Giving You a Little Sweetness

Chapter 51


As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, as long as they are paid attention to, the paparazzi like to dig their news, after all, their focus is high.

While the news of Tang Yi and Yunzheng made headlines on major platforms, another set of photos broke out.

The famous paparazzi posted a group of photos directly on Weibo. In the photo, Yunzheng enters the bridal shop, chooses a wedding dress in the bridal shop, and is even photographed full face.

The text on Weibo read: Tang Yi and Yunzheng are getting married soon

When Yunzheng saw this news, she was staring at He Yixia dubbing the character.

The staff came in with a box of lunch, put it on the table, and said to Yunzheng as if chatting: "You are on the hot search again."

Yunzheng responded casually with "Oh" and continued to stare at the dubbing.

When she first appeared on the trending searches and headlines, she would still hold her mobile phone, read the popular comments nervously, and search for her name.

Since being bound to Tang Yi's name, she has gradually become numb.

Isn't it just a hot search, isn't it just a headline, and it's juxtaposed with Tang Yi's name, so you need to be familiar with these.

After He Yixia's dubbing came to an end, Yunzheng took out her phone and glanced at the trending searches while opening the lunch box. After a few glances, she handed the phone to He Yixia.

He Yixia took the mobile phone and looked at Weibo, exaggeratedly "Ho Ho Ho Ho" a few times: "This is called professionalism, this is called professionalism, this is called level, there are so many photos, none of them can be photographed of me .”

"I found out that you are so cheap recently. I accompanied you to see the wedding dress, but the news broke me." Yunzheng was furious. If He Yixia wasn't pregnant, she wouldn't even give her chopsticks to He Yixia.

"You are still too young, not sharp enough."

"I've only been popular for a few days."

He Yixia couldn't stop laughing after hearing this: "Yes, you are an Internet celebrity director, and many of the 18th and third and fourth tiers are not as popular and topical as you."

Yunzheng took back her phone angrily, quickly quit Weibo, clicked on WeChat, and saw a message from Tang Yi's account: I scolded Ni Zun.

Yunzheng: What about after that? what to do

Tang Yi: Many people began to question that we are hyping up the new drama.

Yunzheng: I have such a big face that I can let Tang Yi cooperate with me in the hype. It is not the hero and heroine that are hyped, but the hero and the director.

Tang Yi: Oh, I miss you, I can see you when dubbing.

Yunzheng: I guess I will avoid it for a while, and you will do the dubbing yourself.

Tang Yi: ...

Tang Yi: Wait for me for three minutes, and I'll open it publicly.

Yunzheng: Don't, don't, let's discuss how to get through this wave first, okay

Tang Yi: Angry, why don't I have a title when I am the main wife

Yunzheng looked at the phone, bent her eyes, and typed to comfort Tang Yi for a while, so that Tang Yi would feel better.

Tang Yi: Husband.

Yunzheng: Husband.

Tang Yi: Voice call.

Yunzheng: [voice message]

Tang Yi: Call a few more times.

Yunzheng: Not right now, He Yixia can hear it, and when we meet next time, I will call you alone in your ear.

After the photos of Yunzheng visiting the bridal shop were exposed, it really attracted a lot of criticism. The extreme girlfriend fans and anti-fans went into a state of madness, and rediscovered the black material about Yunzheng being a mistress.

These people don't care if they are refuted by others, insisting that Yunzheng has been a mistress, and she is a perfect match for people like Zang Zhinan who swallow donations.

The more silent Yunzheng and Tang Yi were, the happier these people were bouncing around.

What people didn't expect was that they didn't wait for the response from the person concerned, but they waited for another couple's public news.

He Yixia: @尼尊 said that any ring looks good, so I wouldn’t choose it, and finally bought me the biggest one. [picture]

Forward (175147) Comment (274575) Like (995421)

Ni Zun: As a human being, you should have some ideals. Look, I have married my goddess.

Like (751672)

Tang Yi: He also has a better eye for choosing a wife. Brother Zun, do you know about the best man business

Like (313478)

Jian Li: Ni Zun called me to inform me that when he was getting married, I thought he was joking and hung up... When is the wedding date

Like (257233)

Du Shengyan: Stupid people are lucky to be stupid, congratulations, a happy marriage for a hundred years. Don't worry, everyone, the bridesmaid's dress and the best man's dress were chosen by Yunzheng, not by Jian Li, and there is still a guarantee of quality.

