Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 108: Bees and bears


The rough thunder struck the ground one by one, creating tiny black pits every time. The remaining thunder elements dissipated on the ground, which looked very strange.

The giant bear didn't have many attack methods. The main reason was that he couldn't figure out Lin Yiming's position at all. His attacks often landed in empty places, and empty skills were also common.

The thunder knives dispersed in the air, turned into eight handles, scattered in eight directions, and stuck straight into the ground.

A little bit of light emitted from the long knife inserted upside down, and rune tactics gradually formed on the ground, surrounding the giant bear in the center.

The giant bear sensed the abnormal situation around it and started running, trying to rush out before this unknown formation was formed.

The ground trembled, and the entire valley trembled under the giant bear's running.

"Attack, don't let this thing escape!"

Da Wa shouted in real time, directing the entire guard regiment to start attacking.

Wang Lu glanced at Da Wa. This kid had just stolen what he wanted to say.

The guards raised their spears, aimed at the giant bear below, and swung them out one by one. The spears made a hissing sound and hit the giant bear's body with ping-pong-pong sounds.

"Attack on the eyes!"

Wang Lu finally spoke this time.

The ten-man team spread out, set up their guns on the ground, and aimed at the giant bear's eyes.


Bang bang! !

Several gunshots rang out, and bullets whizzed through the air at a speed faster than Lin Yiming's previous lightning strike. It was probably the first time for the giant bear to see this kind of weapon. Before he could react, both eyes were pierced by bullets.


With a shrill roar, the giant bear collapsed on the ground in pain.

The thunder array in all directions has been rapidly formed, forming a circular purple light group in the center of the sky. The purple light group is connected with the thunder clouds above, and thunder is transmitted from high altitude to the formation.

The giant bear's sense of danger made it endure the pain in its eyes. It stood up and tried to break through the formation, but it hit the barrier formed by the formation heavily.


The giant bear roared angrily, and the ground shook crazily amidst the roar. Stones and dust flew into the air, hitting them randomly, and a huge dust storm rose on the scene.

The guards could only give up the attack temporarily and continue to retreat.

The storm and the thunder fought against each other, but after the formation was formed, Lin Yiming transformed into the god of thunder, and the thunder doll also gathered the thunder crazily at high altitude.

Amid everyone's exclamations, thunder fell from the sky and swallowed up the entire formation in an instant.

"Is this... really caused by humans?" Lin Fan looked at this scene blankly. We are all members of the Lin family. Why are you so good

Wang Lu also looked at this blow. If he faced this, he would probably be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Sure enough, the attack power that the thunder spirit can exert after it is generated is not at the same level at all.

This is a true attack and combat method that can communicate between heaven and earth.

"The limit of human beings is originally an unknown thing. You must believe that you can reach higher peaks." Wang Lu said.

"Brother Wang, although this makes sense, it feels a little strange coming from your mouth."


Thunder roared down, and the ground dropped by three millimeters under this attack.

Dust was flying all over the sky, and it was completely unclear what was going on inside. Only a huge black shadow could be seen standing on the ground.

The runes on the giant bear's body flashed crazily, and the brown-yellow light kept flashing, protecting the giant bear inside.

Lin Yiming frowned. The bear's defense was too strong, and his strongest attack still couldn't kill it. This kind of frustration made him very angry.

The consumption was a bit heavy, Lin Yiming's breathing became faster, and his face was slightly pale.

The thunder doll flew down from a high altitude, and it had reached the limit just now. It could no longer use its ability to summon thunder.

It can be said that Lin Yiming's limit was almost reached, but apart from falling to the ground in pain, the giant bear suffered no fatal injuries.

Relying on the opponent's recovery ability, he may be full of life again in a short period of time.

"Wang Lu, what happens next is up to you."

Lin Yiming said to Wang Lu, while he restrained his strength and entered a state of rest.

"Brothers, let's get to work. Our task is simple. Drive this stupid bear out of this valley, join Wang Bingyi and the others, and start moving!"

The guards were very excited. Who could resist the feeling of collectively besieging the big boss

The giant bear stood up in pain. Some of the stone armor on his body had fallen off, and the remaining thunder in his body was still stinging, as if his body was full of spikes.

Those runes were all dimmed, as if too much elemental energy had been consumed.

