Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 19: Ye Qingxuan


Wang Lu narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm already at level 8, and I'm already close to my first sublimation. It's pretty good. As a girl, it's not easy."

Is it always more difficult for girls to survive in the apocalypse? Do they face many more dangers than boys

Sometimes human males are more dangerous.

It's hard to see whether such a girl group can be organized in such an extreme environment, and whether its level is far ahead of that of most humans.

Wang Lu smiled softly, wondering whether he had forgiven the female lord's disgust and disdain in his eyes.

The frightened girl threw herself into the arms of the female lord and burst into tears.

The female lord gently stroked the girl's hair, her eyes gradually softened.

The eyes of the men around him became clear after seeing the violence of the female lord, and they no longer dared to look at the particularly protruding parts of the female lord.

"Sister Qingxuan, Nan Nan fainted, please come over and have a look."

In the center, several girls were surrounding, and in the middle, a girl completely passed out due to dehydration.

The female lord let go of the girl, came to the center again, and gently placed her legs on the unconscious girl's nose.

"Sister Qingxuan, Nannan hasn't had any water for two days. If we go east like that again, the sisters won't be able to hold on."

The girls around him also agreed.

It seems that they have also encountered a serious crisis of water shortage.

People who lack too much water can easily become dehydrated, and their bodies can go into temporary shock and die.

If you do not take in water in time during that process, your life will be in danger.

The initial water source provided to humans in the wasteland world can barely support a person's usage for a week according to the minimum standard.

But it does not rule out that some people do not pay attention to saving water at the beginning and end up squandering it after a few days.

That's why the blood moon has not yet begun, and there is discussion on the world channel about the water shortage crisis.

To be honest, Wang Lu didn't really want to pay attention to the group of girls gathered around.

But I don't know why there is always an inexplicable impulse in my heart that drives Wang Lu to offer a portion of water in a cool way to win the strange eyes of the girls.

As the richest man in the wasteland, he currently has enough water in the east. Although he did not get water from the Renjiang River when he was in the grassland.

However, if the grassland itself has sufficient water resources, there is no need to obtain water from rivers.

"Da Wa, I asked him if he is going to give some of the water to those girls. Will he gain their admiration?"

Dawa looked at his lord in confusion and said, "Why do you ask to do that? Their own water source is not sufficient."

"And didn't you say it yourself? If you keep a low profile outside, in his opinion, the world is short of water, so you can probably contribute to the water source. If you don't have a brain, then there is something wrong with your brain."

From the perspective of robot thinking, Dawa is completely unable to understand the Lord's behavior in that question.

Wang Lu curled his lips and walked towards the girl group, his face covered with a half-mask.

When Dawa saw his lord's behavior, although he didn't understand it, he could go along with it.

Because of the girl group incident and the previous violent behavior of the female group leader, some of the men who had been watching had left there and hurried to the central plain area.

Seeing Wang Lu approaching, the female leader jumped up and stared at Wang Lu with an unkind expression.

"If you don't look at him like that, he will see that we are in trouble. There happens to be a little more water there, and maybe we will need it."

When they heard the word "water source", almost all the girls turned their heads and stared at Wang Lu with bulging eyes.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment when he heard that there was a water source on Wang Road, but he quickly reacted.

At a time when people all over the world were seriously short of water, how could there be any kind-hearted people willing to share it with them

Moreover, they did not recognize the masked man in front of them at all.

"Why do they want to believe me? Are all people suffering from severe water shortages now? Is it realistic for me to say that I am willing to share water with them?"

To Wang Lu's expectation, the female group leader's voice had an ethereal and a little transparent feeling, just like the sound of clear spring hitting a stone in an empty valley.

He had always felt that a girl with that kind of figure would not have such a pure voice.

If you look closely, you will see that the square face is not as pure and natural as a lotus when the eyebrows are not furrowed.

Wang Lu smiled softly and took out a portion of the water source, "We believe it or not, Buju, he has some agenda, but one thing is that we need that thing very much now."