Like (235712)

Yunzheng: Who put your long hair up? Who chose your wedding dress? it's me. [doge]

Like (224684)

Lin Ziyin: Did you develop your relationship when Ni Zun played the corpse

Like (201365)

Jin Zhijin: Although the scandal about Yunzheng visiting a bridal shop has been clarified, but... my goddess married my male god? Nani

Like (124622)

Shan Gougou is very annoying: directly announcing the news of the marriage, so one step in place

Like (95345)

It can be said to be very sweet: I once saw Brother Zun say that He Yixia is a goddess, and I was always hahaha. As a result, they were together all of a sudden? I have been called Jian Li male god for 8 years, when will you marry me

Like (51678)

"My Fate is Here" can be said to have created a record.

There are plenty of topics before the broadcast.

First of all, there is the scandal between Tang Yi and Yunzheng, and then there is the gimmick of Yunzheng's high-quality director's comeback production.

In addition, Ni Zun and He Yixia announced their love for this drama, and Ni Zun, Du Shengyan, and Jian Li's guest appearances made a little-known small investment become the hottest work.

Before the broadcast started, some black fans were crazy about scoring points on a certain station, all with one star, cursing and ugly.

The real fans were belatedly aware that they saw someone breaking the news on Weibo, so they went to the emergency rescue, or let "My Life Is Here" start broadcasting with a score of 3.2 points.

The TV series is an online drama, updated weekly, with four episodes updated every week, and only updated on Saturdays and Sundays.

In the first week, four episodes were aired in a row, and members could watch the sixth episode.

This drama is indeed different from domestic bubble dramas, with a fast pace and tight plot, and each episode is like a movie. And the details are exquisite, Tang Yi and He Yixia's performances are both online, and they can do it well.

In addition, the plot has been revised many times. Yunzheng supervised the revision of the script throughout the process, and because of her exquisiteness, she went to many places to really inspect it.

This kind of drama was filmed, and it only took six episodes to get an excellent reputation.

At this time, some entertainment accounts exposed the behavior of black fans who started to swipe one star before the broadcast, and a large number of netizens who had watched the TV series relayed fans, making the show's rating counterattack.

From 3.2 points to 7.9 points, it only took two weeks.

In the second week, the membership has been updated to 10 episodes, and the plot has entered a feverish stage. Opening the homepage of Weibo, there are more and more people in Amway's drama.

A really good-looking drama can stand the test, and the eyes of the masses are discerning.

After all, black fans with dark hearts are only a part of it. Netizens who look forward to good dramas and encourage conscience dramas still account for the majority.

The real upsurge is a well-known blogger on Weibo. He always makes some complaints about the video, and uses the tone of complaints throughout the whole process to introduce the plot of a drama and clear the mine for netizens.

However, after the blogger saw "My Fate Is Here", he posted a Weibo, but there was no video.

Shout out to the queen to spare her life: @云雄解 I beg you, give me a point to make complaints about next time, otherwise this video won’t be released.

After all updates of this drama were completed, the rating of a certain website had reached 8.7 points, and 460,000 people participated in the rating.

This score was completely pulled back by a group of black fans who were brainless, but it can be regarded as a rare high-scoring drama in recent years.

Originally, there were still voices who questioned that Tang Yi only had reality shows and had no acting skills.

The same is true for He Yixia.

Originally, she was just Ni Zun's goddess, but now netizens generally call her Goddess He Yixia. There is no derogatory meaning, but she just recognizes this female character.

In China, there is an awards ceremony for national dramas, called Famous Drama Awards Ceremony, which can be regarded as a grand awards ceremony for domestic TV dramas.

On this day, Yunzheng led the crew of "My Destiny Is Here" to participate in the awards ceremony.

Yunzheng finally turned around and returned to the state of two years ago, and it is even more beautiful than it was then.

Now the producers who took the initiative to invite her need to line up to come. She has also accepted several scripts and is thinking about which step to take.

Now, in the film and television industry, when mentioning Yunzheng, everyone will think of one thing: the quality is guaranteed.

