Giving Birth in a Supernatural Game

Chapter 88


Guo Yu quietly sat up straight, he was afraid of being beaten by Sister Yuan.

Damn, this spicy chicken game, let him not talk about kryptonite, and now Xing is forced to open business. The car drove in from the edge of the city, and it could be seen that the driver had a map to choose remote rural roads, green and deserted fields, scattered villages, the sun was getting higher and higher, and the temperature was beginning to be sultry.

Sixteen people were trapped in the truck compartment and covered with a awning. Some people said, "It's so hot, why is Gai so strict?"

"Yeah, in the butt of the car, open a seam for some ventilation."

Chen Caixing and the three were sitting by the rear of the car, Guo Yupang also felt hot, stretched out a hand to open the curtain, the wind blew, and opened most of it, the two bloody 'people' who gnawed on their faces under the path chased after them. behind their car ass.

"What am I going to do?" Guo Yu was startled.

Chen Caixing glanced at the curtain and said, "Zombie."

"Come on, it's scary."

"What you see in the movie is still different from what you see in reality. Do they really have no perceptual thinking?"

"Who knows."

Cheng Lifeng closed the curtain, whispered something and started to enter the city.

There are more zombies.

Guo Yu didn't dare to scoff. If he was really caught, he would have to turn into a zombie and stay in this world to die. I heard about Lin Yao, he had something to say. A vampire is fine too, but it's his turn to be a zombie.

It's really different from the same person, what's wrong with bullying him for being fat.

Fatty Guo took out the protective suit of the game backpack and began to put it on. He took his life.

"Old Cheng, Xing, you also wear it, don't save this, if you get caught without the vaccine, you can play ball."

With Guo Yu taking the lead, the person in the carriage who was supposed to measure the player's strength began to wear protective clothing intermittently. Players who are new to reality are not used to the rhythm of the zombie world and are easily caught and infected. Chen Caixing did not care about it, and put on protective clothing.

I don't know what the protective clothing is made of. It has a soft plastic feel and is very thin. The whole body is one piece, and the wrists and ankles are not wrapped.

Two hundred gold coins for a protective suit.

Except for the two men in the entire carriage, everyone else was wearing it. I don't know if the other party has it, if it doesn't wear it, or if the money is used to buy evolution potential pills.

It didn't take long for Chen Caixing to know that it was the latter.

As the car drove into the city, there was a banging sound from the front of the car, and more and more zombies were hit by the car, or rolled under the car and pressed down. This kind of sound made the players who could not see the scene in the car and could only rely on their brains to make up for it, especially when the car overwhelmed the zombies, the car tilted once, and two of them screamed.

"Shut up, be quiet." It was the male player who didn't buy protective clothing who scolded him in a low voice.

Zombies are attracted to sounds.

The player who shouted remembered and nodded, trying to keep himself calm.

Guo Yu didn't hesitate after changing his clothes, "Look outside, otherwise I'll be so nervous."

Cheng Lifeng opened the curtain in front, and a group of running zombies followed behind the entire car. Most of them were wearing pajamas, with wounds on their limbs, or blood on their necks and faces. The weather was hot, and the wounds rotted and gave birth to maggots. These 'people' are already zombies. .

"It should be night when the virus strikes," Chen Caixing said.

Cheng Lifeng nodded, took out tools from his backpack, an iron rod, the speed of the car was slow, because there were many scrapped vehicles parked on the road, and the truck was rubbing the car, so it was inevitable to reduce the speed, and the zombies on the back of the buttocks quickly chased up, Some stretched out their fingernails and grabbed the carriage, and Cheng Lifeng knocked it down with a neat stick.

The zombies didn't feel pain, but their heads had already sunk in and fell to the ground, submerged by other zombies.

This stick is not at all like the strength of ordinary people.

"Your potential is strength?"

The male player who wasn't wearing a protective suit asked.

Cheng Lifeng didn't answer, the other party looked at the iron rod, and finally looked at the two next to him, a delicate and thin woman and a white fat man. The team of these three people all depended on this person. The man is worth winning, but he brought two. A waste, not worth it. So rested to win over the heart.

There were more and more zombies, and Guo Yu also came to help, but he was almost dragged down by the zombies.

