Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 61: Enter the down-and-out village


Black Spider fell into silence and did not directly attack Wang Lu and others.

The sky has become slightly darker. They appeared in the morning and are now close to the village, but it also took them nearly a day.

At night, the wasteland and grassland will definitely be more dangerous.

If Black Spider takes action, Wang Lu can only try the new skill of Blood Flame Bow to forcefully open a way, although he has not yet mastered this ability.

"Let's go. From the looks of it, you should be going to the Lost Village. As a zombie, I need to remind you that that place is not simple. In a sense, it is the most dangerous place in this area."

Black Spider said calmly, looking at Wang Lu with his scarlet eyes.

Wang Lu was stunned for a moment and said with some uncertainty: "You're just going to let us go like this?"

This sentence is a bit strange, but what Black Spider did is also strange. After coming to the wasteland for so long, aren’t humans and zombie monsters just fighting each other

Black Spider nodded his big head and said: "I have no reason to fight you. Besides, the monsters and zombies we humans call are not all murderous, at least I don't like them."

"Whenever you reach level 20, I might consider starting a fight with you."

The black spider is different from other monsters. From Wang Lu's discovery of his spider web to the destruction of it, this series of actions has made the black spider interested in this human being.

Now I can indeed kill these people, but that would be boring.

"Then let's go. Thank you... Senior Black Spider?"

Wang Lu said this with a strange expression. He really couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen.

"I want to remind you once again that Luopo Village is not a simple village. I don't know what you are doing there, but if you are not careful, you will definitely go there with your life or not with your life."

The Black Spider completely blended into the surrounding darkness, and sounds came from all directions.

The sky is slowly covered with a layer of night gauze, scattered with mottled brilliance of stars.

The night in the grassland is more turbid than in the wasteland. Although the wasteland has a lot of sand and dust, on a windless night, the air is more transparent than most places.

The stars at night also look more dazzling and bright.

"Find a place to rest first. We have never experienced the night on the grass and don't know what will happen."

Wang Lu said.

In the darkness of the night, it is difficult to rely on the spotted brilliance of the stars to provide lighting.

It is very dangerous to drive at night without being familiar with the road conditions and geographical location, especially now that the roars of various zombie monsters have begun to sound around.

After crossing the huge jungle, we entered a slightly desolate land. The soil was red like Danxia landforms, and there were some pits and caves on the ground.

These caves are pitch black, and it is estimated that even during the day, it is pitch black inside.

Some strange sounds came from these caves, and various roars were mixed together, like a hodgepodge.

The soft land is not suitable for digging holes or mountains for resting.

"Let's just pull a rope on the tree and construct a resting place. It's always safer at high places."

Dawa suggested that although the trees here are not as dense as before, it is still a relatively large jungle, and the types of trees have changed somewhat.

Lin Fan shook his head and said: "God knows if these trees are the same monsters as before. If they are still the same monsters, wouldn't it be dangerous for us to sleep on them?"

"No, this is a natural camphor tree. You can feel it by touching it. And didn't you notice the movement behind us?"

Ye Tong said.

Everyone looked back and saw that the huge jungle was now agitated. The bamboo trunk monsters disguised as trees showed their true colors one after another, as did the various monsters existing under the branches and leaves on the ground. Appear.

The whole jungle was like hell.

"Those pretenders have all revealed their true colors. Maybe it's their hunting time at night, but there are sounds in our area, the caves in front, but there is no movement at all in this jungle."

"I guess this is one of the few normal jungles."

Lin Fan shuddered. It was also the boundary of the wasteland world. Compared with the wasteland, the grassland was like a paradise for monsters.

"Wang Lu, after completing this mission with you, I will never enter this ghost place like the grassland again."

"It's up to you, but grassland is the second realm after wasteland. Human activity areas will definitely spread to grassland by then. Are you sure you can avoid entering grassland?"

Wang Lu smiled and said, as long as his territory continues to develop, he will obviously open up territory in the grassland, and as one of his assistants, Lin Fan will definitely not be able to escape.

"I don't care. I can help with other land developments in the future, but I just don't like this grassland."