Yunzheng wears a Valentino vintage custom dress, which is not very luxurious, but has a strong beauty.

She has always had an excellent appearance, but because she feels that she is not a person who depends on her appearance, she doesn't pay much attention to her image.

After being specially dressed, there is a kind of beauty that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

As if on purpose, the hero did not enter the arena arm in arm with the heroine, but the director entered the arena holding the arm of the hero.

Behind them, He Yixia and Ni Zun entered the stage arm in arm.

In order to hide her figure, He Yixia deliberately chose a loose skirt, still wearing a very low-key dress.

However, the flashing lights always revolved around the two pairs of them, as if it was expected that they would make big news today.

After sitting under the stage, Yunzheng was still a little nervous, and whispered to Tang Yi, "I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay, just calm down."

"Hey hey, what did I say when I went up?"

Tang Yi couldn't help laughing after hearing this, turned his head to look at Yunzheng, and whispered, "I really don't know what to say, so just confess to me."

"I'd better think about the lines."

When the awards were announced, the first winner of the crew was Tang Yi, an actor with leaping acting skills of the year.

Tang Yi originally thought he would be the best actor, but this award is also suitable for him, so he still won the award with a smile.

Standing on the podium, Tang Yi is full of charm.

He looked at the audience with a smile, very calm, natural, and not too nervous. This is also the camera sense honed from frequent participation in reality shows.

"Thank you everyone for witnessing my growth. I was young at the beginning, and now I can star in a TV series. I have been in the industry for more than seven years, and I have only made a name for myself now. It was director Yunzheng who brought me into the industry. , It was she who sent me to this position again, so I really thank her. Of course, I also thank the people who have been helping me, the brothers who have been taking care of me, and the fans who have always liked me, thank you.”

After speaking briefly, the award presenter took the microphone, walked up to Tang Yi, and asked, "Tang Yi, I really want to chat with you."

The award presenters are not here for nothing, they also hope to have more shots, it is best to create a hot spot, so that it can be linked to the hot search.

So they teased a few words, and the award presenter asked Tang Yi: "I know you have a nickname, Tang Shiliu, but if there is a scandal, it will be clarified within sixteen hours."

Tang Yi had expected this for a long time, so he nodded and replied: "I have indeed heard of this nickname."

"Then what do you want to say about the recent scandal between you and Yunzheng?"

"Ah..." After Tang Yi was asked, he asked the award presenter instead, "Actually, you have been asking me this question, why don't you consider asking Director Yun? Are you afraid she won't come up for a while?"

The award presenter was stopped by the rhetorical question, and he laughed and said a few more poor words.

At this time, there was commotion in the audience, because Yunzheng's face appeared on the big screen next to the awarding platform. Yunzheng glanced sideways, and then waved her hands at the camera.

Tang Yi was also watching the big screen, no matter how hard he could restrain his expression, he smiled uncontrollably very sweetly.

Yunzheng waited for a while without moving the camera away. She simply compared her heart to the camera. On the whole big screen, her face was magnified several times and was still beautiful.

Tang Yi put down the trophy in his hand, and compared his heart.

Immediately there was a burst of cheers from the scene, everyone had already understood, and the award presenters were also satisfied, and Tang Yi was let go.

However, not long after Tang Yi went down, he was invited up again.

The actor with the most ratings appeal is still Tang Yi.

On stage again, Tang Yi was a bit at a loss for words when he stood on the stage. After thinking about it, he said: "Thank you, Bel, for giving me face and willing to watch my drama. I have three TV dramas broadcast this year, and I was hacked for a while. Bo, then I got a wave of compliments, I was also a little... um... I accepted them all, I like this award very much, I know the weight of this award, if it weren't for my fans, I wouldn't be standing here at this time, because I fans, I can stand upright and take this award."

Before "My Fate Is Here", the TV series Tang Yi and Su Tongyu collaborated on was also broadcast, and they were scolded by the whole network, so black that they wanted to hide.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi's style review was reversed again.

Everyone finally confirmed that it was all the fault of the script and the director.

It was no surprise that Yunzheng won the audience's favorite director award. She was sitting next to Tang Yi, and she wanted to cry for a moment after winning the award.