Chen Caixing grabbed Guo Yu's collar and threw it back. Guo Yu was so frightened that he said, "I also took the Potential Pill, why haven't I changed my body."

"Poverty can't afford it, so I can't answer it." Chen Caixing took out a set of bows and arrows from the game backpack and threw the quiver to Lao Guo, "Hold it."

Guo Yu held the quiver, Chen Caixing drew an arrow, drew the bow, set up the arrow, and shot—

Head tilted.

I don't know who laughed, and someone behind said: "Miss, you didn't take the Potential Pill. It's a waste to buy weapons. Otherwise, give it to me, how about I protect you?"

'call out! '

The second arrow flew out, and the zombie chasing the car from a distance of seven or eight meters fell to the ground with a headshot.

Guo Yu held the quiver in his hands with a shocked face: "Fuck you, bulls and stars, keep going."

"Little brother, do you need elder sister to teach you how to shoot?" Chen Caixing asked coldly without looking back.

The man behind the little brother: …

Guo Yu's whole body trembled as he laughed, what are you doing, Sister Yuan! Why are you driving suddenly! Laughed him to death.

"Sister, calm down, calm down, we don't care about the younger brother."

Little brother becomes little brother.

Guo Yu is also poisonous.

This atmosphere didn't last long, because when we arrived at the hospital, the truck rushed into the hospital gate, Tian Xiao threw something through the window, and the car went around. They didn't go very far when something dropped on the ground with a high-pitched sound of music. Tian Xiao pulled open the front and rear windows of the car and said, "There is not much time. Professor Yang is in the operating room at the end of the third floor. He heard that there are also zombies. As soon as possible, I will wait for you in the car for ten minutes."

Before the car stopped, Cheng Lifeng jumped down first, followed by Chen Caixing, took the arrow back into the game backpack, and took out a dagger.

The three walked in a team, starting from the back door. The sound in front was too loud, and most of the zombies were attracted. Occasionally a few sporadic ones were brought down. The players who came in at the back played soy sauce all the way, especially the younger brother who looked at the zombie in front of him with a dagger blasting his head. Sister, you have a complicated face.

He couldn't do it so neatly.

All the way to the third floor, the door of the operating room was successfully knocked on. Professor Yang and his assistant were both there, their faces were haggard and lack of water, but it was good to be alive. Seeing the rescue team, Professor Yang said, "I can't leave now. If I can go to the office on the fourth floor, my computer is there. It contains virus data that I have researched all my life, which is very useful for zombie viruses."

"Go." Chen Caixing said decisively.

A player looked at the watch and said, "It's too late, we don't want it, professor. As long as you are here, the research materials will come out sooner or later."

"There are too many things, and I don't know where the documents are. Re-research is too time-consuming." Professor Yang was very anxious.

Chen Caixing said, "You escort Professor Yang downstairs. I'll look for it. Which office is on the fourth floor and what brand is the computer?"

"The second room after the west aisle on the fourth floor, the computer is silver XX brand, placed on a blue handbag, with the word XXX Institute printed on the bag." Professor Yang said quickly.

Guo Yu was worried, Cheng Lifeng said, "Together." Guo Yu nodded frantically.

Chen Caixing originally wanted to say that he had no problem with the exercises, but when he saw the two of them, they were teammates, so he nodded: "Let's go."

A group of people protected Professor Yang downstairs, and the three went upstairs to get their computer bags. Chen Caixing saw the two who were not wearing protective clothing, walking in front with weapons, and a large knife seemed to be running electricity.

Cheng Lifeng held an iron rod to open the way, Guo Yu hated it, what was his potential pill, opened the door and entered the office, a zombie suddenly rushed out next door, scared Guo Yu's hand, and a small stream of water came out.

In the end, Cheng Lifeng gave a stick.

Guo Yu gave up on himself: "...I know what my superpowers are. I will provide logistics for everyone, wash my hands, wash my face, etc."

Chen Caixing couldn't help laughing. He found Professor Yang's computer bag, opened the silver computer and took out the documents. I heard a scream from downstairs.

"Xing, something happened."


The three of them walked down, and when they reached the first floor, many zombies rushed out. The two players fell into the zombie group. Cheng Lifeng went up and gave a few sticks. Chen Caixing helped defend the surrounding area. : "Quick! Quickly."