Lin Fan shook his head stubbornly. It seemed that this place had indeed left a psychological trauma on him.

"Why do you hate grass so much? You shouldn't. The environment of grass is much better than that of wasteland."

"This is not because of the environment. When I was on Earth, during my graduation trip after the college entrance examination, my mother said she would take me to the Hu Lun Buir Prairie. It was very beautiful there."

"It was fine at first, but then I lay down on the ground to sleep. The natural grass quilt was honestly quite comfortable, so I fell asleep like that."

"When I woke up, a spider suddenly hung upside down in front of my eyes. Fortunately, I had more pants with me."

Lin Fan angrily finished talking about the shadow in his heart, and it seemed that the bad feeling in his heart had dissipated a little.

"You are afraid of small animals like spiders, but those spiders are not small either. They are as big as a house."

Wang Lu said that he was afraid of flying insects and other small insects. To be honest, he had been more or less familiar with them before.

"Your brain circuit is very strange. If the little spider gets bigger, wouldn't it be more scary? If you think you are afraid of that type of small animal, as long as the small animal becomes a bigger one, you won't be afraid anymore. right."

“That can only be fear of super doubling.”

While the two were communicating, Ye Tong, Xiang Xiang and Da Wa had already weaved the rattan resting places on the branches. Although it was a bit crude, it was well concealed and safe.

As night falls completely, the silent grassland falls into a special kind of competition.

A night of silence.


The sky was bright, and the weak sunlight shone on the face through the branches and leaves, flickering like a flashlight.

Wang Lu opened his eyes, his head was groggy. There was no alarm clock, and he didn't know what time it was.

The blazing sunshine quickly raised the temperature of the grass. As the heat came up, everyone woke up one after another.

Not caring about washing up or anything else, Wang Lu just distributed some food, sorted it out, put it away, and just needed to move on.

There are still three days left for the mission, but again, after the three days are over, there will be the fourth blood moon. If they still stay on the grass at that time, it will probably be very dangerous.

The best time plan is to complete the task at least one day in advance, and then use the last day to quickly return to the territory.

After passing the woodland, a huge chain of mountains finally appeared in front of him. In the distance of the mountains, Wang Lu could feel a very violent force.

The sky over there is always shining with light, and the purple thunder keeps flashing.

"It's another land we don't understand. What does this wasteland world look like?"

Wang Lu murmured to himself, suddenly feeling that human beings today are really insignificant, and they still have only a superficial understanding of the entire wasteland world.

In the mountains, the quiet environment makes people can't help but relax their hearts. The air here is better than the air quality in the grassland. The rich negative oxygen ions in the air make the entire area feel like a natural oxygen bar.

Taking a breath of this air, the whole person wakes up a lot.

"Wang Lu, where is that village? Don't just suck oxygen."

Ye Tong knocked Wang Lu on the head.

Wang Lu came to his senses and took out his civilization record. The light spot marked on it was in their area. "It's about a few kilometers ahead. It's almost there."

After passing through the mountain stream, we entered a flat mountain trail.

"I think it's not impossible to build the second territory here. This is a good choice."

"Lord, you always like the mountains, but Da Wa feels that when we enter the grassland stage, we should properly integrate with other territories, and we can't always be savages."

The environment here is very suitable for life, but compared with other areas, it is obviously out of line in the grassland, like a paradise.

"Big boy, you know nothing. In such a mountain, apart from the concealment, it is better to be familiar with the situation here safely. The information I saw last time showed that grassland and wasteland are different. There is a zombie king here. .”

Wang Lu said.

Ye Tong frowned, "The Zombie King is the existence like the black shadow we encountered before?"

"Yes, but the one before was just a shadow, but it is real inside the grass."

Wang Lu was naturally afraid of the zombie king. After all, he had directly faced the shadow of a real zombie king before. The opponent's aura and evil spirit were by no means comparable to that of ordinary zombie monsters.

"We will discuss the settlement of the territory later, but Wang Lu can consider that as an option, and I support it."

The current task is to find Luo Po Village first.