Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 65: The cave to the east


The dry key slowly fell into Wang Lu's hands, but the mission completion sound did not sound.

The key in his hand was stained with rust, and it looked like it was forcibly made from a piece of scrap metal. A normal key should be able to shine brightly.

"Is the mission not completed?"

Ye Tong noticed Wang Lu's expression and asked softly.

It was actually very dangerous just now. If Wang Lu himself was not strong enough, just assisting other black shadows to fight against another camp would be enough to put them in trouble.

Even so, the task is still not completed

Wang Lu shook his head and said: "There was no notification sound for the mission, but the mission did say that getting the key is regarded as completing the mission. It shouldn't be."

"Is that cave to the east a must?"

Shouldn't task promotion be a prompt? Who stipulates that prompts must be completed!

"No matter what, at least we have gained something now. This key must be useful. Let's take a rest tonight. Let's go to the cave to have a look tomorrow."

Ye Tong suggested, without worrying about why the task was not completed.

"You still want to go? Can you not go? I feel that these black shadows are scary enough, and I don't know what will be in the cave." Lin Fan jumped onto the beam and huddled in the corner.

Da Wa took one look and jumped to his side.

"Lord, you are injured. Vanilla will help you sleep. Don't overwork yourself."

Vanilla gently wiped away the remaining blood on the corner of Wang Lu's mouth with her hand, and looked at Wang Lu with big bright eyes with expectation.

"Hey, Sister Vanilla, you're in luck too. It's better to leave things like serving Wang Lu to my sister. I'll make sure your dear Lord Wang Lu is in a happy mood~"

"No!" Vanilla shook her head firmly, "Sister Ye Tong, you are lucky too. Go and rest. Vanilla can take good care of the lord."

Seeing that the harmonious relationship between the two was about to break through again, Wang Lu quickly jumped onto the rafter and went to rest.

The pain left by the previous battle is getting more and more serious now, and as soon as his attention relaxes, it burrows into every part of his body.

After taking a bottle of potion, Wang Lu closed his eyes tiredly.


The mist dawned, and the clouds dispersed.

The early morning sun shines into the church, awakening Wang Lu who is used to getting up early.

"Huh? Why do you feel a little heavy?"

Wang Lu opened his eyes drowsily and wanted to move his lower body, but he felt that his lower body was pressed by something and it was difficult to move.

Vanilla curled up together, crawling on Wang Lu's thigh like a kitten, with a faint smile on her quiet face, and she didn't know what she was dreaming about.

"This girl."

Wang Lu smiled slightly and gently rubbed Vanilla's little head with his palm.

Gently pick up the herbs and place them on the rafters.

When I walked out of the church door, the outside was already shrouded in the rays of the sun. The early morning sun was not dazzling, nor was it hot. It shone warmly on my body, which was very comfortable.

Through the sunshine, Wang Lu could think of what this village looked like when it was prosperous before. Everyone performed their duties and contributed their own efforts to the development of the territory.

The village chief leads everyone to follow their beautiful dreams and attempt to create a beautiful home in the wasteland world.

"The village chief's last wish...the village chief's last wish, am I only paying attention to the outer meaning? What should the village chief's real last wish be?"

The village is developing rapidly, everyone has a smile on their face, the territory is prosperous, and the people live happily.

But all this changed drastically after Morris arrived.

Morris claimed that he received the Lord's will in a dream and came to the village with the Lord's will, claiming to save the sinful people here.

Under the influence of this evil thought, the village became increasingly distorted and slowly deviated from its original track.

The entire village and town completely turned into a Shura purgatory in a short period of time.

Seeing how the homeland he created was treated like this, the village chief, filled with anger and despair, led his subordinates who were loyal to him and launched a decisive battle with Morris.

The duel between the two camps involved the entire territory and eventually turned into the ultimate battle between the two camps.

Full of regret, the village chief died in the decisive battle.

The village also turned into a ruined history in the dust and lifeless during the duel between the two parties.

Wang Lu seemed to be able to see every soul moving in the village. They were unwilling to give up. The happiness and hope for the future on their faces were replaced by despair and pain.

"In the cave to the east, I seem to have understood something."

Wang Lu murmured to himself, and for a moment he seemed to be enlightened.

"You always wake up so early. It really doesn't suit your appearance as a lord who sleeps all day long."

Ye Tong's lazy voice came from the side. Wang Lu turned his head and saw that the other party was stretching his body like a noble kitten, with his graceful curves clearly visible.