After finally getting into the car, the protective suits of the two players were covered in blood, and the others were far away, with Professor Yang and his assistant sitting in the middle. The two looked a little flustered but were not injured.

"What happened?" Guo Yu asked.

"Just when I came downstairs, a zombie jumped out, and someone pushed me to block the zombie." The female player in the protective suit said, her eyes swept over all the players coldly.

It seems that I didn't see who pushed it, otherwise I would have shouted for revenge.

"Wipe off the blood first, there are protective clothing." Her companion handed a towel over.

But everyone knows that protective clothing is only 60% effective. There were no obvious wounds on the female player's body, but there was blood in several places when she took off her protective clothing. The female player's face changed, and it was very gloomy. Everyone was on guard, including her teammates.

The other players also guarded the two.

Chen Caixing handed the backpack to Professor Yang, and gave him water and food. The assistant hadn't eaten for two or three days, so he thanked him and took the food to eat.

"I just opened the backpack and checked it out. You have a photo in it, sorry I didn't want to see your privacy." Chen Caixing said with a smile.

Professor Yang took a sip of water and spoke very gently, "It's okay, you are confirming things, and I would like to thank you for helping me get back my important computer." He took out the photo from his bag, "Did you mean this? He is my little son."

Guo Yu poked his head and glanced at it, then took a deep breath, "It seems."

"Did you say Xiaocong?" Professor Yang asked in confusion.

Chen Caixing looked at the photo, what looks like a youthful 90,000 yuan! He looked at the professor in front of him. As a former top player, Professor Yang was afraid that he had been infected with the virus, so he couldn't help but say, "Well, it's very similar to a friend of mine."

"That's really strange." Professor Yang fondly touched the photo and said with a smile, "My wife passed away early, and then I met Xiao Zong's mother through exchanges abroad. She is a good woman. We formed a family and had a small Cong, but I'm too busy to take care of them. After the separation, Xiao Zong and his mother live in the UK. His mother is going to remarry. When the virus broke out, Xiao Zong came to me by plane. I don't know if my assistant picked him up... "

Chen Caixing glanced at the photo. The young man in it, Yuan Jiuwan, was still of mixed blood. He was tall and straight, with deep eyebrows and a youthful vibe.

However, Chen Caixing felt that the people in the photo mocked him again.

"If, I mean if I don't have it, can you help me find Xiao Zong?" Professor Yang looked at Chen Caixing with tears in his eyes and hope.

He should feel that something is wrong with him.

"I don't mean to let you waste your energy. Xiao Fong is very smart. He is a genius. He entered Stanford University at the age of fourteen. If you find him, maybe he will develop a vaccine."

"So amazing, how old is he this year?"

"Seventeen." The professor didn't understand why he asked this.

Chen Caixing regrets that it is not good to kill minors, so he can't do it. Did Yuan 90,000 do this on purpose

"Xiao Fong is the child of September, and it should be eighteen in just over a month." Professor Yang had regrets on his face.

Oh~ I'll be an adult in a month. Chen Caixing was very satisfied, and promised the professor, "I will find Xiao Zong for you, you can eat and have a good rest."

Guo Yu wanted to interject when he heard it, but he still didn't speak. After the two of them finished speaking, he pulled Chen Caixing and asked, "I really want to go to Yuan Jiu—no, is it Xiao Zong?"

"Well. Pay attention to Professor Yang."

Guo Yu didn't understand and poked Cheng Lifeng.

Cheng Lifeng was too lazy to deal with Guo Yu, and Guo Yu paid close attention to Professor Yang angrily. Because there were two players with zombie blood in the car, the players' attention was on which of the two, and no one saw that something was wrong with Professor Yang.

The car drove all the way to the edge, Chen Caixing knocked on the blocking glass and said, "Captain Tian, find a place to park."

"It's time to stop, I don't think that man's face is very good."

"The women also have a fever and sweat, will they turn into zombies?"

"I really want to become a zombie. The compartment is too small and very dangerous."

Everyone chatted and talked far away from a man and a woman player in the corner, and the car quickly stopped in a field. Captain Tian said: "The infection time of the virus is about three to six hours now. It has been more than an hour now. Find a place to rest for a night."

