Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 35: Turn on the violence mode!


Strips of light intertwined in the sky, forming a huge circular platform about ten meters in diameter next to the pasture.

There are ten colorful stone pillars around the round platform, and some unknown patterns are carved on the heads of the stone pillars, each of which seems to symbolize an outstanding race.

When the eldest child and the second child saw the round platform, their bodies became a little stiffer.

Of course they know whether their lord has reached the east step, whether it is a matter of time to summon the NPC army, and whether their underground world has been waiting for the arrival of that month.

Just thinking that after the high-level NPCs arrive, Lord Coco will ignore them, it feels like there is a thorn in his heart.

Wang Lu looked sideways at the eldest baby and the second baby, taking in the changes in their moods, and raised his lips slightly.

[Ding~ The construction of the summoning platform is completed, and the lord can enter the summoning platform to view the targets that can be recruited.]

The first beam of light disappears outside the space, announcing the new building’s settlement in the Wanglu territory.

"Starting from tomorrow, they will formulate a series of rules and plans for the construction of their territory, which will require a lot of human legs."

Wang Lu stood in front of the summoning platform, looking at the first and second children with a serious face.

The eldest and second eldest children in Didong were refreshed and stood there.

"Now he is announcing two things. In the early stage, he is planning to summon a guard regiment. I will control the guard regiment. Do you have confidence?"

Wang Lu looked at Dawa with an unmistakable look.

Let him take control? !

The eldest child was stunned for a moment, but also looked at the eyes of his lord, with disbelief in his eyes.

With a solemn look on his face, Da Wa could not return to being the loyal guard who accompanied his lord, advised him, and gave his life when needed.

"If Da Wa has confidence, please believe in the Lord. Da Wa will definitely be able to lead a good team!"

"very good!"

Wang Lu looked at Erwa again, and then said: "He will have a general direction for the construction of the territory, and he does not want to ask for more control over the specific implementation. Although what I said to Erwa is not wrong, but... ····”

Wang Lu grinned, "The acquisition of zombie souls is also very important. If you want to know the secrets of that world, you can only continue to go deep into the realms that are very shrouded in fog."

"In the future, various full-time NPCs will appear, such as construction workers, farmers, medical soldiers, etc. He has now appointed Erwa as his general manager and arranged all his affairs except combat defense. Can I, Erwa? Do it well!"

He wanted to leave those things to himself before, but during that time he unexpectedly discovered that Erwa was stronger and more careful than him in handling foreign affairs, so it might be more reasonable to leave it to him.

The second baby's expression did not change as much as the eldest baby's. His personality was not that cold and aloof.

"The second baby will definitely live up to the Lord's expectations."

"very good!"

Wang Lu nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Second-level farms and pastures will unlock a lot of new capabilities, and crop yields will also be greatly improved. He didn't pay too much attention to that before, but it's different now. "

"As the number of summoned NPCs increases, the demand for food will increase sharply. Erba, my recent work will be to complete the agriculture and animal husbandry in my territory first."

Erwa nodded.

Making decisions in a general direction is what a lord should do. Leave trivial matters to the people in Didong. General decision-making is often more important than specific actions.

Wang Lu now needs to plan every step of connecting Donglai. It is no longer in the early stages. At that time, he could only survive and did not care about other things. Now he needs to develop.

Click on the summoning platform.

[First-level farmer: an NPC engaged in crop production and development, most of which are east of level 10. The summoning conditions are that the lord enters the first sublimation, the territory opens a farm, and the price of a single summon is 1 red essence.]

[First-level guards: NPCs engaged in combat and defense. Most of them are east of level 10. The summoning conditions are that the lord enters the first sublimation and the summoning platform is opened in the territory. The price of a single summoning is 5 red essence.]

[First-level herdsmen: NPCs engaged in the operation and development of ranches. Most of them are east of level 10. The summoning conditions are that the lord enters the first sublimation and the territory opens the ranch. The price of a single summon is 2 red essence.]


[Level 3 Healing Mage: A member of the Holy Light Clan in the Didong World, who believes in the Lord of Light and Shadow. Most of his levels are from level 20 to level 50. He masters intermediate healing spells, and some can cast advanced healing spells. The summoning conditions are that the lord enters the second sublimation, the territory opens the Muguang Platform, and the price of a single summon is 1 high-level zombie essence.]

