Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 47: Being targeted?


The development of the fish pond was in progress, but another piece of news interrupted Wang Lu's dream.

In the territory, the big baby was lying on the ground, with blood all over his body. There were hideous wounds in some parts, and the holes were constantly bleeding out.

The condition of the other soldiers was not good. They were more or less injured, and some were not seriously injured.

"what happened?"

Wang Lu looked at Lin Fan with a gloomy expression. Lin Fan was faster and it seemed that he was not seriously injured.

"They are being watched. Tomorrow he and Dawa will take the guards to the wasteland to find the treasure chest. They meet a few humans on the road. They continue to move forward without saying hello. Those people in Bu Nao suddenly If they continue to move forward, they will be in danger, so let them take another path."

"Since Lord Lord you built the fish pond and took away most of the guards, for the sake of safety, he and Dawa took the guards to adjust to the east direction, but he did not believe those few people. Their direction was slightly In the middle of the two.”

"Not long after walking, they fell into a huge pit. It seems that the few people they met before had already made such a trap, and were waiting for people passing by to hook and then plunder."

"But there were more of them, and they encountered great difficulties when they tried to rob them. At that time, Da Wa and him also escaped from the trap, and came to the end, and wanted to find an explanation from those people. "

"But not long after they came out, a large number of zombies appeared. They resisted with difficulty, and the few humans stood in the distance waiting for them to die and then plunder their things."

"Qu Chu did not hesitate to open a passage so that they could escape. However, he always felt that those people had discovered the situation of the lord. "

Lin Fan's eyes were a little gloomy. He and Da Wa didn't get along very well, but after getting along during that time, he might have had some different feelings about this special NPC.

Now that he saw the wrong person dying, and recalling the happy smiles on those faces, his heart was filled with anger.

"Damn, are there always those things that don't have eyes? Don't let him catch them!"

Wang Lu cursed angrily. Da Wa had been following him for the longest time. It can be said that the early development was indispensable to Da Wa and Er Wa. Although they were their own friends, they were more of a comrade-in-arms relationship.

"Lord... I am useless. I took my brothers into the trap of that group of people. Please forgive me, Lord."

Dawa's weak voice came, and his legs and arms begged to be lifted up.

Wang Lu put the big baby's legs and arms to the east and said, "Okay, I'll have a good rest, and he will handle the rest."

The healing mage took the baby away, and they needed to prepare the medicine according to the baby's specific injuries. The injured guards also followed him into the warehouse.

"Lord, he estimates that those people will not give up just like that. He always feels that they have premeditated it before, and they may have wrong ideas about my territory."

Lin Fan said.

That group of people was different from me. It was obvious that they were a group of desperadoes with little moral survival in their hearts, and they were in a joint territory, not like me before.

Although he had some conflicts with Wang Lu before, he would never be in the situation he is in now.

Wang Lu smiled coldly and said, "Just beg them to dare to come. He will never let them have a good time."

Lin Fan shuddered slightly. It is estimated that the group of people themselves did not realize what kind of person they were provoking.


"Brother Xiong, as for the territory ahead, it seems that it is built on a mountain. They should not continue moving forward, otherwise the wrong party will find out."

The thin man with eyes said, looking at a tall and strong man in front of him.

The strong man who was called Brother Xiong turned around and smiled ferociously, "So what if he is discovered? A large group of them are very afraid of him. We can't see the specific situation in the territory."

"Zhao Xiong, it would be better for them to be more cautious. We can have a guard regiment of more than fifty people, and he seems to be a talented person, so we have to be cautious."

The one who shut up was an elegant man wearing a red plaid shirt and gold-rimmed glasses. He looked like a frail scholar.

Zhao Xiong looked at the man who had shut up and snorted coldly, "Okay, okay, it's okay if we ask for caution, but we can't see the specific situation now."

The man looked at Zhao Xiong who was angry, sighed helplessly, and turned to look at the woman next to him.

The woman was wearing a light red dress, her long black hair was combed into a ponytail and draped naturally over her shoulders and in front of her face. Her red skin had a little bit of red, which was very cruel.

"Ye Tong, what's wrong?"

The woman named Ye Tong looked at the man with gold-rimmed glasses and said, "He advised us not to do that kind of thing again. According to me, the favor he owed me is almost clear. That operation He didn’t want to beg for participation.”

