Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 20: Meet the girl group again!


Survival is the lowest pursuit of human beings. For Wang Lu, as long as the water source problem of the Didong River is solved, the problem of survival is not a trivial problem for him.

While they are all worrying about survival, wouldn't it be nice to take care of the best girls who come to you by yourself

As an LSP, that thing is even more meaningful than survival.

Wang Lu had even imagined the scene of all the members of the girl group appearing in his territory. What a wonderful scene it would be.

As night falls slowly, Wang Lu has stopped moving forward. The wasteland at night is too dangerous. Human beings currently do not fully control the wasteland. The outside world is still a world of zombies.

At night, Bu Fu would hide like a grandson.

There are many small mountains in the wasteland plain, and those mountains are widely distributed throughout the wasteland plain.

When outside, those mountains are the best place for humans to escape.

After all, I just asked to dig a hole artificially in the mountain and hide in it myself, so that I would usually not be discovered by zombies.

Of course, although Wang Lu didn't want to fight with those zombies, he didn't want to hide like that either.

After setting up a shelter and wearing a mask, Wang Lu picked up his bow and arrow and disappeared into the night.

Night is also a good time for him to hunt zombies. Who can have too much zombie spirits, especially at this critical moment of construction.

Wang Ludong's target, the arsenal, requires a lot of souls, so preparations have begun.

Except when the blood moon appears, it is also possible to hunt a large number of zombie spirits when night falls.

The night is long and the yellow sand is long.

On the plains, shrill roars began to appear. Some special sounds sounded like the cries of human cubs, which sounded weird and scary.

After entering the dark night, the whole world became quiet, leaving only zombies walking aimlessly.

Blood-red light flickered in the air, and several zombies fell to the ground for no apparent reason, and red spirits flew towards the figures flying quickly in the air.

Wang Lu wore a blood-red Yuanlong mask and quickly harvested the lives of zombies on the ground under the cover of night.

He enjoyed the feeling of quietly shooting arrows in the dark.

Kill the corpse invisible.

However, he didn't attack too frequently, which would easily attract the zombies' attention.

Every once in a while, one arrow hits one essence, which is actually quite efficient.

The most important thing is that I don’t have to fight the wrong party with bows and arrows, thus avoiding the risk of exposing my position.

Wang Lu flashed through the night quickly, without Da Wa.

His own movements were much freer and faster, drifting along the night across the plain like a god of death.

On the way, he also met some people who had no sense of safety when the night came. Wang Lu ignored those people.

The cruelty of life will teach them skills and knowledge, and they do not need to move their own legs.

Suddenly, after traveling for more than an hour, Wang Lu unexpectedly met the girl group from before.

Did the female leader have enough awareness to open up a mountain cover early

But there are a lot of zombies gathered around this mountain protection area at the moment.

Wang Lu's eyesight was relatively good, and Yuanjidi saw a pool of blood not far in front of the mountain, and then a girl trembling and hiding in the crowd.

After thinking about it for a while, he probably guessed what happened.

Sure enough, does stupidity really kill people? Don’t you know that blood stains are the easiest thing to attract zombies to

The most important thing is that Wang Lu soon saw an old friend among the zombies.

Among the black zombies, a green zombie stood out, its slender claws exuding a terrifying edge.

Next to the swift zombies, there is a trench-colored zombie.

It was over two meters tall, and its fist was strangely huge, even much thicker than its own arm.

[Iron Fist Zombie: Special zombie, level 13.]

[Zombies distributed in the plain area in the middle of the wasteland have great strength, but lack of speed. Their weakness is the gap in the center of their fists.]

Wang Lu looked at the center of the Iron Fist zombie's fist. Sure enough, there was a slender crack. It was very real and not easy to find if you didn't look carefully.

The girl group was surrounded by a group of zombies. The group leader and several girls stood in front, looking at the huge group of zombies in front of them with cold eyes.

"I'm afraid the number has exceeded 50. Most of the girls who have no fighting ability probably won't be able to hold on for half an hour."

Wang Lu analyzed Yidong's situation but did not take any action.

Ye Qingxuan's level is level 8. Did you find out before

The levels of the girls in Chengdong are around level 6 and level 7. For them, they are almost the strongest ones.

But no, the level gap between him and those two special zombies is quite big.

Not to mention the girls in Chengdong, who can't even deal with the most common zombies.

"Captain, what should I do? Those two zombies put a lot of pressure on him. I'm afraid they are no different than ordinary zombies."

