Global Descend, It All Starts With The Sage Eyes

Chapter 9: Preparations before the blood moon


Since there is no shared territory, all resources are mixed together.

As a result, the area of that territory is very large, so that thousands of people can gather there to survive.

"I really don't know what the commander is thinking. They can't even protect themselves." The soldier in camouflage uniform complained.

"I'll keep my voice down. The global situation is in chaos now. I don't need to say more about things that are not my business."

The soldier's platoon leader lectured.

Army Commander Liu Guotao opened the protective fence on the outside of the territory and entered the trenches.

Since there are no telescopes, we can only observe distant situations with the naked eye.

The blood-red moon shines brightly in the east, and the desolate horizon is dotted with rows of zombies.

Many of them have reached the 2-meter level.

Because the wasteland is too desolate and vast, it will not give people a sense of oppression due to the surge in numbers.

"The preliminary estimate is that the number is several hundred. Commander, what are your orders?"

The military staff officer looked at Liu Guotao worriedly.

Relying on the strength of the army, their team did gain a certain advantage in the early confrontation with the zombies, but Hong Tian suffered heavy losses in the fight with the zombies on the grass.

Did the staff realize that the zombies that came that time were different from the previous ones.

Liu Guotao held his watch with his right leg, which was not his habit of thinking.

The weapons currently used by everyone in the army are nothing but the lowest-grade wooden sticks.

Some people carry guns at the beginning, but after entering that world, those weapons disappear automatically.

Relying on wooden sticks and the fighting skills added to the army, their combat effectiveness is not too bad.

"Keep them out and don't let them into the city."

Since the common territory is a collection of thousands of territories, there will always be certain gaps in the arrangement of restrictions, and it will not be seamless.

Without protection, zombies can enter deep into the territory through those gaps.

There is nothing wrong with them as soldiers, but ordinary people who have settled down will not be able to accept it.

The risk is too high.

Hundreds of soldiers picked up the wooden sticks in their legs, waiting for the commander's order, just like lurking cheetahs.

But no, the prey doesn't know which side it is.


The blood-red moon slowly disappeared in the sky, and Wang Lu woke up from his sleep.

Ever since I came to the wasteland world, my sleep quality has been good every day.

After all, if you work hard every day, you will almost fall asleep on the bed.

Opening the door to the cemetery, Wang Lu took a deep breath of air.

"Why does the air smell so strong of blood tomorrow?"

Due to the arrival of the red sky, most of the zombies have returned to the dark area, and a small number of zombies are wandering in the wasteland.

Wang Lu can be sure that the smell of blood is definitely that of those rotting zombies.

"Beep, beep, beep~~"

[World Channel]

[In the northern part of the wasteland, they were attacked by a wave of zombies last night. The territory has been reduced to a small area. Many people died. Who will save them!]

[There are more and more zombies gathering in the northern mountains. What should they do?]

[They don’t know what happened over there. In some areas, a lot of zombies died, and all of them were beheaded by sharp blades.]

The entire channel has exploded. It seems that there was a small-scale zombie climax yesterday morning, and several human territories were destroyed.

Initially a message was completely ignored.

"There are so many casualties if you stay in the confinement? It seems that the situation is not optimistic."

Wang Lu walked out of the ban, adjusted the protective iron net, and picked up his bow and arrow.

"Da Wa, accompany this lord to the east to see the situation."

Wang Lu felt that the deserted mountain road he was on might be something he could do something about. The place he was in was inherently difficult to defend and difficult to attack.

Since the system has given me such a title of "Gou", how can I let it down? I can create traps to fight against it.

The slope from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is almost 45 degrees, which adds up to a distance of several hundred meters, forming a natural barrier.

In addition, the mountain where the King's Road is located occupies a single peak, and there are almost no roads to other places.

The only feasible way is through the long mountain path facing north through the opening.

There is a very sparse jungle in the center of the mountain road. After a few days of Dawa and Erwa, it has disappeared and turned into wood.

From a distance, all that is left of the entire mountain peak is a large expanse of green at the bottom, while the rest is bare.

It blends perfectly into the surrounding environment.

The line of sight stretched again. After crossing the mountain peak, there was a large continuous mountain range with an average height of no more than one thousand meters. It was considered a low mountain range.

If the wasteland is compared to an area occupied by humans, then the long mountain range is the first line of defense for humans.

Outside the mountains, there is grassland that is as large as wasteland.

Wang Lu didn't understand such things as traps.

But when he was in the previous world, he had read a lot of books such as The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and he knew more or less some military strategies.

In terms of strength, should your own defense system be able to withstand tomorrow's seven-day appointment

But...on second thought, although a large-scale zombie invasion is dangerous, it also brings about the destruction of souls everywhere.

If you make reasonable use of the terrain where you are, you can not only attract most of the zombies, but also reduce the pressure on your own kind.

If you pay more attention, you might be able to make a fortune.

The wasteland is mainly sandy land, but there are also some stony plains where relatively soft soil can be collected.

Using those clods, you can make huge rolling balls.

The acceleration through the mountain road can cause a certain blow to the zombies on the mountain.

But what is more important is that Wang Lu spent a lot of money to buy a large number of incendiary flasks, and he has laid out several hundred meters of wood around the mountain road.

Just provide a fire source, and the entire mountain road will turn into a sea of fire in a very short time.

At the top of the mountain road, Wang Lu and Dawa also dug a gully, which could be regarded as the final line of defense.

If there are zombies passing through the previous defense line, then they can stand in the ravine and use weapons to fight the zombies.

"Lord, he feels that you should give it a resounding name for the defense line they worked so hard to create."

Da Wa suggested.

Wang Lu gently rubbed Dongba with the palm of his leg, and thought for a while, "Let's call it Luoxi Slope. I hope it will also help him lead the road to wealth."

Although he didn't know the meaning of red, Da Wa still made a round of compliments.

"There's quite a bit of time, Da Wa Er Wa, they will go elsewhere to investigate the situation in Yidong."

"Respectfully obey the Lord's orders."

The bottom of the mountain road was sealed with an iron mesh. Wang Lu did not want to let zombies reach the mountain peak anymore to avoid damaging the previously completed defenses.

After passing through the forest, there is an endless desert desert outside, and the ground seems to be bordered by the sky.

I don’t know whether the desolate color is the true color of the earth or the sky I want to see.

Since there are no rivers in the wasteland, water is a very important resource. From the first new leg gift pack, Wang Lu cherishes the use of water.

But now, the problem of water shortage has come.

Currently, there are less than 10 clean water sources left in Wangluji.

This does not require the use of water that is less than 100% purified for the children to drink.

The first water sources that humans can come into contact with are located in grasslands, but judging from the current progress of humans, it will take a long time to open up grasslands.

As time goes by, the issue of water shortage has become a hot search topic, and countless people have begun to seek transactions in clean water sources, or even unclean water sources, on the exchange.