Tang Yi found out, and immediately followed her to get up, hugged her, and whispered: "It's okay, be generous."

"Okay." Yunzheng replied, then hugged He Yixia, and was supported by Tang Yi before walking to the podium.

As soon as she stood up, the award presenters sighed: "Wow, so beautiful, this is definitely the most handsome director in the history of this award ceremony."

"Thank you for your compliment, but I still think I rely on my strength." Yunzheng replied calmly, smiling at the camera.

After getting the trophy, Yunzheng touched the trophy subconsciously, her heart trembling crazily.

It's an endorsement.

Fortunately she didn't give up.

She stood in front of the microphone and wanted to speak, but she didn't make a sound for a while. After hesitating for a while, she finally spoke: "I'm really excited. In the past few years, I have experienced a lot. Sometimes I also I would think, really don’t care at all? But every time I ask, the answer is the same: how is it possible? I am not that generous, I am not that strong, and I can persist in everything.”

Speaking of this, her voice was a little choked, but she was still smiling: "But I need to thank the staff who are willing to cooperate with me. They saved me. Especially the willingness of several leading actors to join, gave me the greatest support. Without them, I would still be in the mud."

"Seven years ago, I fell in love with a person at first sight. Later, I found out that he was underage. It was like forgetting it. Seven years later, I turned from cloud to mud, and I went to him very nervously. I hoped that he would have a little bit of love. Pity, pity me. In the end, he agreed, and he has been my backing, encouraged me a lot, and he also told me that he loved me for seven years."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience exclaimed.

Unsurprisingly, the big screen was Tang Yi's face. Tang Yi didn't look at it, but kept staring at the audience, his eyes were full of concentration.

He is looking at the person he loves most.

Yunzheng looked at the big screen, saw Tang Yi's face, and then pointed in the direction of the screen: "He, my partner."

Tang Yi finally laughed, and blew a kiss to the camera. He Yixia and Ni Zun, who were next to each other, simply came over and rubbed the camera with Tang Yi.

They knew that this video must be the headline tonight, so they didn't run away.

That night, Tang Yi posted a Weibo with a photo of Yunzheng receiving the award.

Tang Yi: She, my partner. [picture]

Forward (195124) Comment (354535) Like (1425421)

Jian Li: [Agreed to walk together for the rest of my life, whoever leaves the order first will be the dog.jpg]

Like (162462)

He Yixia: This is open, touching!

Like (142465)

Du Shengyan: Both of you are great, seven years of relationship is great.

Like (135645)

Ni Zun: Celebrate Tangtang finally having her first love at the age of 25.

Like (128135)

Lin Ziyin: Stop mocking me for being slow, I know that!

Like (92345)

Jianyu Feimian: Tang Yi didn't clarify, there must be something wrong, CP fans are satisfied.

Like (74621)

Yingzi: Forming a group and making it public, forcing Jian Li to post emojis is really too much.

Like (65134)

Whose vicissitudes are in chaos: I can persist for seven years and love someone all the time. I am very touched and blessed.

Like (41245)

Pork Belly: Tangtang has such a sweet smile, only Yunzheng can give it, blessing. [picture]

Like (32451)

That night.

Yunzheng stretched out her hand from under the quilt, took her mobile phone, opened Weibo, looked at the trending searches and headlines, and clicked on the comments.

Tang Yi put his chin on her shoulders around her slender waist, and asked in a lazy voice, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm curious..." Yunzheng replied hoarsely.

Tang Yi was not interested, so he hugged her into his arms, played with her hair, and asked, "Do you think I am qualified?"

"Boyfriend power?"


Yunzheng didn't answer, and directly smashed the phone on Tang Yi's face.

[End of the full text]

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for persevering till the end~ I love you all~ Meme~

This book is over, there should be no extra episodes, I feel very fulfilled. If you like my writing style, remember to bookmark the author~

The next book will continue the file: Jian Li's male lead single book "I have rejected the actor many times"

When Shi Shi was slammed by the media, she only had looks but no acting skills.

Jian Li commented on her like this: "Although she looks average, her acting skills are good."

[APP users, please jump to the author's column]

You can also collect another book "You Must Like Me" by the way.

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