The short-haired woman looked at Ye Qingxuan next to her and said, her eyebrows full of worry.

Ye Qingxuan also had a bad expression on his face. Looking at the two zombies, he didn't have any good ideas for a moment.

"It's all Mengmeng's fault. I told you not to go out casually at night, but you didn't listen. You hurt yourself when you went out. That's fine. You'll attract all the zombies here."

The girl in military uniform next to the short-haired woman said, her sharp eyes piercing the girl in the crowd who was shaking and crying.

"Okay, Jingchen, Mengmeng didn't do it on purpose. Girls will have those days, so there is nothing we can do about it." Ye Qingxuan said.

"Huh? How many days?" Wang Lu in the distance was stunned when he heard that word.

As a noble local male, he didn't react for a moment.

The zombies seemed to be waiting for orders from the swift zombies and iron fist zombies, staring eagerly at the thin-skinned humans in front of them.


The Iron Fist zombies let out a low roar. The zombies who heard the roar became excited and rushed towards the girl group with their teeth and claws bared.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan and several other women around him also took action.

There is a slender wooden stick in their legs, and the top of the wooden stick is polished to a sharp point.

It seems that the stone is added to one part to create a sharper part that can be used as an assassination tool.

After all, Wang Lu felt that the weapons of those girls were pretty good, so he added polished sharp stones to the top of the sticks, which was a good idea.

Sure enough, sometimes the brain is a good thing.

The two sides soon started fighting, and Wang Lu was startled by the screams of the girls behind him.

"No, he can understand the reaction when you first arrive in that world and fight zombies. It's been more than a week. How did those guys survive the blood moon?"

Wang Lu was simply stunned by the performance of the group of girls behind him.

It seemed that whether those people could survive or not really depended entirely on the girls who rushed over.

Ye Qingxuan's movements are very fast, which is very similar to her delicate and lively voice.

When fighting, he is also like Feofeng, his steps are nimble and he rarely uses brute force to fight against zombies.

With the blessing of speed, the sharp stone tip can easily cut open the zombie's throat cavity.

"The movements are very fast. Does every move have its own purpose? That girl looks so pure and weak, but she is so beatable?"

Wang Lu was also surprised by Ye Qingxuan's fighting ability. To be honest, he couldn't do it.

As the level increases, his strength and speed will increase, but without any training in his movements, he looks like a fool.

But no, no matter how good the movements are, it will ultimately be a matter of whether they can sustain themselves in the face of absolute power.

Ordinary zombies could not defeat Ye Qingxuan and several other girls, but the swift zombies and iron fist zombies soon took action.

The speed of the agile zombie is very fast, and it looks more like a strange phantom in the night. It blends perfectly into the night, and you can feel the chilling edge outside the space.

In comparison, Iron Fist Zombie looks much clumsy, but facing it is like facing a huge mountain, making people breathless.

Has strong oppressive power.

The swift zombies stared at Ye Qingxuan.

The sharp claw blade cut through the night sky, pulling out an arc of light that quickly annihilated in the air.

Ye Qingxuan's body turned a bit, but due to the huge gap in levels, there was a big difference in their speeds, and the cold light still tore part of his clothes.

Wang Lu was stunned for a moment, and then he stared at Ye Qingxuan intently.

When the cold light appeared just now, Ye Qingxuan turned sideways and cut open the throat of a zombie, with his back facing the place where the swift zombie appeared.

Therefore, all Wang Lu saw was a large piece of snow-red jade, which almost blinded his titanium alloy eyes.

Ye Qingxuan held her back with some shame, but the swift zombie didn't think about it that much. It turned in the east direction on the ground and rushed towards her again.

There was a huge gap in levels, and the difference in combat power between the two was actually quite big, and the ordinary zombies started to scream towards those in the girl group.

The claw blade struck forward, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't dodge, so he could press the wooden stick in front of him, but the durability of the wooden stick was originally relatively low.

The sharp claw blade was cut off directly.

"No, don't let that ugly thing kill her!"

Wang Lu drew out an arrow, and the blood-red light quickly spread across the arrow.

After charging up and shooting out, the blood-red stream of light flickered in the space and collided heavily with the claw blade of the swift zombie.

The arrow directly broke the claw blade of the swift zombie and stabbed heavily to the ground.

The swift zombies that were attacked quickly retreated, staring at Fang Fang with stern eyes.