"Silly Bear, let's see how powerful your Mr. Lin is next!"

Lin Fan jumped down from a high altitude, and two cyan short blades flew out of his hands. The short blades were equipped with wind elements, and their speed and sharpness were not comparable to ordinary short blades.

It is obviously also a weapon that has been sublimated by elements.

In order to obtain this thing, Lin Fan tried his best and almost lost it in the wasteland.

The wind blade exploded with sharp energy and slashed hard on the giant bear's body.


Just like scratching an itch, if you don't listen carefully you can't even hear the sound the wind blade makes.

The giant bear looked at this human in confusion. Did he throw something over just now? Something must have hit the body, right

Wang Lu held his forehead, really feeling embarrassed for Lin Fan.

Circles of flames were ignited on the blood flame bow, flying directly to the back of the giant bear, blocking its way back to the valley.

Although the earth element of the giant bear also restrains the fire element, Wang Lu's fire element is still somewhat different after all, and the giant bear does not dare to directly collide with this kind of flame in its current state.

The last resort was to run towards the outside of the valley.

"Oh oh oh!! Encirclement and suppression!"

Lin Fan shouted excitedly, not thinking about the moment of his social death just now.

Everyone chased the giant bear towards the center. Wang Bing and others on the other side were also chased by a swarm of giant bees.

"Everyone, please hold on. We will arrive at the meeting point soon. The Lord will save us when the time comes."

Wang Bing yelled, looking at the ridiculously big bees behind him, his scalp went numb for a while.

Lord, please go and don't lie to us. A sting from this kind of bee can really kill someone.


In the central area, the valley here is relatively smaller, and the terrain here is lower, which is a low basin in the valley.

The giant bear was chased to this place, and it may have lost its temper. He turned around and slapped several soldiers directly into the ground. He didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Wang Lu looked at this scene and felt helpless. These guards still lacked some fighting instincts. Why did they rush so fast

"Da Wa, go see those soldiers and save them."

"Okay, Lord."

The giant bear turned around and roared angrily. The generated wind and waves blew all the guards back, and some even embedded themselves directly into the wall.

Wang Lu shot a few arrows, but they were shot away by the giant bear.

"Sniper, hit its toes!"

The sniper in the distance received Wang Lu's order, and a Barrett's heavy armored projectile flew out, actually tearing off the giant bear's big toe.

The giant bear roared in pain again, but could not find where the bullet came from.

"Lord Lord! Lord Lord, we are here."

As soon as Wang Bing saw his lord, he also saw the giant bear that was twenty or thirty meters long.

Wang Lu also saw Wang Bingyi and a large group of black bees behind them. All of them were large in size. Even dogs would believe it. How could bees grow so big

It's strange to say that when seeing a big snake, a big zombie feels a little scared, but it doesn't feel like anything.

But those that are originally small, like bees and ants, suddenly grow in size, but they will bring extreme fear and resistance.

The giant bear saw the swarm of black bees, and a trace of panic flashed in its eyes. It obviously didn't steal the nectar. Why are these guys here

"Lord, what I have in my hand is the nectar brewed by these bees. What should I do next?"

Wang Bing shouted.

"Throw it to this stupid bear and let's get out of here."

"Okay, Lord."

Wang Bing swung it hard, and a round object flew towards the giant bear, then crashed into the opponent's body and scattered everywhere.

Um? Is this the same for this human attack? Did he throw something away? What smells so good

The fragrance of flowers is released in the air, suddenly turning the entire valley into a world filled with floral fragrance.

"It smells so good. I must go to Flower Valley to see it after I establish a territory here."

Wang Lu said gloatingly, looking at the confused giant bear.

The bees smelled the smell and saw the giant bear that often stole their nectar. They flew towards it angrily, and their huge sharp tail spines pierced the giant bear's body.

Although the giant bear has a strong defense and has earth elements to help with defense, it has no way to deal with these bees.

Comparatively speaking, these bees are very small, making it difficult for the giant bear to defend effectively. Moreover, these bees must be in swarms when they are dispatched, and they are completely unable to withstand them.

Wang Lu watched the giant bear running around wildly being chased by these bees, and smiled with schadenfreude.

The next step is to enter the deep valley and determine your own coordinates. After that, as long as you officially open up the grassland, you can establish your first territory on the grassland here.