There is a village nearby, so I went directly to a second-story house at the entrance of the village. The car blocked the door. Everyone entered the room and searched it again, and cleaned up the zombies. Those looking for a place to rest, grabbing food to eat, and those who get together to discuss. Chen Caixing gave the food to Captain Tian and the driver, and said, "Our mission is to send Professor Yang to the Northwest Base? If something happens to Professor Yang along the way—"

"I know what you are worried about. The task is to bring Professor Yang back as much as possible. After all, Professor Yang is most likely the one who rescued humans and developed a virus vaccine."

It means that their real task is to find out who can make a virus vaccine and protect them.

Chen Caixing: …

Yuan Xing's sixth sense told him that Xiao Fong was the one who needed his protection.

Can't be killed.

It's a pity that Xiao Fong is so cute and handsome, it's a pity that he can't be killed.

Two hours later, Professor Yang turned into a zombie first, because Guo Yu was 'paying close attention', almost something was wrong, so he called everyone over. Professor Yang's pupils shrank, his whole body trembled, and he tried his best to maintain his thoughts, and said, "Look for, look for Xiao Zong... Help, help me find Xiao Zong... Kill me."

"We will find Xiao Fong." Chen Caixing assured.

Other players are going crazy, "This is gone?", "How can Professor Yang become a zombie?!", "Professor Yang is gone, what about our mission!!!"

Soon the male player also turned into a zombie, and was shot in the head by Captain Tian, and at the same time eliminated Professor Yang. In the face of the players' doubts, Captain Tian emphasized again: "It is our mission to take Professor Yang back to the Northwest Base."

"Yeah, people are gone now and become zombies, what should we do?" Some players couldn't help repeating it again, "Do you want to stay here forever? I don't want it."

I don't know what the other party has experienced, and I am very afraid of this kind of detention plan.

Captain Tian said sharply: "You are all base elites, don't give up easily. Although Professor Yang is gone, there are still many other professors. As long as we protect them and send them to the Northwest Base and develop a vaccine, we will be successful."

Finally someone understood.

"Which other professor is famous?"

"As long as the virus vaccine is developed, it will be successful?"

Players inquired one after another and were relieved to get a positive response. Captain Tian also listed several famous professors, some of whom are already in other small bases, and some are still waiting for rescue. Captain Tian said: "The northwest base belongs to the state, and the materials and research equipment are not comparable to those of a small base. Only when they are sent to the northwest base can a vaccine be developed as soon as possible."

Everyone understood that their route this time was to escort the professor to the northwest base for vaccines.

After figuring out the target, everyone turned their attention to the female player. The other party has a fever but has not turned into a zombie.

"Would you like to kill?"

"She is still a player now, does she pay gold for killing you?" someone reminded.

So the player who couldn't bear the money shut up, Captain Tian didn't seem to hear any malicious intentions, touched the female player's head, and said, "She has a fever, the temperature has dropped, and after being infected by the zombie virus, she may also stimulate the awakening ability, but the probability is very high. Low, it looks like she should have met."

Guo Yu, who got the potential pill of 800 gold coins, shed tears.

He is African.

The female player teammates were happy when they heard it. After all, they couldn't afford the 800 yuan potential pills. They only bought weapons, food, water and gasoline. Now they are fine, so they took care of the female players carefully.

A peaceful night.

That night, the female players burned all night. Others heard about other professors from Captain Tian. Zhu Ge, who was talking to him in the car, asked Guo Yu, "Are you really going to find that Xiao Zong? What can you understand when you are only seventeen years old. "

"Xiao Fong is a genius, does Stanford know? The second university in the world." Guo Yu stood for Yuan 90,000. After all, he was his own person, Xing's boyfriend, and he didn't help anyone!

Zhu Ge said, "You're talking about our place. Who knows whether it's the second or the twenty-two here. Besides, do you know what major Xiaocong studied? What if you study computer literature? I'll see what you will do."

"Who else knows if Professor Yang wants us to save his son so much. I think it's good to go to the S base to find Professor Fang. I asked Assistant Wang. Professor Fang and Professor Yang are both studying the virus. One piece, the two have participated in the exchange meeting together, and they are both big winners of this piece. I also asked Captain Tian, and he said that he had heard the name of Professor Fang, that is, Professor Fang is at the S base, so it may be difficult to invite... "

Zhu Ge rambled about various aspects of the analysis, and concluded that Professor Fang Niu Pi is very likely to develop a vaccine.