Gently handing the water source to a woman near him, Wang Lu glanced at the female leader again and left slowly.

The woman looked at the water in her legs and looked at the leader with some excitement.

In the wasteland world, a portion of water is approximately one liter.

It can be used by one person for two days, and the durability provided by just one water source will naturally disappear in a little less than two days.

It can be said that this lack of water means that the entire girl group has no hope of continuing to live in the East.

Ye Qingxuan kept staring at Wang Lu who had already left, her brows furrowed tightly.

"Sister Qingxuan, look, this is a clean water source with a purity of 100%. This is not the first time he has seen clean purified water."

The woman receiving the water kept licking her lips, and her eyes were even bloodshot due to hunger and thirst.

Ye Qingxuan took the water from the girl's legs and could feel a burst of coolness coming from the pavement being released from the water.

The water flows slowly, releasing its own charm.

"Is it really pure water? And the color of the water source is not completely transparent." After wandering in the wasteland for more than a week, Ye Qingxuan can't distinguish the quality of basic materials.

That kind of water source is basically the best quality water source.

"Why did that man in Bu Nao ask to give them such a precious water source?"

She still wonders, are there really people in this world who give to others without asking for anything in return

"Sister Qingxuan, let them divide that water source. None of the sisters have ever seen a water source that is 100% purified!"

A woman suggested.

The girls around him all agreed and couldn't wait to ask for a drink of water.

Ye Qingxuan put away the water source, turned around and took out half of the turbid water source, and said: "Sisters, why don't they use the remaining water source first, and use the clean water source later? "

She was well-educated in the previous world, but to be honest, she was not very willing to use that water source directly.

After all, she didn't even say thank you to her, and she even looked at them with disgust and disdain before, which made her angry and embarrassed.

The girls were a little disappointed when they heard their leader's words.

But it would be good if they had water to drink, and if it hadn't been for the group leader, they would have been eaten by zombies long ago.

Ye Qingxuan smiled softly, and when she thought about looking for the man again, she found that the other party had disappeared into the dust.

"He should also go to the middle of the wasteland to open up the East River, right?"



The dusky sky in the east is filled with dust. The dust swirling around sometimes playfully gets into human eyes and noses, making people uncomfortable.

Most of the wasteland does not have such an environment, the most primitive and harsh environment where it is difficult to survive.

The distance between the north and the center is quite long, although human walking speed has increased in that world.

But Wang Lu estimated that it would take two days to reach the location of the Donghe River marked on the map.

"Lord, he cannot understand what you are doing. If you give away the precious water source, then it is one of the two precious water sources containing trace elements that you retrieved from the grassland."

The eldest child was a little disgusted. After all, he did not have the opportunity to drink such precious water, but the lord actually gave it to those who had nothing to do with it.

Wang Lu saw the expression on Da Wa's face and said with a smile: "Okay, isn't it a good share? Then it will be great if he shares it with me. And did he have a plan for his behavior at that time? I want Da Wa to learn investing well." .”

"He can't understand it, and he hopes the lord will explain it."

The eldest son is not really angry, but he feels that his lord has done something wrong to him, so can he risk his life to retrieve the water source

"I see, he gave that precious water source to that girl group. On the surface, he gained nothing. But I beg you, human beings have a very strange problem."

"In normal times, no matter what I do when I wrong someone, due to the influence of the stable external environment, the wrong person will think that my behavior is not justified."

"I should be so good, and my hard work is not an appropriate behavior in their eyes. Even when I don't do those things, I will often say that I don't care about you at all, and how is my heart?" So cruel."

"But no, if I am in a desperate situation, will my contribution be magnified infinitely by the wrong party, even if what I did at that time is not as good as the smallest contribution in the first situation."

"At that time, I will leave a very deep imprint in the wrong person's heart, and Coco will not even disappear."

Dawa thought about the words of his lord, agreed, and said: "Does it mean that your previous behavior was simply to leave an indelible mark on that group of female humans? Is there anything in that? Can it be used or eaten?"

Wang Lu patted the big baby's dull head, showing no sympathy for him.
