Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 114: Ice blood moon!


The next day, the sky was bright.

At noon after the onset of winter, the time when you least want to get up is because... it's really too cold, and it's so warm inside the bed, so why do you want to get up

"Don't ask to pull him...he wants to continue sleeping~"

Wang Lu said in a cooing voice, his body unwilling to leave the bed.

"Brother Wang, stop my mother from being disgusted with him. Get up quickly. Something happened outside. I have to take a look."

Lin Fan said with a disgusted look on his face, and forcefully pulled Wang Lu up.

"What big thing is that?" Wang Lu rubbed his eyes sleepily, "What big thing can be bigger than him sleeping? If the VIP expires, the earth will explode."

After putting on his clothes, he followed Lin Fan outside. At this moment, a lot of people had gathered. They were all looking at the sky with dull expressions on their faces.

In the sky, there is a bright moon hanging, and the moon is blood red, because tomorrow is not a blood moon, but this time the blood moon will have a light layer of ice blue, and the surrounding clouds and mist will also turn into Smoothies.

The most important thing is that there is a huge icy blue ring around the blood-red moon. It seems to be some kind of dust medium, but it is filled with ice dust turned by the cold.

Loneliness and death, ice and gloom filled the whole world.

Wang Lu frowned, looking at the different blood moon, always feeling that something bad would happen.

"When did that moon start?"

"I don't know. He was too tired last night and went to bed early. He fell asleep before twelve o'clock."

Lin Fan said awkwardly.

"It won't be like that after twelve o'clock, and the sun seems to have disappeared, suppressed by the blood moon." Lin Yiming said lightly.

"The blood moon is an initial form among the three big moons, but it does not mean that there are three big moons in the wasteland world. Those three big moons will also change at special moments."

"Brother Yiming, do I know that situation?"

Wang Lu frowned, looked at Lin Yiming, and said suspiciously.

Lin Yiming nodded, "The moon on the burning ground is a little different from the wasteland. The moon on the burning ground is not the purple moon, but once he has seen a more terrifying moon."

Thinking of that experience, it seems that Lin Yiming felt a little frightened because of his temperament.

"A burning ground is a ground that has been burned. Now the flames have been extinguished, but this does not mean that the fire has disappeared forever. Under special circumstances, those flames will return to the burning ground. "

"At that time, will the purple moon change color and turn into a weird reddish-purple color? With the appearance of the reddish-purple moon, some special sleeping monsters will also wake up."

"Special monster?"

Wang Lu said in a deep voice, wouldn't it be very bad if that kind of special monster appeared in the wasteland

"Just wait, the blood moon will not be that simple that time." Lin Yiming looked at the increasingly red world outside with bright eyes.

The appearance of the blue-red blood moon also attracted the attention of the entire wasteland. Everyone was immersed in deep worry and fear, not knowing what would happen to the east.

At the same time, somewhere in the five realms of the wasteland, the ground began to squirm violently, as if something was breaking out of the ground.

Wang Lu had ordered the guards in advance to strengthen their vigilance and always pay attention to the situation around the territory.

Can the defense turrets on all sides that have not been opened for a long time be opened again to face the enemy.

Wang Lu stood on the high platform, looking at the world slowly shrouded in blue and red, feeling the temperature getting lower and lower, and the uneasiness in his heart also intensified.

[Ding~ The blood moon is on. They have added some interesting things to this blood moon. Let’s have fun together, chirp~]

At that time, the message from the system was either joking or speechless.

At the same time, somewhere in the five realms of the wasteland, the ground cracked crazily, and strange monsters rushed out of it, spreading across the wasteland with long teeth and five claws.

[World Channel]

[Damn, there are some weird monsters there. What are they? ! !]

[It seems that all the five major realms have been attacked. There is a black mantis-like monster in the southern realm. Where are we?]

[The basilisk in the center is so long. Damn it, someone was swallowed directly.]

[The giant in the east looks like a Titan. That thing is more than ten meters tall!]

[Have I met a Titan? You've played too many games.]

[What is that thing in the western boundary? It’s completely dark and you can’t see anything at all.]

Wang Lu looked at the large group of darkness swarming in front of him, feeling as if the black clouds were overwhelming the city.

"Lord, a large group of monsters appears in front of the territory. Please give me your order!" Wang Bing shouted.


Wang Lu also shouted, and the four defensive forts were activated in an instant, and the measurable bombs rushed eastward in an overwhelming manner.

The guards stood on the high platform built in the east of the territory, using their weapons to prepare for the monsters that broke through.

Those monsters were all pitch black, with a red pattern on their foreheads. Their limbs were very long and sharp, and they were extremely fast. Some of the guards had their limbs pierced directly through their bodies without even reacting.

Wang Lu and others also came to the front line of resistance and came into close contact with the monsters.

"It looks a bit similar to the [Zhigan] in the Burning Land. The speed of those monsters in Bu Nao is not that fast. There must be traces to follow."

Lin Yiming said seriously, and with just a touch of the palm of his leg, he cut open the monster's body, and the thick green liquid inside flowed crazily.

"I can't help but shut up calmly while killing monsters. It's very scary." Lin Fan screamed strangely, and the wind blade also cut open the body of a monster.

Lin Yiming ignored Lin Fan who screamed strangely, and continued: "Such monsters are generally divided into levels. The cocoa that appears now is the weakest, and there will definitely be higher-level beings in the future."

Wang Lu nodded. Although those monsters were more powerful than ordinary zombies, they still did not pose much of a threat to those who were above level ten.

Of course, this is not necessarily the case if you are surrounded.

"Lord, please support me over there!"

Da Wa suddenly shouted, and saw that he was fighting with a monster with a light red body. The monster was larger than the others, and its sharp limbs were very colorful.

Wang Lu didn't expect that a higher-level creature would sneak in there. Its legs would fly into the wind, and a line of fire would fly out. The line of fire would hit the monster's body with a thud, knocking it back.


The monster was struggling wildly on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames from its body, but the Zhiwan Flame was not an unusual flame. No matter how hard the monster struggled, it could not stick firmly to its body.

Wang Lu looked at the monster and felt a sense of fear in his heart. If the guy broke through the defense line and actually entered the territory behind, then something big would happen.

"Comrades, if this line of defense is the most important thing they need to protect the territory behind them, it can protect their homeland. Everyone, rush forward!"

"Come on, protect the territory!"

Warmth gradually rose in the eyes of the guards, and their legs felt stronger.

Wang Lu and Lin Yiming stood together. They were the strongest existences there and could not be affected by those soldiers and generals. They needed to always pay attention to whether there would be accidents or special situations inside.

The black tide continued to pour in there, and the guards defended desperately. With the help of the defense line, weapons, and the turret above their heads, there were no particularly heavy casualties.

Lin Yiming's eyes condensed, his leg palms moved slightly, and the lightning flashed through an area. The black monster in that area melted instantly, and at the same time, the red monster inside was exposed.

Seeing that he had been discovered, the red monster rushed in front of a guard.