Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 4: Wax Museum 4


The lunch was very rich, and even the few newbies who witnessed the death of the irritable man would sit at the dining table, smell the fragrance, and have hunger and appetite.

There's no way anyone can make breakfast so bad.

While eating risotto, Zhao Ru sobbed softly, "Xiaoxiao, I really didn't push him, will he turn into a ghost to take revenge on me?"

"Don't think too much, let's eat." Wang Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk more, but looked at the veteran surnamed Zhao opposite. A few people were looking for clues just now, and the man surnamed Zhao was also nearby. When Zhao Ru was unstable, she helped her, and the irritable man smashed the wax figure.

The veteran said that he was a novice asylum, but the team formed in the morning has not introduced each other until now. No one is curious about the name of a stranger who is about to die.

These four are trying to take them for a test drive.

The veteran said it nicely. You can't kill your companions in the game. Violators will be fined and deducted from props, but it doesn't matter if you indirectly cause ghosts to kill.

Wang Xiaoxiao's heart sank, and Zhao Ru, who was sobbing and crying, looked at the opposite side without a trace.

Chen Caixing and Yuan Jiuwan were sitting at the corner of the table. He was hungry and had a big appetite early in the morning. He was drinking soup.

But he knew who was looking at him just now. But he didn't speak, and continued to eat.

'Crack', 'Crack', 'Crack' came the sound of stiff and heavy footsteps from the stairs.

"Who, who is still upstairs?" Zhao Ru's spoon shook so much that she couldn't hold it.

At present, nine people are in the restaurant, and there are only corpses on the second floor. Whose footsteps are those

The veterans looked solemn and alert, Chen Caixing put down the knife and fork, and saw Mr. Haus, the NPC who had just gone to the backyard, came down the stairs. Someone at the dining table was slightly relieved, but Chen Caixing noticed that Mr. Haus' face was very serious. Gloomy, looking at their eyes full of killing intent.

Mingming just happily called them children or something.

Sure enough, the man's mouth—

"You went out of the room after the early morning? Damn it, I didn't tell you not to go out." Mr. House's stiff face was twitching because of his emotions, and he stared at them hatefully.

You could tell he was really angry.

But Chen Caixing always felt angry and resentful, Mr. House seemed to be afraid, what was he afraid of

Did Zhao Ru say the 'dong dong' sound after the early morning

The appetite for lunch disappeared, and everyone hurriedly finished their meal, and found that Mr. House had been in the room and did not leave or do anything, just staring at them like a ghost.

Brother Jin originally wanted the newcomer to go to the third floor, but now he has cancelled it, and don't move for the time being.

"Xiao Jiu follow me closely." Chen Caixing stretched out his hand, Yuan Jiuwan's apricot core was round and round, like a very cute cat, Baba stretched out his little hand and held Chen Caixing's hand.

Three people have died since the early hours of the morning, and Chen Caixing is afraid that the old hands will be mad and will use the primary school students to operate.

After all, elementary school students are simple and well-behaved.

"Stay away from those four."

"I know, brother, I only listen to you." Yuan Jiuwan assured Chen Caixing's arm obediently.

Start looking for clues, the first floor is full of wax statues, everyone is very careful when looking for lessons learned.

The sofa in the living room is covered with woolen cushions made of woven flowers, but over time, the color has faded, and some are dirty and old. There are vases on the coffee table, and some decorative ornaments. From the point of view of the layout, it used to be a warm family.

There should be a mistress.

When Chen Caixing went to the kitchen, he was even more certain that there used to be a hostess here. The floral apron and the pink pot could be seen from the twigs.


There was a clock hanging high on the wall by the door, but the glass on the dial was broken and the hands stayed at twenty-one thirty-seven.

Nine thirty-seven minutes in the evening.

Chen Caixing remembered the time. When he went out, he found that the NPC had been standing at the door of the kitchen, staring at him with gloomy eyes.

"What's up?"

Mr. House looked at him for a long time with those slightly cloudy eyes. Chen Caixing spoke first, "If you have nothing to do, please let me go and block the way, thank you."

After a second, Mr. House stiffly stepped aside.

Chen Caixing took his younger brother to the second floor.

"Brother, you're just so good."

Yuan Jiuwan strode up the stairs, raised his face in admiration, "Aren't you afraid, brother?"

"When he was just eating, he wanted to kill us, but he didn't do it. It should be a condition of death. Please politely ask him to move away, it will not be a condition of death." He was also a test just now, and Haus is the only NPC that has appeared , it is impossible to only broadcast the lines.

And from the joy of the irritable man's body, to the anger and fear of finding the body on the second floor, this NPC is emotional, but I don't know if he has a rational mind

"Brother is amazing, brother is the best."

There is a Ruan Meng primary school student's younger brother and a mobile rainbow fart machine, Chen Caixing's old face is slightly red.

"It's alright."

The two corpses in the bathroom were gone, leaving only the dried blood on the ground. The bathroom was at the end of the aisle. Chen Caixing walked in and opened a closed window, just in time to see the tree in the backyard.

In addition to the original corpse, there are other things on the tree.

Chen Caixing read it carefully, only the corpse of the irritable man.

I don't know if I read it wrong, the branch hanging on the irritable man's head swayed slightly, and turned the irritable man's head in his direction, and the irritable man stared at him with uneasy eyes.

Chen Caixing was taken aback.

Originally wanted to swear words, but Chen Caixing could only pretend that he was not afraid of the adoring eyes of Shangyuan Jiuwan! He closed the window blankly.