Wang Lu quickly turned his head, his face slightly red.

Ye Tong, who noticed Wang Lu's strangeness, smiled slyly and slowly approached Wang Lu.

"I fell asleep because I was thinking about the development of the territory. Do you really think that this lord is lazy every day?"

"Oh~ Since Lord Wang has worked so hard, would you like my sister to reward you?"

Unknowingly, Ye Tong had already reached Wang Lu's side, pressing against Wang Lu closely.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing!"

Wang Lu was so frightened that he jumped to the side and looked at the other party warily.

"Let me tell you, don't think that just because you are good-looking and have a great figure, you can seduce me. I am a serious person."

I almost fell into the opponent's trick, but luckily I dodge faster.

Ye Tong looked at the other party with a smile, his eyes swept over Wang Lude, and then walked into the church with meaningful eyes.

"Hmph, do you want to shake this lord's heart?"

Wang Lu calmly straightened the wrinkles on his pants, changed his expression, and returned to the church.

Everyone had woken up, and Vanilla's eyes were as sleepy as a kitten that had just woken up, which was endearing.

"Ahem, wake up. Today we will go to the cave to the east. After completing the task, we will go back quickly. The fourth blood moon is almost here."

Wang Lu said.

"But Lord, we haven't eaten yet."

Da Wa said.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. I told you not to hang out with Lin Fan all the time. Now you are either eating or sleeping."

Lin Fan: "???"

Take out the bread and clean water, bring some chicken pieces, and share them with everyone.

"I suddenly found a question. How did you two, Lin Fan and Ye Tong, survive before? Didn't you have any food reserves?"

Ye Tong waved his hand, smiled at Wang Lumei and said: "Isn't this already relying on Lord Wang's support?"

"Go, go, where are you, Lin Fan?"

Wang Lu quickly told Ye Tong to shut up. This woman was always like this.

"Me? I didn't give you all the food I had before. Besides, I never ate like this before. I just saved it and used it, okay?"

Lin Fan took a big bite of the bread, then took a big bite of the chicken, and then swallowed it with water.

Wang Lu nodded and said, "I think I should do the same in the future. Although we have enough food, we still need to develop a good habit of saving food."

"No, you are fine as you are now. Haven't you heard the old saying, the more you eat, the more you earn."

Hearing that food was to be reduced, Lin Fan quickly expressed his attitude.

Everyone laughed, and the quiet atmosphere in the morning was lifted.


To the east is a continuous mountain range. Standing in the distance, you can see a huge cave on the mountain. The cave has been repaired a little. It seems that this place was an important presence in the village before.

"Wang Lu, isn't there any danger? That place doesn't look like a safe place."

Lin Fan cowered and hid behind Wang Lu, looking at the dark hole.

Wang Lu recalled his thoughts at the door of the church that morning and said with a smile: "If my guess is correct, not only will there be no danger inside, but there will be surprises."

"Surprise?" Ye Tong looked at the cave with beautiful eyes. It was pitch dark inside and it was difficult to see what was there with the naked eye.

But seeing the smile on Wang Lu's face, she believed that Wang Lu must have his own confidence in saying this.

Entering the cave is not difficult, it just requires climbing.

Vanilla and Ye Tong, who have cat-like abilities, are not very comfortable with this kind of thing. They jumped directly upwards for more than ten meters in a few jumps.

Lin Fan relied on the natural strength of his legs to jump online quickly, but Wang Lu and Da Wa had some difficulty.

Most of their talent points are defense, health, and attack power. Points such as speed and agility have never been considered.

A sign stands at the entrance of the cave saying that villagers please stop here.

It was obviously a hole set up by the village chief, but people in the village were not allowed to enter. This was really a bit confusing.

The entrance to the cave was dark, but when Wang Lu and others walked in, the lights automatically turned on.

That’s right, lights!

This was the first time that everyone saw familiar lights again. The production process of these lights was almost the same as those on the earth. The bright lights illuminated the entire cave.

Wang Lu looked at the scene in front of him and smiled slightly. The situation here was indeed similar to what he had guessed.

There are many boxes placed in the spacious cave. You can know what is in the boxes without thinking.

There is also a transparent white light mask in front of these boxes. Wang Lu has also seen this thing before. It is the very expensive energy mask that he wanted to redeem before.

There is a wooden table in front of the energy shield, and a piece of paper is placed on it, which is densely written with words.

It seems that if you want to get the things inside, you still need to pass a test.