Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 17: Human skin lantern 4


"There are ghosts, there are ghosts."

Probably afraid that everyone would not believe it, the two newcomers shivered and emphasized. But they thought too much. Chen Caixing had seen a ghost just now, and Jiadi said directly: "I said earlier that the mountains are not clean, and it is easy to provoke dirty things at night."

"Wow!" When one of the girls heard it, she burst into tears and complained, "Why didn't you tell us earlier, why didn't you tell us earlier, Lily died, and Lily was killed by a ghost."

Chen Caixing understood the collapse of new players when they saw the death of their companions, but no one was to blame for this other than the game. Everyone's life is one, you have to hit the south wall to turn back, no one can hold you back.

"I said so." Gatti pushed down the table with his bong impatiently.

The girl's voice was quieter, and her expression was dull, apparently thinking of what Jiadi said in the afternoon, and Li Xuan also told them that the mountain was so high that they couldn't live without it.

"What happened?" Chen Caixing asked another reasonable girl.

"After you left, the three of us, Lili Zihan, planned to find a way to go back. We walked along the path you came from for a long time, and then we ran out. Lily remembered that there were wolves in the mountains, and was afraid to tell us to go back to the village first. If you have money, you can ask the villagers to take us back. We went back along the road, but we couldn’t find the way back. , to ask for directions."

Needless to say, that 'person' is a ghost.

"She, she's not a person, first, first, a person, grab Zihan's arm and say 'don't go back', then the whole skin fell off, bloody and bloody and called 'give me back the skin', let's go help Zihan , woohoo, Lily was caught, Lily was caught trying to save Zihan, we ran all the way, the road was there, we entered the village and knocked on every door, but no one listened to us..."

The girl fell into memory, she was terrified, and she said it intermittently and upside down. However, Chen Caixing noticed that the father and son of Jiadi, who were on the side, looked ugly when they said 'give me the skin back', especially the youngest son was in extreme pain.

Three people, the dead one is Lily, and the one who is crying is Zihan.

"what's your name?"

"Mei, Mei Qing."

Chen Caixing said, "Mei Qing, it's okay, you guys are back."

"It's alright, I'm back, Zihan, we're back." Mei Qing murmured and started to cry, her face was both happy and scared.

Gatti couldn't take it any longer, and said with a dark face, "It's a mess at night, hurry up to sleep." He went back to his room. As soon as he left, his two sons also left.

Yuan Jiuwan dozed off, and Chen Caixing didn't linger any longer when he saw this. He found that it was the safest to fall asleep at night, and it was easy to bump into things at night in the game.

After this toss, the heat of the blanket finally disappeared, and the bed was cold again.

Yuan Jiuwan spontaneously rolled into Chen Caixing's arms. Chen Caixing was a little shivering coldly, a fleshy little body got into his arms, and he couldn't help sighing: "Xiao Jiu is full of anger. Be good, go to sleep."

All night.

Early the next morning, the chicken next door was already cooing. Chen Caixing couldn't sleep because of the noise, Yuan Jiuwan was sleeping on the bed with a curly hair on his head, looking very cute, Chen Caixing couldn't help but rubbed his curly hair again.

"Brother." Yuan Jiuwan's voice was vague and cute.

Chen Caixing rubbed her curly hair, and a pregnant woman with a big belly went online with due diligence. She said, "Good nine, call me sister."

90,000 yuan: …

The two went downstairs one after the other, Yuan Jiuwan looked at the back in front of him with a smile, the stars were really cute. But if he knew that he was really pregnant with a baby, not a beer belly, would he still be so happy

The Eight Immortals table in the main room on the first floor was already full, and the three people next door Li Xuan and Liu Shasha also came. After a night, Mei Qing and the two did not sleep, looking haggard, with dark circles under their eyes, and they said again. Lu Zhou sat silently on the side, watching his legs trembling carefully.

"Yuan Xing, you woke up, how was your sleep last night?" Li Xuan saw people stand up and say hello.

Chen Caixing touched his stomach, bathed in the happiness of being a mother, and said with a slight smile, "Fortunately, the little guy keeps moving. I miss his father a little bit."

Li Xuan's face froze, and Xia Ting laughed.

"Sit down, everyone is here, just in time to talk, if anyone dies in the future, don't say we didn't remind you." Xia Ting said after laughing.

Chen Caixing persuaded a 'suiter' to quit, lamenting that he was a really good girl. So the good girl Chen Caixing took Yuan Jiuwan to the backyard to wash first. When she met Jiadi's youngest son, the other party glanced at him and said, "The kitchen is boiling hot water, so don't wash it with cold water."

If it weren't for this younger brother's small eyes and upright eyes, Chen Caixing would have suspected that he was pretending to be a pregnant woman and taking Mary Sue's script.

"Thank you, my name is Yuan Xing, what's your name?"

"Su Le."

Chen Caixing touched his stomach and thanked him again. Then he hit the snake and followed the stick, and said delicately, "Brother Su Le, the quilt in the room upstairs is too damp. I want to find a place to dry the quilt to dry it."

"I'll bask in a while."

"Thank you so much. I'm a pregnant woman, and it's inconvenient to go anywhere with a big belly. Fortunately, I met your kind father and son." Chen Caixing sent a good person card, and noticed that Su Le fell silent when she heard the last sentence, and this time she didn't say it again. Open to work.

