he saw it, and said, "Don't be nervous, go upstairs to put things first, and have dinner later."

"Oh, okay, thank you." Lu Zhou was frightened, and went to the second floor with confusion and panic.

Yuan Jiuwan pouted, puffed out his cheeks and said sullenly, "Sister, why are you being so kind to him?"

"Where is it?" Chen Caixing saw the little brother's arrogant and cute appearance, couldn't help pinching the little brother's cheek, guessed that the little boy was jealous, and said very politely: "I only treat Xiao Jiu well."

Yuan Jiuwan's eyebrows and eyes turned into crescents, and he happily said, "After the baby comes out, my baby and I, who do you love the most?"

Chen Caixing: ? ?

Brother, there is too much drama.

Yes, but not necessary. No Oscars here.

Chen Caixing met the child's Baba's eyes, forget it, what kind of morals he needs in the game, he is pretending to be pregnant. So he smiled and touched the child's curly hair and said, "Of course I love you the most."

The child gave a happy smile.

It's so coaxing.

Meal is ready in no time. It was dark outside, and Jiadi lit an oil lamp.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table of the Eight Immortals. Under the orange oil lamp, with a delicious filter, dried rabbit meat, fried vegetables with mushrooms, fried bacon with bamboo shoots, fried shrimp with eggs, and a tea tree mushroom pork ribs soup.

He, wrong, shouldn't stereotype that men can't cook well.

"How do you do so much?" Gatti muttered when he saw it.

The eldest son was silent for a second, and said, "If you are pregnant, you should eat better."

Jiadi glanced at Chen Caixing's belly and didn't say much about taking a seat.

Four dishes and one soup, all filled with sea bowls, the amount is very large, but there are many people, and they are all men. Chen Caixing made such a meal with his stomach. For the first time, he felt that the four-pack abs was worth it!

The eggs are earth eggs, yellow and clear, and the shrimp has gone to the shrimp line. It is about the length of an adult's index finger. The two collide and are too fresh. Not to mention other dishes.

With a spoonful of male spoons, Chen Caixing can eat two big bowls with the slender rice that is stuffed with firewood.

"It's so delicious, your craftsmanship is really good." Chen Caixing dug a spoonful of vegetables for his younger brother and put it in a bowl.

The two brothers were praised and did not speak, and ate in silence. At the dinner table, Lu Zhou was the only one who couldn't swallow. Holding a bowl, he seemed to be counting rice one by one. He looked at the three of Jiadi and his son secretly, with a look of alertness.

After dinner, the two brothers cleaned up the dishes.

Chen Caixing ate a little bit, walking around the yard holding his waist, Yuan Jiuwan Dada followed by. Gadi glanced at him and said, "Go to bed early at night, and don't go out if you have nothing to do."

"Okay, I'll walk around the yard twice." Chen Caixing agreed.

At first glance, the village looked normal, but when he thought of the human-skin lanterns, he was not that big on his mind, so he had to go out for a walk at night.

But not long after walking, Xiao Jiu suddenly said, "Sister, someone is watching us."

"...Let's go back." Chen Caixing took Xiao Jiu's hand and walked back, calmly glanced outside the fence, on the pitch-black path, a red shadow could be faintly seen drifting past.

A trembling in his hand, someone, a ghost.

There was hot water in the kitchen, and there was no bathroom on the second floor. Chen Caixing didn't remember the night, so he scrubbed with Xiao Jiu in a hurry, and went to the toilet in the backyard. Holding the oil lamp, he stood guard in the toilet, "Don't be shy, your sister also has it."

90,000 yuan: …

Finished, nothing happened. The two went upstairs with oil lamps, but when they passed the main room, Chen Caixing always felt that there was a pair of blood-red eyes staring at them outside the gate of the courtyard.

The wooden door is spliced with bamboo and has gaps.

The light of the two red holes is particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"Don't be afraid, sister, I will protect you."

Chen Caixing stubbornly said, "I'm not afraid." The oil lamp in his hand moved by itself!

It's cold at night in the mountains, even in summer. It was gloomy and cold, and the quilt was still damp. Chen Caixing and Yuan Jiuwan were wearing thin clothes when they were at home. It was just right to come here during the day, but they couldn't hold it at night. The two went to bed with their clothes on, and next door was Lu Zhou's room.