There was a hint of anger between the woman's brows, as if she was angry even if she acted wrongly.

"Haha, they saved my life. Is it clear enough that it's so simple?"

Zhao Xiong sneered, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Then what do I want to ask for?"

The woman's temper was not bad, and she looked directly into Zhao Xiong's ferocious eyes.

"Haha, okay, okay, if you don't want to participate, don't participate. But if Ye Tong and I ask for Minghong, it's a wasteland world, and the morals and rules of the earth before them don't exist."

"If you want to survive, can you plunder them and seize resources? The man I saw, he can summon a regiment of nearly fifty people. I think there will be less blood in his legs? Are they punishing them? Just evil people."

Ye Tong's beautiful eyes looked at the man with gold-rimmed glasses, and he snorted coldly at first and refused to shut up.

"Hehe, it's true that Brother Snake knows how to coax girls. A boss like him doesn't know anything."

Zhao Xiong saw the woman calm down and came to the east, and gave a thumbs up to the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Zhang She didn't say anything, but turned to look at another thin man next to him, "Monkey, how's the matter?"

The man who was called the monkey had a strange appearance. His thin face had two dark red patterns, and those patterns were flashing with the monkey's breathing at the moment.

"Have he attracted all the zombies that can be attracted nearby? Just guide them to that territory. Then they will wait to devour the territory to obtain supplies."

said the monkey.

Zhang She nodded, feeling very dissatisfied with his talent.

"Hehe, just ask for that territory. After all, they will not be hungry for a while after coming from the east."

Zhao Xiong looked at the territory a thousand meters away with a fierce look. On the top of the mountain, he could see a small dot.

Ye Tong was also looking at the mountain peak, with a touch of worry and helplessness in her eyes, but it was hard for her to say anything, after all, those people had saved her life before.

"He left them after that. "

She made up her mind.


I don't know why the sky suddenly turned dark, and wisps of cool wind blew from the surroundings, bringing waves of coolness to people.

Wang Lu stood on the mountain peak and looked into the distance.

"Haha, you really dare to come? It seems that those people are not a bunch of helpless people. They have found a lot of helpers to help them."

Lin Fan stood aside and looked at the overwhelming swarm of zombies coming from a distance. The scale was already too large to reach the wasteland after the blood moon came.

"How can they, how can they summon such a huge zombie army? Are there also special talents among them?"

"I guess not."

Wang Lu said lightly, his eyes were cold. It was the first time that he was so angry, which hurt his begging for help. Now he wanted to destroy his own territory, so he really didn't give him a way to survive.

"It's interesting. He's going to see if he can stand up to his group of people. He wants to annex his king's territory, but he's afraid he's not qualified!"

The dark forts located around the territory lit up with bursts of light, and the condensed energy briefly lit up the entire black screen.

The radiance shining in all directions is like four bright stars in the night, but what comes with it is not the beauty and splendor brought by the twinkling stars, but the destructive aura storm.

"Lin Fan, wait for Dong. I will take the guards out and pretend to fight the zombies, and we will put on a play with him."

Wang Lu said calmly, his mind was spinning and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Fan was stunned and said, "What do I want you to do?"

"Since the wrong party has a special talent, and they encountered zombies under completely unknown circumstances without first sending someone over to find out the situation, it shows that the wrong party is cautious enough and can use their capabilities."

"With such a wrong leg, if he shows the strength of the territory now, he will certainly be able to eliminate the group of zombies, but it is difficult to guarantee that he can catch the people behind him. If those people escape and spread the information there, , it will be very troublesome later.”

"What he was trying to do was to make those people disappear or at least be speechless."

Wang Lu's eyes flashed with sharpness, and the fierce energy of liquid rushed out of his body. It seemed that he had returned to the moment when he was fighting the spider king's zombies before.

Lin Fan nodded and looked at Wang Lu with a little more awe in his eyes. Having such strength but yet being so cautious, such a misunderstanding was everyone's nightmare.

Zombies are constantly besieging you from a distance, and the city feels like it is about to be destroyed by black clouds.

The four-sided fort has been gathering strength, but it has not ejected a certain amount of bombs, waiting for Wang Lu's order.

In Shandong, Lin Fan led a group of guards to express anger and rushed forward with a desperate look, pretending to be fighting to the death with the zombies.

Everything is as planned!