"Let's pick up Xiao Fong." Fatty Guo showed a kind smile.

Zhuge: …

Dare to listen to his stand-up comedy.

"Forget it, don't move, I wish you good luck, see you at the Northwest Base."

After speaking for a while, Zhu Ge ran over again and said, "Actually, there is another reason I didn't say, you think, half a foreigner is still a child stuck in the airport, it's been a few days, there are so many people there, maybe there are people long gone."

"Let's pick up Xiao Zong." Guo Yu beat him to death without wavering.

Zhu Ge was very puzzled. Could it be possible that these people have clues to know that Xiao Zong is the key person


The players who eavesdropped on this sentence were also very curious.

Guo Yu saw that the star was not there, and said mysteriously: "You know, Xiao Zong, our sister Yuan's online dating partner, why did she defect to his father, and it was the result of online dating, as soon as Professor Yang's photo was taken out, sister Yuan recognized it. , This is just a cliché, I may not have thought that the online chat object is only seventeen, but I think it can be done, our sister Yuan likes small fresh meat, so we have to pick up people, you can see how handsome and fresh Xiao Zong is white and tender. "

Eavesdropping players: ? ? ? ! ! !

Especially Zhu Ge, with a confused look on his face, "Dare love is still a sister-in-law love." When he went back in a daze, he remembered what was wrong. This Fatty Guo didn't say the truth, and he didn't want to say it. They were all players. How is it possible to have online dating with an NPC in the game? !

The next day the sun rose and the first rays of sunlight came down. The female player with a fever woke up and awakened the fire element. Guo Yu was envious and didn't know what to say. He could have a barbecue there anyway.

Also spent eight hundred bucks.

Chen Caixing said at the right time: "The ability of the game world awakening is to attach the player itself, which can be brought to the real world and weakened by 50%."

"Then what about me?!!" Guo Yubeier spirited up.

"The game world props can only be used in the game world." Chen Caixing smiled and added: "Do you know why I chose bows and arrows?"

Guo Yu cried and asked why.

"In the last world, I was embraced by the prince for the first time, a generation of blood. The ability is vision and induction, but the five senses are strengthened." Chen Caixing patted the fat man on the shoulder, "It means that you are in the room talking about my online dating, I am standing at the door. You can hear it clearly."

Guo Yu: ... md is too late to kneel now!

Cheng Lifeng laughed.

Let you babble.

In the morning, the team parted ways, and Chen Caixing and the three planned to pick up Xiao Zong at the airport in this city. The other players thought again and again, and finally chose the safest route and decided to go to S City to pick up Professor Fang, while Captain Tian wanted to return to his life, saying that he could only drive them to the expressway, and the other players had to figure out their own way.

There are two kinds. It is very convenient to pick up a car on a high-speed. Now there are cars everywhere in the apocalypse, and gasoline players have them.

The second is to return to the base with the Tian team to return to life, buy a car to supply supplies, and then set off.

All choose one, don't waste time and go straight.


The VIP waiting room, the door was locked, was covered by a sofa, a rich wife leading her child, business elites in formal suits, staff in uniforms, and several tall men. The child was crying and screaming for hunger. Mrs. Fu touched the child's head with a panicked expression on her face, and said, "Dad, stop crying. Dad will find us. He said he will come and pick us up."

In fact, the husband asked the driver to pick him up on the phone, and now I don't know where the driver is.

The door was pushed up by the ghosts outside, as if it was about to be rushed open at any time.

Mrs. Fu hugged the child and shivered in fear. The food here was taken care of by several men. She only gave a small loaf of bread every day. She could only carry the child to the corner to coax her. She sneakily took out a bar of chocolate from the bag and made a hush gesture. sound, let the child eat quickly.

When I looked up, I saw the young man sitting on the sofa by the window not far away.

It's really strange. It's been more than ten days, and there is still food in the previous week. It's been three days since the food restriction. The young man is still sitting on the sofa by the window with his cheeks propped up every day. Looking out the window as if waiting for someone.

Isn't he hungry

It seems to be the age of a long body.

Should not be.

The boy stretched out his hand and touched the black bracelet on his wrist, as if to say, "Don't worry, Dad will come to pick us up soon..."


There is only one boy, who else