"Where did the original body go here..." Chen Caixing was lost in thought.

The rooms on the second floor were nothing special. Chen Caixing stood at the entrance of the stairs and looked up to the third floor. He couldn't see anything in darkness. Thinking of the elusive Mr. House, Chen Caixing didn't plan to go up.

There are too few clues.

The sky here is gloomy and covered by thick fog, no sunlight, no watch, no way to judge the time. Moreover, Chen Caixing felt that time passed quickly here. After breakfast in the morning, it was lunch time just by going to the backyard.

Sure enough, not long after going downstairs, the restaurant smelled of fragrance.

Dinner time has come.

"Time flies so fast, it's already night before it's too good." The novice woman went to the restaurant and said optimistically: "Brother Monkey, time flies so fast, doesn't it mean that seven days will pass quickly? When the time comes, we will can go home."

The old hand surnamed Wang placed the bowl heavily on the table.

The woman was startled, not knowing where she was wrong.

However, Chen Caixing knew that the fast passing of time was not a good thing for them. The veterans should have concealed something and didn't tell them. If the time was up and they did not 'decipher' the wax museum, what would be the consequences.

"Ha ha… "

Mr. House's gloomy laughter came from a corner, as if he knew what they wanted to give an answer.

as a result of-

Afraid is terrible.

The dinner was not rich but the taste was not bad. Chen Caixing noticed that the veterans were not as calm as they did in the morning, especially the monkeys, who looked ugly and ate quickly. The woman who just spoke looked even more dazed. She didn't know what was going on, but she was infected by the atmosphere. After eating a few bites, she whispered, "Brother Monkey, can you stay with me tonight?"

"You sleep by yourself." Monkey didn't even bother to pretend to be the good guy when he first arrived.

The irritable man is dead, and she is alone tonight. The woman looked sadly at the other three veterans, but no one paid her any attention, and she looked at Chen Caixing again.

Yuan Jiuwan, who was eating obediently, noticed it, glared at the woman, turned his head and said pitifully, "Brother, I'm done eating, let's go back to the room."

"Wait a minute, don't worry." Chen Caixing focused on the living room, with his back to their Mr. House, thinking of the broken clock in the kitchen that stopped the time, he had to confirm his guess. So I didn't see the scene where Yuan Jiuwan stared at the woman at all.

The veterans had finished eating and were going upstairs. Before Brother Jin left, he saw Chen Caixing who was still in the restaurant and scolded him for pretending that he could not survive tomorrow.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm so scared, shall we go back?" Zhao Ru was waiting for someone.

"I haven't eaten yet, you go back first."

Zhao Ru was like a frightened bird. The woman next to her who had no one to accompany her quickly spoke, and the two went upstairs together.

In a few minutes, Mr. House stood up, and he seemed to be talking about business: "It's getting late, the children, rest early, and I'll see you again tomorrow." After pushing the door, his figure fell into the fog.

"Go upstairs."

Chen Caixing began to estimate the time in his mind, and walked in a hurry with Yuan Jiuwan, Wang Xiaoxiao followed behind, and said quickly in a low voice: "This morning, the surnamed Zhao was wandering around the wax statue by the back window for a long time, I heard them say 'stop ', 'door', 'basement'."

"The broken watch in the kitchen stopped at 9:40 p.m., which should be the time for the NPC to leave." Chen Caixing didn't finish his clue, and told him, "Don't go near the walnut tree in the backyard."

After exchanging clues, the three of them went into the bathroom to wash up in a hurry, went to the toilet and went back to the room. It took no more than five minutes from start to finish.

"Xiao Jiu, have you smelled anything? It's fragrant—" The more Chen Caixing walked beside the bed, the more obvious the smell was. It wasn't a strong fragrance, it was very light. He smelled it last night and just didn't remember it.

Yuan Jiuwan, who was taking off his coat, glanced nervously under the bed, waited for Chen Caixing to look back at him, wrinkled his handsome and cute face with a baby, moved his nose, sniffed, and then said distressedly, "Brother, I I can't smell it."

He looked like he tried his best but couldn't help his brother, like a poor little puppy.

"It's nothing, maybe I smelled it wrong." Chen Caixing squeezed his little brother's cheek, and said softly, "Okay, go to sleep."

Yuan Jiuwan obediently climbed into the bed, Chen Caixing slept on the outside, and there was a faint scent on the tip of his nose—

"I remember the scent!"

Ninety thousand yuan on the inside.

"It's the smell of wax figures, but it's much lighter than the wax figure downstairs." Chen Caixing breathed a sigh of relief when he figured it out. It's normal for a wax museum to have such a smell. "Okay, you go to sleep." He still had to wait for the dong dong sound.

Estimated time.

After about ten minutes, 'dong', 'dong', 'dong' sounded.

Because the wax museum is too quiet, the sound of Dingdian is also very obvious. The sound was very dull at first, as if it was drilled from the ground—

Chen Caixing thought of the basement that Wang Xiaoxiao said.

Then it became clear immediately, very brittle, very rhythmic, and then went up the stairs.

"Brother, I'm afraid."

Yuan Jiuwan said in a low voice, his small body slowly moved into Chen Caixing's arms.

It is normal for children to be afraid of the dark and ghosts. Just as Chen Caixing hugged his younger brother, the thing came up with a 'boom', and at the same time the room light suddenly went out.

Chen Caixing: …

Going to freak out.

Fortunately, I have my little brother in my arms.