[Third-level elemental ranger: a member of the elven tribe in the Didong world, who believes in the goddess of nature. Most of his levels are from level 20 to level 50. He has superb combat capabilities and can control a large amount of elements. Some high-level beings can fight with high-level zombies. . The conditions for summoning are that the lord enters the second sublimation, the territory opens the element pool, and the price of a single summon is 1 high-level zombie essence.]

Looking at it from beginning to end, these are not all things that Wang Lu can summon at his current level.

To be honest, he was quite interested in the first few three-stage NPCs, but he currently lacked the conditions to summon them.

"In the early stage, you don't need to call too many, but you need to distribute the locations reasonably."

"If the conditions of the guards can be met, there is a shortage of weapons. The slow exchange method of building an arsenal is obviously not feasible now. There is a lack of necessary conditions."

Wang Lu analyzed the various conditions that can be used. Due to boundary restrictions, many materials are currently unobtainable, but if that world is possible, those materials can be obtained by entering other boundaries.

Are there absolutely logical links between various things? Just find those logical links, and many problems will no longer be problematic.

The will of the world seems to be balancing these.

Just like when it appeared in the early stage, the desolation of the wasteland will definitely not produce food that humans can use. Of course, whether there is enough bark to eat is another matter.

Also because humans lacked the most basic survivability after the early arrival, the new leg gift pack and the initial tasks were relatively simple, and sufficient food and water sources could be obtained.

But if we pass by now, that kind of task will basically never happen again.

Thinking about the problem from another angle, since the will of the world has given out the items for construction, it has also clearly given a way, such as unlocking those buildings through routine.

Does that mean that, in addition to his own abilities, he has the ability to open corresponding buildings

The question now is how to find a way to avoid the conventional way to obtain the unlock method.

After taking out almost all the zombie souls he owned, Wang Lu was ready to do something big.

"Exchange, 100 first-level farmers, 100 first-level herdsmen, 100 first-level guards, 10 first-level architects, and 10 first-level pharmacists."

[The order is confirmed to exchange for 100 first-level farmers, 100 first-level herdsmen, 100 first-level guards, 10 first-level architects, and 10 first-level pharmacists.]

A ball of light lit up in the summoning platform, just like a door was opened, and people who looked like primitive people walked out of the summoning door one after another.

The empty territory was no less lively than the first time.

"Can you summon the lord who appears from them? I ask you to give them enough food, and they will follow your footsteps to the death."

The primitive man standing at the front said respectfully.

After all, they don't know very much what kind of person the lord in front of them is, so they can express their goodwill as much as possible.

But when it saw the size of the NPC summoned that time, it was also shocked.

The conditions for summoning them to appear are not very demanding, and many people can even do it. The problem is that they are not ambitious robots. Raising them requires huge resources, and that is the most difficult part.

It’s hard to see how wealthy that lord is.

As the last ray of light disappeared, the entire summoning platform and the open space in the territory were filled with people.

The eldest child and the second child looked at those crudely dressed primitive people and felt funny in their hearts. They thought they were like that when they first appeared. Although the clothes they wear now are also very crude, they are still better than before.

"According to our respective positions, stand in line and listen to what he has to say."

When Wang Lu saw the chaotic team, he howled at the top of his lungs.

Da Wa stood aside, and the heavy-edged sword in his leg fell heavily to the ground, causing a burst of sand and dust.

The team was confused for a while, but Bu Nao finally arranged the team.

Wang Lu looked at the lined up team and nodded slightly.

"I introduced him to Yidong. His name is Wang Lu. He is the lord of that territory. Although he looks like that, his level has reached level 17, and the level of his territory has also reached level 17." "

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden noise on the scene, as if they were surprised by Wang Lu's high level.


Da Wa's heavy-edge sword stomped to the ground again, and Liquid Chang's invisible aura was released from its body.

Wang Lu took a deep look at Da Wa. He was so good at pretending to be a good boy.

"Has his farm and pasture reached Level 2, with sufficient resources, and horses can be fully cultivated."

Wang Lu's farms and pastures were actually in a state of waste of resources. He had used a large amount of previous resources to strengthen the farms and pastures. It turned out that the levels of the two places were a bit high.

Neither the pastures nor the farms are even half used, and only one-third of the farmland is cultivated.

With two children and one child, it is difficult to manage such a large farm.

"He said so much, but he didn't mean to tell us whether he wanted to show off or not. Although we are at a low level and have suffered a lot in the underground world, if we follow this lord, please work hard. Make sure you drink spicy food if you like it, and the two seniors next to us are examples."

All the NPCs looked at the big baby and the second baby who had been standing to the side, and they saw an emotion in their expressions.

An emotion called pride!