"Brother, I'm cold." Yuan Jiuwan's voice was muffled.

Chen Caixing opened his arms, "Brother hugs." Suddenly, a small fleshy body got into his arms.

The night was silent, and the oil lamp on the table went out.

The room fell into darkness, Chen Caixing was a little scared, but when he heard Xiao Jiu's breathing, he slowly fell asleep.

The suona blew, and the paper was scattered all over the sky.

The village was lively and lively, whistling and beating. In front of the ancestral hall, there was an incense array under the big willow tree. The children were dressed in joyous clothes and ran around, shouting: "Choose a saint, choose a saint."

"Giggle, I'm going to eat the Holy Mother's Seat this year."

"Grandma, grandma, I don't want my sister to be a saint—"

"Don't talk nonsense, the children don't have a door on their mouths, I'm sorry everyone."

"Wuwuwu, will my sister come back when she becomes a saint?"

"You said that! The saint is the honor of the ancestors. If you choose the saint, you will accompany the ancestors. In the future, you will bless the village with prosperous incense and prosperity from generation to generation."

Chen Caixing knew that he was dreaming, but he just couldn't wake up. It was too real. He could even smell the smoke from the candles under the big willow tree.

As soon as the screen changed, it was in front of a yard.

A man shouted: "This year, the Holy Maiden is coming. Your family is seventeen, and her age is quite good."

"My Axiang is still young—"

"What do you mean by that? The village elects a saint every five years. If they are still young as you said, how can they choose a saint? No one else has refused. Besides, the saint will be elected. Pure and uncontaminated, A Xiangxiao is just right."

Chen Caixing is like A Xiang, tied up by a sturdy old woman and aunt wearing a red dress.

The sound of the suona resounded through the courtyard, and all the way to the big willow tree. The children clapped their hands and shouted happily. Chen Caixing noticed that these children were all boys, not a girl.

In front of the ancestral hall, he was connected to a total of six girls, the older one was twenty and the younger one looked around fourteen or fifteen.

"Choose a saint, please spirit-"

A cold air blew across his face, Chen Caixing woke up from the dream, but he didn't open his eyes, there was something in the room, he just stood by the bed and stared at him.

"Open your eyes and look at me."

The woman whispered, "I know you're awake."

No, you don't know.

Chen Caixing not only didn't open his eyes, he also turned over in a daze and turned his back to the bedside.

The back was gloomy, and the cold air seemed to jump up from the spine.

Chen Caixing wanted to go to the toilet a little bit. Absolutely refused to admit that she was frightened. Maybe he is a month old, doesn't it mean that pregnant women want to go to the toilet when they are old. Chen Caixing thought shamelessly.

Xiao Jiu was warm in his arms, and after a while there was no sound from behind, but Chen Caixing still didn't dare to open his eyes.

After I don't know how long I waited, I heard a click, and the temperature in the room returned to normal.

Cold, but not eerily cold.

Chen Caixing fell asleep again in a daze, and woke up again when he heard a knock on the door. The bang bang bang was very loud, and it could be said that the door was smashed.

"Open the door, open the door, help us."

"Please open the door, does anyone open the door?"

He thought it was a dream, but the sound became louder and louder. After a while, the lights came on, and the voice of the dike downstairs made Chen Caixing know that it was not a dream, and that there were really people outside.

"Brother?" Huaili Yuan Jiu Wan was also awakened.

Chen Caixing was awake, and he heard voices outside, "It's okay, you continue to sleep, I'll go down and have a look."

"I'll go with my brother." Yuan Jiuwan struggled.

Chen Caixing thought of the female ghost standing beside his bed not long ago, and did not dare to put Xiao Jiu here alone, and did not object. The two went downstairs in slippers. The oil lamp in the main room on the first floor was on, Jiadi was wearing clothes, and scolded people with a dark face: "... I said that there are wolves in the mountains, let you keep up, don't go back to the village during the day, and keep arguing at night, your brain broken."

"No, not a wolf, yes, a ghost, a ghost."

It was the rookie player who was talking about not going back to the village, but there were only two of the three left.