Chen Caixing was thinking about things while helping Xiaojiu wipe his face. Still need to confirm.

After the two washed up, the man named Zihan at the Eight Immortals table in the main room cried angrily and asked, "...Why did you choose us, why did you choose us, I don't want to play games, I don't want to! This is a broken game, go to hell!"

"You should be glad that you were selected by the game." Meng Haocong said suddenly.

The newcomer looked at Meng Haocong angrily, daring to speak out.

Xia Ting said at the right time: "He is right. I complained and scolded when I was a rookie who entered the game, but then I learned that the game is giving us a chance to be born again. Only those who are on the verge of death in reality have a chance to be selected. , and not everyone who is dying has this opportunity.”

"You should cherish it. If there is no game, you will die. Now that you enter the game, you have a chance to save yourself. Death in the game will also die in reality, but if you don't enter the game, you have no chance of surviving." Li Xuan as a summary.

There was silence at the dinner table.

Chen Caixing thought of the car accident at the crossroads, and had already guessed it, but this time it was confirmed from Xia Ting and the others.

The game isn't all bad either.

"Brothers and sisters, my grandma told you to go back to eat." Huzi stood outside the yard and shouted inside.

Li Xuan and the others had to go back to eat next door.

"Can I live with you, I-I'm afraid." Zhou Zihan said. The people living here are all newcomers, and there is also a big-bellied woman and a primary school student. After Zhou Zihan's experience last night, he was so frightened that he just wanted to hug Li Xuan's thighs.

Xia Ting said, "Our house is full." She didn't want to share a room with the newlyweds.

Zhou Zihan was rejected and shivered. Mei Qing was trying to comfort her when she heard Zhou Zihan say, "Liu Shasha, can I sleep with you in the same room? Please, I'm really scared."

"Then... that's fine." Liu Shasha couldn't resist begging, and she was afraid to sleep alone.

So when the four left, there was one more Zhou Zihan.

The old lady with little feet came from the yard next door, and said loudly: "We agreed to give food for four people, and now there are more people, how to calculate this money, we are at a loss. Did Gadi take it? Big head, it deserves his wife to run away, he still wanted to—"

"Mom, stop talking."

"I-I have money, I'll make it up, how much is the difference." Zhou Zihan said.

After a while, the little old lady smiled happily: "Okay, let's have breakfast, and keep the money for Huzi to buy a daughter-in-law."

Chen Caixing felt cold in the next room.

"It's dinner, sister." Yuan Jiuwan pulled Chen Caixing's hand.

Chen Caixing regained his senses, and Su Le had already set breakfast on the dining table. Boiled red bean porridge, served with salted duck eggs, and fried diced bacon with wild vegetables, steaming hot steamed buns, fragrant.

"Don't you have to wait for your brother and dad?" Chen Caixing sat down and asked.

"No, they're going to the mountains." Su Le also sat down, grabbed the porridge, and murmured, "The Saintess is coming again..."

It should be in preparation for the Holy Maiden. Chen Caixing didn't ask any further, knowing that he couldn't ask anything.

Sure enough, when Luzhou heard the question about the saintess sacrifice, Su Le changed his face and stopped talking, and ate with his head down.

He ate a lot last night, and it is reasonable to say that a bowl of porridge in the morning is enough, but in the game he has a particularly good appetite, and a bowl of porridge can't stand it at all, and finally he ate a steamed bun. After eating, Chen Caixing looked at his beer belly and wept silently.

"Brother Su Le, I want to go out for a walk, but I only wore slippers this time. Do you have any other shoes at home?" Chen Caixing thought of the girl named Axiang she dreamed of last night, and tried out.

Su Le glanced at Chen Caixing's feet, got up and went to the warehouse without saying anything.

When the door was not closed, Chen Caixing saw Su Le unlocking the big box, and soon took out a pair of cloth shoes. The cloth shoes are made by hand, with a black surface, a layered bottom, and two small yellow wild flowers on the toe, which looks like a girl's shoes.

Su Le seemed a little reluctant to hold the shoe, but finally handed it to Chen Caixing.

"you try."

Chen Caixing took over the shoes. The shoes were new, and it was just right to try them on. His feet were 'a little more delicate' when using props, but they weren't too small and exaggerated. They should be around three-eighth-three-nine. This girl is a big-footed girl.

"Thank you, just right."

"My sister made a new one..." Su Le said in a low voice.

However, Chen Caixing heard that Su Le really does have a sister, but I don't know if Ah Xiang who came to his room last night was Su Le's sister.

There are three of Jiadi’s father and son. The two sons are obviously not close to Jiadi, especially the younger son. If Jiadi touches him, he will avoid him. Moreover, the younger son has changed his surname to Han, so there is a contradiction between the father and the son. In the morning, the old lady with little feet next door said 'it deserves his wife to run away', but her son stopped her before she finished.

There was once a saint in the Jiadi family who asked for purity and perfection. It should be Sister Su Le. Jiadi's wife ran away later

Chen Caixing felt that it was not so simple.

When Dad Huzi stopped the old lady with little feet, his tone was full of tension.